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06:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

2:17 PM
Thansk man
Not sure if thiswill fix my problem, it does indeed help me get back on track
Sorry I am so stubbirn with this, I feel stupid when discussing it. I am aware I make no sense but my head is like a concrete wall when it comes to things like this
@AndrasDeak I have trouble deciphering the first line :P It reads something like "One truth meinoy"
My problem is a bit more complex, because my one truth is not 1D. I am using texture memory, and its 2D. My indexes are floats, so I may be accessing A(3.4, 2.1). I still need to think about this more
How can you index in floats?
But CUDA does it, and it is not only 2D memory, it is 2D memory phisically, so electrons can access the memory better, thus not having delays for non-coalescent memory access
deep shit
But I think I solved it
The fact that my "One truth" is not 1D triggered a switch in my brain. I think I was defining the hardware allocation of the memory wrong
This helped a lot guys
+1 to all of you
1 hour ago, by Ander Biguri
that is awesome. Good job Ander.
2:26 PM
That's because you need to deal with one data after another rather than passing it an entire array of dates. Use a for loop to go through each one. By the way did you ask a question that got deleted? Was to do with the day of the year.. — scotty3785 7 mins ago
Q: How to get colon at the output like s=1:3 2:4 3:5 4:6 5:7 6:8 in matlab

tuhin D.suppose i have the below code for j=1:6 y=[3;4;5;6;7;8]; s=j:y(j,:) end I want to get s=1:3 2:4 3:5 4:6 5:7 6:8 If i use the above code answer is not coming, help me to get the answer. Important thing to be noted is that **colon should be there in answer** like, >>s= 1:3 2:4 3:5 4:6 5:7 6:...

duplicate of
Q: Matlab: How to get s=1:3 2:4 3:5 4:6 5:7 6:8 at the the output in matlab

kaushik dassuppose i have the below code for j=1:6 y=[3;4;5;6;7;8]; s=j:y(j,:) end I want to get s=1:3 2:4 3:5 4:6 5:7 6:8 If i use the above code answer is not coming, help me to get the answer

> Thanks From the buttom of my hearth :3
sounds hot
@AnderBiguri you have a hammer, remember? :P
2:32 PM
I cant
> This question does not have an upvoted or accepted answer
oh right
strtrim(sprintf('%u:%u ', [1:6;3:8].'))
well, sorta
oops, minus the transpose
strtrim(sprintf('%u:%u ', [1:6;3:8]))
Go for it!
@Adriaan "one truth: memory"
should probably answer the locked one
2:43 PM
@AnderBiguri no worries :)
@excaza the current one is clearer actually
@AndrasDeak That was it, that was the missing piece of information
My memory is not 1D
So I needed to tell the computer how big it is in each direction
6h+ for this
I should send you a box of beers for the many amount of times you helped me
I will writte your name in Comic Sans in my thesis acknoledgments so it stands out
no need to get carried away ;)
+1 for accents
2:56 PM
I forgot where they should be. Fortunately your clone that works in policy has online presence
yeah we all spell it the same way
Are you OK? :P
3:31 PM
are the double RSS notifications back?
4 hours ago, by Andras Deak
Q: Duplicates in chat feed ticker

Andras DeakThere's been a drop-down feed ticker in the MATLAB & Octave room on SO chat for a long time. Last night we noticed that each post started appearing twice in the feed: The raw RSS feed contains each post once. The URLs in the feed links are identical and contain no protocol header (so if it's d...

I can't be expected to scroll that far back :p
no, you can't :P
it's also starred :P
I could have sworn it happened again more recently
3:39 PM
if it did, I missed it
but I don't often look at the ticker, I usually dismiss it via muscle memory
or maybe it was just the RSS not working
3 hours later…
6:54 PM
Stay outta my personal space. You gotta...you gotta...you keep out of my personal space. Get up on outta here with my personal space and step up and get stepped up and let's get some personal space up in this place
I'm way too excited for season 3
8:00 PM
I love how the newest episode ended with a shoutout to how the first episode ended.
8:26 PM
lmao yeah same here
I watched it twice in a row when it aired
1 hour later…
9:41 PM
@AndrasDeak Just now I got the joke :-P
10:13 PM
better late than never ;)
06:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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