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Q: Determine MATLAB's Monitor in a multiple monitor configuration

EricI move around from a company site to another a lot. At any given day, I might have just my laptop or as many as four monitors. With multiple monitors, I don't know which monitor I will choose to use for MATLAB main GUI (the main GUI launched when double-clicking matlab.exe). It depends on the re...

2 hours later…
@Dev-iL impressive! thanks!!
3 hours later…
Fucking silver.
@TroyHaskin Sehr gut!
@LuisMendo dad got us a bit of lego, mostly mecanno though. I became a geophysical engineer, my brother a mechanical engineer :P
@TroyHaskin silver? To anchor you to this dimension?
oh, that silver
Congratulations to @TroyHaskin for achieving his silver MATLAB badge!
4 hours later…
@TroyHaskin \o/
4 hours later…
@Troy congrats man!
@ballBreaker when will you be getting your silver badge? :P
Hmm, bigger question is, when will I get my bronze?
Even better, when will I answer my first question?
Only God knows, my friend
@ballBreaker what do you think about this? New album just came out
I encountered them first at Graspop Metal Meeting, when I was sleeping in the grass (it was 32C) and they played. Didn't open my eyes, just enjoyed it for an hour, then got up, figured out what I just listened to and bought a shirt+album. Seen 'em 10 times since :D
Will check em out!
haha I like that story
I think you guys will appreciate this
I'll remove it tho
lmao :D
If you missed it just check the history lol a certain someone made that for me last night
(your mom)
it's smart thinking that you put it on stack imgur for posterity (unless it's not the posterior of someone you know)
Oh, I see. "certain someone" = phone repair guy
In case it wasn't clear, it was quantum on top - cute bottom on bottom
what quantum?:P
I don't know she was just trying to fluff her feathers okay?
your mom tried real hard
no it was your mom..
Your hot mom who's also in physics
Sometimes I can't keep these things just to me
I can't be held responsible for what will happen if I just bottle that shit up
!!urban swampdonkey
@ballBreaker Swamp Donkey A very ugly, usually fat girl who hangs around in bars and clubs waiting to sexually assault males who are too drunk to defend themselves.
So I took the liberty of summoning a chatbot into here
If I overstepped just kick her out lol or !!die
that's a hell of a lot of reputation for a bot
@Adriaan just 4 answers
I also summoned Cold Fire it looks like
More non MATLAB people crawling these premises. Geez, thanks @ballBreaker
@ballBreaker rofl i saw some familiar faces so stick around
wtf is Caprica doing here?
@CapricaSix what gives?
!!> "@" + "ballBreaker smells real bad"
@AndrasDeak "@ballBreaker smells real bad"
The cylons are among us
This is a toaster-free zone, thanks
I just wanted guilt free urban dictionary definitions
@AndrasDeak So your mom told you, eh? :\
I'll have to bend her over my knee and remind her whos in charge here
so many RO's
well, considering that @ballBreaker is also one, it doesn't mean or take much
hell, Caprica has 3x the rep:P
maybe even more score in
@AndrasDeak I know I didn't want to go back and edit it lol you coondog
@AndrasDeak yeah probably say fuck and you are RO congrats
@Adriaan This isn't exactly my type of music, but it is good!
This is my current jam: youtube.com/watch?v=TrEITpTUB4c
@Adriaan you ever listen to snarky puppy?
My buddy just suggested them to me, their pretty neat
We're trying a thing where users who surpass a (proprietary) level of "General Awesomeness" have their avatar section expanded to a width more befitting of their greatness. You, sir, have a lot to be proud of. Or it's a bug. — Jaydles ♦ 1 min ago
Not very heavy or anything though
but pretty rad
@Dev-iL Congrats on your invited post! And we get to see your true identity! :-P
Thanks :) Yeah, I've joined that club too, I suppose
why didn't I know that website :O It's fantastic
4 hours later…
If anybody loses a buttload of rep, don't panic
Q: Documentation Reputation Update Is Live

Kevin MontroseTL;DR Noticed your rep change? It’s because we’re deploying an update to the rep in the Documentation Beta as was announced a couple weeks ago. The biggest change: there is now a “minor” contributor level where example upvotes give you +1 instead of +5. Read on for the nitty gritty of how Doc...

Oh phew
I was freakin' out, man
@AndrasDeak I lost a wee bit :p
not due to docs though
user was removed, you poor fellow
2 rep down the drain
@AndrasDeak Who you talkin' about?
how should I know?
@AndrasDeak meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/334518/… was what I referred to
I'll read that after dinner
@AndrasDeak dinner?!?
It's bloody 23:00
Yeah, it's pretty much MY dinner time lol
@AndrasDeak You're one wild and crazy guy
you asked on meta about losing rep for a suggested edit?:D
but anyway I was also under the impression that all rep sticks after 60 days
weird incarnation of "don't polish poop"
@ballBreaker that's how I roll
I'll have you all know I dinnered palacsinta with nutella
@AndrasDeak hence my question
couldn't care less about 8 rep
see my comments on the accepted answer on that
yeah I saw
@Adriaan 8 rep is like the bread and butter of my reputation gains
I got 10 rep today. Felt Good.
Did you do it to yourself with a sock, like you always do?
T'was from this gem of an answer...
A: What does "this" refer to in Linked List example?

ballBreakerThis is Java. "this" refers to the specific instance of the class in which the call is being made. In this case, "this" is in reference to the specific class Node you are dealing with. While the variable "end" creates a new and separate version of the Node class which is constructed using the p...

shoots 'this' in the face
That was a java joke
cries silently
you're a java joke
That's what my mom told me growing up as well
Oh, I'll show her
shakes fist at the sky
@ballBreaker why don't you answer more? 'Twas a splendid joke
hahaha thanks.. thanks..
I think because I feel like it's semi-fruitless
One day I was pursuing questions to answer, and I was just thinking to myself like
"wow these people are ungrateful louts, and they are mostly pretty stupid"
so, yeah
I should clearly become a school teacher, right?
only for legally aged students
remember that warrant...
Yeah.. <_<
I actually thought of a funny standup joke last night (while falling asleep) on that topic
Although it's not very funny in writing I don't think
"Anyone here notice how younger and younger girls are wearing those yoga pants? As a grown man it makes me feel creepy when I'm driving and I see a girl in the distance and I'm just thinking to myself 'DAMN that ass'"
"as I get closer, my thoughts start to get a little darker 'oh the things I would do to her...' 'I would just like to tie her up and......' "
" 'read you a bed time story' .. damn another 15 year old..."
Its got a bit of all the fun stuff in there
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Yah it's not very funny in writing, I mean, most people probably wouldn't even find it funny in person
I'll tell Dom the joke and see if she approves of it, then just take her word on whether or not it's funny
good idea
I think it will be a good way to resolve the fight we've been in for the past few days
you should try to defuse a fight like that, it's very unhealthy to have an argument over more than half a day
Yeah I agree man
She's the kind of person that "needs space" though
Thing were mostly resolved by Monday, but then I rehashed them .. unfortunately
Yeah, also I think if we actually lived together it would be different
the fact that she can just ignore me and shit doesn't make things easier in my opinion
it probably doesn't
@OnurTuna so.....?
Just copying and pasting that into every chat?
find the right place
Dude it's 4 rep
you're a PhD student, don't act like a preschooler
me too
yes it is
Are you a bot?
your rep can change due to 1., 2. a post deleted that you interacted with, 3. a user deleted that you interacted with
!!urban tradesman entrance
@ballBreaker No definition found for tradesman entrance
..fair enough
!!urban back door man
@beaker backdoor man n. a man who services married/committed women i.e. the other guy. The original meaning derives from blues lingo and refers to the guy who comes in through the backdoor of the house, it has nothing to do with anal sex.
what doe this mean
if you bin all the messages, you can't boot the user
just sayin'
wasn't planning on.
not talking about you:P
> it has nothing to do with anal sex.
I'm going to start ending more sentences like that I think
@OnurTuna It seems as though your reputation decreased some more...
@Suever Oh don't cyber bully the poor guy
bedtime here, good night
Ya I'm out as well, take it easy boyz
night adriaan
@ballBreaker I'm not doing anything! Just an observation
@Suever lol:D
night duders
What happens when you boot someone from the trashcan room?
that's low...
getting booted from the trashcan
We can try:D
Too many room owners here...
do you have to be a trashcan RO?
@beaker yup
@beaker to move shit there, no, to boot, yes
Alright gotta run
Holy crap, @AndrasDeak you're a proper owner of a trash can!
talk to you folks later
see ya
@Adriaan whistles nonchalantly
I knew your apartment sucked, but this is real bad :D
awww... those are hurting words :'(
I'll show the policemen where Adriaan touched me

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