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@Sardar_Usama I'm going to have to be a hardass and not agree with the reopen (though it succeeded). The question was about video not working and vision being the correct, modern namespace for the functions. And while your answer is very nice and accomplishes the implied task, it doesn't answer the question whose answer is "vision is the namespace for the 'Computer Vision System Toolbox'". But my opinion was out-voted, so democracy works once again.
1 hour later…
regarding the question to be an off-topic one saying that the problem was not reproduceable or due to typos!!! This statement is still not correct!! It IS reproduceable and not a typo! And the code , asaik, works in older versions of MATLAB.

On a lighter note, you took question way too literally. (I don't mean to be offensive) but everybody is interested in getting their problem solved, not just knowing the problem! And when I posted my answer, the OP had already mentioned in the question that she knew the problem and she would post the solution later! Then later someone edit
2 hours later…
And I felt that since the problem was one of old documentation and, forgive the literalness, a "misspelling" of video vs. vision, the question wasn't a good one for the SO database. Others disagree, the question was reopened, and all is as the Community wishes.
A different question asked later that directly requested help on importing video with proper tags, a good title, etc. would've been better, in my opinion. @Sardar_Usama
@TroyHaskin that's not a misspelling, replacing video with vision won't work for that code!!! and the question is good for SO database as not many people are aware of that use of audioread. Anyway, you wont agree with me. I wont agree with you. And I think we better move on from this question for good :-)
@Dev-iL any reason for concatenation tag btw?
If only the question was more clear....
OP says they want [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16] and not "0 1 4 9 16" (this could be a list of values? who knows)
Perhaps they have it as doubles and want it symbolically... Perhaps they're trying to solve an equation where the f function is unknown and they want to "solve" it using syms...
ohh okay :)
@Sardar_Usama do you have a holiday soon?
Yes, eid holidays :)
Happy عیدالاضحی then :P
haha thanks
btw does 'il' stands for illiya in dev-il?
but not only; also country code
Assuming I selected the correct language, I find it strange that it's 1 word (عیدالاضحی)
I was curious before why there's a dash between Dev and iL :D
that's not a one word, illya
eid and azha are two words
You don't have to misspell the name, thankyouverymuch
@Sardar_Usama I know... but there's no gap between them
because its read as a combination!! but these are two words :D
Sounds like German to me... :D
I think that's a common thing for all the languages written in the similar script as that of arabic. other examples are persian and urdu
In Arabic and Farsi they are definitely separate... In Farsi they even use different words
عیدالاضحی is an arabic word to be exact
In Hebrew, Farsi, Turkish, they don't use "adha" but instead "korban"
@Sardar_Usama In Arabic those are 2 words written separately always - 10000%
that's what I already am saying, these are two words :D
Ok, so we agree
you know that many languages btw?
Learned Arabic in school for several years, can't say I really know it
Turkish and Farsi I have no idea about... I just recognize some words from Arabic in them
My boss is from Turkey, and I hear him speak on the phone in their language
Also, the little Arabic that I do know, is the so-called "literary", and not the "spoken" variant (which basically varies per village.....)
hmmm, i think every language has some variations from place to place.
Not as much as Arabic though :D
Well they just have different meanings for the same words, I'm talking different words for the same meanings... basically your vocabulary is partially worthless when switching "variants" of "spoken Arabic"
well those are different words for the same meaning!! but anyway, i think Chinese would be most complicated of all
Especially because "Chinese" is not a language, per se
then what? some rocket-science? :D
"Chinese" could refer to the written part - i.e. the Hanzi / Kanji "hieroglyphs", of which there are 2 separate systems ("traditional" and "simplified"), but the spoken languages have different names, e.g. Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu...
so rocket science then! :D
2 hours later…
I think Im going to try to start some side projects to translate TIGRE toolbox to python!
python ftw
How is everything going around here?
Very good @ article! ... How many more until you get the PhD?
I have no requirement
The more, the easier it will be to get those 2 letter in from of my name
I will definetly have 1 more, as my research in motion correction works (FUCK YEAH)
so its going to be OK I think
I noticed lately that generating synthetic data in order to test different algorithms is one of those "why didn't I do it earlier" moments
when I started with the TIGRE thing, I was testing some real data
and "everything was crap"
then I realized the data was crap and my methods where quite good
1 hour later…
user image
This rigth here
is my Phd :P
!!! :D :D !!!
@AnderBiguri \o/
clap clap clap
hahaha yeah!
what are we seeing?
3D reconstruction of lung-like phantom in X-ray tomography. Left lungs has been sinusoidally moved vertically by about the size of the "tumor".

a) What reconstruction would be without motion
b)Motion happening while scanning creates blur
c) Our motion correction algorithm
great job, man
thanks :D
My CERN supervisor has a printed version of that image in his pocket since a month :P
he is happy
You should be, this is awesome!
yeah :D Im happy
thanks :D
@rayryeng @TroyHaskin @Adriaan @beaker @excaza @Dev-iL @Suever ^
Andras making publicity to my research :P
see the pin;)
Ander successfully fights wiggly patients
How hard can it be to not breathe for ten minutes?
without making them stop breathing, which is a benefit
@AndrasDeak can't we better pind the image?
sure we can, go ahead
Congratulations @AnderBiguri
I had that pinned first, but was worried that people might not click the link for context:)
:D thanks
@AnderBiguri go write a proper sentence with link to pin :P
Nah, just leave it as it is :P
booo :( I just pinned that :p
hahaha :P
I can't repin the original image, sucks to be you :p
nvm, in a couple of montsh ( hopefully) ill have a whole paper on it!
hey guys, sorry to bother you, but could you maybe help me out with this one ? stackoverflow.com/questions/39391711/…
@borgmater no
we could try, but you'd say "it throws an error" and we'd be stuck
comment edited :)
You might have an XY problem: you don't really need symbolic math for that at all
Remove syms x;
syms y;
f = @(x,y) x.^2 + y.^2 - sqrt(12);
plot3(x1, y1, f(x1,y1));
Cirrently f(x1,y1) is a symbolic object which you should convert do double for plotting. But just drop the symbolic math instead
yeah you are rigth
function handle
*anonymous function
what if you already have the symbolic function and want to plot that?
i.e. not simply declare a function handle instead of a symbolic expression
in MATLAB: ezplot
yes, i have the symbolic function, thats the problem :-/
@borgmater somthing like tha last example of this? wiki.octave.org/Symbolic_package
@Adriaan matlabFunction(sym_fun)
convert it to a numerical one
if you want to do anything numerical with it, use that
unless octave doesn't have that defined...
maybe octaveFunction?:D
@AnderBiguri y, something like that, only i have 2 variables :-/
and that doesnt work?
@borgmater so you'll end up with a function of two variables......................
did you try it?
the wiki code works, im trying now to set it up with a second input variable
does anyone have a second to help me run some code?
not you too:P
stackoverflow.com/questions/39409410/… I wrote an answer and the OP said he is getting different results from the one i get
R =

     1     1     1     0     1     0     0     0
the first
R =

     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     0
the second
octave:2> syms x y
octave:3> f = 3*x+y
f = (sym) 3⋅x + y
octave:4> f_num = function
function   functions
octave:4> f_num = function
function   functions
octave:4> f_num = function_handle(f)
f_num =

@(x, y) 3 .* x + y

octave:5> f_num(3,2)
ans =  11
I think Unique changed behaviour at some point
I think so
what MATLAB do you have?
I am on 2010b
use 'stable' with unique?
or is it not an order thing?
it's an ordering thing, I think stable might work
@GameOfThrows time to upgrade mucho rapido?
lol...my company license is old
maybe you are right...I need to update
at least your company has a license --
huh? I thought you always bought a time-license (i.e. product use for a year) instead of a version license
I don't know...I cannot update unless I have permission from IT
that sounds like a problem your company imposes, not a MATLAB license issue
and they are dicks drinking coffee and sitting next to computer staring at what we do in our work all day
@Adriaan this is how Unis do, but not the rest of the people
me too, but I do not know how matlab license work either for businesses
@AnderBiguri as in: a company buys a stand-alone license for a specific version? Weird..
I know that the personal one but not business one
University/school admins here can usually be easily bribed with Túró Rudi
anyways, running with the legacy option should fix this..
hum I need to visit you then Andras, to get some of those
wow I want some of that chocolate..
looks amazing
they'd love it:D
@AnderBiguri just be sure to pick the coffee place yourself, @AndrasDeak will lure you into a hipster den...
with cute dogs, FWIW
huh, I'd need to grow my beard again before going then
@GameOfThrows you dont need to get a new license, if you got time, download some torrent vesion and install it on a virtual machine with VirtualBox, thats not illegal
lol really?
yep, all the smaller companies that need major software do it
but I need the compiler which is on a separate license I believe
especially companies that are involved in automation
it's not so much using it, but my company actually compiles exe files using it
i dunno about that
yeah...better set those IT guys some work
something they lack
@borgmater I'd ask the legal department about that
sure, go ahead :D
2 hours later…
@Adriaan You were in my dream last night
The prof you worked under's name was "Bahli" and you guys were on a very personal basis
@AnderBiguri Congrats man!!
Ander Ander you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind
Go Ander
clap clap
Go Ander
clap clap
@rayryeng rude :(
how's the job hunt going @ballBreaker
I didn't realize you guys were around Toroto, for some reason I thought you guys were further west
@excaza nah man!
I'm right in Toronto, Ray is a bit further west, but only by 30 minutes
still technically in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)
@GameOfThrows It's going alright man, had an interview yesterday at a company, said she'll be calling me today hopefully
Was planning on resigning today, but my work is running out early to mid next week - so I might just stick around until then, on the off-chance that they end up laying me off instead lol :D
cool, did you discuss salary already?
Sort of, sort of not lol
If I get the offer I'm thinking that will be the next step
I discussed what I'm currently making here (with a slight exaggeration) but not about what I would be making if I was hired
@ballBreaker :D
this sounds quite good
hahahha it is
It's such a dope video game remix
Just wait until that 8bit drop!
The transition in and out of it, are probably my favourite transitions in a song, ever hehe
The mario pipe sound lol so good
its really cool XD
the journal he links to
ffs, how can anyone trust any insitution with that webpage
cool, I hope you get the job @ballBreaker
yeah good luck with that man!
\o/ w00t! congrats @AnderBiguri, it looks great!
thanks guys! :) @game @ander
@beaker :D thanks
Also met @ray yesterday, he looks more handsome IRL than on his SO picture...
Ray, the Handsome
-----------Legends of MATLAB
Ander, the Beard
-----------Legends of MATLAB
we need to make a Series here
Yeah I was hoping someone would make one for me
Then someone for them..
Start that chain
the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH wants me to publish with them \0/
it doesnt sounds fake AT ALL
such a profesional webpage
seems legit
blinking links is what I always look for in an academic journal
And a weird looking image that sais "certificate"
This website looks like it's straight out of 2002
Can't remember the last time gifs on a webpage was acceptable
all "fake" journals have webpages like that
I am not sure if bydesign they want to look fake
Like when scammers say "Im from a small town in the coast of Austria"
to make it look more ugly, they could use the <blink> with that
just to filter out the smart people and only get the idiots
It's a package deal they get from Totally Legit Journal Websites - Build Your Own Totally Legit Journal Website for Only $299!!! Here's How!
@ballBreaker dont forget the badly photoshopped woman with a huge, wrongly oriented laptop
thats also fantstic
lmfao :')
The best part would be, if on the picture on the laptop, the girl was there looking at the picture
creating a cascading effect of stupid
That'd be so cool
I'm at the point now where my VP will not say a single word to me anymore lmao
I should submit a paper

"The positive effect of badly photoshoped women and low quality gifs in the increase of a journal's Visibility"
IT gives me butterflies in my tummy, I think she's in love with me guys
@ballBreaker "lets talk this over coffee"
"Do you mind talking outside while I have a smoke?"
weee I'm actually in a good mood today for once
This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time
It's too bad you can't perform a mutiny in the workplace
Wouldn't that be somthin' eh
The Agender
I love these guys way too much
lol I almost made a mistake
I was supposed to describe the procedure for installing a patch of software.. so I wrote the email describing all of the steps, with a bit at the end for "I know you guys did some steps without me, if you could please write them up in an email that would be great"
I get a response
"Yes we need those steps" from my boss
To which I wrote
"Hey, I didn't do the steps, so if someone could please write them up in an email for me, that would be great"
you can see where this is going right?
"I need you to write these steps."
ALMOST, almost wrote this back
"Hey team, could someone please come dictate to me orally, with what could have instead been written in an email, thanks"
Instead I'm just watching this silly interview and laughing loud enough for the office to hear me
good enough
yeah, then going to go up to the guy when he comes back into the office and go
"Hey can you send me an email with the steps you took" lmao
I'd love to have an interview like this
just cringing inside
2 hours later…
@ballBreaker Yeah stick around until you don't have work. Might as well get paid a little more.
@ballBreaker lmao fucking guy. You aren't so bad looking yourself.
@ballBreaker oh yeah, what happened with that doctor shit? Did they want a note?
@rayryeng Nah man they didn't ask for one hahaha
Also I just got called from them, they don't think I quite have what they're looking for with the intermediate position (which honestly makes sense..) they were looking for someone with 3 years javascript experience and I barely have any lol, also one year short on the java experience
But she said I'm shortlisted for someone who's considered a "Software Engineer" so not quite a junior, and not quite an intermediate, but inbetween, and I would make the salary I want
Plus then have the opportunity to move up to intermediate in a year, or whatever. So it's kind of a bittersweet result
She said they don't have any open positions for that, but "it's coming close to their fiscal year, and there will be one coming up soon" whenever that is
4 hours later…
Python, permute and bsxfun: this is for @Divakar!
@LuisMendo thanks for the heads-up, I snatched it;)
@AndrasDeak I forgot you are into Python too. But you have to admit that permute and bsxfun strongly suggested Divakar :-)
Great answer!
I also liked this line from the linked doc:
Broadcasting provides a means of vectorizing array operations so that looping occurs in C instead of Python
So neatly explained. In the end there's a loop, but it's done internally, so faster
You've changed you avatar in SO but not in this chat? @AndrasDeak
thank you:)
numpy is pretty fast
@LuisMendo gravatar bug
A: Why is my profile image different?

Caleb Can I get my other icon back or will I be stuck with this new one? Maybe. If you've been using any Stack Exchange site long enough that you've grown attached to your identicon, there's a good chance that it's cached or archived somewhere even if you don't have it yourself. The tool that wor...

I invited vectorization OP here (and to python), but I have to leave soon
I'll be back tomorrow if they show up:)
OK, they're in Python now, so probably nevermind;)
room for porting Mike's vectorization problem from matlab to numpy: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/123027/… :)

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