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Guys, can anybody tell me the difference between these two lines (MEX):
h = static_cast<float>(rhs[i + 1].toDouble());
h = rhs[i+1].toFloat();
Specifically - which is more correct and why?
3 hours later…
@Orongo why'd you copy my code to the question itself, but left a comment on Dohyun's answer? Don't copy my code please, instead, explain in comments on my answer (since that's where you got this code from) what is unclear. I'll roll back the edit you made, as both my and Dohyun's answer make no sense anymore with the current question. — Adriaan 19 secs ago
Grrrr, I get angry at some people
1 hour later…
@Dev-iL what are toFloat and toDouble? Aren't those MEX specifics?
static_cast<float> is purely C++
then again, why the .toDouble() before casting to float?
and anyway, if h is a float, he assignment should convert the result to float for you...
but without specifics of the types involved, it's hard to say anything:)
@AndrasDeak h comes from MATLAB as a double, the cpp function is expecting a float... I think that .toDouble / .toFloat convert the input from a "MATLAB type" to a "C type"
if it does, then toFloat() is the way to go:)
Casting mostly makes sense for pointers or temporary variables (for instance to avoid integer division). Also, conversion to float will be implicit already if your variable is float; plus this is the only way to do it properly (see one of the messages near the end of the thread)
so I'd definitely go with number 2
Unless calling toFloat() on a MATLAB double screws it up, but that would be very surprising. The MEX interface should do exactly checks like this
Casting pointers... yikes....
well, that can make sense if you pass an object as void*
or if something returns a generic object as void* (looking at you, malloc)
but yeah, generally that will fuck you up:)
you can do the same in numpy if you want to be stupid, forcing reinterpretation of your data:
In [99]: A=np.random.rand(3,3)

In [100]: A
array([[ 0.43062878,  0.5681339 ,  0.51845295],
       [ 0.09154177,  0.06890255,  0.4712404 ],
       [ 0.33263584,  0.69667128,  0.75733238]])
In [102]: A.dtype=np.float32

In [103]: A
array([[  1.02051369e-34,   1.71531439e+00,   4.99090093e-18,
          1.76703346e+00,  -2.41155018e-16,   1.75461316e+00],
       [  2.44477619e-24,   1.43308353e+00,   3.07224853e-32,
          1.38780510e+00,   1.43657011e+36,   1.73562014e+00],
but then python assumes that we're all consenting adults here:D
that sounds like typecast
ah, yes, exactly:)
and it's equivalent to casting the pointers, I believe
Jesus. Christ. Really?!
activate the stupid code filter
Q: Select element from array that choose in other boolean array matlab

TalI have arrays at the same size: a = 5:10; b = [1 0 1 1 0 0]; I want to select the element where in the boolean array (b) is 1. c = [5 7 8]; I want to do it in elegant way without loop.

great QA
someone hammer pls
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak I wish they'd fix whatever problem they're having with gravatar. This maroon one they've given you is messing with my head.
Maroon? That's new. I see purple:D
oh, maroon is almost purple
yeah, kinda purple-brown
it's one of those words which I hear but don't actually know what it means
it's the color of a marron
@excaza :D
@beaker isn't that a chestnut?
wait, now i have to look that up... i thought it was
no, it's a crustacean:)
yes, it's a chestnut
as it turns out...
@beaker oh
i got confused because there's another name for it
so...not maroon-coloured;) At least the chestnuts I know are brown.
oh and btw
Considering that some people are entirely missing their old gravatars, and that for others the old gravatars are only available at specific sizes (those that were used someplace on SE), I have a new hypothesis. What if gravatar messed up/changed their identicon generating algorithm, and the only reason the old ones are around is due to caching? This would explain why only a few sizes are kept as old, and new (hitherto-unused) sizes are generated anew, changing in the process. As I use chat a lot, my avatar is cached there; others who don't, might have their avatar lost with higher probability. — Andras Deak 4 hours ago
Yes, because today is the first day I've seen your new one. Up until now it's been green.
well it's been on and off, and server-dependent
I've been seeing the purple one in the avatar context menu, otherwise green
others in python either see me fully purple, or they see the smallest icon <--there green, but multiline-extended-avatars purple
I see it in your user profiles now, too
and in the smallest size on your one-line comments
so, the question is, can we figure out their hash from the old and new gravatars? ;)
same hash, md5+salt
or I misunderstood:P
ah, see, i didn't know that ;)
I will, if you upvote it to 0. thanks. — Tal 10 mins ago
@Ray phone interview went REALLY well
They'll be getting back to me soon (in the next few hours) about setting up my technical interview
@ballBreaker Sick buddy
what did they ask you?
@StewieGriffin Dupehammered Tal's question.
@StewieGriffin twat
also, I helped your twin brother yesterday;)
with mupad plotting, which I didn't even know was a thing
posted on August 31, 2016 by Yair Altman

Subtle changes in the way that we test for zero/non-zero entries in Matlab can have a significant performance impact. Related posts:Performance: scatter vs. line – In many circumstances, the line function can generate visually-identical plots as the scatter function, much faster...Preallocation performance – Preallocation is a standard Matlab speedup technique. Still, it has several undocumen

@rayryeng Bunch of usual stuff, really.. how did I get into software development, what am I looking for in a company, what do I like about PointClickCare, what are my skills/experience, why am I looking to change companies, what is my current compensation package
got it
technical interview. Will it be over the phone? Live coding?
or is it on site?
@ballBreaker Do they ask about your current compensation package? Really?
@StewieGriffin They do.
It's standard actually.
I've never heard of that before,,, quite sure they never do it in Norway...
It's for multiple reasons. First they want to see if what they are wanting to pay you and what you think you deserve are reasonable. If these are incompatible, there's no point in proceeding.
Because there's no point in pursuing a candidate if they think they're worth more than the company can give.
Asking for what compensation package you think you deserve is one thing... Asking for what package you have currently is something else...
Which is why it is extremely important to do a survey of all salaries of jobs that are relatively similar to your field... even more so if you can find the salaries of the company you're going to work for.
@StewieGriffin I know. It's very stupid.
What I always do is tell them what I'm currently making, and I usually aim for 25 - 30% more as a start.
@ballBreaker Please tell me you did that.
My company where I am now (got hired last month) was looking to hire experts. They actually are paying me 50% more than my last company.
Do you mention SO when job hunting?
I don't, but they find out on my CV :)
my hiring manager did his homework. He visited every URL that I listed on my CV lol
including StackOverflow. He saw that I was 5th overall in MATLAB.
I let them discover that for themselves because I don't want to brag.
Having it on your CV = mentioning it (if they pay any attention).
I try to focus on my skill set. SO is a hobby.
I wouldn't mention it myself (because there's not much to brag about, and there's not much relevance to any jobs I would apply for)...
You're on a different level, so I was just curious :)
I'd mention the PPCG stuff :)
oh hehe :)
@ballBreaker From the phone, did it seem like they thought you were good for the intermediate role?
@ballBreaker What's the technical interview going to be? Over the phone? On-site?
@StewieGriffin see you soon!
@rayryeng sorry my internet cut out haha
The technical interview is on-site, and it sounds like it's going to be a test on Java, SQL , etc
@rayryeng Yah I asked for what I asked my current company for lol (and refused to give me)
But when it comes down to it, I'll probably ask them for more, we'll see lol
@rayryeng Yeah she sounded really interested in me to be honest. Sexually.
lol just kidding (?). But no, seriously, she sounded really eager to get me pushed along to the next step
(inside of her)
pats self on the back
@AndrasDeak almost there!
@excaza awesome:)
if self.clicked is False: return # See if we've clicked yet
if not self.clicked: return
Firstly, test booleans directly. Secondly, watch out with "is", as it checks for object identity. It would be safe with built-in singletons such as True, False and None, but this says numpy can prank you hard
the people in Python usually say that one should test with == except for None
unless you really want to make sure that two objects are identical
yeah, I wasn't paying attention
I was doing a straight swap from None to False
thanks :)
is only functionality missing?
@AndrasDeak What's the story with all the Out[4]: etc. ? Am I the only one who finds it annoying?
@Dev-iL it's an advanced REPL called ipython
I could do the same with the built-in REPL that uses >>>, but I got lazy
ipython (jupyter as a spin-off project) is somewhere between matlab's and Mathematica's REPL
it's mostly like that of matlab, but you can access and refer to previous commands and outputs
as in print([Out[8]) etc.
Alright, tnx for the info
I prefer it to the vanilla python REPL (called the "interactive interpreter") because ipython supports tab completion and other magic:)
like, built-in timeit
I make an effort to remove this fluff from SO answers, I just didn't bother here:D
There's tab completion, and then there's...
I noticed that some people fork repos on github as a means of bookmarking
well it works...
and all those repos look good on your CV
@excaza need a tick for your illuminator badge? This post has [guide] instead of [matlab-guide], I'll edit if you won't
@ballBreaker you fucking guy lol.
well I'm glad that it has worked out for you so far man. I'm eager to see where this will go.
@Dev-iL holy shit lol
@AndrasDeak Also IPython has support for the ans variable like in MATLAB.
Love it. It's just _ lol
that's not ipython, already the interactive interpreter uses it
>>> 3+2
>>> print(_)
and the cool kids use _ in their code for throwaway variables, as in lst = [[0] for _ in range(5)]
I was told it didn't have it.
Shows you what the other guy knows.
you were lied to:)
yeah I knew about the throw away
I never use the vanilla REPL. I always use IPython.
mainly for the tab completion. I can't live without it.
Sometimes when I use the vanilla REPL stuff on a machine I'm SSHing into... and when I push TAB... and see the 4 space gap it leaves...
a little part of me dies every time.
I mostly use the interactive interpreter to double-check stuff before posting to SO
or when I don't want to fuck up my 1500-command ipyhon session even more
me too.
just to make sure it can run.
I did that for the last post in numpy I made.
fun fact: ipython's %paste magic ignores ">>>" in stuff copied from the REPL
that I knew!
I learned that trick only weeks ago:)
well it's a bit of give and get then. I didn't know about the _ in native REPL :P
only 6 more away from the Archaeologist badge.
I haven't had the time to go through my answers and find something that is > 6 months old.
Basically whenever someone votes on something I wrote, I check that post and see if it's inactive then edit.
@rayryeng How dare you game the system!
Badges are sacred; not some prize to acquire!
What? Am I the first one to game the system?
I remember reading a Meta a while back where a user was complaining about someone editing old posts in order to get a badge. And the Mod answer was basically "Yeah ... that's why the badge description page exists." It was very amusing.
I still think that badges cause more harm than anti-harm (can't English right now)
WTF happened to your avatar!
@AndrasDeak Also, please explain more, sir.
@TroyHaskin Did you start seeing eggplants?
@AndrasDeak eh... good?
@Dev-iL I'm going to say "yes".
@Dev-iL ah, yes:D
@Dev-iL Doubleplusgood.
Q: Why did my avatar change?

barronMy network-wide gravatar identicon used to be a pleasant blue, now it's bright green. I didn't change my email. Did Stack Exchange change its email hashing algorithm or something?

@TroyHaskin explain what? Are you being sarcastic?
@AndrasDeak I'm just wondering what the harm done by badges is.
Since I don't edit posts for such, as of yet, I don't see the harm.
Well, no big harm. But robo-reviewers are entirely (>95%) due to badges in my opinion. And similarly, badges like archaeologist make lazy people mass-shitty-edit old crap, flooding the front page
voting badges make people robo-upvote on all sorts of crap
Yeah I've noticed the differing avatars.
I'm used to seeing Andras in a sea of green.
The purple is just butt ugly.
@AndrasDeak It will take many years until I get an upvoting badge :D
downvotes count too:P
maybe even close votes
@rayryeng the swirliness is a nice touch, but I prefer the old one
I would've manually set the old one if I wasn't involved in the investigation
tooltip says only up/down
then so it is
down votes? good. time for me to get a new badge.
i've never even used all of my votes
same here... I'm not going to do it for a badge
I only did when I was spending the increased amount of close votes each day, outside review
and I can tell you those weren't upvotes
besides, I wonder if you can spend all your votes only to have them rolled back
imagine my surprise when I saw a popup saying "you have 5 more votes left for the day" :O
@Dev-iL sure you can
and get a badge in the process? :'D
...or as Ander would say: XD
@AndrasDeak any idea why this works but this doesn't? I feel like I'm missing something simple
is init the only difference?
@AndrasDeak ticked, hooray
ah, no, I see the other difference, just a sec
@AndrasDeak yes, I was hoping I could just call it to create the vertical line rather than passing it a vertical line
but the connections don't seem to work properly
or something, idk, the line won't drag
side note: consider using a vlines
side note 2: I think it's equivalent and might be fancier to enforce tuple unpacking on the left hand side:
self.myline = ax.plot(np.array([1, 1])*xpos, ax.get_ylim())[0]
self.myline, = ax.plot(np.array([1, 1])*xpos, ax.get_ylim())
And main note: maybe the issue is with having connect() inside the __init__. Try the non-working version, but move the connect outside, like in the working version
(nvm, thought it was more insightful)
@AndrasDeak I see.
I will admit that I haven't really reviewed anything since I got gold in the recent edit queue.
I need some final pushes for gold in the CVQ:P
I need 11 votes for Matlab Silver.
You are pardoned, sir.
you'll never get it, spelling MATLAB like that
I need 3 more answers for [android] bronze :D
@TroyHaskin that's 110 rep:P
I read that
you're being silly
MatLab makes me want to gouge my eyes out with an icecream scoop
I just hate the lack of a leading capital letter.
scratch that, I want to do that to whoever says MatLab
it's an acronymish thing
MATrix LABoratory, there
@AndrasDeak It is Matrix Laboratory.
(I know the Hungarian words for almost-acronyms like this)
mosaic words?
yeah it's not that
I miss that browser.
A mozaikszó a szóalkotásmódok egyik formája, amely magában foglalja a betűszókat (amelyek az eredeti kifejezés egyes szavainak kezdőbetűiből állnak), a szóösszevonásokat (amelyek az eredeti kifejezés nagyobb egységeit tartalmazzák), valamint az egyéb mozaikszókat (amelyek teljes szavakat megőriznek). A mozaikszók abban különböznek a rövidítésektől, hogy a beszélt nyelvben is léteznek, és önálló szóként viselkednek. == Terminológia == A fenti terminológia mellett létezik olyan felosztás is, ahol a felső kategóriát a szóösszevonások (blend) alkotják, és ezek közé sorolják a mozaikszókat (acronym…
it links to acronym...
Stop posting demon language in the chat.
> An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial components in a phrase or a word, usually individual letters (as in NATO or laser) and sometimes syllables (as in Benelux).
emphasis mine ofc
so acronym it is!
I'm glad we cleared this up
< Let's see if I can use some voodoo to invoke Amro >
@AndrasDeak Yes, so it should be "Matlab" like "Benelux"
tell this to Meth Works
evening everyone
someone pinged me? :)
I'm writing my question ;)
So I was meaning to ask if you had a chance to test the fast nlm denoising with uint16 inputs, because I seem to be getting the input right back
no error or anything, just 0 effect...
you're calling fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti right?
not cloloredmulti
also just to be sure, which opencv version are you using
regular one
and latest mexopencv
So obviously, I wanted to debug the C++ part to see what was going on, but then I realized I had to get the debug symbols
fastNlMeansDenoising then?
which cost me about 2 days to try to make :D
@Amro yeah
And of course, I used NORM_L1
well that one accepts both 8u and 16u images
Yeah, but it doesn't seem to do anything
only the colored version of the function has the check for CV_8UC3
maybe you need to tweak the denoising params
@Amro That's the other confusing part, because in the Multi version you did put this isUint16() lambda check
@Amro it's not a matter of tweaking the parameters... it just returns the same exact thing...
@excaza I left a few notes ^ up there, forgot to ping you. Just to make sure
I even wanted to try it on the NVIDIA sample
like I explained on github about the colored vs non-colored versions, see the source code: github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/3.1.0/modules/photo/src/…
colored versions have the following check
if (type != CV_8UC3)
    CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Type of input images should be CV_8UC3!");
non-colored dont, and have a switch statement for both CV_8U and CV_16U
I'll read what you said a few times until it makes sense to me :)
it's simple really, see this switch statement github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/3.1.0/modules/photo/src/…
in fastNlMeansDenoising, in case of L1 norm, it accepts either 8u or 16u images
I know, I know... I'm following this feature since it was first pushed
I even seem to remember vaguely that it was working for me in the past with the 3.0.0 beta and uint16
the fastNlMeansDenoising
now it isnt?
let me ask you, what is your input image?
i'm assuming its 16-bit grayscale, right?
unsigned 16-bit?
what did you pass for the other params?
Might I suggest some images for unit testing of the 8-bit NLM? As I mentioned, these are images used by NVIDIA in their demo
In my recent tests, just the L1 norm, all the rest was default
if you want the exact syntax, I'll get it
and the default h is like 7, so it should have some effect
cv.fastNlMeansDenoising(img,'normtype',2); // I tried a version that accepted the literal numeric value
ugh, I don't have the mex-files compiled to test right now..
btw the option names are case-sensitive
no L2 for uint16 :)
I know, I had a different version before I pulled the latest mexopencv
ugh, I don't have the mex-files compiled to test right now..
Q = randn(300); Q = Q-min(Q(:)); Q = uint16(Q/max(Q(:))*double(intmax('uint16'))); Q1 = cv.fastNlMeansDenoising(Q,'NormType','L1'); isequal(Q,Q1)
ans =

I can upload them if you have win64
sure I can use your binaries
@Amro Even if you take a look at it a week from now, I'd still be grateful :)
alright, then give me til tomorrow to set things up, and I will test it on my end
so the problem in your case is that the output image is the same as the input?
Thank you very much!
ok I got something
apparently when feeding it uint16 images, the H parameter values has to be much bigger..
try values in the thousands
here is a small example I tried:
img = imread(fullfile(mexopencv.root(),'test','lena.jpg'));
img = im2uint16(rgb2gray(img));
%whos img, [min(img(:)) max(img(:))]

noisy = imnoise(img, 'gaussian');
out = cv.fastNlMeansDenoising(noisy, 'H',4000, 'NormType','L1');
subplot(121), imshow(noisy)
subplot(122), imshow(out)
figure(2), imshowpair(noisy,out,'diff')
if you convert to im2uint8 instead, something like H=20 is enough
@Dev-iL think of it as having to scale the H param accordingly, so H=20 in uint8 would be equivalent to (20/255)*65535 == 5140 in uint16
alright signing out.. @Dev-iL we can continue this tomorrow
good night everyone
@Amro I noticed that the filter does something for uint8 data, and for uint16(uint8_data), but not for bitshift(uint16(uint8_data),8).. I suspect there's a problem with OCV itself.. perhaps some overflow or something like that
@AndrasDeak I saw, thanks! I'll give it a whirl tomorrow
Here's some quick testing code:
I = imread('peppers.png'); I = uint16(rgb2gray(I));
uint8_data = I + randi(60,size(I),'uint16');
% figure(); imagesc(uint8_data); axis image; colormap(gray);
for ind1 = 0:8
  u = bitshift(uint8_data,ind1);
         ['Assertion failed after bit-shifting of +' num2str(ind1)]);
I think I understand the problem now... the H value needs to be in the order of 10000 for it to really work. I previously thought that this was EXCEPTIONALLY high... I suppose there are different rules for uint16 @Amro
False alarm, I guess..... Sorry
I saw what you wrote only after reloading the chat window. Seems like you reached the same conclusion 15 minutes earlier
(or more like 35)
Gnite all...
@Dev-iL night
@TroyHaskin for your consideration, especially this part:
> < rant >
C programmers love to gloat that recursion can not be done in Fortran. When they say Fortran, they mean FORTRAN 77, since they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the existence of modern Fortran 90. (Fortran 90 came out over ten years ago. You would think they might know something about it by now!) But this example shows that even in FORTRAN 77 one can quickly and easily write routines that are recursive. So stick that in your complex variables, C programmers, and -- oh wait, I forgot there are no complex variables in C. You have to manually define a complex data type. Not to mentio

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