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05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

oh yes. lol.
I just changed all to isequal.
Good catch.
:) np
You gotta love how cheeky excaza is though
Gotta love random emails from foreign students about asking for help
> Hello Mr. re eng
I see your answer about tracking a line by matlab in Line tracking with MATLAB post.
I have the same problem but i have to track extract lines of an picture to find first and end points of each lines.
I combined and a minor changed your code In accordance with my need, but it does'n work correctly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would you help me please?
Have a good luck friend
Ray's reply: No.
Mr. Re Eng
I know eh? LOL
Maybe their y key doesn't work very well
I think you're right
but i see a lot of y's in their body :(
I get so many of those useless emails
One guy emailed my BOSS thinking he was me
HAHA really??
My boss was nice enough to forward it to me and copied him saying that I could help.
What a classic move
Boss: "Yeah Suever's really good with this stuff, he'll help you for sure - you can hold my reputation on it"
Question : "HOW TO MATLAB GOOD?"
Suever: pulls out a knife and slowly plunges the end into his abdomen
Yea I promptly told dude to never cold email someone like that again
Part of the problem being the only person with my name in the world
There's got to be plenty of people with the name "Stinky McFarticus"
@Suever I get a lot. I just choose to ignore them.
I receive at least 10 emails a month asking for free help
Like they have this huge piece of MATLAB code and they expect me to help them debug it.
No way. Fuck off.
there are some where I can't ignore them... and I email them back like you
I'm either very cold... or I simply just say "No"
All of my email is forwarded to Sesame Street.
:D:D lol
I let the Count handle them.
@Suever There was one email thread where I kept answering "No"
it took the the guy 5 Nos to finally get that I meant No
OP: Hey rayryeng, could you help me with <insert long and confusing task here>
Ray: No.
OP: How come you won't help?
Ray: No.
OP: This is for my thesis. PLZZZZZ.
Ray: No.
OP: Why are you being so mean?
Ray: No.
Ray: No.
Man that hurts when people don't want to use my code
"Fine, you won't get any royalties then, for me using your code. for free. nanner nanner :p"
@Suever :D lol
@rayryeng So I have my phone interview scheduled for noon tomorrow
woah that was fast bro
How're you feeling?
Like this is all happening really fast hahaha
but otherwise good
hahaha I figured as much
Just noticed there's Deadpool in 1080p
@rayryeng haha yeah, kind of exciting really.. I wasn't expecting anything like this for a long time
going for lunch though, brb
sure man. no problem.
haha well I'm glad I was able to bring the opportunity to you
hah yeah thanks again
No problem buddy. Let me know how it goes eh?
I'm routing for you. You gotta get out of that shit hole.
This girl should change her username to "XY Problem"
Q: Burn lines into the edges of a binary image in MATLAB

MiaI have a binary image I want to burn white lines into, and so far I have tried something similar to this code: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/18329-filling-gaps-in-between-lines-to-make-it-a-continuous-line It'll create a line diagonally into the image, but I get an error if I c...

Also she suffers from the Masi affliction
that's the third question she has asked today about that shit
Perhaps you should stop asking a multitude of questions on the same topic and tell us what your end game is. This is the third question about this topic you have asked today. Please do not fall prey to the XY Problem. — rayryeng 1 min ago
I wanted to interpolate :(
What does she mean by "burn"?
it's a term she found on the answer she linked to
@rayryeng now you've scared her off
I didn't mean to. Honest!
She's easily spooked
@rayryeng You saw this ridiculousness yesterday, right?
Drawing a line on 3 sides of the image will fill the bottom gap and I'll be able to use imfill() to fill in the remaining shape. — Mia 24 hours ago
@Suever I did not.
That's the first time I've seen that.
She was convinced she needed to draw a line to then fill with imfill rather than just creating the result of imfill directly with my solution. She promptly deleted the question and then I questioned why she deleted it and she undeleted it
scratches head. huh.
Out come the students. What is this shit?
Q: Matlab seprating musical instrument from wave sound

r noorabadi decide to seprating all type of musical instrument from wave sound i use bandpass filter for this work and use butterworth filter in matlab but the result not correct and poor output signal [b_band a_band] = butter(20,[0.008 0.4] , 'bandpass'); H_bandpass = freqz(b_band , a_band , floor(num...

I need a stupid filter
:D lol
wtf. 5 votes on a numpy question lol.
our MATLAB questions need some love.
5 votes on a numpy question I just answered.
@rayryeng numpy space princess
@Suever yer mirror is a stupid filter!
....cuz yer not stupid! wooo! burn!
@rayryeng Yea so easy to get rep in
I know. A lot more followers.
also a lot harder to answer questions as there are more people paying attention
yea you've got to be fast
> Pythons can't move very fast though—only about 1 mile per hour (1.6 kilometers per hour) on open ground. But since they don't have to chase their food, they don't really need to move quickly.
lol I dunno what happens to my brain after lunch-time
good grief ismember has a lot of error checking
it's 400 lines long...
@excaza One reason I prefer bsxfun for numeric comparisons.
can it do string comparison?
For strings, strcmp and any/all usually works for me.
And, apparently, for "regular data", the MEX funtion ismembc cuts to the chase.
I've never used it though.
probably not worth it for strings
I wonder if they've added any new methods for the new string data type
should find out next week
@excaza lol
@Suever gives a whole new meaning to "rock" candy! — excaza 9 mins ago
I am trying to calculate training error for a model, and I have the correct Matlab code for it. Unfortunately, my implementation in Python is giving me problems. Is this an okay chatroom to ask for help?
@all. I've been helping this user already. He's fine with me.
@Nick Show us the MATLAB and Python implementations.
How do I type in the code into the chat?
So it's not ugly
Copy and paste it in, then when you're ready push Ctrl + K then send it
Ctrl +K does a 4 space indentation for all lines of code so it'll look nice.
    function HW1_testing

    filename = 'zip.txt'; % Load the training data into MATLAB
    file_id = fopen(filename,'r');
    A = fscanf(file_id,'%f');
    traindata = reshape(A,257,length(A)/257)'; % Reshape the array

    filename = 'test.txt';  % Load the testing data into MATLAB
    fid = fopen(filename,'r');
    A = fscanf(fid,'%f');
    testdata = reshape(A,257,length(A)/257)';  % Reshape the array

    labels = traindata(:,1); %The labels are in the first column of the training data
ctrl A + delete
@Suever pfft.
jk jk
So that is my Matlab.
And my Python is as follows:
@Nick I would personally do beta = X \ y;
Never invert the matrix if possible. It's unstable. MATLAB is smart enough to apply least squares if you directly use the mldivide operator: \.
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import inv # import the inverse capability in numpy

# Load the training data set
filename = 'zip.txt'
traindata = numpy.loadtxt(filename)

# Load the testing data set
filename = 'test.txt'
testdata = numpy.loadtxt(filename)

# Identify the labels as the first column
labels = traindata[:,0]
# Find the labels, "2" and "3"
index2 = numpy.where(labels==2)    # this line finds where labels == 2
index2 = numpy.transpose(index2)    # switch rows and columns with transpose call
and what are "the problems" it's giving you?
@AndrasDeak Looking very much like an eggplant today
I'm eating eggplant parm
My train_error in Python is 1, which is incorrect.
that's my problem:P
And I think the issue may lie in truelabels
that means everything is misclassified.
@Nick n = numpy.dot(1,n)
did you compare the true* variables and pred* variables between MATLAB and Python? Are they the same?
then sum(n)/len(n)
are you sure n is what you think it is there?
@AndrasDeak it's a neat trick to convert dbool type arrays to 0/1 numeric. I told the OP to just use numpy.sum on the Boolean array directly.
n returns the following: []
let me see then what it exactly does:D
when I print n
@AndrasDeak I tried it. It's wild lol
well, then we know why it's 1:P
yeah :) everything is being misclassified.
In Python code, truelabels is an array of 1's
@rayryeng but bools are subclassed from int in python, so you shouldn't need to convert anyway...
that's right.
@Nick pred = numpy.dot(traindata[ : , 1:257], beta[:,None])
but I guess that is just what you've said
Remember that the end index is exclusive
so this only accesses the 2nd column to the 256th column
In MATLAB, you have 2:257 and that includes the 257th column.
so it looks like you're missing one feature in your analysis.
ah I see, it works due to broadcasting
I'd still avoid something that obfuscated
For sure.
especially that it doesn't seem to be really necessary
@Nick return numpy.dot(numpy.dot(inv(numpy.dot(X.T, X)), X.T), y)
not advised at all. Use numpy.linalg.lstsq to do the same thing
return numpy.linalg.lstsq(X, y)
Okay, I will replace that.
@Suever are you avare of the gravatar issue btw?:)
@Nick Trust me. It'll be more stable for you in the long run. The inverse of a matrix is an unstable creature - especially for larger sized matrices.
using the lstsq method in the linalg package of numpy will give you the same thing but is more stable.
@AndrasDeak Lol yea you told me about it the other day
@rayryeng And dense for sparse matrices.
Okay, I replaced that. How should I adjust the indexing issue from Matlab to Python?
I am going from traindata[ : , 1:257] in Python
@Suever OK. I just keep telling everybody, so I keep forgetting:D
And (: , 2:257) in Matlab
@Nick don't
@TroyHaskin ah yes of course.
oh, OK
First you forget your avatar, then you forget who you told about it. I sense a trend...
so why do you do that?:D
In Python,you simply go one more above what you need
@Suever :P
traindata[:, 1:258]
this will access the second column to the 257th column.
and I'd avoid magic numbers...why 257/258?
Don't you mean 1 less @rayryeng?
isn't it a final one, or a penultimate one?
Remember that Python is zero-indexed where MATLAB is 1-indexed. It's the common source of confusion for everybody.
@Suever he was talking about the end index
@Suever OP wants columns 2 to 257 from MATLAB. Equivalent statement in Python.
nope, 1:256 is 255 elements in python
that gets columns 2 to 255 in Python no?
there are two sources of confusion
The end index is always exclusive.
it's exclusive
1) end index is exclusive
2) 0-based indexing
yeah, it's a source of confusion that plagues all MATLAB developers lol.
Carry on gents
I am getting an error on line:
pred = numpy.dot(traindata[ : , 1:258], beta[:,None])
That tuple indices must be integers, not tuple
X = traindata[ : , 1:257]
Change to: X = traindata[ : , 1:258]
ah right.
Place a [0] at the end of the lstsq call
I forget it returns a tuple of elements.
So in linear_regression_train change ^^^ for X
also: return numpy.linalg.lstsq(X, y)[0]
That helped resolve that error.
But I think my truelabels are labeling as -1 and 1 for 2 and 3
So, truelabels returns an array of -1's and 1's
Whereas in Matlab it returns an array of 2's and 3's
at the very beginning of your code, you're using where alot. Make sure you do the [0] stuff like we talked about.
can't you just use logical indices?
or that won't mix with multi-index stuff and fancy indexing...
I thought about that
I admit my usual indexing approach in complex cases is of trial and error
But I wanted to mimic the matlab code as close as possible
well, the matlab should have logical indexing too:P
After applying [0] to all of the other numpy.wheres, I received an error that:
all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly
On the line:
index = numpy.vstack((index2,index3))
You don't need the transpose for one point. That will be handled with vstack.
oh wait.
index2 = numpy.where(labels==2)    # this line finds where labels == 2
index2 = numpy.transpose(index2)    # switch rows and columns with transpose call
index3 = numpy.where(labels==3)    # this line finds where labels == 3
index3 = numpy.transpose(index3)    # switch rows and columns with transpose call
index = numpy.vstack((index2,index3)) # vstack combines num2 and num3
traindata = traindata[index,]
traindata = numpy.squeeze(traindata,1)
you can replace with index = np.logical_or(labels == 2, labels == 3)
or hack it up with (labels==2) | (labels==3) (bit operation instead of logical:P)
remove the first four lines of code with ^^^
@AndrasDeak :D
I always found the proper logical numpy operations insanely verbose, especially for multiple terms
at least it should support np.logical_or(arr1,arr2,arr3)
yeah for sure.
it should return a tuple...
how do you transpose that?
oh, nice
ignore me
oh lol ok
np.transpose() will cast your tuple to an array, but .T isn't defined for the object, it being a tuple
Darn... my train_error is still giving me 1
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import inv # import the inverse capability in numpy

# Load the training data set
filename = 'zip.txt'
traindata = numpy.loadtxt(filename)

# Load the testing data set
filename = 'test.txt'
testdata = numpy.loadtxt(filename)

# Identify the labels as the first column
labels = traindata[:,0]
# Find the labels, "2" and "3"
#index2 = numpy.where(labels==2)[0]    # this line finds where labels == 2
#index2 = numpy.transpose(index2)    # switch rows and columns with transpose call
def linear_regression_train(traindata):
        # This is assigning the output (y) to every row in the first column of the training data
        y = traindata[:, 0]
        index2 = numpy.where(y == 2)[0]
        index3 = numpy.where(y == 3)[0]
        y[index2] = -1
        y[index3] = 1
        X = traindata[ : , 1:258]
        #return numpy.dot(numpy.dot(inv(numpy.dot(X.T, X)), X.T), y)
        return numpy.linalg.lstsq(X,y)[0]
        return beta

# Estimate the parameters for linear regression
I think my truelabels are not updating from the -1 and 1 that I am setting inside of the linear_regression function
Or, actually, the traindata that I am feeding my truelabels is not correct.
Yep - traindata is being modified after the line: traindata = traindata[index, ]
@rayryeng This company's website has SO MUCH INFORMATION
Why is that being done?
I've been reading through it for an hour and I'm like, jesus
So it is different when I print traindata after the pred line
I'm trying to figure that out, lol... ughhh
Calling the function beta = lienar_regression_train(traindata)
modifies the traindata
So before the beta = line, the traindata looks correct.
After the beta = line, the train data has the -1 and 1's
Maybe I can make a copy?
I don't see why it's being modified.
No assignment operations are being done on traindata in your regression function
Neither do I. It's weird.
y = traindata[:, 0]
traindata is a 1D array, correct?
What you are doing here is that you are actually getting a reference to traindata.
Do this instead
It's an ndarray, that's 1389 x 257
y = traindata[:, 0].copy()
I suspect. Try that and see how it goes.
That works, and now I think there is just one last issue!
I do have to go soon unfortunately.
It's with predlabels
predlabels appears to be completely empty
So it looks like my issue is with the three lines:
predlabels = numpy.zeros((len(truelabels),0))
predlabels[predindex2] = 2
predlabels[predindex3] = 3
predlabels is not being created correctly...
That's because you made predLabels an empty array :)
Just do numpy.zeros(len(truelabels))
I asked you about that earlier.
@rayryeng lol I left my desk to go to the bathroom, came back and my VP was creepin' around to make sure that Ihaven't left yet
wtf? wow lol
bitch has lost her mind
I'm actually about to leave actually.
yeah you gotta gtfo.
take your lunch break and do this interview bro
no worries dude baha,. enjoy your day dude!
Yeah I will :3
nice. Let me know how it goes!
Will do buddy :D take care
This board is great.
Alright, I should be in a position to correct any remaining errors.
Sounds good!
Let me know how it goes tomorrow @Nick.
Lots of smart people here, lol.
hahaha I'm just a poser. The real smarties are everyone else.
Alright guys. I'm outta here. Take care.
does matplotlib have an equivalent to MATLAB's button down/up functions? My googling isn't yielding particularly useful results
I'm trying to port something like this over to Python
yes, it does
> ‘button_press_event’ MouseEvent - mouse button is pressed
‘button_release_event’ MouseEvent - mouse button is released
simple might or might not working example here
 fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press)
that's the main thing ^
Wait, like this:
bnext = Button(axnext, 'Next')
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_press)
the on_press is about clicking in the axes
the on_clicked is bound to the button
I think the rectangle thing is close enough, I'm dragging lines around on an axis to window data
I'll poke around tomorrow
good luck
it should be pretty doable
1 hour later…
What does this mean in Matlab?
X(:,1) = [];
"assign an empty array to the first column" = "delete first column"
Does it mean that the first column of array X is empty?
How do I do that in Python?
It essentially deletes the column.
you can't, not like that
Ah :(
numpy arrays are less flexible (in this sense)
you should assign the rest to a new array
X = X[:,1:]
taking into consideration that numpy is 0-based, so 1: will take the second and further columns
05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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