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@Adriaan Depending on which church you follow
Personally, I'm agnostic or whatever it is
@ballBreaker it's not a real orthodox neighbourhood if you're not violently kicked out for wearing shorts (like in the one in Jerusalem)
@Adriaan I was in my car!
So they couldn't see my leggies
@rayryeng Yea that has definitely worked in the past
@Dev-iL Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in the Netherlands, but I doubt you know it :P (Calvinistic Protestant denomination)
Hilariously me and Dom were blasting the song "Hey Jude" and singing it really loudly with the windows open
We kept getting very disgusted looks and we were so confused
yeah that's weird... I even see it in undocumented MATLAB... but it isn't working
@Adriaan Only from EU4 ;)
Then we realized how it sounds very similarly to "Hey Jew"
The thing is though I'm plotting individual points, not a line.
Ah ok yea it only ever worked for the line itself. The markers were always solid
h2a = plot(3:7, 15:-1:11, '.-r', 'LineWidth',8, 'DisplayName',' 0.3'); h2a.Color(4)=0.3;
@Dev-iL from what?
yeah I'm looking at that right now
@rayryeng Why not just use scatter?
oh yeah lol.
let me see.
Then you get MarkerFaceAlpha
(I really should shut SO down now, snooker's getting interesting)
ah yes
great let me try
@Adriaan Ah I played pool on Saturday night
Not snooker, but just regular-olde-poole
@ballBreaker that's not snooker :(
I've played in the pool for years, back when I played Waterpolo in comprehensive school
Always a smart ass
@Dev-iL I actually own EU III, didn't understand a thing of it, so I quit after a few hours :P
but where do they mention the CGK?
it's not that big here
@Adriaan At some point in the game, the protestant reformation starts in europe
you can either resist, or "join the dark side"
@Dev-iL oh right. Yea, that went a bit tits up in the Netherlands, where everyone split from everyone
and damn, that game's got even more DLC than PAYDAY 2 o.0
And um... Ireland? :D
@Adriaan there's no point in actually trying to play it, just watch others play
Like Arumba, Shenryyr etc.
@Dev-iL protestant reformation starts in France with Calvin, in Germany with Luther and in Switzerland with Zwingli afaik.
@Dev-iL I'll watch snooker for that ;)
Yeah I'll agree with Adriaan at this point
I knew there were 3 dudes, but only remembered the names of 2
watching people play video games is redundant lol
I would rather watch snooker, which is saying a lot
In the game you don't have "calvinist / lutheran" rather "protestant / reformed"
@ballBreaker snooker's brilliant :D
@Dev-iL protestant/reformed are the same thing, more or less. We've reformed the Roman Catholic church, because we Protested against the pope
at least, that's the short version :P
I keep seeing Lutheran churches all around
For some reason in my head lutheran = satanist
@Dev-iL seems alright to me
I'm guessing that's probably not the case right
@ballBreaker nah. Lutheran got popular in England through the Anglican Church, and I guess that's what found its way to Canada as well
Lutheran is also the main form of Protestantism in Germany and Scandinavia afaik
Doesn't the name sound kind of like lucifer (sp?) though
@ballBreaker not to me, but I've been hearing it for all my life
I grew up catholic (christian?)
I'm still missing half of the match chatting yo you chaps though :P
Never really cared, eventually rebelled against that shenanigans
@ballBreaker Roman Catholic is Christian, yes
Ahh okay
I remained agnostic though for my own well-being, or whatever
and now you know, cool story, right?
@Suever There doesn't seem to be a MarkerFaceAlpha property for scatter...
@Adriaan All of them are...
LOL... speak of the devil...
@LuisMendo I was just about to ping you :) can't get histcounts working in MATL :(
@beaker Yeah... that's pending :-( No histcounts in Octave
I was thinking of removing it. Or integrating it with u
Have u produce a fourth output with the count of each unique value
What do you think?
yeah, Octave is stuck with hist and histc
(looking up other 3 outputs of unique)
@Suever That makes a lot of sense. And will give a lot of work too! :-) But I think you're right, that's probably the way to go
btw, how do you ignore outputs 1-3?
Specifying for example `8#'
okay, like M, kinda
That 4# means "use 4 outputs" (if the function supports it)
Then 5# is use the first only (not very useful)
6# is use the second etc
Or of course FFFT#
But that's longer
@LuisMendo but more amusing
@rayryeng What version?
Yes! :-D
aaand back to stuff I know naught about :D
Goes back to snooker
@Adriaan i was gonna say, i thought you were watching your snooker and sniffing your snifter, or something
@beaker I actually am. found a new 10% abbey ale I quite like :P
I'm probably using an older version of MATLAB. No HG2 graphics here
@Adriaan ah, quaffing a quart
@beaker stop posting things I need Google translate for. It makes me look stupid :P
is a hilarious word
but if you're using "quart" as a referral to quadruppel, you're right
@Adriaan it's a liter/litre in eurospeak
@beaker You probably meant this challenge. That planned fourth output of u would have been handy
@LuisMendo yes, but it also brought up another question
which i haven't investigated yet
how do you negate a value?
@beaker ah right. Thanks for that slang :P
_ @beaker
unary minus
^^ Underscore
thank you :)
Anytime! :-)
Are you going to answer the entropy one? It should be easy to obtain a short answer there
@LuisMendo which is in the function table if i had bothered to look ;)
@LuisMendo no, you go ahead... i was just using it as a learning exercise
it's basically the same as your answer for RLE before
Ooooh RLE. Good idea! I was trying t!Gu=s
i was thinking about this one codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/78407/42892
@beaker What approach? Mine is direct application of definition; it can probably be done better
@Amro - Here's an example from the test script I'm running. Parameters: 10000 iterations, L1 regularization with a rate of 0.01, learning rate: 0.01, batch size = 10, 2 input neurons, 2 hidden layers: 4 neurons, 2 neurons and 2 output neurons (binary - one vs. all). I'm still in progress tweaking but here's what the output looks like. I've created an XOR training set similar to what is seen on TensorFlow playground.
@rayryeng Oh damn that's an 2015b thing
Thankfully 2015a is still hg2 though!
@Suever for sure!
@Amro I've bsxfunned the hell out of it so each update for each batch is very fast.
@rayryeng almost no wrongly classified points. Why's the yellow not touching though?
@Adriaan not enough iterations. I've capped it at 10000
@rayryeng On 2015a this actually works for me undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/…
If I ran it for longer it would eventually converge like you said.
I think you just need 'o' markers rather than '.'
interesting. I'll have a look.
@LuisMendo but the count loop is essentially the same in the shannon entropy question, right?
@beaker I have to go now! I'll think about that later if I have time. Feel free to answer yourself!
@Adriaan Here's what happens when you increase the iterations
@LuisMendo sure thing... see ya
Theyr'e not touching on purpose. I've made the dataset that way
@rayryeng fantastic, that looks good
:) Thanks!
I have the GUI also pretty much finished, tested in both HG1 and HG2
no toolboxes needed, only core MATLAB
Yeah the engine I wrote is core MATLAB.
There are some nuances I need to fix up, but I can see that it's working
wanna share your code so far? I'll start integrating it with the UI
yup I'll give you both the class and the demo script
I'd like to add more methods to the class, but you can have these right now
thanks Ray
You're very welcome. It was fun working this problem out!
The best fun I had was determining how to calculate the weight updates once I calculated the sensitivities.
For just a single training example, it's simply x^{l-1}*(delta^{l})^T for a layer l where x^{l} are the outputs from layer l including the bias and delta^{l} are the sensitivities for the neurons at layer l
it got to a point where with a batch of examples, I had two 2D matrices where each column was x and delta respectively.
I had to combine sum, bsxfun and permute to find the final weight update.
vectorization FTW
for sure :D... It's very fast.
on my part I wrote the GUI like four times! Once using uix toolbox, another using App Designer, then GUIDE, and finally using plain old HG components
at 10000 iterations, I clocked it at around 5 seconds on my machine
@Amro oh god :( lol
@Amro So are you using plain components now?
@Suever yep
all with fixed positions, no more resizing!
when I run the code on the same machine, 14a with HG1 was like 10 times faster than 16a with HG2
HG2 is slooowww!
@LuisMendo RLE is tied with Pyth, so I posted it
I'll try to golf it a bit more
@Amro Yea depending on the components it can definitely be slower. So you ditched animatedline?
@Suever yes, used regular lines instead
@Amro Yea that's awesome. I still cling to HG1 at work. None of our machines are upgraded
As much as I love class-based graphics, they are useless if I can't subclass them
@Amro thanks for stopping by :) was wondering when you'd come around lol
The class is still very basic. It assumes that you're formatting the expected outputs correctly... binary classification assumes two neurons as I'm implementing one-vs-all.
I should have a special case inside there where if the output neuron size is 1, handle it by thresholding the output neuron.
hehe, no problem
@Suever also instead of creating multiples axes objects for the hidden neurons, I found that it was much faster to use uicontrol-buttons with a custom cdata image
kinda like a fake axis, but lighter
@Amro Oh that's nice!
@Amro I've updated the Gist for the demo script... seems L2 is a lot smoother.
either way, you have the code now
@rayryeng so does it handle an output layer of size 1?
right now no. I'll make that code right now.
actually... it should work
I shouldn't have to make changes... hold on
oh, because I did like the playground demo, and used a hardcoded outputSize=1 since we have only binary classes {-1,+1}
Yup, hold on
The class should be fine as is.. just have to update the demo script
ok. Right now I always create the net as: NeuralNet([inSize hiddenSizes 1]), where the outputs are simply encoded as a vector of {-1,+1}. When I want to predict, I take the output and plot it directly as heatmap, and if discretize is specified, I take sign(out)
ahh ok then. That's fine
alright. I'll start working on it. Thanks again!
@Amro you're welcome :) OK. It works for 1 neuron
I just had to change my demo script.
Just confirmed. It works fine.
The Gist has been updated ... the demo script. The class hasn't changed.
When I changed to L2, I get this now. Interesting
I do like how the decision regions are not perfectly square. They're shaping themselves with respect to the training examples
I have.... no idea.
@rayryeng I think L1 tends to create "sparser" models with more weights as zeros
Yes that's also what I read @Amro
L1 makes more weights zeroes for compact representation
but yeah, I didn't know how to implement regularization in SGD because the derivative is undefined when the absolute function is at 0.
The paper I read addresses that so it was a great find.
yes. There is also "elastic net" regularization, which is a combination of L1 and L2
which is like (1-a)*L1 + a*L2
ahhhh, interesting.
@Amro Is there a difference between regularization and momentum?
Because I see that both are using the weights from the previous iteration to build the new update.
momentum is kinda different
regularization basically changes the loss function to be optimized
ah got it
while momentum adds a little bit of the delta from the previous iteration
so it tends to converge faster
ahhh ok
that makes sense.
I didn't implement any momentum in this version of the class. It may explain how TensorFlow converges much more quickly than what I have.
I dont think they use momentum either
really? interesting
maybe you used a too small learning rate?
that could be it.
I used 0.1 for the image I showed you above.
hmm, that sounds reasonable
cool :)
I capped it at 10000 iterations. With a batch size of 10, my average cost was 0.033661.
Training and test accuracy was 100%.
yeah, the XOR data is not that difficult to separate
assuming multi-layers
I also added in a Debug flag so you can see the cost as the epochs progress. I made it so that it would print out the cost 10 times.
@Amro yup makes sense.
spiral data is more challenging
yeah I'd like to see how the code I wrote performs with that data
either way, let me know how it goes! I'd love to help further
alright, will ping you when I finish
I saw this and reminded me of you , guys
hey, @AnderBiguri's back! :D
replace line 4 by "stackoverflow"
"Pls to make not leak mah nudie pics."
I'm still waiting for a programming language that accepts that input :)
Julia seems a bit like that, actually XD
@Amro This should be a good chance to test excaza's tool (to be exact: how much time/effort/nerves it saves you by using App Designer to build the gui and then export it using "regular" uicomponents)
@Dev-iL App Designer was useless! You cant plot images!!
@Amro I was trying to say that earlier :)
seriously, how can they expect us to build anything useful with it
I think they rushed it and released it early
Sure.. so that they have something to "show off" in next releases
@rayryeng are you changing the learning rate as you converge? sometimes you overshoot and oscillate.
@Dev-iL so excaza's tool can convert an app-designer GUI to regular uicomponents GUI?
@Amro Seriously though - the main strength of appdesigner is that it has way better performance when compared to guide. So why not enjoy the best of all worlds? => build in appdesigner then export to .m
@Amro true* ... to some extent
cool didnt know that
I'll have a look, thanks for the tip
sure thing!
@beaker the learning rate is currently static
I assume stuff like gauges are not supported
that's right; stick to standard components and you're good
@beaker the next version of the class I can introduce some decay to the learning rate as the epochs progress.
And as I mentioned here before, I suggest calling the converter script from the GUI start function, so that it dumps an .m file that can be uploaded to your favourite VCS
... in a meaningful way, that is (because .mlapp are zip, and therefore - binary files)
@rayryeng :D sounds fancy!
hahaha thanks.
It's as simple as taking the learning rate and multiplying it by an exponential function
the exponential function is dependent on the epoch number, so as the epochs progress, the learning rate should get smaller.
negative exponential of course
@rayryeng So basically you're going to teach the first few lectures really fast, and then slow the pace down as the semester progresses?
@Dev-iL oh no lmao. I'm not talking about my actual class.
@rayryeng yup...
I'm talking about the Neural Network MATLAB class I wrote for Amro.
Thank you, but I prefer it my way ;)
hahaha yes :)
@Dev-iL that's actually how I did it this time.
@Dev-iL you always need to slow down when you get to the delicate work ;)
@rayryeng Class as in classdef; As in he is teaching a class and wants material? Or you wrote it "for him to learn/use"?
@Dev-iL we are doing a MATLAB version of this: playground.tensorflow.org
we divided the work, I do the UI, and Ray implements the neural net training
so the "class" is NeuralNet.m :)
Can it do anything impressive?
damn right it can
What is 2nd party software?
Q: How to Monitor Internet Use of Matlab Commands?

MasiI need to use many 2nd party software in Matlab 2016a. Often, there is no API, just draft notes about them. However, one thing which I need to record is the amount of network out from the system and in. I should be able to minimise the network in and out. Case Example of Physionet toolbox ...

@Amro lmao
@Suever Well, first party is the Mathworks, third party is someone you don't know, second party must be you!
I just saw the movie whose title should be "DiCaprio killing things in the Canadian wildrness"
@beaker Hi my name is Masi, I want to make sure the scripts I have copy/pasted off SO don't access the internet.
@Suever hahah!
oh goodness is it him again?
@Suever "somebody might be logging my usage of their code"
I was afraid he was gone
Pretty sure that's completely impossible in MATLAB given that it can call Java at will
Short of catching it at the OS level
Well, since MATLAB is the first party in the contract and you are the second I suppose you could just look at the code you wrote... — Adriaan 15 secs ago
a.la. Little Snitch
@Adriaan I'm gonna bet some rep that goes over his/her head.
@beaker Very nice! Maybe I'll try the bsxfun(@eq...) approach later, if I have time
@LuisMendo This line of code was made for you... this is part of the application I'm making with Amro
If you remember I asked a question a couple years back about finding a 3D matrix of outer products.
So that piece of code finally made it in somewhere :)
sweet. Amro just made a repo
@Amro let me know when you want to turn it into an Android / iOS app :P
@Dev-iL have you published any mobile app?
@Amro more than 1
somewhere around 2 ;)
@Dev-iL 10?
@Adriaan Yes, if counting in binary
base2dec('10',2) exactly.
@LuisMendo I got the same byte count using a for loop... hopefully you can do better :)
@Dev-iL I was referring to a coming our resident Hungarian posted last week, but I'm too lazy to look it up
it would be nice to beat Pyth :D
@Dev-iL well there's this play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.octave&hl=en, so maybe we will :)
wtf really? lol
@rayryeng How nice! I vaguely remember that question. Divakar will love that line too. bsxfun and permute :-)
there's also this
@Suever The more I think about the "alternative configuration" idea the more I like it
@rayryeng Is that the neural net thing? I saw you were discussing that with Amro. I know nothing about NN, but nice graphs! :-P
@LuisMendo yes it is :)
ah well the graph is quite simple to interpret. The regions of yellow and purple are what are known as decision regions.
The goal is to figure out a decision region to separate between the blue and red points
The neural network class I wrote does that.
The ones that are marked as dots are training examples... those used to train the neural network
the ones that are marked with crosses are test examples... you use those to input into the neural network to verify that your neural network is correct.
@LuisMendo I know naught about NN either, but it looks like SVM, shich I do know :D
@LuisMendo Do you envison it being simply the "secondary default" # of input arguments, or just a "secondary default" in general. (i.e. stable unique could be u and unstable could be &u)?
Amro has been designing the front end GUI. I wrote the actual training algorithm.
@Adriaan That's also mystery to me. I hardly know the meaning of the acronym
we wanted to make this so that it doesn't rely on any toolboxes. So this isn't using the Neural Network toolbox
Support Vector Machine
@rayryeng So, like a classsifier?
Did any of you guys try programming in Swift?
MAN that language is chaotic
@LuisMendo exactly.
@LuisMendo its' exactly that, a classifier
This diagram says it all
SVMs are what are known as LARGE MARGIN classifiers.
the are designed to find a decision line to separate between two different sets of points with the largest margin
@Suever I think only number of inputs/outputs. The other thing would just be like X, Y, Z prefixes, which are already sometimes used for that (such as Xu)
@rayryeng No points on the wrong side of the boundary? What a pussy dataset :p
the largest margin is defined as the distance between the fewest amount of points and the line
these fewest points are what are known as support vectors.
@Suever But it would be number of inputs and of outputs
@LuisMendo Ok yup that's what I was thinking.
Now the fun part of figuring out what the secondary default should be!
This is of course just a linearly separable class. For non-pussy datasets, you have to apply what is known as the kernel trick
@Suever Yes. That's mainly what I meant by "hard work" :-)
We should write something that grabs all current golfs using MATL and figures out what the most frequence N$ calls are
Which transforms your data into a non-linear high dimensional space that does become linearly separable.
@rayryeng "non-pussy" :-D
@Suever That would be great
Or put a "code-logger" on Tryitonline
hehe :)
And create a histogram of all function calls and nargs
@Suever I'm sure Dennis has something like that :-D
ok, gotta go unfortunately. I'll see you folks later. Amro let me know how it goes. I may make commits to the engine over time.
Bye, @rayryeng! Take care!
I'm leaving too. I hope I'll come back later. Got work to do now
@LuisMendo Do you ever use (in your own code) a number from the stack (i.e. not a literal) to pass to $?
@Suever Well, a literal is a number from the stack :-P But no, not often. The most common use is N$. For example, N$h I've used it quite often
@rayryeng Have a nice day(?) !
@LuisMendo haha I know. I was just thinking how accurate the scraping is
@Amro shiny. I like
@rayryeng will do
Because you could in theory have 1t$l
(if you were crazy)
Which would be a little difficult to scrape. I guess the main permutations would be [1-9]$ or l
That's an L
Well and maybe 0$ but I don't know of many of those except ones and zeros
@Suever What do youe mean "scraping"?
So basically create a list of all golf answers using MATL via the stack exchange API
Haha. So you were serious about parsing code from exixting answers? :-D
and then parse them out to automatically get a histogram of functions and figure out the number of inputs
I'm lazy in that weird way where I'd rather spend more time writing something fun than spending less time on the brute-force version.
I think once the parsing was done, the interpretation of things like N$ (with N as opposed to a number) could be done by hand. I don't think it's that much work
@Suever :-D
@LuisMendo Yea that's probably true. just getting a list of answers would probably be a good enough start.
And then a histogram of (how many?) statements before $ or # just on a string level

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