@Amro - Here's an example from the test script I'm running. Parameters: 10000 iterations, L1 regularization with a rate of 0.01, learning rate: 0.01, batch size = 10, 2 input neurons, 2 hidden layers: 4 neurons, 2 neurons and 2 output neurons (binary - one vs. all). I'm still in progress tweaking but here's what the output looks like. I've created an XOR training set similar to what is seen on TensorFlow playground.
You're very welcome. It was fun working this problem out!
The best fun I had was determining how to calculate the weight updates once I calculated the sensitivities.
For just a single training example, it's simply x^{l-1}*(delta^{l})^T for a layer l where x^{l} are the outputs from layer l including the bias and delta^{l} are the sensitivities for the neurons at layer l
it got to a point where with a batch of examples, I had two 2D matrices where each column was x and delta respectively.
I had to combine sum, bsxfun and permute to find the final weight update.
@Amro thanks for stopping by :) was wondering when you'd come around lol
The class is still very basic. It assumes that you're formatting the expected outputs correctly... binary classification assumes two neurons as I'm implementing one-vs-all.
I should have a special case inside there where if the output neuron size is 1, handle it by thresholding the output neuron.
@Suever also instead of creating multiples axes objects for the hidden neurons, I found that it was much faster to use uicontrol-buttons with a custom cdata image
ok. Right now I always create the net as: NeuralNet([inSize hiddenSizes 1]), where the outputs are simply encoded as a vector of {-1,+1}. When I want to predict, I take the output and plot it directly as heatmap, and if discretize is specified, I take sign(out)
@Amro This should be a good chance to test excaza's tool (to be exact: how much time/effort/nerves it saves you by using App Designer to build the gui and then export it using "regular" uicomponents)
@Amro Seriously though - the main strength of appdesigner is that it has way better performance when compared to guide. So why not enjoy the best of all worlds? => build in appdesigner then export to .m
And as I mentioned here before, I suggest calling the converter script from the GUI start function, so that it dumps an .m file that can be uploaded to your favourite VCS
... in a meaningful way, that is (because .mlapp are zip, and therefore - binary files)
I need to use many 2nd party software in Matlab 2016a.
Often, there is no API, just draft notes about them.
However, one thing which I need to record is the amount of network out from the system and in.
I should be able to minimise the network in and out.
Example of Physionet toolbox
Well, since MATLAB is the first party in the contract and you are the second I suppose you could just look at the code you wrote... — Adriaan15 secs ago
ah well the graph is quite simple to interpret. The regions of yellow and purple are what are known as decision regions.
The goal is to figure out a decision region to separate between the blue and red points
The neural network class I wrote does that.
The ones that are marked as dots are training examples... those used to train the neural network
the ones that are marked with crosses are test examples... you use those to input into the neural network to verify that your neural network is correct.
@LuisMendo Do you envison it being simply the "secondary default" # of input arguments, or just a "secondary default" in general. (i.e. stable unique could be u and unstable could be &u)?
@Suever I think only number of inputs/outputs. The other thing would just be like X, Y, Z prefixes, which are already sometimes used for that (such as Xu)
I think once the parsing was done, the interpretation of things like N$ (with N as opposed to a number) could be done by hand. I don't think it's that much work