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12:00 AM
There's something very obvious I'm missing
12:10 AM
@LuisMendo or maybe some stupid old-version thing:(
verbose mode doesn't show any difference between the two runs
I mean
I don't have the answer
but this error hasn't appear to me yet, since running interactively hasn't worked altogether
so at least this makes sense:)
are you running it in debug mode, by any chance?:P
@AndrasDeak That delete line shouldn't definitely be there. I think I wanted to place it somewhere else (although now I think it's unnecessary altogether). What puzzles me is that Octave manages to run a deleted file. Probably a disk cache thing, whose behaviour varies between Octave versions
So, deleting the delete line in matl_run works fine for you?
@LuisMendo seems so, yes
I commented it out, and the error went away
My fear is that now Octave may run an old (cached file). That was an intermitent failure I saw
Please try matl 5:t!*
Then matl 6:t!* etc
Do the results change?
@LuisMendo that might be related to the fact that you don't get an error
@AndrasDeak Exactly
12:21 AM
Also, @LuisMendo, I think you can call dbclear('in',cOutFileNoExt), saving your soul:)
at least if I understand how freestyle function parameters work in matlab
Hahaha. Really? I liked being evil...
@LuisMendo oh, carry on then:D
hmm...I get an error with matl 5:t!*, along the same lines:D
@AndrasDeak I think I'll leave that for later, to test changes one by one
@LuisMendo sure
but now there are problems...I don't get it
@AndrasDeak but you removed the delete line. What's the error?
12:25 AM
@LuisMendo the usual: error in the catch block:D Meaning that there was some problem running MATLc.m
I'm investigating...
@LuisMendo respect
octave:1> MATLc
error: colon: not defined for class "double"
error: called from:
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.8.1/m/miscellaneous/colon.m at line 38, column 5
error:   /home/.../MATLc.m at line 85, column 24
that's a first for me:D
No colon??
How come?
the code was matl i:
matl 4:6 works, matl i: doesn't
I wanted to figure out why matl 5:t!* didn't work.....
So your Octave doesn't have colon? Weird!
12:28 AM
I'll put the delete line back and see what happens:DD
help colon ?
@LuisMendo only for doubles it doesn't:DD
my Octave needs a colonoscopy...
Try a simpler program without :
matl H1*
then matl H2*
matl 1 has been working all along
but I'm a bit more ambitious than that;)
@LuisMendo 2 then 4, no error
I've just realized: we've only tested vpa on my octave.
? We are not using vpa now
12:31 AM
octave:1> colon(1,4)
error: colon: not defined for class "double"
error: called from:
error:   /usr/share/octave/3.8.1/m/miscellaneous/colon.m at line 38, column 5
@LuisMendo exactly
I've never used : before
again, this is not a new error, but it hasn't manifested earlier
it has nothing to do with my manipulations in matl_run.m
Yes, your Octave somehow lacks colon
Do you mean with the original 10.2.0, with its delete line, everything works? (without :)?
only by name
@LuisMendo umm...no, that's another issue:D
@AndrasDeak Sure. I guess 2:5 works :-D
the delete line breaks every second call to matl
@AndrasDeak Great. That seems already solved
12:33 AM
and colon() breaks octave
colon(3,4) gives an error, independent of matl
... and that's something with your Octave version
3:4 works, and even 3.2:6 works
function r = colon (varargin)
  if (nargin != 0)
    error ('colon: not defined for class "%s"', class (varargin{1}));

%!error colon (1)

## FIXME -- what does colon () mean since it doesn't set a return value?
these free software dudes crack me up:D
12:35 AM
:-D Very useful function
Octave 3.8.1 FTW
## Copyright (C) 2008-2013 David Bateman
So, to sum up: we've solved the delete line that shouldn't be there. That was a real bug. And we've found out that colon is missing in old Octave. Correct?
@LuisMendo correct:D
I might call it a day, it just won't get any better than this:D
I'm still rolling on the floor:D
I'd love to know when this was patched up
and changing the source code seems to change the result. Octave is never picking and outdated compiled file. Right?
F*cking hilarious:D
@LuisMendo it hasn't occured to me that it would do that, so far, no
@rayryeng if you ever come this way, you HAVE to see the colon() function of Octave 3.8.1, see a few lines above:D
12:39 AM
That function might have won some PPCG challenge :-D
@LuisMendo "most clueless developer" award?
I wonder if the original author is the same person who wrote the FIXME note:D
@AndrasDeak Maybe a few weeks later :-)
@AndrasDeak Thanks a lot, as usual. I'll ping Dennis and ask him to upload new version to online compiler and see if it also works there
The best thing is that there's a whole help before these 5 lines, suggesting that it works somehow:D
@LuisMendo glad I could help:) Fingers crossed;)
Though I'm sure if it doesn't work, Dennis will just sacrifice a young goat and summon The Powers That Be, and it will all be fine afterwards
And do update your Octave to a more serious version when you can
because that colon function is anything but serious
And the stupidest-bug award goes to me, for deleting a file before attempting to run it! :-D
@LuisMendo more serious:D
@LuisMendo well you could've caught it if windows wasn't into necromancy...
were you running matl from the same directory?
I could find it plausible that if there are multiple MATLc.m files, deleting one of them improves the UX:P
if an older version is higher on the path, deleting that one will unshadow the more current file, lower on the path
I'm just guessing, since it would still be weird if non-existent files were running around
12:51 AM
@AndrasDeak That's a nice summary of what was happening, yes :-)
unless delete() is so asynchronous that the file gets run before the OS actually gets to delete it...
@AndrasDeak That's my guess
OK then:)
That's enough Sherlocking for me for today;)
@AndrasDeak But just a very uneducated guess!
12:52 AM
You've been of very much help!
Thank you!!!
and good night!
you too!
3 hours later…
3:36 AM
Hey@LuisMendo, could you make MATL accept a wider range of characters? I was looking at it, and worked outI could take unicode characters like: åß˚∆ƒ, and then detect them in the input and replace them (in a well-defined manner), with something like Wa, Ws, etc. and then run MATL as normal. This would give a wider range of one-character functions.
But actually I think it's even easier. In matl_parse, (line 120), you just have to include some more characters in the RHS, e.g. ['!&()*+-/:;<=>\^_|~' 'A':'W' 'a':'z' 'åç´©¬µø®ß¨¥'], then you can use those characters as regular functions in funDef.txtetc.
A bunch of unicode characters are easy to make on a Mac using the option key, but I'm not sure how hard it is to make those characters in Windows/Linux etc., so you wouldn't want to use this for commonly used functions, but maybe for some more specialised/weird functions it would be helpful to have.
And it would make MATL code look even more incomprehensible :P
Windows you can use alt + numpad ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○
5 hours later…
9:06 AM
@David I think a problem with this is that questions are usually scored by their byte count and not by the character count.
@flawr So unicode character programing sucks in codegolf then
BTW, in case there is still people that hasent seen my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/34970064/…
@LuisMendo Is there some kind of debug mode for MATL? I thought it would be really useful to have a function that just dumps the contents of the stack/variables on the screen.
I want an answer :P
9:11 AM
@AnderBiguri Sorry I cannot help=) But I could write an answer without any relevant content if that helps^^
hahaha :) It seems the question is harder than I expected actually, so no wworries
thankis fro the link, btw, but it seems its adressing how to display the images in MATLAB
I know it is not an answer to your question, but that just popped up when I started googling=)
@flawr Otherwise you can't make certain UI elements appear in your GUIs
@AnderBiguri Try some java or some python dependency to load the image
@David It seems I was wring, you can use more than ASCII, but only limited: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/961/24877
@Dev-iL Yeah, I was thinking on that, but to be honest I am jst curious now
I think its quite surprising that MATLAB cant handle alpha in gifs
this is for something off-work, so I am not ina hurry or anything
9:17 AM
gist: Extract frames from an animated GIF, correctly handling palettes and frame update modes, 2012-11-05 10:31:28Z
import os
from PIL import Image

I searched high and low for solutions to the "extract animated GIF frames in Python"
problem, and after much trial and error came up with the following solution based
on several partial examples around the web (mostly Stack Overflow).

There are two pitfalls that aren't often mentioned when dealing with animated GIFs -
firstly that some files feature per-frame local palettes while some have one global
palette for all frames, and secondly that some GIFs replace the entire image with
each new frame ('full' mode in the code below), and some only update a specific
region ('partial').

This code deals with both those cases by examining the palette and redraw
instructions of each frame. In the latter case this requires a preliminary (usually
partial) iteration of the frames before processing, since the redraw mode needs to
be consistently applied across all frames. I found a couple of examples of
partial-mode GIFs containing the occasional full-frame redraw, which would result
in bad renders of those frames if the mode assessment was only done on a
single-frame basis.

Nov 2012

def analyseImage(path):
    Pre-process pass over the image to determine the mode (full or additive).
    Necessary as assessing single frames isn't reliable. Need to know the mode 
    before processing all frames.
    im = Image.open(path)
    results = {
        'size': im.size,
        'mode': 'full',
        while True:
            if im.tile:
                tile = im.tile[0]
                update_region = tile[1]
                update_region_dimensions = update_region[2:]
                if update_region_dimensions != im.size:
                    results['mode'] = 'partial'
            im.seek(im.tell() + 1)
    except EOFError:
    return results

def processImage(path):
    Iterate the GIF, extracting each frame.
    mode = analyseImage(path)['mode']
    im = Image.open(path)

    i = 0
    p = im.getpalette()
    last_frame = im.convert('RGBA')
        while True:
            print "saving %s (%s) frame %d, %s %s" % (path, mode, i, im.size, im.tile)
            If the GIF uses local colour tables, each frame will have its own palette.
            If not, we need to apply the global palette to the new frame.
            if not im.getpalette():
            new_frame = Image.new('RGBA', im.size)
            Is this file a "partial"-mode GIF where frames update a region of a different size to the entire image?
            If so, we need to construct the new frame by pasting it on top of the preceding frames.
            if mode == 'partial':
            new_frame.paste(im, (0,0), im.convert('RGBA'))
            new_frame.save('%s-%d.png' % (''.join(os.path.basename(path).split('.')[:-1]), i), 'PNG')

            i += 1
            last_frame = new_frame
            im.seek(im.tell() + 1)
    except EOFError:

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
You might be dealing with a "partial gif"
It could be indeed. And still, it suprises me that MATLAB cant handle that. Its not some obscure file format
9:30 AM
@flawr You can usually achieve that by inserting a comment. At the end of the program the stack is printed. There's also the -d flag, which shows stack and clipboards in the variable explorer
Does it work on the tryitonline interpreter?
@flawr I think that comment of the mesgrid is the answer
@LuisMendo I think you should put a link to matl.tryitonline.net into the esolangs page!
You just need to then to something like A=[newX newY]
@David The problem is, with UTF-8 encoding that takes up 2 bytes, so ådoesn't have an advantage over Xa. I could define a custom character encoding of 256 symbols per byte, like Jelly and other languages do. It's something I've considered, but it seems a little messy. Anyway, my idea was to accept Unicode characters at least for strings, so you're right, I need to modify the parser at least for that. Thanks!
@flawr Oh, there isn't one? Of course! I'll do that. Thanks!
9:51 AM
@LuisMendo :p
LOL I love that program
@AnderBiguri There is also XD (printing the contents of the stack)
hahaah nice
Hi everyone
Hi hedipes
9:59 AM
Hi there
As an active member of this site and knowing that MATLAB has a lot of applications in remote sensing and photogrammetry, I'm here to inform you that if there's anyone interested, there's a site proposal in area 51 area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/90327/… which needs your attention and your upvotes to get promoted
Good to know! Good luck with the site!
@flawr Done. Let me know if the comment works for you. It's funny, isn't it? Using a comment as a debugger :-)
I do not really get that yet with the comments. It is hard coming up with a program that is long enough=)
10:15 AM
@flawr For example: multiplication table matl 10:t!* To see partial results: matl 10:t!%* or even matl 10:%t!*
@flawr I want to implement string compression soon. I'm stuck because the algorithm to convert between bases is harder than I thought. Matlab's dec2base and base2dec follow the easy way: convert the sequence of digits to a double, and then it's very simple to obtain the arbitrary base representation. But that greatly limits the input, because the double cannot exceed 2^52 so that it accurately represents an integer
@LuisMendo Thanks, but don't you have to include newilnes?
@flawr For actual comments yes. For using the comment as "debugger" no. The point is to remove all code from that position onwards
so you get a dump of the stack at that point, which is now the end of the program
@LuisMendo I thought it would do something more sophistiated.
@LuisMendo Hahaha, now I finally get how this works=)
Hahaha. It's a very crude debugging method. But it works! I use it a lot more than the -d option
But this was exactly what I was looking for, so that is nice=)
10:19 AM
@flawr Yes, they should! That 2^52 limit is too restrictive
@flawr And I like the idea: "a comment symbol as a debugger" :-D
Would of course only be useful for large strings.
@flawr I was thinking in something similar to what Pyth does
It's basically baseXX encoding
where XX need not be 64
(I don't use Pyth, but I read it in the doc)
10:45 AM
We should create the tag here on SO XD
Joking aside: How about a "tips for golfing in MATL" at PPCG?
11:15 AM
@flawr I've seen some posts about that in other languages. But I'm not sure when/how that should be done. Isn't it done when the language is already popular? I fear it might be seen as an unjustified attempt of mine to make the language popular. Anyway, if you post some answers and I see something that can be golfed I will gladly point it out to you :-)
11:35 AM
@AnderBiguri I'll try to throw less comments around about things I know almost naught about ^^
@Adriaan I jsut realised that how to read the file is given to the OP in his/her homework
It's just following those steps
wait, what? His error message is different from ".raw is unsupported" or something
still, it wont open it
as I said, raw is an unespecified file format
or is "invalid filename" MATLAB language for "extension .raw not supported"
no idea. TBH matlabs errors sometimes suck
11:40 AM
warnings suck more dick than errors though.
yeah. they do.
I think they just sometimes forget to fix/check, and as they can not update it until 6 months you just need to deal with it
I've had an error in a save somewhere deep in the underbelly of my programs, and it warned that it couldn't save, so I had to use the -v7.3 switch. I therefore try/catched it, but that didn't work, as a warning is not an error -.-
liek the fantastic gplot
same goes for plotting surfaces and having a dimension error in your Z, it'll just throw a warning, continue on, and then in my scripts delete the matrix which I wanted to plot -.-
dbstop if error doesn't help you there either, as it's not an error
@AnderBiguri how do you ignore exactly 8428 bytes?
that's not like "ignore 3 headerlines" or something
You just open the file as binary, read the first N bytes and trow them
its raw, so data will be written not as text but as a binary file
11:47 AM
@LuisMendo well, sure, but who cares about bytes? Å is just so much more fun than "Xa": youtube.com/watch?v=f488uJAQgmw
@AnderBiguri so still using fread?
yeah I guess
basically those files will probably contain some metadata from the sensor
basically the OP needs to fread the whole thing, and then "reshape" it as the format specifies
that makes somewhat sense. So his 256*256 numbers will be in a single array? How can you be sure it reshapes them in the correct order to the image-matrix?
Thats teh thing with raw files. You cant. you just need to follow the guidelines, and i fthey are accurate enough then it will work :P
I mean, the raw files is what happens between e.g. a camera CCD sensor and a .png or .jpg file
the sensor spits info as a hige binary array, that means "something", and if you know what it emans, you can create a .png image
thats what the OP wants
sounds difficult
he/she only has this big dump of binary data
It doesnt seem in this case. It will be a fread, a crop of that result and a reshaoe
maybe some kind of 4byte->int cast somewhere
11:54 AM
I really should get into basic . Might come in handy next year anyway (following a course on Fourier techniques for image systems), and it'll get me more SO-rep
The raw thing is common to images, but not necesarily. I mean, the data you read from a digital thermo-sensor is also "a raw file" , in theory
12:10 PM
Hey hey hey what's with all the talking? Now I have to read it all back!
@AndrasDeak like we ever discuss anything useful in here...
Second time in some three days I'm overruled by someone who knows what a container.Map is :(
Q: Can I make a struct start with n-th field in Matlab?

Arthur TarasovWhenever I create a structure, it starts from field 1 by default. I am working with a data file where I have to loop through a part of it to get data to create the structure. In this small example, I loop only through 3 to 5, skipping 1 and 2. for i = 3:5 a(i).b = 1; end The result is a ...

@Adriaan someone named excaza:P
container.Map looks like Java
@AnderBiguri bidi Map is the shizz!
12:20 PM
@AnderBiguri but it's documented
even has a help
@excaza I really should learn to use container.Map. I apparently wrote my own last week on an answer, where hbaderts one-line killed me with the built-in :p
haha im just kidding ;)
so much MATLAB I don't know and never needed...
@Adriaan You could do an answer with dynamic field referencing and have him num2str all of his data values
12:22 PM
A: Sharing "many" variables between functions in Matlab

AdriaanDon't use global variables, as they are prone to errors. Creating 50 variable names is not very error-proof either (see: dynamic variable naming). I'd go with a simple cell array in this case. You can either read the names from the first row in your data matrix if they are written there, or hand...

that's how I solved it :P
@Adriaan struct array and array of structs are equivalent, this is a silly question of semantics
>> a
a =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> [a a]
ans =
1x4 struct array with fields:
@LuisMendo I think it would certainly attract some attention, but also serve as a list of examples. And I think it is perfectly justified, as they exist for almost any language.
@AndrasDeak Sorry master. Won't happen again master. Forgive me master.
@Adriaan well I hope so:P
I do think that calling that an array is more confusing than calling it struct though, as array is much more commonly used
12:25 PM
basically everything in MATLAB is an array if you want to be super pedantic about it
But how the hell do you assign to a struct array?
@AndrasDeak a(ii).b = 3 :p
>> a
a =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> c=a; [c.x]=2
Too many output arguments.
>> c=a; [c.x]=[2,2]
Too many output arguments.
>> c=a; c.x=[2,2]
Incorrect number of right hand side elements in dot name assignment.  Missing [] around left hand side is a likely cause.
>> c=a; c(:).x=[2,3]
Insufficient outputs from right hand side to satisfy comma separated
list expansion on left hand side.  Missing [] are the most likely cause.
>> c=a; [c(:).x]=[2,3]
Too many output arguments.
>> c=a; c(:).x=[2,3]
oh shit
a(:).b is a comma separated list
Now I hate struct arrays as much as I hate cells
that's one thing I wish they would clean up
12:27 PM
@AndrasDeak good job. So you'll just use dynamic variable naming from now on?
it's a total mindfuck trying to address a struct array
and it shouldn't be
plus now you have to deal with it for graphics objects too
@Adriaan I'll use arrays:P
For anyone interested:
@AndrasDeak what's that and why'd you ever want to use deal?
Or of course C={2,3}; [a(:).x]=C{:}; ARGH
before you could just set multiple properties at once
good luck getting that right the first time with the new objects
12:29 PM
@Adriaan because that's how you should do this:/
@excaza have you seen my recent rampage about colon() in Octave 3.8.1?:D
A: How to open text file in Matlab and overwrite part of it (without storing data but using fgetl to skip lines)

dasdingonesinAs noted in the documentation, you have to call fseek between read and write operations. data =50:10:100; n=4; fid = fopen('example.txt','r+') for i=1:n fgetl(fid); %skips first n lines end fseek(fid,0,'cof'); fprintf(fid,'%i \r\n',data); fclose(fid)

is that intuitive? The line counter is different from the file position?
The answer is correct, it just seems odd to me
12 hours ago, by Andras Deak
function r = colon (varargin)
  if (nargin != 0)
    error ('colon: not defined for class "%s"', class (varargin{1}));

%!error colon (1)

## FIXME -- what does colon () mean since it doesn't set a return value?
It's an ancient version of Octave (came bundled with the newest LTS Ubuntu, ofcoursewhynot), but still
that's awesome
we were trying to debug MATL for Octave with Luis:D
took us a while to realize that this wasn't a MATL issue
where's the colon script located in the folder tree?
12:37 PM
Next to the rectum
@excaza /usr/share/octave/3.8.1/m/miscellaneous/colon.m
@AndrasDeak u weird
@AndrasDeak I don't know if I'd call a year old ancient :p
wait, it's 2016
@excaza I assumed it was, knowing Ubuntu's packaging habits and that 4.0.0+ is available
plus there have been other fundamental features missing already
like exception objects are missing a field compared to MATLAB
which led to the first MATL errors on my system with octave
Whenever I actually want to program anything, I have to install what I need manually
out-of-the-box python packages are also terribly obsolete
Looks like it was introduced for RC
Doesn't seem like the fixed it until just about a year ago: hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/octave/rev/c913247c85a8
12:55 PM
Q: How to count the number of iterations of a loop beforehand in Matlab

MWijnandAssume that you have a nested for loop such as for varA=1:3 for varB=1:3 disp('coucou') %lengthy calculation end end and you want to know the total number of iterations of the loop, to construct a waitbar. Is it possible to calculate the total number of iterations insid...

@AndrasDeak hehe, that's the same chap whom I answered with "Yes."
studies in Delft as well :D
poor sod, -5 within 10 minutes :D
Stewie to the rescue:)
I dont know if hes expecting a better answer or its a Q&A, but it incredibly basic
@AnderBiguri that's why I asked
but it doesn't seem like "here's my current solution in the mean time"
and then they should've put that into the question
and asked it on codereview.SE LOL:D
@AndrasDeak bwhahaha. I'm actually quite surprised that this chap's still around on SO. Check his other questions, lots of them are of this ridiculous quality, downvoted and CVed
1:02 PM
@Adriaan well, asking crap questions offends me much less than self-answering trivial crap:D
I see a deleted question in OP's future
@OP. Please don't take the negative response personally. We'd love for you to stick around and ask and answer interesting questions. =) This one in particular is unfortunately not that good. — Stewie Griffin 11 secs ago
Q: How to open a .p file with fopen in Matlab

MWijnandI have an third-party file with the extension .p and I try if it is possible to open it using the function fopen: fopen(title.p) This returns 3, which is a file identifier according to the help function: help fopen fopen - Open file, or obtain information about open files This MA...

I wonder when the serial downvote script will kick in...
A: Matlab: Accessing values in a cell array with a function.

MWijnandYou can also define your array as a global variable in order to access it inside a function.

a non-answer 2 years late
Yay! 5k! What can I do now?
Approve tag wiki edits
@excaza :(
congratulations anyway;)
<10K peasants
1:08 PM
did you get a bounty?
:P congrats!
@excaza shit, you beat me by 200 rep
@Adriaan but your slope is steeper than my slope
oh, chat just didn't update your rep
@excaza rawr raises and lowers eyebrows a few times
1:09 PM
@excaza but you're coming up great on Fanatic
I've gotten in the habit of checking the app when I wake up
though I've gotten to the point where if I miss a day now I'm going to be super angry at myself
I thought missing it at 14 days was hard
@excaza well, you should:D
@Adriaan that was my 200th answer :D
I really don't see why you have a life rather than sitting in front of SO 24/7.
I usually only answer stuff when I'm at work because that's when I have MATLAB
while I'm...processing data
1:12 PM
@excaza time to learn C#, then;)
I've probably learned more about MATLAB by spending time on SO than anything else, tbh
I should see if I can count SO as continuing education
@excaza fully agreed
@excaza same here XD
I've just facelifted my 3-4 years old matlab scripts, got a speed-up of 4-5x
@Adriaan now I feel very Englishish:
And whoever can be coerced into changing their behaviour by the peer pressure exerted by a single button: deserves it:) — Andras Deak 1 min ago
I don't usually use that many weird words in a single sentence:D
@AndrasDeak well done ol' chap. Very eloquent of you
1:29 PM
@flawr have you seen this thread on metaPPCG?
A: Guidelines for posting and closing popularity contests

DennisWhich challenges are on topic here? First and foremost, the same rules apply to all challenges, whether they are popularity contests or not. These rules are outlined in our help center. They were phrased differently in the past, but their essence was the same ever since the help center was creat...

I saw recently a tread in reddit
if you just copypaste a chunk of an specific URL, google will give you all the link to unsecured cameras
that you can actually control
I did try it and moved side to side a camera in japan
inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" specifically
1:55 PM
@excaza yikes
@AndrasDeak Yes, that was what I was referring to when talking about the validity criterion=)
@flawr Aaah, I see, thanks:)

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