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I've just realized that I might not need a function for the pentaflake thing
I asked OP if this was indeed the case
I can get rid of the function and just have an input() if I'm right
and the mathematica one has to be modified if I'm wrong
@AndrasDeak Input: "This may be given in any way except that of a predefined variable."
sounds like taking in from stdin is perfectly acceptable
@beaker well, yeah, that part I get
but I assumed you need a function
or a full program, though I guess a matlab script qualifies as that
the mathematica solution is also a script, so I think I'll change mine
2 bytes shorter
well that was a bit anti-climactic:D
Good night, all!
LOL... g'nite @AndrasDeak
9 hours later…
Each time I open Matlab I get the following:
What does the third Warning message mean?
Also when I plot a function, I get just a black picture...
Is this related to the above Warning messages?
1 hour later…
@MaryStar a) You should probably not ignore the 1st 2 warnings :) b) which version of MATLAB is that?
You can remove C:\users\name...... from your MATLAB path and see if it helped
It is MATLAB 7.7.0 (R2008b) @Dev-iL
Ok, I'd like you to try something.... Is this a Windows machine?
@Dev-iL How can I do that?
@Dev-iL Yes.
There's a "path" button/menu somewhere
@MaryStar try this please and tell me if it made a difference: undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/hg2-update#testing
@MaryStar run the command pathtool
@MaryStar I would also advise to find a way to update it, if possible....
@Dev-iL I press the button "Remove" but it happens nothing.
select the 1st line (assuming it contains C:\users\name...... )
then remove
then save
then restart matlab
Ok... I will do it now
I did it, but it still isn't removed...
@Dev-iL I tried to add -hgVersion 2 to the Target field but it doesn't accept it.
It does in the example...
1 hour later…
@Dev-iL hg2? In 2008b? Sure you're joking, Mr. Feynman:D
It's as if someone complained that the light went out in their house, and you would suggest to them to build a tokamak in their back yard:P
@Ikaros I was going to comment that there's an unusually large number of French anime lovers in the room, with you and HamtaroWarrior...then it dawned on me:D I didn't notice the note on your profile, I realized it all by myself;)
@AndrasDeak It's been there since 2007... Joke's on you I'm afraid :P
@Dev-iL you're kidding me
though it "caused lots of nasty-looking errors in past releases but works ok in R2010a):"
@Dev-iL jebus
they didn't rush it too much, then:D
but anyway, I'm sure that path problem came first
OK, not sure, per se
but that's definitely not right
I'm also unsure why Documents\* is on the path:D
@AndrasDeak it's there by default on windows installations
@Dev-iL yikes
TMW thinks that you save your MATLAB codez in "My Documents" by default
@Dev-iL I hope it also downloads crap onto the path by default
...What kind of a reasonable person wouldn't save everything they need right on the desktop???
@Dev-iL haha, yeah:D
what's a desktop?
It's the place where one has everything they need, but of course...
In the past 10+ years since I haven't used windows, I've even gotten out of the habit of drag-and-drop
@AndrasDeak do you own a smartphone?
I couldn't even save to the desktop if I wanted to;)
@Dev-iL yup
There must be some dragndropping involved there, surely...
@Dev-iL well, yeah. I meant on my laptop.
Yeah I see
and yes, even there I might drag-and-drop, like when I use a table editor (brrrr)
or when rearranging stuff in lists, occasionally
Remember that question where some dude posted 3 different answers (with the timeout-able script)... Apparently Loren doesn't know what to do with it either
but I definitely don't copy anything with that
how's so?
is there an update?
or a related blog post?
yeah, her latest one
a, OK then
Ah, OK then. I just saw "time" and ignored it:D
I thought maybe to post my own answer that starts with a large THIS DOESN'T SOLVE THE QUESTION disclaimer
To show some failed attempts... there should be some value in that, no...?
@Dev-iL possibly only as a CW, and even then it would probably be controversial
I think even if you asked about it first on meta, you'd get varying answers
For instance, I'm sure a few eager people would flag as NAA
and other would argue that while it's a bad answer, it's still an answer
Q: When or should you delete your incorrect answer?

Mark RansomI just deleted an answer I had left to a question because it had been proven to be wrong. It seems that this would be the proper thing to do, since the purpose of the site is to provide correct answers - misleading information is the last thing we all want. But what if the answer is providing i...

@AndrasDeak Hahaha sorry for being confusing :p I changed it to celebrate my 1k on Anime&Manga Stack Exchange yersterday :D
@Ikaros congrats!:)
No problem at all, I should've spotted the note on your profile:)
@Dev-iL well, but that's about realizing later that your answer is wrong
you'd add an answer that you are aware is wrong:)
@Ikaros just watch out, I think you can only change user names every 30 days:P
Not that it's not too late if you didn't know this:D
@AndrasDeak 30 days are okay with me :p
@Dev-iL haha, Dalí has always been a fun guy;)
@Ikaros cool, cool. I've only found out about this constraint last week, so I thought I'd share my vast knowledge;)
@AndrasDeak Look at you with your fancy letter accents... :P
@Dev-iL occasionally they come handy:P
I don't bother with using others' accents, but I realized that we have that letter:D
Although my gnome's broken so I had to work a bit to get my accents back
@Dev-iL I don't really agree with that one
9 hours later…
This is the third time I've marked duplicates for your questions. Please make an actual effort to do a search on Google / StackOverflow before asking another question. It will stop wasting your time as well as our's. — rayryeng 26 mins ago
@rayryeng spreading the christmas love:D
(serves them right)
LOL... get 'em Ray

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