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I was being hypothetic, but you're right of course
I still think there should be a simpler formula for your output
which doesn't contain a subtraction
single(2E-9)*single(675/0.002-100) == single(675E-6)-(single(2E-7)+eps(single(675E-6)))
Ok no idea, I give up
I'll just find a few more of these examples and get some "translation table"
can't you sweep a range as I suggested?
I suppose I can
But not at the moment
Do I understand correctly that you provide 2 numbers, the scale (as in "micro", 1e-6) and the rest (large-ish integer-ish)?
I provide just 1
but that's without the 1e-6 part, right?
@flawr I'll think about that. It has some difficulties. For example, the input might be a number or a function. If you start say with function t MATL doesn't know whether to use an implicit i or j
which is always the value in "micro-units"
@flawr That would be i:" ... ]. 1:input('') is i: . Function i for input, and : in its default form creates creates a vector from 1 to [top of stack]
@Dev-iL and what made you suspect ulong/uint64-s?
wrongful docs
@flawr I think that's just a for loop. Calling the function F, the initial input I, and the number of times K, it would be IK:"f]
@Dev-iL sounds like a crappy black box:D
well what can I do....
losing precision at 1e-7 is pretty bad
I have no idea what they could be doing, and why??
you have a certain amount of bits in the device that can hold the info
you try to give it more data, but it can't hold all of it, so some gets lost
@Dev-iL but it's a lot which gets lost
or is it some embedded system?
define embedded
OK, I guess embedded is not the point
like an arduino, that often has smaller types than expected
there was a C question
very weird numerical results
turns out there was a problem with representing small floats
can't find the question for the life of me
oh no, found it, but it's a bit different
Floats have only 6-7 decimal digits of precision. That means the total number of digits, not the number to the right of the decimal point. **Unlike other platforms, where you can get more precision by using a double (e.g. up to 15 digits), on the Arduino, double is the same size as float. **
yeah I realize that happens
in my system I only deal with "true" floats
(last line copied from some arduino manual thingy)
My problem is that with a true float, just representing it shouldn't give you inaccuracy in the fourth significant digit
not even close
so they must be doing some weird shit with the input
@flawr Your answer could be translated into MATL as follows (perhaps it can be shortened):
@AndrasDeak I think I'll just go with this equation and be done with it:
`actual = single(2E-9)*(single(input/0.2-1)*single(1E2));`
if it works for a sample of size n>2
it works on a sample of size 2 exactly, and on the 3rd with a very tiny error
ranging from 1e-10 to 1e-2
I'll try some more samples
you should check a logspace-like set of inputs to be on the safe size
honestly, I'd be surprised if that voodoo worked for a large range
yeah it must have something to do with log2
or not
maybe with the number of "left of the point" digits
using an advanced maths function with single precision might cause this kind of error (?)
like log10
you gain some things and you lose some things
@Dev-iL I still wonder about the winning part
why is it not float setFloat(float value){return value*1e-6;}?:D
sorry, C again
ok, not return, but var=value*1e-6 with a class member var, or whatever:P
@flawr Much shorter, using XB function for bin2dec: it:1w"TToX+]2\XB
Or using the builtin pascal function: 5Y3i1+Y:PXd!2\XB (also 16 bytes)
@AndrasDeak I think I found where these "branches" meet...
single(2E-9)*(single(1256/0.2-1)*single(1E2)) == single(2E-7)*single(1256/0.2-1)
what do you mean by that?
well I tested about 10 "conversions" spanning 72-7800
I found that at below 1256 one of them works perfectly and above it the 2nd one does
oooh, I see
perfectly = bitwise? or just very well?
very very fucking weird
but good job:D
hehe tnx
Now to put it to good use....
good luck:)
But I'll try plotting it to see what happens
I think you might be able to put the 1e2 part into the second term
as in single(2E-9)*(single(1256/0.2*100-100))
not that it matters
that was my initial version
or even single(2E-9)*(single(x*500-100))?
I'm unsure now
don't want to get involved in fprintf again:D
but the 500 doesn't make sense as much as /0.002
because 0.002 is the smallest unit of whatever
and is therefore indicative of the error size
is it a fact that 0.002 is the smallest unit?
because then it's OK
it could still be related to uint64s:D
like, floor(x/min_whatever*max_uint64) and then some further black magic
is it possible that it's doing some kind of crappy discretization?
would suck to be called setFloat if it does that:P
seems a bit...arbitrary?
fibonacci? :P
it's weird that it starts oscillating after 4000
oh, maybe it's related to step size?
your error is always roughly 2e-7 and positive
that's a big-ass bug right there
if it's just inaccuracy, it should be roughly symmetrical around 0
throw that shit out the window:P
I can see your crossing-point at 1256
there seems to be another one before 4k
Does it look like quantization error to you?
@Dev-iL not the fucking least
it doesn't seem like any kind of reasonable numerical error
(not that I'm that experienced)
any reasonable error should be both over- and underestimating your numbers
this is clearly systematic underestimation
someone might have used a floor instead of a fix or a round...
your formula should not be involved
I thought this is the actual output of the script
oh no no no
this is mine
and which one? both?
the -1 should be there, otherwise I don't match the output
disregard that
I understand
realIT = (computedIT <= 1256)*single(2E-9).*(single(computedIT./0.2-1)*single(1E2)) + ...
         (computedIT >  1256)*single(2E-7).* single(computedIT./0.2-1);
so how are these steps formed exactly?
individual points, separated by regions of "error=2e-7"?
That is beyond me (at almost 4am)
I really nailed it with the 1256 :D
looks like the transition happens at 1254
way cooler with doubles btw
the error's much more wiggly
lemme see :)
holy crap
but it might be more meaningful to plot with linespec '.'
and I used a non-integer step to be on the safe side
if your empirical formulae are accurate, and you said they seem to be, then the script is crap
you can't always lose from your converted value when "casting"
It's not actually a script.... it's the conversion that happens inside my measurement equipment
and is part of it analog?
or who knows?
and do you actually turn a knob to set 676 on it?
because your empirical formula might allow you to adjust the input such that your output is what you actually meant to use
seeing how it's a camera, and the sensor is a chunk of semiconductor with an A/D attached... you tell me....
I really don't care about the value that it ends up using, because I just use _that_ in my computations afterwards
@AndrasDeak lol good point
not worth the trouble though :)
@Dev-iL Yeah, I can see now:)
this is why I'm a theorist btw;D
@AndrasDeak mainly because there's nothing really to correct... either the value can be represented as a single or it can't
@Dev-iL oooh no no no
I thought we were through this: this is not due to being a single
this is something else
sometimes the error in conversion is exactly 0
figure; x=linspace(0,8e-2,10000); plot(x,x-single(x),'.')
this is my point: it's beautifully 0 in average
@Dev-iL then your formulae are wrong?:P
they can always be made more accurate I suppose
maybe your A/D converter needs more juice:P
well, I guess both of us should call it a day
it is Christmas today;)
That means little here
I know
I suppose it's a good opportunity to wish merry Christmases to the other guys
sure, we have lots of those Christmases;D
When do they gift each other presents?
...the coming evening, right?
depends on region
here, it's 24 December, in the afternoon/evening
I think it's morning 25th in the US?
something about Santa Claus coming in the night, eating the cookies and drinking the milk, and when you wake up the presents are there
Meanwhile in Beth-lehem:
that's a bit Hebrew to me
notice the last image
yeah there's a big-ass tree
is that Palestinian?
that the "martyr tree"
I thought they were muslims
Well yeah
oh, turns out there's also a christian minority
but pissing off the Jews should be enough reason in itself
And doing so while getting it for money, no less
Anyways... have fun in your days off
I am contemplating visiting London for the new year's eve
Thanks, I'll try. Both the missus and I are ill, so it's not that fun.
You had your Hanuka - now suffer quietly! :P
(seriously though - get well soon!)
@Dev-iL thanks
I've still been thinking about your problem:D
so, let me get this straight
your output is the actual measured (+processed) reading from the sensor, correct?
So what is exactly, in practice, what you specify as "675"?
I'm off to sleep, please ping me if you answer:D
(I was asking because I suspect that the A/D converter does the truncation)
how to shuffle a list to avoid repeating numbers - [4,4,1,3,2,2] -> [4,1,4,2,3,2]
@name Have you looked at randperm? mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/randperm.html
how should I use randperm?
in randperm we are creating new array
@name is that a problem?
I want to shuffle existing array
okay, so create an array of indices, the length of your array, shuffle that and use it to index the original array:
p = randperm(numel(v));
vp = v(p);
sorry, slight error there... corrected now
or, if you want to use the same list name:
v = v(randperm(numel(v)));
@Dev-iL sure, but could you give me some context on what's the issue? I couldn't get it from the chat transcript
@rayryeng Concerning this question: should they really be duplicates? The behavior of > and max when handling complex numbers is quite different, so it might justify different questions/answers.
@hbaderts I was under the impression that they were the same. That's why I flagged as duplicate. If you can find me a better question to flag, please do!
@legends2k I have a device to which I input some float/single and then I query it for this very setting to get the number it actually uses, which seems like some weird rounded-down-to-a-multiple-of-something version of the input. I later seem to have found some 2-branch function that seems to repeat the conversion that is happening in the device (plotted here).
I was thinking maybe you could shed some light on this matter using your floating-point wizardry skills, and maybe explain this behavior in terms of eps(single(...))
@AndrasDeak We are talking about a camera, to which I input an "Integration Time" (abbreviated as IT; see also in the equation) which is the duration of exposure when taking an image. Now for some reason, the camera can't work with any IT, so it converts it to the closest valid one, which happens to be somewhat lower. The data measured by the camera, and which goes through the A/D, is a different matter :P
4 hours later…
Q: Does using global variables impact performance in MATLAB?

James Adam CampbellAs I understand, MATLAB cannot use pass by reference when sending arguments to other functions. I am doing audio processing, and I frequently have to pass waveforms as arguments into functions, and because MATLAB uses pass by value for these arguments, it really eats up a lot of RAM when I do th...

anyone care to type up a general answer to this one?
Seems like a great canonical duplicate for yelling at people because of using globals
@LuisMendo Oh, well then feel free to post it yourself!!!
@legends2k better yet:
realIT = floor(single(computedIT./0.2)-eps(single(computedIT./0.21)))*1E-6*0.2;
@Dev-iL aaah OK then
so why did you answer with that A/D thing to my question:P Nevermind:D
@AndrasDeak dud I have no idea what went on last night
I think it's just that due to engineering reasons, the IT can only be multiples of a single small value
@Dev-iL haha:D
but you're also already up
I've slept more and I'm exhausted still
Sleep is for the weak
I think you should try setting small values for IT
If my hunch is correct, you'll see steps
650 -> 650+2e-7 -> 650+2*2e-7 etc, roughly
I still think this has nothing to do with single precision, it's some discretization feature
and the fact that it always truncates seems to reinforce this notion
gotta go now, see you all sometime later
@AndrasDeak have fun in goattown
OK, my end point of 652 might have been too ambitious
maybe up to 651
and of course I meant 675e-4:2e-8:676e-4 @Dev-iL :D
@Adriaan thanks, but we're not going there yet:)
It's gramma time first
@AndrasDeak around the corner?
@Adriaan yup
I have to go to goat hamlet in two hours :(
@Adriaan :(
@AndrasDeak have fun at grandma's
@Adriaan thanks, will do
Give her my regards for producing such a strong grandson
you be strong in goatsville:D
@Adriaan I will:P
@flawr Done! There was one t too many, actually
@flawr Perhaps implicit loop at the end (omit ]) would be easy to include in the language. Not sure how useful, though
That is a good idea, if there is no corresponding end just append ends in the correct order at the end of the program
Or how about a symbol that just ends all open loops/control structures that have not been closed?=)
1 hour later…
@flawr that would be very useful in lisp:P
Merry christmas eve everyone =]
@Ballbreaker eve?
what time is it?
btw right back at you
Meh figured I would say it now, since I won't be on past 2pm my time
@Ballbreaker lol:D
until like jan 4th (unless I show up cuz' I mizz u guys)
getting ready for that double-date with ConDom?
She was fuckin' with me real hard lol
@Ballbreaker aaaaw
have fun then
@Ballbreaker she wasn't serious?
Thanks buddy, and no haha
too bad:D
I couldn't tell if she was or not, but she wasn't
you'd have had it coming though:D
hahaha yeah
Pretty sure I'm still going to Doms new years eve party
con's in the christmas giving spirit...giving pwns
I haven't seen her in a few weeks lol
My buddies were really excited to go, so I'm going to show up anyways with em :D
@Ballbreaker :D
I see where this is going. Do you?
Hmmm... maybe lool
Depends how dirty your mind is
@Ballbreaker it's adaptive:P
so very
It might very well be the proverbial shit hitting the metaphorical fan
@Ballbreaker - Merry birth-of-random-jew day to you
@AndrasDeak I might try to see if I can't do something with Dom, at the very least one of her friends
I believe I have the right, to starting as much shit and drama as possible, so we'll see
@Ballbreaker lol:D
@Ballbreaker "right"? How's so?
@Dev-iL You too man! :)
I mean, you're free to screw up in any way imaginable, but I don't see how rights are involved
It's under the charter of rights
"Dustin may start as much shit and drama as possible"
@Ballbreaker ah I see, makes sense then
I don't think you'll have any difficulties
Naw I'd rather some drama-free bonage but we'll see
either dom warned the friends to avoid you, in which case she'll take your matters into her own hand
OR she didn't warn them, and you'll find an appropriate drunk chick for yourself
I'm thinking that's probably the most likely case (#1)
@Ballbreaker me too:D
She also told me a few of them are sluts, so who knows ^-^
with your history, invitation to a party is already half a consent
@Ballbreaker so...threesome, is it?
Either way, I'll let you in on the juicy deets afterwards haha
@AndrasDeak Yeah exactly
@Ballbreaker haha, great, thanks:D Good way to start a new year, I guess
heh yup. Should be a good time
How's everything with you?
@Ballbreaker it's OK, I guess, thanks
I've had a cold for 2 days, so it's not that fun
but otherwise all's well:)
most of the semester ended 2 days ago, so freedom!:D
Ahh hopefully it'll pass soon :D
Do you celebrate christmas in hungary?
I bet you guys get so Hungary that you eat some Turkey, amirite?
@Ballbreaker sure we do
we're supposedly a "christian country"
I figured you would
you can only hear christmas jingles from mid october everywhere...
Agh haha
I hate that
@Ballbreaker no turkey for us:P
but breaded pork cutlets...mmmm (wiener schnitzel)
and some sauerkraut-based foods
and bejgli!
(I know you were trying to be punny, but the lack of funny was overwhelming)
That sounds yumz though
Sometimes I need to take a break from being hilarious.. you know.. for my sanity
Well, gotta go now, see you maybe next year, then:)
take care in the mean time
Yeah dude I'll stop by at some point in the next 10 days most likely, merry christmas
LOL mikeTheLiar's comment in this really made me laugh
Q: Placeholder text for birthday is cut off

JonHIn your profile settings you have a field for birthday with placeholder text: I get up to "only used for displa..." and don't know what else it really says. Is it only used for display purposes? Can we add a tooltip to fully show what the placeholder text really says?

Meta seems so fun but the funny things are already said by the time I think to go look
life is hard
I agree
I feel like I'm late to the punch for a lot of things involving SO
Except when you guys post matlab questions here, and I get to make fun of the OP
Jesus hahahaha
That's actually pretty hilarious
3 hours later…
Im... so... ronrery... oh so.. ronerery

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