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@David Aww.. I wish that table was generated automatically (like Table 5). Thanks! Corrected (version 2.0.2).
42 is going to haunt me...
6 hours later…
Hi all!
i watched StarWars last night! :p
4 hours later…
I drank beer last night
Is it hard to work today for you?)
I sit at a desk and pretend to think
@Adriaan ah, university? ok then. It's a bit harder at work :)
@Mikhail_Sam I did the same at work. Sit behind a desk and pretend to think :p
@Adriaan ;D
@Ballbreaker I know, you just sit behind a desk and glare at your female boss's butt
I wish my boss was female
my vp is female
but nah, I'm good :D
I'm glad there isn't a strong female presence in my office...
Would be too distracting
@Ballbreaker that'd be a butt-load of work
If anyone has access to the R2016a prerelease I recommend checking it out
There is a very super cool new feature
@Adriaan Yeah, me loading onto butts at work
... lol
Too much?
@excaza So what's that feature?
hopefully this doesn't get me clubbed by the NDA, but it basically adds a MATLAB implementation of an iPython notebook
jupyter.org, for those not familiar
@excaza Check this song man, it's like a heavier HUM kind of deal. I think you'd dig it..
1 hour later…
@excaza what is it good for?
lol nvm, I'll just wait until March to find out... (after all, we don't want to get you in trouble over that NDA)
So many people's pictures look the same now hahaha
I can never tell who is who without looking at the name
@Dev-iL if you're familiar with Python, try this online notebook out: tmp39.tmpnb.org/user/fIrA539CWW53/notebooks/…
Yeah but why would I need something like that If I have a MATLAB at my disposal...?
It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text
It's built into MATLAB, the web interface is just an example of a similar product
It also supports embedded LaTeX
That reminds me of Maple...
but it doesn't sound too different from the "html export" feature
html export isn't a functioning script
hahaha I wonder how many times I need to do that before I'm hated by everyone
I'm thinking I met that quota already
You overestimate how much people care about chat messages :P
Perhaps ^_^
I'm used to people caring way too much about everything
(also I was kidding lol)
The biggest question in my life at this moment is 3D or not 3D
I saw it in 3D
3D obviously
And you approve? :)
Why would you not do 3D
Imagine Avatar not in 3D
we saw the first Hobbit movie in 3d... they had to restart the movie like 4 times because the projection was all messed up... we ended up getting free passes out of it
That would just be ludacris
since then, i avoid 3d if i really want to see the movie ;)
I've never heard of that happening before, but fair enough lol
As a rule, I would just avoid that theatre and not 3D movies :p
I only saw one movie in 3D ever (not because I hate 3d, just didn't have the chance) - Prometheus
the 2 power outages might have contributed to that
Oh I can't imagine that being that great in 3D
@beaker I feel like if I were you I would be more worried about being shot up in the theatre than the projector not working
@Dev-iL Some movies are really really well done in 3D. I imagine star wars is going to be one of them
The bigger the name, the more money and effect put into the 3D experience
@Ballbreaker Funny how you think you people are isolated from violence over there
What do you mean isolated from violence? I think it's the opposite
@Ballbreaker Yeah that makes sense
The chances of an attack on a movie theatre in Canada is probably 0.001% , I don't even know what it would be in the states
But I'm guessing with a showing as big as star wars, there's going to be at least one shooting
Anyways lol, see it in 3D I don't think you'll regret it
posted on December 18, 2015 by Sean de Wolski

Sean's pick this week is scatterbar3 by Manu Raghavan. Contents Drawing Bars Drawing The Boston Skyline Comments Drawing Bars If you've ever wanted to draw a bar plot in MATLAB, you've probably come across: bar, barh, bar3, bar3h, and maybe in newer releases histogram... read more >>

I also don't think that :D
@LuisMendo I cannot get MATL program to run matl('-r','2ii+\?''light''}''dark'']') even just a simple program does produce an error: matl('-r','i'), any idea why?
@flawr Weird. Both work for me. Maybe delete all MATL folder and download latest version?
What Matlab version and OS do you use? What's the error that you get?
BTW, latest version is here
Oh darnit, perhaps because I only have R2010b
Too bad I cannot use MATL then =(
@flawr Hm. Yes, that's probably too old
I have that version too. I'll see if it can be fixed
@LuisMendo regression ?=P "I do not know what you want, but this function maps the given input tot the desired output."
@flawr definitely a one @LuisMendo:D
@flawr It seems to work with the following two changes:
In file matl_run.m, change line run(cOutFile) into run(cOutFile(1:end-2))
In file matl_compile.m, comment out line appendLines('rng(''shuffle'')', 0)
The second is because of the changed syntax for generator numbers is recent versions
The first seems to be because run in old versions doesn't want the file extension
Tell me if it works for you with those changes
If it does, I'll try to incorporate that permanently for next releases of the compiler
Anyway, there will be functions that won't work for you, such as Zc (strjoin), simply because R2010b didn't have those functions
Also, the online help looks ugly (try matl -h strjoin), because R201b didn't recognize <strong> tags
In summary: update Matlab :-P
The online help issue for old Matlab versions is harder to correct, and the missing functions won't work anyway. So I don't think I can maintain compatibility with R2010b, sorry
@LuisMendo LOL... It was a very valiant attempt, nonetheless :)
:-) It gets the code running, as long as you don't use recent Matlab functions and don't care that Matlab doesn't interpret tags @beaker
I am thinking about writing one of my craziest Q&A as of yet... About my exploits trying to read a text field of a control in some other program, from MATLAB, on Windows
@Dev-iL what do you mean by "text field of a control?"
as in uicontrol?
and how would that be accessible from outside matlab?
I mean I'm not sure I understand your premise:)
@AndrasDeak that's the whole point :D
If I end up writing it you will know... Long story short - there's a thing called the Windows API, which is the mechanism by which different processes transmit information back and forth in the Windows OS
Because as you know, each process is generally sandboxed within a certain portion of memory that isn't accessible to other processes.... and the job of the OS is to "coordinate" between them in a sense...
@AndrasDeak btw, shabat shalom :)
Now the use case is that I have software that comes with some measurement equipment, and only a limited functionality of this software is exposed as an API.. I want to be able to display information about the experiment that is about to commence, but for this I need to display certain settings of the data acquisition. One important piece of information I'm missing, is a setting that appears in the window of the said software, and I need to be able to take that text and display it in MATLAB
Anyway, I'll be in touch, gotta go watch Ep. VII now....
@Dev-iL Hmm sounds interesting
From a different standpoint I would almost consider using packet sniffing to get what I needed, but that might end up being quite difficult depending on what you're trying to get
@ray do hats carry over from the previous year? or is it like... no point at all in getting them, other than to have them during december - Jan4th
@Ballbreaker I believe the latter
utterly pointless disruption of SO
@Dev-iL thanks, then I think I understood the first time. I've only recently realized that I can use gdb to tap into a running process in linux, so while the whole idea is new to me, I can understand that it's possible to mess around in this way:)
Please ping me with it if you do do a Q&A about it
and shabbat shalom!
@LuisMendo Thank you, now it seems to work fine. (Does anyone have the money for a new licence?)
(Or for a licence at all???)
@AndrasDeak @dev yes same here, I'm quite interested
Especially from a vulnerability standpoint
I wouldn't mind getting back into packet sniffing, I started back in highschool, but then fell out of it because I got bored and was just using it for cheating in video games lol
@Ballbreaker nah man, they don't carry over from the previous year. Whatever hats you get this year are only for this year.
@AndrasDeak You need a grinch hat
i want a grinch hat... how do i get a grinch hat?
@excaza oooooh I'd love that:D
@excaza OR: "What is thy bidding, my master?"

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