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We have more than one hockey team.
so Im not wachting any
@Adriaan - Which league do you watch?
yeah of course you are lol
good times they were, when I could actually go to the stadium
yeah haha, i lived in vancouver for long enough to be considered a fan of canucks :')
and I do watch CHL as well, but that's just the European cup, which Luleå won last year
I cheered them on that time when they played against the blackhawks for finals and got destroyed
I was so sad :'(
Yeah I would have not wanted to be there after that game.
blackhawks won last year from Tampa didnt they?
@Adriaan - He's talking about the Stanley Cup Final in 2011.
I knew it wasnt last year ;)
The 7th and last game, Vancouver lost and subsequent riots in Vancouver happened after.
@rayryeng wow you're so on top of it haha
I actually stayed up two nights to watch the Rangers play, since Im rather fan of Henrik Lundqvist, he's more or less the reason Sweden got to the finals of the past 10 years worth of world cups and olympics
yes, the riots were scary - I didn't live too close to the riots
@Adriaan - What about Henrik Sedin? I can't remember, but I think he's still part of the Canucks.
I moved to Cupertino quickly afterwards
I haven't paid attention to the NHL in a long time.
@Adriaan - Yes he's a good player.
well, the entire Swedish team (minus one or two players) is from the NHL. But Lundqvist is their MVP imho
Who was that giant russian guy?
actually lots of the Russians are very big :P
RIGHT^, but as you can see the answer was really obvious haha
120kg meat cogs of the Red Machine
Does he still play?
captained Washington Capitols last year
I guess so
I'd imagine people who play hockey for a prolonged period of time likely has their life span shortened haha
120kg LOL
ahhh I see
Yeah I feel like people who watch hockey for a prolonged period of time likely have their IQ decreased haha
not necessarily my IQ, but my grades definitely :P
@Adriaan, I'm just partly here. Still: is your PDE problem over?
my exam is 30 January :P
so I'm set for so much fun this semester
OK. So was the problem about the wave equation, with an isotropic solution?
3D symmetric wave equation, that's 12.3.6 for me
but it's not about assuming an isotropic solution w(rho,t)?
yea, u = (1/rho)*w(rho,t)
I think I found your edition.
so you actually did do my homework? :P
Someone replied to my "Looking for n64 games" Kijiji games with "I have every game on one cartridge" ... that doesn't really seem possible to me
Maybe I shall google this. Unless anyone here knows if it is indeed electronically possible
@Dustiny - Hockey is fine.
Jersey Shore is the killer.
n64 games are rather small, so I guess that if you have a 64GB cartridge you'd get quite far
@rayryeng Hahaha yeah I was just kidding
@Dustiny Just save it as a .mat file
@Dustiny - Yeah if you buy it in Hong Kong.
They have those ridiculous 20000 games in 1 shit.
@Adriaan I was thinking about it.
yeah but it's a scam. Some of them aren't legit.
It's basically 3 - 4 games as a base
and the other 19996 are the same games but different permutations of starting conditions
@Adriaan So what exactly is the difficulty?:)
one "game" is the same game but you start off with like 20 lives instead of 1.
I just wasn't sure about the programming of an n64 game and what it requires from the connectors.. I guess what I am saying is that I don't know from an electronics standpoint how the games are coded
@AndrasDeak today is hockey day, this weekend I'll have to do SO MUCH homework... I missed the first two weeks because my books didnt arrive till yesterday
Yeah what it is is that when you first boot up the game, you're provided with a front-end menu
you choose the game you want, then the game starts.
So if it's possible to just emulate off a usb stick to the electronics of the connectors
actually, you may be interested in this crafty system
@rayryeng Yeah I remember a few playstation games like that.. but for me a disc is easier to understand
I'm unsure of from the hardware perspective how the games are read
hello has anyone used NFTOOL??
10 systems in 1 - HDMI output.
neural net fitting app in matlb?
@rayryeng That's pretty cool
@Adriaan I can get you a link for this book if you send me an email to deak dot andris not-at-but-some-other-character-against-bots-which-is-supposed-to-be-here before gmail
@Dustiny - Ahh on a cartridge, they just max out the amount of space possible.
it's possible to fit more than one game on a single cartridge. Most games don't use up the entire space.
That's how you get those 20000 in 1 games when you buy them from the Chinese Malls.
the extract out the raw software and put it all into the cartridge... then they write a front-end menu to allow you to select the game you want.
it chooses the right game, and it launches.
but yeah, that still sounds sketchy. Worst case is to actually try it and see if it's legit.
Ahh I see
Yah if the guys in Toronto I'd try it out
However they're a rip off lol.
It's max 30 games or so
the other 19970 games are simply permutations of the same game with different environmental conditions / states of the game.
I think it would be cool to mod the N64 for a SD card or sometihng
starting with 20 lives instead of 3 lives.
wonder if that exists
or starting at the third level instead of the first.
Hmm the only way this guy would be legit
is if he had the everdrive
which apparently does what I jsut mentioned lol
I've been out of touch with the legacy systems.
Crap is expensive
Basically a cartridge that runs off an SD chip
so you can load up as many N64 ROMs on this SD card and play all of your games to your heart's content.
Which is kind of lame.. because then you might as well just get a usb adapter and play straight off an emulator on your laptop...
yup LOL
but then again...
you get that "feeling" of playing N64
yeah... lol
I'll probably just continue to buy real cartridges lol
lmao yup
@rayryeng the feeling of being old?;)
dude if you get a hold of Goldeneye and/or Mario Kart 64, I'm coming over man
Then get a usb adapter for the controller if I really get desperate
Yeah I'll let you know! I definitely will at some point :D
I lent my N64 to a very old friend of mine who f*cking lost it.
"lost" it I think you mean ;)
Lol someone did that to me with the game "Spore" but thankfully the game was shit
hahahahah right :)
And of course the f*cker doesn't live in Toronto anymore.
last I heard, he moved down South. Somewhere in the states.
so I have no idea where he is if I wanted to contact him
Oh god lol
Easier just to buy the console again
More expensive, but easier
Who is selling N64? lol
and Goldeneye/Mario Kart duo?
and even so I don't even think I have a TV compatible for composite input lol. I have to buy an adapter.
stupid HDMI.
Kijiji my friend!
Everything for sale up there
or ebay!
alright, I'll have a look.
Whole console / game combos
You've been there more often.
what's the going rate for a N64 console these days?
Looks like between 30-90 bucks according to pricecharting.com
That's not bad.
considering how much they were 20 years ago
Yeah exactly lol and how they stopped making them
I'd seriously like to get a N64 with Mario Kart / Goldeneye... 4 controllers.
There was this stupid expansion graphics pack you had to put in for some games to be supported.
I know Perfect Dark needed it if you wanted to play Multiplayer.
and the Rumble Pack? lol... it made the controller more heavy
Yeah the expansion pack...
I think it was more ram
was that it? wow lol
Hahaha yah
I remember donkey kong 64 you needed it as well
IT was the first game that needed it, so it came with the game originally
Then the rumble pack came with starfox 64
I hated the rumble pack
Perfect Dark was an OK game, but it just reminded me of Goldeneye.
Of course... made by the same people lol
The rumble pack made the controller heavier.
Yeah both were good, goldeneye was better
and it didn't even rumble lol
it was more like a calming vibration
the PS2 controller... when that rumbles... THAT IS RUMBLING.
Hahaha yah
vibrates your bones
Oh yeah, I also hated the Klobb in Goldeneye... inaccurate and does little damage.
however... it's an awesome weapon when it's in License to Kill mode....
like the best weapon ever lol. It's one shot kills, and you WANT an inaccurate gun :D
let it spray everywhere and hope it hits something
hahaha yeah
My favourite weapon was odd jobs hat ;)
omg yeah!
I also loved playing Odd Job too.
when you're shooting someone, you usually shoot in the centre middle... someone's chest.
It was funny that his perspective was actually way lower than the other characters
with odd job, people forget that and they shoot over your head.
hahahah yeah
actually when I played with my buddies, using odd job wasn't allowed.
whoever had him just skooled everyone lol
I'd either go Jaws or OddJob, two very different characters height wise
ah wicked.
Jaws can take a beating.
I remember even without armor it took almost an entire clip to take him out lol
Haha yah I suppose I just liked the cheap characters
me too :D lol
Have you ever watched someone duck and walk?
they're not even walking... their legs slide across the floor lol
Actually they're bended on one knee and they're sliding.
anyone ever teach you the remote mine detonate trick?
You throw a remote mine, and instead of waiting to take your watch out to detonate it, there's a shortcut button stroke you can use to detonate it in midair.
I was banned from using it. My buddies got pissed off lol
very useful when you're above ground and everyone else is fighting on the floor
just toss a few of those and blow them up midair.
Hahahaha yeah I remember that
No I don't think I ever knew that trick!
My priority as of now is to get Ocarina of Time, then start getting other games !
Unless I can manage to get a cheap multiplayer game
Like mario kart or smash bros
@rayryeng I think you should remove the formatting from the room's flavour text, since * and ` do not work
Wow there are a lot of room owners here haha
How about this edit: stackoverflow.com/questions/32637615/… someone accepted my edit, since it was good, but then proceeded to create a single highlight out of the complete bottom half of the question
@Adriaan Well, it is a quote... and I think it might be marginally better than the boldface that it replaces ;)
hey guys? Do you know what a zero-classification error is in terms of machine learning?
pff, imho highlights are to stress certain parts. If you stress the whole question it's completely superfluous and feels like you're shouting or trying to represent a disco in full swing
but it's not a highlight, it's a blockquote
I think it's about classification - "if there's a feature x that perfectly predicts y, whenever x < c for some constant c, then linear regression will obtain zero classification error"
It's on a quiz for machine learning but this is only 3 weeks in and I've never heard that term in my life
"zero error" sounds like it's very good
error sounds like it's very bad though LOL
zero error = no error. That's good right? You try to classify and apparently that went without an error. That's how I read it
but there's a "classification" between it - so I'm not sure if it means...
1) It classified properly a total of zero times
2) zero classification-errors, which means it's totally fine
or 3) zero-classification is a term and there's an error that's generated from that
I'd still say point 2. Then again, Americans rarely think up terms which mean exactly what they linguistically do
"zero classification-errors" would mean an error in "zero classification", or an error in classifying 0
"zero-classification error" means that the value of the classification error is 0
Zero classification error means that given whatever dataset you're using to train your model, it can perfectly predict each output correctly.
Zero classification error however is usually frowned upon because it doesn't generalize to data points that weren't part of the original training set.
yup, usually over-fitting
This is known as overfitting.
Ahh I see - gotcha :) I totally thought the opposite actually
yeah I can see the source of confusion.
Machine Learning is one of those times where some classification error is OK.
not TOO much... but just enough.
@Dustiny - Once you throw the remote mine, push the back button Z + B at the same time.
it detonates without having to pull out the watch.
hmmm.. how to prevent overfitting?
That's covered later in the course.
It's a technique called regularization.
Basically you append something to the cost function for each parameter you want to train
ah okay :)
You add a term to each parameter so that a small increase to each parameter costs a lot.
this allows the parameters to be relatively small and doing this prevents overfitting.
Gotcha - so basically you penalize functions that diverge faster
So minimizing this cost function with regularization in ensures that not only is the cost minimized, but the parameters you used to minimize this cost function are in such a way that prevent the model from being overfit.
@OneRaynyDay - Correct.
Overfitting is usually caused by highly varying features.
ahh interesting! now i'm super curious
If you take these features and penalize them where a small increase in these parameters makes the cost function skyrocket, it minimizes their contribution to the final parameter output.
ahh okay :D
so removing outliers
Ahhh yeah it does in a sense.
it all depends on what parameters you choose.
i.e. the learning rate, etc.
But the point of regularization is that you can throw in as many features as you want.
regularization should allow to prevent overfitting even when you have so many features.
hmm interesting
sounds a bit difficult to do without a smart trick
it's actually very easy
except for the bias term theta0, you simply add a thetai^2 to each parameter you want to minimize.
ahh okay
so the cost function is sum from i=0 up to i=N of (h(x_i) - y)^2 + sum from i=1 up to i=N of theta_i^2.
Ahh, so it's a square error for both the error function, and for the theta value
it's square because you don't want any negative values
because your parameters have the possibility of being negative, and so not removing the negative gives you false indication that the error is going down
You want the parameters to be small, and so squaring is one approach.
the absolute value is another approach, but computing the gradient of an absolute value is a pretty shitty thing to do lol
Squaring is much better as you'll remember from Calculus.
In fact, the absolute value is not a convex function, so gradient descent is probably not well suited for it
The second-order (parabola) is definitely convex because there's one unique minimum.
It isn't convex because there is a first-order discontinuity right at x=0, because the slope changes instantaneously... but I'm digressing :)
I'm surprised you weren't taught this stuff in kindergarten
My first year calculus prof (She is a leader in string theory)
Why don't you faceeeebook and study
Hahahah she was a little troll
then again, string theory is all nice and well on paper, but utterly unprovable in practise
@Adriaan - I'll remove the formatting. Good suggestion.
Dude she looks like Yoko Ono after taking a swing at some crack.
@rayryeng do I get 2 rep for that? :P
* suggested edit approved*
@Adriaan haha funny.
@Adriaan There are just some loose ends to tie up
@rayryeng rofl
room topic changed to MATLAB and Octave: Room to discuss MATLAB and Octave related topics - Divakar: Putting the "fun" back in bsxfun... one SO question at a time [matlab] [octave]
Read her Bio on this page
Sounds like a nightmare to me
Man I could write a better bio than that.
@beaker U so funny!
first rule is to not make it intimidating.
This womans first rule of life is make it intimidating
@Dustiny hahahaha
For a tiny little thing she freaked everyone out
Academically at least
I coulda drop kicked her across the multiverse
@rayryeng ohh that's why you don't use absolute value
@Dustiny - HAHAHAHAH
actually that cleared up a question I didn't even ask yet LOL
@OneRaynyDay - Yeah. The gradient of the absolute value is not defined at x=0 so it will cause problems when using gradient descent or other cost minimization techniques.
riight, I gotcha :)
@Dustiny - Dude that's just epic. The guy on the right looks like Bruce Lee
That's how wrestling is SUPPOSED to be
not this drama bullsh*t.
@Dustiny I can't even understand the first sentence
I've never understood Math biographies either lol
"I started my Math career by inventing Zero at age 3..."
Earth Sciences : I look at rocks. Applied Earth Sciences: I hammer at rocks.
Speaking of that...
@beaker - Have you ever read the Jon Skeet facts on Meta?
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

@rayryeng Yes!
Jon Skeet is the current user on SO with the highest rep score.
~800K and rising.
there's two dudes going faster the past months though they will probably not catch him
When I started answering questions, he was at ~450K lol
@Dustiny @OneRaynyDay - Jon Skeet is basically the Chuck Norris of coding.
The highest voted answer was Jon Skeet's answer, but when it became Community Wiki, the original author became obscured.
which is pretty funny lol
LOL this is hillarious
"Users don't mark Jon Skeet's answers as accepted. The universe accepts them out of a sense of truth and justice."
800k rep - is he the highest?
When Jon Skeet searches for something on Bing, the only result is "Uh... I dunno, what do you think?"
what a glorious beautiful man
"Jon Skeet coded his last project entirely in Microsoft Paint, just for the challenge."
wait, I think I've got another one...
nah, can't make it work
Jon Skeet can recite pi....... backwards.
that last one got me
Jon Skeet skeet mothaf*ckaaaaaa!! to the windowwww to the wall!
This one made me laugh my ass off at work
When Jon Skeet points to null, null quakes in fear.
my god these are gold
When Jon Skeet comments his code, the compiler says "If you make this an answer I'll accept it"
now that's a good one
I made it up :D
I stand corrected ;)
There is no CTRL button on Jon Skeet's computer... Jon Skeet is ALWAYS in control.
he's cited a few times on Wikipedia, but there's no actual article about him
yeah lol.
my god hahaha
A: Matlab Fitgmdist: Verbose Mode?

AdriaanSimply put: no and no. You can try to access the actual .m-file (e.g. open(fitgmdist)) and try to copy it and then edit it to your purposes, but there is no straight-forward implemented way to obtain the two things you want.

I like these kind of answers :P
hahaha yup.
short and sweet
Hey, have you guys used BFGS, L-BFGS, or Conjugate gradient descent?
citing the docs are always the easiest answers.
A few of my OpenCV answers are like that
I wonder why people even ask those things
can't they read themselves?
A: How to get accurate idft result from opencv?

rayryengI would like to point you to the OpenCV documentation on the cv2.idft function: http://docs.opencv.org/modules/core/doc/operations_on_arrays.html#idft . There is a note at the end of it, which says: Note: None of dft and idft scales the result by default. So, you should pass DFT_SCALE to on...

Yup lol.
I mean, that thing I answered yesterday had the reference pages supplied in the question...
In OpenCV, when computing the DFT, the result is not normalized.
The user was wondering why their output wasn't the same.
so the answer is to specify the normalize flag.
I had an equally embarrassing question from my boss today. He thought my program had a bug because the class "vegetation" was completely set tot NaN. So I checked, and checked, and checked, and eventually found out that in the classification he wrote "vegitation" and in the plot he wrote "vegetation", so the strcmp threw a false and deleted the whole lot.
Useful afternoon that was :P
face palm lol
don't you love those errors?
as Bill Gates put it:
You can debug and debug, and make it almost perfect, but an idiot will always find a way to break it.
how true.
with that I like to sign off for today. Tomorrow another fun day of complex analysis, whoopie!
ahah cool.
I'm just taking a break. I'm taking a course on massive dataset mining
first topic is on how Google Pagerank works. Very interesting... and very simple.

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