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@AnderBiguri - I've been tasked to write some C++/CUDA code now... wee.
Seems like everybody's doing it nowadays :)
hahaa yup.
The Image processing code I wrote in Python is more or less stable.
I need to port it over to C++ / CUDA / ImageMagick so it can run on the cloud.
@rayryeng yay!
ImageMagick is for those who don't have CUDA... and CUDA will obviously for those that do.
Imagemagic does have gpu acceleration?
yes, if your video card is supported :)
what about openCL
helll no.
that shit is confusing.
Maybe at a later time lol
posted on September 17, 2015 by mgarrity

Last year we explored how surfaces perform interpolation. Today we're going to take a look at some closely related functions; the contour family. The family of contour functions consists contour, contour3, and contourf and a couple of other minor ones.... read more >>

@rayryeng - what about TAPI?
or is this irrelevant since we're not talking about opencv...
no no OpenCV :)
In fact I'm avoiding using it in this case... compiling it on the cloud is a pain in the ass.
Oh, this post of the RSS is very nice
yeah explaining the contour stuff is very nice
@OneRaynyDay - The latest CSS post from Mike on MATLAB Graphics may be of interest to you regarding contours.
@rayryeng octave uses some .dat file?
I don't understand your question.
.dat files have nothing to do with Matlab/Octave, afaik
.dat files are ambiguous. They just have data of whatever you choose inside them.
As long as you structure the data in a way that Octave/MATLAB can read them, then it's fine.
@AnderBiguri you can read them in MATLAB
so can .dat file be read on matlab?
@Adriaan as .txt files. That doesnt mean Matlab and .txt extension are linked in any way
43 secs ago, by rayryeng
As long as you structure the data in a way that Octave/MATLAB can read them, then it's fine.
MATLAB can read in any file as long as it's structured properly.
You could call a file: "iamanidiot.yesyesyes"
and if there is text data or some format of data that MATLAB can read, then you can read it in.
@rayryeng in Linux that'd be a proper file :P
and even if not, you can write a binary parser to get data out for you...
@Dev-iL - yes!
@Adriaan - :D lol
@ninja you can create your own extension and define a format for that extension. imagine you want to write your data and end all files with "Im a ninja!". you could create your own ".ninja" files and do a ninjaread() ninjawrite() function sin matlab
^^^^ Yes.
However I dont encourage this, there are too many data saving formats that you dont need to do it. But an extension of a file is just a "this has whatever format"
A ".m" file, is just text
you are just telling Matlab: if you try to execute this text, you wont have problems because I wrote it in a way that you can understand
but the data on it is the same as if you would write it in plain text. Thats why you can open Notepad++, write a matlab program in a .txt, in the end change the extension and Matlab will run it
Lol I was just mex-debugging, so VS decided to crash and took matlab with it
@Dev-iL In mex code, if you do something "illegal" (e.g. freeing bad memory) it will chrash, and charsh Mtlab with it
Its a pain.
Yup... debugging MEX code SUCKS
waiting for 10 minutes whilst frying your 8-core work station sucks :(
though this does mean I can chat on the boss's time
@Adriaan Im writing cuda code so I dont wait 48 hours friyin my 8 cores XD
@AnderBiguri exactly! And the boss is happy too
though I did have to work an additional 2 hours to remove a bloody bird from my data... that created a random patch 25m above the ground, which polluted all my scales
oops lol
@Adriaan LOL I love that that happened
birds and drones do not match: they pollute the data in the best case and attack the drone, making it crash in the worst
we lost a $25.000 drone because some seagulls did not like that stranger in their territory, so they flew over it and shitted it's engines full >.<
@Adriaan yeah Ive seen some video of an eagle attacking drones XD
How can I tell from this code (which is taken directly from opencv3) that if something "goes wrong" the output (dst) will be the same as the input (src) ?!
You don't know.
The beginning of the code just checks for consistency...
ensuring that the images are of the supported type...
ensuring that the flag you specify is also supported...
Most of the inputs have some default values which I don't even bother passing in...
Once it passes those checks, then the function is applied... but I can't say for sure what will happen if something goes run when the function applied.
@Adriaan - That seagull story is sad.... but very funny.
25$ is not that much
oh I saw $25,000
as in $25 x 10^3
It was a really precise 25
@rayryeng So what is wrong with that? results in empty?
Nothing's wrong with that at all.
In fact if the function fails, I'd expect that dst is unreliable.
I wouldn't want to use it.
ops, whated to point at @Dev-iL
he is having trouble with taht code I believe
I get isequal(out,in) == true
I am guessing that in is something else than just zeros
I'm not having problems with that code per se, I just say what I see... this is just the opencv function that my mexopencv wrapper calls
I guess it has to do with the algorithm
maybe the search window/block widow are too small
What is the input?
If you run a denoising kernel with average denoising and the kernel size is 1, then there is no change in the output
of course I guess this is not the case, but just to ilustrate an example
the example from the cuda library, it's a CV_8UC3 type bitmap
\CUDA Samples\v7.5\3_Imaging\imageDenoising\data\portrait_noise.bmp
hum, I havent checked the code per se, but I can see a different image when running that
@AnderBiguri - do you have any idea if using some mix of the input parameters can my a fastNLM filter degenerate into the "not-fast" version?
How do you run it?
I just execute it, adn then press "2"
or whatever key it was
compile it with VS2013
oh, sure... the example makes a difference, but I'm talking about the opencv implementation, not the one that comes with CUDA
because the opencv implementation can take uint16 and not just uint8
@Dev-iL But the CUDA sample has the openCV implementation?
I'm just using the same image
ah ok ok. So are you using the same input values as the CUDA version?
to compare with the resulting image from the CUDA library sample
and wich are the values? Maybe they are not "the same thing"
float h = 3;
int searchWindowSize = 21;
int blockSize = 7;
cv::BorderTypes borderMode = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT;
these are the defaults
oops caps, sorry
like, block size=101
or something like that
The thing is, afaik, If the CUDA function was not working, then isequal(in,out) should not be true
lol 101 almost killed the OS
haha sorry :S maybe 21 or something
It takes longer to compute, but the result is exactly the input.. as if some pointer issue is taking place
I guess maybe the place where you define them outside the pastebin you showed? no idea
` GpuMat src(rhs[0].toMat()), dst;`
when debugging I see that dst is empty after this stage
Ugh CUDA lol
Reminds me of the best summer I've ever experienced, and the worst job I've ever had lol
Such bittersweet memories
Me to prof: "I need you to log onto the 'xx' supercomputer to allow me to download the debugger"
Prof: "Whats a debugger?"
Now that I've changed h from 3 to 22 there started to be an effect
I have a love hate relationship with CUDA.
oh yeah, the CUDA debugger is broken on Mac OS.
so that's even more fun for me when I'm trying to debug.
Me: "It's a tool to simplify the debugging process"
Her: "Just use printf statements"
Me: "But there are tens of thousands of lines of code.."
Her: "It's the way I was taught, so it's the way you will do it"
That's what's wrong with universities today.
They're still teaching ancient coding standards because that's how they were taught back in the 70s or whenever they popped out of the womb.
Lmao yeah exactly, it didn't help she was a chemistry prof
Courses and curricula need to EVOLVE WITH THE TIMES
With a basic understanding of Fortran77 and that's about it
This story makes me want to cry
...havoc and let slip the dogs of war
Hahahaha, after that point I would run my code, wait an hour for it to complete.. check through the millions of printf statements
and in the meantime just browse the internet
Or leave
yeah that's fucked.
She wanted me to get a 70% increase in the performance.. She gave me code that didn't even work..
yeah lol
There are still Computer Science profs at Ryerson who still teach the C89 standard.
It was a tree of bugs to fix too.. I found one which led to 10 which led to 100 which led to 1000 ...
This is for a first year C course to engineers.
and this is why they hate coding. You're teaching them a standard that is as old as f****.
The person wrote their thesis on this code.. and used fantastic variable names such as:
It's difficult to choose what to teach to engineers with the ever-evolving programming languages etc
The problem was a 16 order differential equation where they misplaced a xxyz for a xyzx
You can at least teach them the most recent version of the language.
I'd probably go with python, but that might make people handicapped since they're used to convenient tools
In the middle of ten differential equations.. lets just say me and my coworker flipped out when we found it.. we weren't even happy lol
@Dev-iL I enjoyed the learning of languages at my school
@Dustiny - reminds me of the WTF/min heuristic
RobotC -> C -> advanced C -> Java -> C++
then matlab along the way
The increase in complexity at each level was pretty decent
In my case it was C => MATLAB => Java => Python => ObjC, JS, ...
That's not too bad either
Ours might have actually been MATLAB first
I was actually all over the place.
Most of my learning was on my own.
but my journey was....
@rayryeng The beauty of a general engineering first year structure is having everyone with the same base level ;D
Matlab I know best, Java is also reasonable... the rest are.... shall we say "wanting"
By knowing Java you could most likely easily code C# as well
Turing -> FORTRAN -> C -> C++ -> Java -> MATLAB -> Python -> R,Julia -> Android
@Dustiny - Some faculties will not stand their student sitting in the same class as students from "inferior" faculties
@Dev-iL What do you mean?
You count android separately? :)
Engineering is a faculty, unless you mean disciplines within engineering
@Dev-iL - Hell yes. It took me 2 months to even understand the basics lol
Even though I knew Java.... the internals messed me up
In first year every engineer learns the same classes, then specialized into their disciplines in second year
In my uni, we have a faculty of EE, a faculty of ME etc.
Context & Intent? :D
@rayryeng It's easier to go Java -> C++ then C++ -> Java I think
Yes definitely.
If I had to do it all over again, I would have done it Python -> Java -> C -> C++
We used to have 3 levels of calculus, for biology/chem/med, for civil eng. & mechanical, for CS & EE
one day the professors in ME decided that their students need to study a higher level of calculus, and made them take EE's level course
@Dev-iL Ahh yeah there were 2 levels in first year, then 4 in second
of course the EE faculty could not stand the idea of learning the same level of calculus as ME, so they invented a whole new level
I'm guessing you didn't go to a school with Applied physics/applied math?
I did
they have their own courses
Ahh yeah, I suppose you could say that
we don't have things like psychology etc
It was still the same concepts but just way more indepth, and complicated
<-- took applied physics
Oh what? Is it just a technical school then?
+med school
I would miss all the beautiful girls :D
Although to be fair, there's enough of them in med school
we have Industrial eng., architecture, bio-something
Which school is this, if you don't mind me asking
@rayryeng Interesting you start with Python. I haven't used it before. I'm actually surprised you would start with oop instead of procedural..
Seems kind of counter-intuitive to me. Procedural is much better at teaching basic concepts, then using that to build into object oriented
But I suppose the idea of object oriented is easier to apprehend without the procedural knowledge clunking around..
Israel Institute of Technology :)
AKA Technion
Right on!
Know it?
Technion is a wicked school. I know a few people.
@Dustiny - I started with procedural first.
After everything I've been through, I would start with Python/Java first because it's easier to learn.
and it's easier to get code quickly off the ground.
Once you're confident with the concepts, you have the right fundamentals to go lower level.
I think starting people at a very lower level... though it's the proper way... is very discouraging.
Of course there should still be some lower level concepts in an introduction course... that needs to be taught.
But there are certain constructs in Python that are just more elegant than in C / C++.
For example, if you had a list and you wanted to filter out any values that are non negative, something like out = filter(in, lambda x : x > 0) speaks to me more.... rather than
@rayryeng It's our pride and joy, the jewel of the middle east, the cradle of startups, and the beacon of hope ;) Home to some of the most elitist engineers that my country has to offer :P
float *in = {.....};
int num_elements = 10;
float *out = malloc(sizeof(float)*num_elements);
int i;
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
    if(in[i] > 0)
        out[j++] = in[i];
Looking at that... then looking at filter(in, lambda x : x > 0).... it kinda gives you perspective lol
@Dev-iL hahaha
@Dev-iL - I also think HUJI is a close second. I've met some decent people there too.
And we didn't rank very badly in this Shanghai ranking
Well, HUJI have an inferiority complex when it comes to us, since they feel the urge to always mention how their level is "not lower" than ours
that sucks.
Don't forget that they don't have engineering there, only CS
so the comparison is kinda irrelevant
ah I see.
What about Weizmann?
I don't know very much about the institutions... that's why I'm asking.
It has a good reputation, but I don't know anything about it in person
A lot of the research publications I read, the authors are from there.
what's special about it, is that it doesn't have undergrad programs
ahh, so it's more for post-grad.
and I also don't think they have engineering at all
Yeah I'm looking at their page now. No engineering
Q: How to map any .wav file to any integer value in Matlab?

MerakiI have been trying to find a way to map the signal vector in the code (y1,y2,..) with integers 1, 2,.. Instead of if else the sound of every input value should be heard. However I am not able to understand if this is at all possible for matrices of unstable data such as this. PLease advice. The c...

Did I interpret this user's question properly?
I've read it at least 10 times.
I think she wants to take an input from the user, which is a number from 1-4, and play the appropriate sound file
I'm thinking they might want to accept multiple inputs
or maybe not
I have no idea honestly
Yeah I have no idea... that's why I asked here.
they either want to have multiple inputs to the prompt or be able to do what you already answered
I changed my answer so that it's a single if/else statement rather than having multiple ones.
I just put all of the sounds in a cell array and allow the user to pluck out the right element given the input index.
Morning guys!
morning will be in 11 hours :P
(Morning in 11 hours) guys!
(Morning will be in 19 hours) guys!
(Morning will be in 24 hours) guys!
it's always morning somewhere!
(Morning will be in <current time in California mod 24>) guys!
ahaha yeah true
have you guys seen this? youtube.com/watch?v=fCn8zs912OE
It's blowing my mind right now
(watching hockey)
idc really about NHL, time difference makes all matches being around 01:00 to 04:00

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