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@rayryeng ERMAGERD
Hey Ray
don't ask me where I got it, but you want the "machine learning- a probabilistic perspective" book for free?
I have acquired it on google docs and it seems pretty nice :^)
who's the author? Sure I don't mind. :)
@rayryeng Kevin P. Murphy?
I'll email you the link!
This book is way out of my scope
Yeah I've heard of that guy. I'll have a look.
@rayryeng Awesome, glad I was of help man :)
Enjoy! It's a bit out of scope for me though
Yes, very probabilistic centered. I wouldn't recommend this to someone starting out.
yeah haha
had to restart.
why? :o
needed to update :)
oh yeah, did I show you my shortest answer?
I showed Dustiny.
haha oops i never update woops
no worries.
I was delaying it for a while. needed to do it
3 hours later…
Hi all!
@OneRaynyDay - So...... what's your field of expertise?
@Dev-iL well.. I can eat noodles really quickly
does that count?
haha jk I mainly write in java, but it's nothing compared to my noodle eating skills
do you have a robot programmed in MATLAB that is feeding them to you?
unfortunately nope, but I am a pro at typing why into the matlab terminal
@Dustiny oh wait I just saw the chat just now LOL, but a "fiend" huh? ;)
@Dev-iL but hey, how about you?
Well, I like exploring undocumented features of matlab and playing around with the interface... Even made my matlab look like android studion/intellij :)
whaaat really? I'd love to see that
me too
can you post a screenshot?
I did
look for "darcula" in this chat
Jul 30 at 10:16, by Dev-iL
user image
ah, nice
but i like light themes better
Wow that looks really neat
I love darcula, its contrast keeps me awake easily :D
the original eclipse font style makes me fall asleep sometimes
oh that's nice actually
then drink more coffe/mate/etc.?
my eyes hurt when viewing dark monitors for prolonged periods of time
Haha yeah, I don't have coffee in my house
thank you
classic asian family - "you must drink tea instead of coffee"
I get used to dark monitors after a prolonged period of time :oo
Im clutching the last two mug of coffee I had in my house now, got to get more beans today
try mate ice tea. its the new coffee
Wait, your name is also Ray and you're also asian?
Yes, you found out
you're both asian?
I am ray
we already have one of those here :D
how on earth did you find out!?
hi, I'm Ray
if it counts we have different last names
omg this channel is overrun with Rays
nah, actually I'm not ray
more Rays!
he is Ray Phan, I am Ray Zhang.
Ray Phan sounds live Raven
We could've renamed this chat to Rays :'( how could you lie to me like this Wauzl
but nice music though
Well anyway guys, I'll catch you later, gotta figure out some c++ code w/o knowing anything about c++...
so, whats the weirdest thing you did in matlab?
Collapse all folds - programmatically!
experimentation with the Java api of the MATLAB interface
collapse folds?
Well probably because "The bald and not excessively bald and not excessively smart hamster obeyed a terrified and not excessively terrified hamster."
Haha^ you got it
I guess he means code folding
oh whaat? you wrote it to be included inside of matlab?
that's actually really convenient sounding
and this Gamma Ray band sounds a LOT like dragonforce
you are insulting Gamma Ray :(
The weirdest thing I did was loading dynamic link libraries programmed in C that wrapped code in FORTRAN which called C code.
Wait I don't think dragonforce is bad though LOL
slowly backs away
One more weird thing is i used an openMP script in order to run meaningless code on all our three servers IN PARELLEL!
LOOL one word: "why"
Probably because
a friend of mine devised the best test for our HCP on the faculty; when we moved to our new building he ran a program for four days, calculating the optimum location of his office with respect to the coffee machine locations and toilet locations. He basically solved a journeyman problem
welll. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
"To fool the tall good and smart system manager."
@Adriaan that took four days!?
he had a shitload of other paramteres as well
Is it really that hard? Sounds like you're just trying to take the shortest possible distance between all of them?
We need a bot here that calls matlabs why everytime we type why
Ahh, I see gotcha
@Wauzl starred, we totally need this
is there a API for this chat?
Q: How is it possible that the energy needed to stop a train is the same as the (chemical) energy in a pack of chocolate cookies?

bodacydoToday my friend told me something that blew my mind completely. He said: The energy necessary to stop a train is equal to the energy in a pack of cookies. How is that possible? Is he right? I'm done understanding energy if he's right...

this is just wow
Very interesting
Did any of you guys work with c++ code, or specifically OpenCV?
what the hell is that real
I did some C++, but honestly I only cared for the C part.
I'm trying to figure out where default values are stored for some function inputs.. It's supposed to be in some header file, no?
e.g. the documentation says that: `void func(in1,in2,in3=3,in4=4)`
From this I understand that the 3rd and 4th inputs are optional, but I can't seem to find where "in3=3" and "in4=4" are defined in the code...
can you post a link to the source?
because c++ doesnt really support optional parameters
excuse, C does not, but C++ does
may be there is
`void func(in1, in2, in3=3, in4=4)`
in the source? This would be find, look here:
oh hmm... correct me if im wrong
i have 0 linear algebra experience, but
is the reason a singular matrix is non-invertible
thats the exact definition of singular for a matrix: is cannot be inverted
that because its determinant is 0 it means that when you set the matrix up to divide by 1/determinant it's undefined
yeah, just not sure the mechanics behind it
Also I set a system of equations to solve and it looks like the system of equations is not solvable or has infinite solutions
a singular matrix has determinant 0 but this is not the reason its not invertible
since it's equal scaling so the 2 linear equations have the same slope
oh then what is?
Docs: http://docs.opencv.org/master/d1/d79/group__photo__denoise.html#gafa990f16548581987e7e509b435c3648
Code: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/b46719b0931b256ab68d5f833b8fadd83737ddd1/modules/photo/src/denoising.cuda.cpp
A matrix that is called singular has no inverse. Its determinant is zero.
There's the pseudo-inverse
Wait but isnt that what I'm saying
yes, but its not an inverse
@OneRaynyDay: Well, yes. But you cannot argue that a singular matrix cannot be inverted, because the inverses determinant would be 1/0
@Wauzl In the real word, the inverse is practically never computed
It leads to too many numerical errors
In know that Ander. I'm a numerical analyst ^^
Oh no, I mean that the determinant is 0
and when you calculate a 2x2 it's 1/0 for the inverse?
you cannot caluclate the inverse of a singular matrix ^^
I don't know the methods for a bigger matrix, but I'm guessing it's something similar :D
Wait what - why?
oh yeah I think we're talking about the same thing :)
@AnderBiguri - quick question - I have some CUDA/mex code that compiles and runs properly, but returns an output that is the same as the input without any errors or warnings... What could be the cause of that? ...Aside from a combination of input parameters that happens to result in no processing of the input...
Or maybe my wording is really bad
probably the latter!
@OneRaynyDay Maybe mine, too ;p
@Dev-iL The problem of cuda is
@Dev-iL: Maybe thats the correct answer?
that if it doesn't run, there will not be any errors
it just doesnt
haha nah, I'm sure your wording was right. I haven't yet taken linear algebra so I'm probably talking gibberish
Q: What is the canonical way to check for errors using the CUDA runtime API?

talonmiesLooking through the answers and comments on CUDA questions, and in the CUDA tag wiki, I see it is often suggested that the return status of every API call should checked for errors. The API documentation contains functions like cudaGetLastError, cudaPeekAtLastError, and cudaGetErrorString, but wh...

thanks though! :)
I'm gonna sleep soon it's 2 AM
see you
good night
hope you solve your problem Dev-iL! I'm no pro in C++ so sorry I couldn't help
#define cudaCheckErrors(msg) \
    do { \
        cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError(); \
        if (__err != cudaSuccess) { \
            mexPrintf("%s \n",msg);\
		        } \
	    } while (0)
I like this code for error checking
basically, everytime yo do cudaWATEVER()
call cudaCheckErrors("This stuff didnt work");
What is the best place for this define?
I have it in the top of my .cu file
but I suck at proper CS "style"
maybe in the .hpp better
no idea
by the way, for those who follow vsauce - new video wootwoot! youtube.com/watch?v=fCn8zs912OE
I might actually watch this before I sleep
(CS: computer science in this case)
oh... I'm using the the cv:cuda::<whatever> calls, not writing .cu myself (..OpenCV)
oh. So using openCV? mmm still
unless the cv::cuda calls do reset the device
cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError(); this will get the last error
and cudaGetErrorString(__err) will print the CUDA error
\ is like ...` in MATLAB?
mmm not sure
in the define you have a bunch of "\"
what is their purpose?
I think is because the function is defined in a #define
yeah so it's probably like ...
in C you dont need to tell that the line continues later
its the opossite, you need to tell that the line ended with ;
but if you dont put anything it assumes the line continues
So I guess is because of the define.
As I learned not long ago that SO code should have attribution
Q: Is there a CUDA equivalent of perror()?

einpoklumIs there a CUDA function for printing both a caller-supplied error message, and an error message describing the current cudaStatus (or a caller-supplied cudaStatus), a-la-perror()?

Is there a way to know what specifically went wrong with the cuda code? Or is it always just a binary "ok / not ok" situation?
I got it from there
That thing will print what CUDA says
oh ok
whatever it is. Sometimes its very useful, sometimes is not that much
as compiler errors in C I guess...
Alright, thanks!
I think the \ is for the precomiler. I'm not sure but I think the precomiler assumes that all its definitions are on one line, so you have to end your line with \ if you want to do a multiple-line precompiler definition
Btw: The precomiler handles the Comments. This means you can have comments like

This is still a comment
you could probably even do

I want to do it... Looks so beautiful
maybe you can even write a whole program in one-column format
Code obfuscation
@Dev-iL Its working with the cv::cuda sutff?
right now I'm struggling to get the mex compiler to recognize cv::cuda stuff for opencv3
can't seem to find the right library to link
hum... I remember figthing with it quite a lot
with the XML file and the enviroment variables of my PC
not for openCV, just for making the mex work
Since opencv3 doesn't have opencv_gpu2410.lib
What does it have? They didn't keep up with the library naming?
@Wauzl So what do you do with numbers? Science?
I think I'll just tell my adviser we need to hire somebody to do this... I don't think I'm able to get it working in reasonable time :(
are you upgrading code or writting new one?
I have no idea
there is opencv code that I'm trying to get to work with matlab
there are several stages here... 1) get the cpu version working, 2)get the gpu version working, 3) get the 16bit gpu version working
1) was working using opencv2
16bit gpu?
16bit images, on gpu
aaaah. Should be allrigth. In computation time I guess it depends in the GPU you have. But programatically should be allrigth I think.
The problem is you can't just change the datatypes to uint16 and expect everything to work
Since there's some bit wizardry going on
what's the difference between #include "whatever" and #include <whatever> ?
".h" <- the .h file is in the directory you are working. <.h> <- the .h is taken from the sytem path, its "installed" somewhere
if the folder where the file is located is specified with -I , which should I use?
So whenever you have put openCV on you PC, you probably had set up some enviroment paths and some other stuff
specified with -I ?
mex -largeArrayDims -I'F:\opencv3\mexopencv\include' -I'F:\opencv3\include'
the file I need is "F:\opencv3\include\opencv2\photo\cuda.hpp"
No idea.
ok I'll just try both :)
I think "" will work also for stuff "installed"
but I think in your case "" is the way to go. Because if you had your PC enviroment paths set, you wouldnt need to do -I, afaik.
To be honest, I just talk out of experience, I have little idea of how things work inside XD
:D `<>` seemed to do the trick in my case
but now it refuses to recognize the #define you suggested... `error C2065: 'cudaError_t' : undeclared identifier`
maybe the function call version will work
you need to include CUDA
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda.h>
not sure wich one
Well if VS would be so kind as to suggest missing includes, or at least display lint messages - I'd have a much easier time
@Dev-iL, you probably have a prhs instead of a plhs;)
@AndrasDeak - I have many problems, but this is not one of them :)
Well, at least I tried;)
hehe tnx :) Btw, today I noticed there's CUDA 7.5
sorry for the spam btw
Oh, and belated shana tova, if that applies;)
yeah sure, it's still good for a few more weeks
@Dev-iL speeds up my code by 10% withou any change
@AndrasDeak - just wondering, should your name be pronounced "ondrash" (if using English sounds)?
Well, it would depend on how you pronounce the "o" and "a" in ondrash:) But yeah, the "s" is pronounced "sh", and our "a" (the first in my name) is somewhere in between the English a and o. And my second a is actually "á", which is the usual "a" in most European languages, as in the "u" in "under", only longer:D
Pro-tip: forvo.com
yeah yeah, I was just listening to that
So the only tricky thing (well, at least to Europeans, I don't know what your native language is) is the first letter, since that's virtually non-existent in Europe. Maybe the scandinavian AA/Å is a bit related, but I think those are much closer to an "o".

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