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You just put them after the character
This was produced by
in Matlab
'aaa' 810 811 812]
@LuisMendo - ah ok
Guys, is any of you familiar with the NLM and FastNLM filters?
so for each character, a random number of those Zalgo characters are added up and down each normal character?
@Dev-iL I thought Spanish "j" was not a common sound. But I'm seeing many languages do have it!
I remember seeing a Gaussian distribution of mean 5, std. dev = 10 on the code golf question
@rayryeng Yes. But "up" or "down" is determined by the character, I think. And there's also "across"
oh is it? What's the rule?
@AnderBiguri - See I've read that post... it has left me more confused.
@LuisMendo - it's the closest equivalent I could come up with w/o resorting to IPA codes :D
@Dev-iL Resort! I love'em! :-)
@rayryeng Just type ['aaa' 810 811 812] in Matlab, copy the result, and paste it here. That'll make it clearer. And you get the idea how to experiment
alright. cool.
This one's above
['aaa' 850 850]
I depends on the character. Actually it's called "combining character". Some are above, some below, some in the middle
Luis: ħ
@Dev-iL Oh, I don't know that one
But Spanish "j" is /x/
So it must be different
I can't use sound now
@LuisMendo are you on mobile? :)
Your reply email said it was sent on you Sony Xperia :D
Nope. But I replied email from it
BTW, how is Android 5.1?
Well... It works fine
It's nice
hahaha but?
faster than 5.0
But the look is not very nice
Too many clashing colors
android 6 is coming soon anyhow
(that depends on your definition of "soon" but yeah...)
Yes. But as usual, device vendors will take its time...
except for Nexus, or course!
I need a new phone. Mine has become very slow.
I have an old Samsung Galaxy S3.
circa 2012 lol
Yeah, my sister has it
Good phone
but a little old by now
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact is great
May be useful for you :-)
And it can stand water. Not just drops, but immersion
Most Sony phones can
I will most likely get a Google phone at my next run.
The problem is, Nexus 6 is huge!
Uncomfortable in my pocket
@rayryeng - why didn't you take the Oneplus2 invitation I was trying to give away?
Nexus 5 (by LG) was very nice. Except for battery, they say
@Dev-iL - I asked for it!
@Dev-iL - I didn't get it lol
Is that a HTC phone?
I've never given them a chance. I've heard many things about it.
you just said something random that ended with an exclamation mark
could've been directed to anybody
I had an HTC. I loved it
But newer ones, I don't like their design
They're getting bigger and bigger.
I like it being held in the palm of my hand.
And uglier!
It's come to a point now where people are on their phones so often they desire higher battery life.
and so the size of the battery increases.... as well as the damn phone size lol
Sony is great for that
C'mon you geezers, that's how phones are nowadays.... :P
I recharge every 3 days
I was on the train one time and saw someone using a "phone" that was almost the size of their head.
and battery is still at 30%
I was tempted to take their phone and push it up against their head to see how it actually measured up
Samsung batteries suck, in my opinion
And I've seen many
@LuisMendo - They do. I have to recharge every day
It's Samsung's weak point. Other than that they are great phones
Nice quote, and author!
Yup :)
@Dev-iL - Do you still have an invite link? I didn't see it.
did you guys read "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"?
@LuisMendo Only saw the movie :(
I still want to know what the question is.
Nah, unfortunately it expires after a day
Go read the book!
darn. oh well.
There are five books. The first is the best
Lol I've read them all... even the one(s) written after his death
And it's short. You read it quickly. And then you want to read it again
@Dev-iL Would you recommend any apart from the hitchhiker's "trilogy"?
A "trilogy of five books". The man had a sense of humour!
He also said: "I like deadlines. I love the swooshing sound they make as they fly by"
Well, they all contain witty parts... Also, since I've read them all one after the other, I don't really know what belongs to each book...
I liked Bistromatics :)
Note taken!
Is that the book's title? I can't seem to find it
no no
> Just as Einstein observed that time was not an absolute but depended on the observer's movement in space, and that space was not an absolute, but depended on the observer's movement in time, it is now realised that numbers are not absolute, but depended on the observer's movement in restaurants.

The first non-absolute number is the number of people for whom the table is reserved. This will vary during the course of the first three telephone calls to the restaurant, and then bear no apparent relation to the number of people who actually turn up, or to the number of people who subsequently
Questions like this amuse me:
Q: Compute contour of a binary image using matlab

user2307268I am trying to compute contour of a binary image. Currently i identify the first non zero and the last non zero pixel in the image through looping. Is there a better way? i have encountered few functions: imcontour(I) bwtraceboundary(bw,P,fstep,conn,n,dir) But the first doesn't return the x an...

If the user just looked at the documentation, they could have found what they were looking for.
Then again, it's an image-processing question...so hopefully more for the gold badge :D
@Dev-iL Oh, I see :-)
@Dev-iL Was that in Hitchhiker's? I do remember the Improbability Drive, but not that
It was... Can't tell you in which one though
@rayryeng In Image processing you can upvote even if you don't know the functions. The result speaks for itself
yes hahaha
@LuisMendo - hahahah!
That's why I went into it... you see the results immediately.
it's something that can't be easily described in words.... you just have to... see it for yourself.
i like fiddling into the image
@Dev-iL My favourite part is with Deep Thought and the philosophers. The author didn't seem to have a very good opinion of them! :-D
@rayryeng :-)
Luis: Seems like you have a much better memory than me :)
@Agawa001 - So do I.
Well, I didn't remember the bistromatics :-)
Oh, and all that with the dolphins, humans and mice
That was so funny!
I came by this "nonabsolute number" story in some blog or somesuch not long ago... so my memory is still fresh :)
@Divakar - oi oi oi oi!
hey! hey!
@Divakar - The question we had about the rolling sums, the OP decided to accept your answer. Well done I say :)
whats up! ops its matrix!
hey Luis!
hey Dev's!
Hello grandmaster bsxfun!
Who's up for golfing?
Anything interesting?
Q: Sorting data in MATLAB dependant on one column

JerryHow do I sort a column based on the values in another column in MATLAB? Column A shows position data (it is neither ascending or descending in order) Column B contains another column of position data. Finally column C contains numerical values. Is it possible to link the first position value in ...

This one looked so.
second output of sort?
So, lets say we want just the modified B.
But it's not clear whether A and B contain the same values (in a different order) or not. And if not, what's teh desired output?
Using A and B.
Lets assume it has the same values
@Divakar - Yes, keep going
w00t, everybody's here
@beaker - Howdy.
Output A and B are just both A
Yes they are!
@rayryeng Góðan daginn :)
Hello, @beaker!
@beaker Good day too!
@Adriaan - Oh you liked that one word answer eh? :)
I gotta go. Talk to you later maybe!
ah see ya soon Luis!
@LuisMendo - Bye!~
See you all!
later Luis
@rayryeng I did. Tried to replicate it today, but ended up needing Edric's explanation as well :(
Oh lol.
There's a way to circumvent the 15 character limit.
You basically put in a "null" character which doesn't add whitespace to your answer, but it counts towards the 15 character limit.
That question should have been on code review, but it was too tempting to pass up the answer.
g2g too.. good luck with everything! :)
All I said was... Yes... and it got 6 upvotes + a bounty lol.
@Dev-iL - Take care!
cya Dev's!
Well, bsxfun worked for golfing on that one -
Ohhh... yes that could work
18 char!
I guess sortrows() doesn't stand a chance... it starts off with 10 bytes before you even do anything ;)
When you brainboxes create the MTL code golfing language, broadcast expansion will have to be built in
that'll reduce every answer by 8 bytes
its in octave and numpy
gmornin guys!
@OneRaynyDay - Howdy
heya ^_^ gonna buckle down on the coursera course and get a week done today :)
sounds good :)
I had an advantage and I raced ahead... a lot of it was review, but I did watch all of the videos again.
btw, don't be afraid to ask questions. It will allow me to keep my knowledge current.
@thewaywewalk - Güten tag!
@OneRaynyDay - Actually, yes please ask questions :)
Also, some of the functions that are pre-written for you for the assignments... it'll probably benefit you to understand what they're actually doing. That's what I did.
It helps when wanting to implement it in another framework
I think some of the more important parts were where I had to implement
and thank you so much :DD
oh yes of course.
The program comes with its own plotting/graphing set
(like yestreday)
Yup it's just using contour and surf.
though one of the comments was wrong... it should print contours from heights 0.01 to 1000, not 100.
logspace creates a logarithmically sized vector: logspace(a,b,n) produces points from 10^a to 10^b logarithmically spaced - n points.
so the code had logspace(-2,3,20)... which is 10^-2 = 0.01 to 10^3 = 1000, not 100.
Ahhh, gotcha!
I can see that in the code :)
so the contour lines were generated in logarithmically generated points?
yeah logarithmically different heights.
the effect is that most of the contours are seen at the smallest heights
so a lot of the contour traces are concentrated around the bottom of the surface.
the lines get more spaced out as you go away from the centre.
ahhh I see :))
It kinda gives you that "zooming in" effect which zooms into where the solution would be.
These small tricks make plots more readable.
right, I can see that
but the gradient descent steps are always constant though, right?
or at least not logarithmic
yes correct.
If you plotted the trajectory of the solution, the iterations may or may not coincide with the contour lines.
The spacing is just used as an illustration.
gotcha (Y)
@CodyPiersall - Hi!
@CodyPiersall - Don't think I've seen you around these parts before, so welcome :)
@OneRaynyDay - Gradient descent is used quite often... especially in computing for large datasets.
@rayryeng right, Andrew suggests past m=10,000 :)
It's very often used in a MapReduce framework where you break up the data into chunks, compute the cost function values of each chunk, then reduce everything so that you do one incremental update.
I was pretty surprised when inversion is O(N^3)
Brute-force matrix inversion is O(n^3).
Woahhh, so it's like a divide and conquer algorithm?
There are certainly more efficient algorithms depending on how your matrix is structured.
@OneRaynyDay - Yes I'd say divide and conquer :)
ah awesome :)
So imagine you have a huge cluster of computers and you have a dataset that's in the millions.
I think you can do something with the fact that you can construct a bunch of 2x2 matrices and solve those within the bigger matrix for faster inversion
You'd send a portion of your data to each node on the cluster, compute the cost function, then have one computer serve as master that collects each chunk and does the update.
but still pretty slow :0
Yes, that's called Strassen's algorithm.
The complexity is slightly less than cubic
more like O(n^2.741) or something
ohh I see :)
Wait.. but if you're doing
chunk by chunk gradient descent
is that like
You only update once you collect all of the cost values for each parameter.
that's what the master is for.
so each node computes the summation.
Ohhh okay got it
then the master collects all of the summations, does one final summation, then performs the update.
I see I see :) So is that a style of batch gradient descent or something else?
Yes it certainly is.
So imagine if you had a 1M point data set and you wanted to split this up over 100 computers on a cluster... that's 10000 points each
so one node computes the gradient costs from points 1 to 10000, the next one 10001 up to 20000, etc.
these summations are what are sent back to the master
then the master adds up 100 of these summations and performs an update.
@CodyPiersall Hi, did you have a question, or are you just hanging out?
There's a module in the ML course that covers large datasets. It's a cool module :)
There's a variant of gradient descent called Stochastic gradient descent where you update the parameters after each data point, rather than waiting for summing over all data points.
This is also more commonly used in large datasets because you don't have to wait for the computation to complete to use the parameters.
Just hanging out! Thanks for asking. Gotta see what legitimate matlab users talk about.
There's also a happy medium called mini-batch gradient descent, where you're in the middle... collecting N points at a time then doing an update.
@CodyPiersall - oh :) Well I guess you caught me/us at a good time :P
Yeah, you guys are waaaay more on topic than the Python room. Is that a normal thing?
@CodyPiersall - Usually lol. Sometimes we're off topic though
When Luis was here, they talked about Douglas Adams.
wouldn't say that's really MATLAB related, but cool.
@rayryeng Which should be the topic all the time
42? what does that EVEN MEAN!?
So, what do the Python guys talk about? What's the news over there?
I don't know, but it's imprinted on my brain
oh yes, I was about to ask.
What do those Python guys talk about?
ahhh cool!
Thanks Ray :) brb though@
I'm not in the Python room that often, but it varies.
They're always on a quest to close all the bad Python questions, for one thing.
Yeah I try to vary the conversation. I don't talk about MATLAB all the time.
@rayryeng can you manipulate simulink , mean do you have good experience ?
@Agawa001 - I have some exposure when using it for teaching Control Systems.
@CodyPiersall ? that isn't very nice lol.
Instead of saying "hello" and "goodbye", they say "cabbage" and "rhubarb"
Sometimes I'll poke fun at a new user... that's only if they really are incomprehensible.
The questions usually are pretty bad that they're talking about closing though.
I'll go in and say fennel just to be different.
I can imagine, they must be flooded now with plenty of newbie questions from people starting off with python courses
@Divakar - Yeah a lot of the new questions I've seen... they're pretty denigrating towards new users lol... mainly because they can't use the search function.
Yeah, and there's a lot of "this is exactly my assignment. Can you write it for me?"
Yeah those are pretty frowned upon in the MATLAB tag too.
i was treated lik a sh*t there, it was even my first intervention .
september month is like that, newbies coming out of egg shells
I always imagined the Python chat room to be talking about "What is your quest?" and hovercraft full of eels...
His comments are downright rude..... but very funny.
Hahaha! There should be more of that.
@rayryeng i wish someone would give me online tutoring, dont know how to pay for it :/
Not to be shameless.
people are less experienced here
thats your blog
no :) It's my profile page on codementor :)
Codementor is a site for professional coding help - a paid service.
Ray uses SO to blog ;)
@Divakar - If I may use a quote similar to the style of Chuck Norris...
When Divakar uses bsxfun and it doesn't work, it doesn't give you an error... it apologizes for not doing it correctly.
Uses SO to blog lol. very funny.
nah, bsxfun only complains about memory
... and it apologizes for doing it wrong.
Instead of getting OUT OF MEMORY... when Divakar uses it... it instead says
its like hulk, feed it lots of food and it can make you go to moon
@Agawa001 - Well you can certainly ask for help here. If I'm in any capacity to answer, I will.
One more easy-peasy -
Q: Color mismatch in combining R,G, and B components in Python

A.M.In the following code I first convert an image to a Numpy array: import numpy as np from PIL import Image sceneImage = Image.open('peppers.tif') arrImage = np.array(sceneImage) # 256x256x3 array Now I define a new array and put the arrImage in it according to the following code: import matpl...

@rayryeng this year will be very eventful for me, i ll have a project and a long thesis and less time
Ray you are missing out buddy.
i ll be off this server for good period
@Divakar - ah shit.
OMG that was such an easy question
half of the time I look at image processing questions, people are using the wrong data type
it's insane!
haha yeah!
@rayryeng and you know C as well, coooool
@Agawa001 - Yes :) A month ago I was helping a student prep for his exam.
It was mostly string manipulation functions and pointers.
I'm all over the board. I help when I can.
My second last session was a Java session... the last one was a Python session.
posted on September 16, 2015 by Yair Altman

It is easy and very useful to attach dynamic properties to Matlab graphics objects in run-time. Related posts:Performance: accessing handle properties Handle object property access (get/set) performance can be significantly improved using dot-notation. ...UDD Properties UDD provides a very convenient way to add customizable properties to existing Matlab object handles...getundoc – get und

I even helped someone learn Git... that was way back when I first started.
@rayryeng i have some codes that i wrote in code review, in order to help people reducing time complexity on their programs, you might tell me what you think :)
as long as you have time
of course
oh! sure.
@rayryeng i like reducing execution time on tasks
it s my passion
more like a disease lol
You and Divakar will get along quite well.
embrace it @Agawa001!
and one-liners are awesome, just sayin
@Agawa001 So you're working in processor design... >:D
@beaker no, but i code low level too
i have submissions in projecteuler too
i still disnt get the highest rank
gosh i ll do it
lol I have a few. I didn't have time for it after that.
i ll die trying
no no don't go that far :)
time to break the fast, see ya late guys !
@Agawa001 - Have fun!
gotta head out too, cya guys!
@Divakar - Take care!

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