last day (3453 days later) » 
14:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Hey! My first time on this chat! :-)
Well done creating it, @rayryeng
@LuisMendo - Hola!
Thanks :) I think it was a long time coming!
Surprised no one else created it
I'd write something in French, but I can't :-)
Yes, it was about time
lol that's ok :)
Nor Vietnamese .-D
lol that's acceptable too :)
I just finished explaining to kkuilla on how I computed a histogram on a recent answer.
I did it in two lines with permute, bsxfun, sum and reshape.
He's never seen bsxfun done in 3D before.
it took about 15 minutes to explain two lines of code... ick! lol
bsxfun... quite a revelation!
As @chappjc always says, "it opens doors"
did he seriously say that?
I believe it!
Wonder if he said the same for accumarray.
In fact, it was for that one. I remembered wrongly
oh... well then Divakar may have said it then :)
Excuse me guys, I'd like some help. Rayryeng and Luis Mendo have already helped me earlier and I would like to ask you something...
Hmm. Ray, do you thinkj this chat was a good idea?
Just kidding :-)
If it's quick, no problem.. but if it's more involved, post another question.
hahahaha you're funny :)
im a doubt if i create a question or not actually
Q: Matlab - Is there a way to perform a do-while?

SimplicityI'm planning to use a do-while loop in matlab. Is there a way to do that? Thanks.

this is what i want to know
but...the answer of this question is not like what i expect...
yes it's possible.
i need to matlab execute a do-while instead of while-do
Have a sentinel variable that is logical that is set to true
then use a while loop
do you know what i mean?
once the condition is satisfied, break out of the loop.
you could always do while true ... do something until false.
The answer with 20 upvotes is what I would have done.
I always do it this way: done = false; while done; done = ...; end
but do is not supported in MATLAB.
The done = ... updates the exit condition
Yes that's also how I've done it as well.
Well, it should be while ~done, sorry
But you get the idea
hehe np :)
You need to put the check first, otherwise you might run the code erroneously the first time
Oh, that's what you meant with a sentinel variable. I've just read it it...thank you again guys
worry, backwards
i shouldn't work on do-while and recursion at the same time
But a do...while runs the first time, right?
lol @beaker
@LuisMendo - Yes
was mixing code ;)
the loop is guaranteed to run once.
@rayryeng Nice idea of the chat room! Thanks for creating it... I thought of doing that as well after some long comment-discussions.
which is why I would just do while true ... if something happens, break.
That's neater, probably. I seem to have something against break. I don't know why, I tend not to use it
Well, I tend not to use loops, anyway :-D
either way is perfectly fine.
@Matt - thanks! and thanks for coming!
@rayryeng No problem. Today I'm just passing by and need to go already...
oops! Well have a good one!
@rayryeng Hehe, thanks. 2 exams tomorrow and one on friday and I'm done
good! good luck!
thanks... have a good day/evening/night xD
lol you too
Good idea, creating that chatroom, rayreng. Unforcho, I can't linger right now. Till next time.
@Jubobs - No problem at all. Thanks for visiting!
"Unforcho", hahaha. I had never read that one!
Neither did I lol
Hey! Thanks? :-P What's an owner supposed to do?
oh :) you get to control access to the room for certain users which is one responsibility
reading and/or write access
You can also schedule events.
You have to bring donuts.
So can I put someone away if they don't agree that bsxfunand accumarray are the greatest?
hahahahah yes
room owners can also move messages around.
Schedule events... that sounds great. Virtual parties? .-)
basically they're the moderators of the room :P
if someone is offensive, you can kick them out.
actually I was about to mention that.
I think once every while we should have a coding golf competition.
have some algorithm or some problem...
and see who can code it with the least amount of code in one category
Seminars on the greatness of bsxfun and accumarray, of course.
and the fastest in another category
Good ideas!!
extra bonus if you win in both categories.
I wouldn't mind putting up an incentive... like paying a gift through PayPal or something. I can afford it lol
"The fastest" may be troublesome? How to measure speed? It may depend on each one's machine
that's true.
we would probably have to have multiple judges run the code.
Maybe just code length, like in the Code Golf site
but yeah leave out fastest.
code length yes.
Ah, ok. Maybe use someone' machine as judge
oh that's cool!
@beaker - good idea :)
I think code length for now would be sufficient. I say have some problem... take a certain amount of time to do it... and at the end, we all report our solutions.
whoever has the lowest character length wins. I'll think of a prize later.
or top 3 or something
@beaker Seminars about that? No way. That would be the acceptance criterion :-)
The way to get into this room is to talk about a function we don't know already
@rayryeng However, for Code Golf perhaps it would be better to have a standard question in the Code Golf site? Specifying in the question that it's only for Matlab, if that's possible in that site. I'm not very familiar with it
@rayryeng rather than here in the chat, I mean
I'm not familiar either TBH...
I'd have to take a look
I've never seen a question restricted to Matlab. But we could try
hm ok, I'll have to get back to you on that :)
on top of the parties, maybe we could hold a seminar or something... by text will be a bit difficult.
@LuisMendo - Yeah it doesn't look like it's restricted to one language
Do you mean questions shouldn't be restricted to one language? In fact, I've never seen one such question. Not sure it that's by design of the site's rules
yes that's correct.
it's generally taboo.
because it restricts the question being answered to a specific set of people.
I suppose that if the question is indeed challenging, many others may want to answer.
On that note... I suppose we could do it here!
Pity :-(
So yes, it'll have to be here!
I'm fine with that :)
I'd like to get more input on that before I do anything, but so far it's just us 2 :P
@beaker suggested seminars... that's interesting.. I'm not sure how we'd coordinate.
@chappjc - Welcome!
Hello Sir! Nice place we have here. :)
Hey! The very chappjc in person!
We've been talking about you :-)
bahahahah :D
We said that people who don't appreciate accumarray and bsxfun get an automatic ban.
About how accumarray "opens doors"
Oh, and that, of course! :-)
I used accumarray in an answer I wrote last week... someone wanted to group time events in groups of 100 ms and calculate the probability of misclassification.
Well, don't hold back... I wanna see. Link?
A: Calculating the probability of incorrect events within independent groups

rayryengThis goes against my policy in answering questions without any effort made by the question poser, but this seems like an interesting question, so I'll make an exception. First, split up each of the Time and Trial fields so that they're in separate arrays. For the Trial fields, I'm going to co...

thanks :) thought you already saw it
BTW, no use of length there... all numel.
And no complex transposes! that got you my vote! :-P
Nice anonymous function there. I approve. ;)
@LuisMendo - lololol. Yes, I do .' on principle now.
@chappjc - thanks :D
accumarray has made my life easier. Code that would take several lines to write can be done with one call to accumarray.
I always liked how well unique and accumarray worked together too. It's a match made in heaven
@chappjc - I noticed that! Yes I agree!
some pairing goes for bsxfun and permute.
@chappjc Hey, don't talk in past tense. When you coming back to Matlab tag? Once in a while at least :-)
@chappjc - Yes, we miss you!
@chappjc That CUDA stuff is useless. You should drop it :-P
Pfff.. I'm on to OpenCL!
Kidding of course. What I'm really leaning is how to entertain two children! Argh! I think Rody O. warned that fatherhood was a sure way to ween off SO and boy was he right!
Hahaha. I read something about that, yes
Anyway, I don't feel very inclined to give that a try :-)
Are you getting some decent sleep at nights yet?
Have to go! I shall be back later. Great talking to you both!
Same here! Good night! (evening for you!)
14:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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