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8:59 AM
@CrisLuengo yes, that's what me and Cody discussed in SOCVR. Basically, the "How to" part is a valid question on SO. What sucks, is that the initial question boiled down to "I have this code from some random internet place, please translate it for me". Cody then rewrote the entire question to resolve the first part and just leave the "how to" part. I'd guess, given that how-to is usually OK, the question is actually better than a bare how-to, given there's code in another language to build on
3 hours later…
12:00 PM
@LuisMendo ¯_(ツ)_/¯ only thing it achieved is that now OP has negative votes
12:45 PM
@AnderBiguri and still positive rep. At least they got an answer
1:09 PM
ugh, its unnecesary, considering that OP deleted the post
he said something like "its fair, I asked in the worng place, deleting it"
2 hours later…
3:28 PM
posted on November 26, 2021 by Cleve Moler

Matrices in action....

4:26 PM
@flawr Now you get into a loop… can we do longer loops?
2 hours later…
6:37 PM
@CrisLuengo I wouldn't be surprized if some PPCG folks (or similar) have already chased records to find the largest loops:)
2 hours later…
8:30 PM
@flawr There’s thing thing called a “quine”, a program that outputs itself. Someone went and wrote one that outputs a program in a different language, which outputs a program in another language, etc etc until it finally outputs the original program again. 128 languages…
@CrisLuengo oh he knows about quines :P
8:42 PM
I guess it’s a game just like golfing.
yeah, it's under the PP part of PPCG
9:25 PM
@AndrasDeak hehe:)
@CrisLuengo this is a great one:)

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