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8:42 AM
@AndrasDeak I've installed vim and am coding in that now. You proud?
I do need to get the hang of its shorthand keys though, as currently it's a tad more pointless than simply using gedit or something
9:03 AM
@Adriaan not until you enjoy it too
Goes to find another goat to slaughter
Try the vimtutor first
9:31 AM
@Adriaan If you're into really smelly cheeses try Ziger:)
(Schabziger in particular)
Just don't try to get across the boarder with that as it will probably be detected as biological weapon.
9:47 AM
The smelliest cheese we have is Pálpusztai. Never met any, because I don't particularly like cheese.
> Pálpusztai is created, like Limburger cheese, by the bacterium Brevibacterium linens which gives the cheese its pungent smell - the same one found on human skin that is partially responsible for body odor.
that doesn't sound like "yeah I should definitely eat that!"
@AndrasDeak just read on WP that Limburger is used in mosquito traps
hehe, ew
10:16 AM
@Sam good morning, how are you doing?
10:43 AM
@flawr Morning. Not too shabby. Yourself?
11:36 AM
I'm good.
actually I'm hungry
oh I'm already late for lunch
Go and feast!!
1 hour later…
12:51 PM
@AndrasDeak is there a trick to get MATLAB to recognise CTRL+C/CTRL+V as copy/paste? This Alt-W, CTRL-Y is horrible
I never tried
I didn't know that was linux-specific
@Adriaan what linux are you using?
A: matlab R2015a in Linux: Can't copy paste with conventional way

steeldriverMATLAB has a preferences setting for keyboard shortcuts: it defaults to Emacs-compatible settings on Unix/Linux platforms, but you can change it to Windows-compatible settings Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V using the preferences menu:

@flawr Ubuntu
also ctrl-A; ctrl-I, ctrl-R aren working
huh, indeed
12:57 PM
@AndrasDeak :D It works brilliant! Köszönöm
@AndrasDeak sanks!
@Adriaan no problem :D
Well, I crashed MATLAB almost immediately...
(MATLAB:11962): GStreamer-WARNING **: 13:59:34.147: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstlibav.so': /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.25' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopenmpt.so.0)

(MATLAB:11962): GStreamer-WARNING **: 13:59:34.169: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstlibav.so': /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.25' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopenmpt.so.0)
@Adriaan kudos
@Adriaan those are all warnings
1:00 PM
@AndrasDeak interesting error dump; I get this every time I run th first command in MATLAB
does it also crash?
currently my analysis is 2 out of three runs it didn't crash :P
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (safepoint.cpp:687), pid=10953, tid=0x00007f8191f27700
#  fatal error: Deadlock in safepoint code.  Should have called back to the VM before blocking.
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_181-b13) (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.181-b13 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
it should say something else when it crashes, the warnings might be unrelated
This was the crash log from the previous run
these warnings are in /home/adriaan/hs_error_pid10953.log?
1:02 PM
I have that log file and two crash_dump files there
check the log file first
the dumps probably contain tracebacks
posted on March 22, 2019 by Jiro Doke

Jiro‘s Pick this week is the NumColumns property of the legend function, new as of R2018a.This week, R2019a was released. This is another exciting release with many new features and capabilities. Read and learn about them here (note that this page will always show the latest features from the latest... read more >>

@AndrasDeak 20% in, no warnings seen yet
OK, that's what I'd expect, I just misunderstood what you were saying
@AndrasDeak you're not alone in that
1:06 PM
you probably have to create a symlink to the right libstdc version for the warnings to go away askubuntu.com/questions/719028/version-glibcxx-3-4-21-not-found
ninjas gonna ninja
@flawr too late :P
I hadn't searched yet :P
@AndrasDeak monty matlab would be more appropriate
1:28 PM
FFS, MATLAB crashed again
damn it, lost my work (5 mins) again
Yea, I'll do that after every bloody character now
I'm not sure whether it's a problem with R2019a, or my installation specific
java errors?
Yes and yes
yeah, I had them in the past
its quite bad, I suggest you contact support
1:40 PM
Exception in thread "Thread-13": java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPC.c(Unknown Source)
	at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPC.b(Unknown Source)
	at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPC.a(Unknown Source)
	at com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.b.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Ghe, when closing normally, it shows a nice NPE xD
2:16 PM
So, downgraded to 2018b, as that's the latest ETH has a node license for. Let's see how it works.
I do love the speed though; less than half an hour between requesting the license and a working installation, including downloading+installing
Still crashes :(
2:33 PM
its not matlab
its java
Ubuntu+java+MATLAB= nonono
I mean, yes, but it has to do with that
What'd support tell you last time around?
I did not have this error in my current machine
I didnt contact support
but you should, because its supper common and they must have a way around
you may need a different kind of weird java instead of the weird kind of java you have now
there's openjdk and oracle's thing and whatnot
jdk, jre, I don't even know what those mean beyond the acronym
I rather have Sumatra coffee...
Made a service request.
I guess it's beer time then
@AndrasDeak I can't play that video, because every time I see it I have to laugh out loud. I don't understand why it is so funny to me, and why it never gets old.
2:57 PM
dumb British humour at its best
3:08 PM
MATLAB is using 250% of my CPU. Sure thing :P
htop is weird
@Adriaan Your computational prowess is supernatural, that's the explanation!
(but 100% means one core, if you have 8 of them, you're actually not doing very well....)
I have four of them, I think...
the debian-likes I've seen default to max = ncore*100%
3:13 PM
Ubuntu does too.
It goes between 115% (probably when reading/writing) to 340% (optimised calculation routine)
And no MATLAB crash as of yet
Spoke too soon :(
Love the sign
So I have a problem XD. There are 2 courses in Southampton and I need to chose one
One is on OpenMP and the other one is on OpenMPI
and I dont know which one I need :/
@AnderBiguri OpenMemberofParliament and OpenMessagePassingInterface? Probably the former ;)
@CrisLuengo Ubuntu is debian-like
3:25 PM
Do you know the difference? Are you asking for advice on which one is more useful to you?
@AnderBiguri ^
Need one node or multiple nodes?
@AndrasDeak I guess that's true. I forget those details. :)
I barely understand the difference and my little data goes in the opposing direnctions
I read that MP->share data between processors MPI-> no share data between processors
OpenMP: parallelization inside a single node. OpenMPI: parallelization across multiple independent nodes.
OpenMP = single node, single program, multiple cores.
3:27 PM
I'm only familiar with the latter in detail
OpenMPI = multiple nodes, multiple programs talking to each other to share data.
MP means Multi-Processor
but single node, I see
the MP in MPI means Message Passing (Interface)
yes, yes
on an octacore machine you can only use 8 openMP workers I think
MPI has No Limits ^TM
3:28 PM
Yeah I see. But I read that MPI does not share data
If you're working on a supercomputer cluster, you want to use both. If you are working on a single machine, you want OpenMP
I see
@AnderBiguri yeah, you need to explicitly send everything across workers
but I need 20+ cores for anything I do for it to finish this year
But there are programs where you send partial data between multiple nodes
You can use MPI on a single machine, but OpenMP is a lot easier there.
3:30 PM
So, another CT rec toolbox uses MPI to share data across nodes
so you can indeed share data with MPI?
I am so lost
define "share data"
Yes, if you use multiple nodes, and they need to share data, you need MPI (OpenMPI is one implementation of that).
10 Gib of numerical floats
call mpi_bcast(itscf,1,mpi_integer4,root,mpi_comm_world,ierror)
that call ^ will send a single integer to all the other workers
No, I want worker 45 to send data to worker 47
3:31 PM
it could be 1e6 floats if you want that
@AnderBiguri that works too of course
mpi_send, mpi_recv
OK, so everything suggest that MPI is the one I'd be interested in
I'd expect that with openMP the data is already there
shared memory as in they both see it
I mean, I am triying to chose to which tutorial to go, if I need to read them first, makes no sense :P
but that's just my vague hunch of openMP
fair fair
3:32 PM
@AnderBiguri but you can skim it and see that you can send data to and fro, yes?
thanks both of you that makes sense
I think your confusion is in "sharing data". With multiple cores on a single node, the worker threads are sharing memory, they can read each other's data. If your workers are on different nodes, they don't, and so the sharing has to be explicit by sending data across the network.
yes, I was joking ;)
@CrisLuengo explicictly sending, with MPI, I see now
Now I need to figure out which one I am registered to and change it if needed :P
With OpenMP you can very easily parallelize a for loop by adding a #pragma parallel for in front of it. It's soooooo easy for simple things like image processing.
5 mins ago, by Andras Deak
@AnderBiguri yeah, you need to explicitly send everything across workers
just sayin' :P
3:34 PM
yes yes, you both said it, I was processing, sorry
you should be
Interestingly, the I read this in the login page of the soton HPC, and they onyl advertise the openMP course, not the OpenMPI that happens almost at the same time
thus enhancing my confusion
the people writing the adverts don't know that they are separate things
Cosnidering they are given by the UK-wide HPC and the local HPC dudes, I hope they do
as the openMP is a bit earlier, they may just onyl advertise the one closest to the current date
could be
7 hours later…
10:31 PM
I just found out that MATLAB first got a JIT in 2002 (MATLAB 6.5, R13). In R2015b it was completely rewritten.
I don't remember faster code going from R12 to R13, but I was using mostly Solaris back then, and the JIT was more relevant on Linux and Windows, according to that document.
I remember discussing here about the new JIT but I was stuck on 2012b back then
I started looking for when the JIT was first introduced after finding yet another "this vectorized code is slower than the loop code" question...
Damn, how time flies. I'd have guessed the "new execution engine" happened later.

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