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@AaronHall hey there!!
@Sword hi, what's up?
why is this place spammed with feeds?
this will keep away the crowds
Isn't it nice?
I've gotten some rep from questions in these feeds. One of my top answers.
hmmm , justified then but this isn't a good place to chat then
Do you know me?
I don't think that makes it a bad place to chat.
these are similar to pop up adverts
which stay forever -_-
really? How big is your screen?
my office laptop is a 14 inch (approx) screen with a 1366*768 standard crap resolution
Well, there's another Python room, but the downside is they greet you as if they were lost in the produce aisle.
which brings me back to:
2 mins ago, by Sword
Do you know me?
In case you don't , I was a newbie last year with the name 'Sword' -- 'Swordy' - 'Flappy Bird' etc etc
And you helped me a lot ..
In the python chatroom
Afternoon :)
Or - hello - to be less UK-centric!
@JRichardSnape Good afternoon Richard
damn , I had justin bieber's baby playing on my phone.. I should could have shot myself for it
I answered this question because of this room: stackoverflow.com/questions/32770762/…
May be my best answer to date.
nice ,
well formatted!
It leads with a proper warning about premature optimization, it's organized correctly, and best of all it flowed organically from my interaction with the asker.
So, I try to hang out here.
nice , I landed up here because I had a question and I was reluctant to ask it in sopython room for reasons you know of.
Do you mean you have a question now? or previously? because if you have one now - shoot. I certainly won't jump up and down about it :)
yeah thanks , it was about args parse
I searched SO questions but did not get any
so I have need to execute something like
Q: Project Euler #42 - Triangle Numbers

mburke05Here is the Euler problem referenced, it says: The n\$^{th}\$ term of the sequence of triangle numbers is given by, t\$_n\$ = ½n(n+1); so the first ten triangle numbers are: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ... By converting each letter in a word to a number corresponding to i...

python file_name.py -r arg1 arg2 arg3
I need to have another keyword "-k"
python file_name.py -r -- -k arg1 arg2 arg3
python file_name.py -k
should display a message
but when i do this, it expects args1,2 and 3
see the double dash?
I tried with a different instance of argsparse but it dint work
You left that out
@AaronHall that is not the problem
I want to execute -k separately to get a message containing keys
I'll put up the snippet
if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subParser.add_argument('-k', help = 'displays keywords for similarity check')
    parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', default=True, help = 'input <space> output <space> similarity')

    args2 = subParser.parse_args(['-k'])
    args = parser.parse_args()

    files_dir = args.input
ok, just be precise in your examples, I'm not a super expert on argparse, but if I see something wrong, I'll say it, and it may distract from the real problem.
@AaronHall check out "subParser" above
So you want it to require the three args if and only if the first argument is -r?
@JRichardSnape exactly
Snape, you help, I gotta head in to work.
its not so urgent, you guys can answer anytime you are comfortable
I need to deliver by friday
I have workarounds to it though :)
:D I'll insert an implicit can between "Snape" and "you" there Aaron ;)
Well - I can think of a few options @Sword - depending how you like to work. I think the "cleanest" would be to have mutually exclusive groups
The docs on that are here - my lunch time is over, so I can't write you out a full example - but basically you want to have -r and -k in a mutually exclusive group (if they truly are mutually exclusive)
and then add a subparser for input, output and similarity that only parses if the first arg is -r, I think. Like Aaron, I'm not an expert on argparse, so it would take me a little while to get to a full listing.
Thinking about it - the mutually exclusive group bit might not be necessary - you might just want two sub-parsers.
Yeah, I meant if you can. :)
@JRichardSnape great , I was thinking about the same , and I guess I'm nearly close to it. what I'm thinking of as a workaround is the use of epilog mentioned in the docs. It will display along with -h and will cut it for us.
that -r needs to be on the other side of the --
here's an example using subparsers.
import argparse

def i_got_r(args):
    print('I got in here with options')
    print('Input file',args.input)
    print('Output file',args.output)

def i_got_k(args):
    print('Here with a lonely k - I\'ll print my keywords')
    print('this should be empty',args)

#Option 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # create the top-level parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

    # create the parser for the "foo" command
For some reason, the subparsers don't work if they're named -<letter>
I don't know if that's a bug or a feature. They're designed for sub commands, rather than dependent options. However, the options I had for mutually exclusive groups didn't work
I'll have another think another time, but that example enforces your rules, albeit using {r|k} instead of {-r|-k}
(The cunning mis-use of foo and bar will point you to the example I hacked around to get to this - bottom of this section docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#sub-commands)
gets up to make tea and get some doughnuts.
@JRichardSnape so nice of you to take so much trouble. I am not a help vampire and I wouldn't want to waste the time of you guys.. But I'll check with this.. Thnks a ton, mate..
MMMmmmm, Boston cream....
@AaronHall we're not even jealous :D
I'm sure you're aghast at my gluttony.
googles gluttony
habitual greed or excess in eating.
@AaronHall no I'm not , even we eat a lot when we feel like. After all, it takes all of these to generate brilliant code ;)
well it's probably my first doughnut that I got for myself in a year.
Enjoy it :)
@Sword no problem. Don't worry either, you can't waste my time - I decide where to deploy it :) Only I can waste my time really.
@AaronHall dude , the pop-up feeds!! they're so annoying.. -_-
Get a bigger monitor.
I click dismiss and they go away.
Also, you might read the popups and see a question you know the answer to, and thus go answer it...
Q: python write and open temporary csv

deseosuhoUsing Python 3 on a windows machine: I have a function to take a list of lists and open it as a csv file using my default application (excel). Despite closing the file after writing, I get a 'locked for editing' message when excel starts. def opencsv(data): """saves a list of lists as ...

@vaultah I almost didn't see you there!
benefits of having white avatar
hiding in plain sight :)
who loves a good argument?
"Pre" means "before". Defining a mature point for optimization as the point that is the bottleneck, until the Python process becomes that bottleneck, adding complexity to optimize it is premature. — Aaron Hall 5 mins ago
screen camouflage, you can't escape the SO dark theme extension @vaultah
leaving for home. rhubarb, errrr byee
@vaultah you need one with an all alpha.
@AaronHall are you actually going to keep this room active apart from having feeds coming in?
Jon Clements has frozen this room.

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