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Gm guys
Good morning friends :)
Good Morning All
@KishoreKumar @BoominadhaPrakashM @VijayakumarNL guys have u seen new
iphone 7
@Shanthanu night watched launch conference
size of the screen not vary that much right?
@VijayakumarNL bro its same as 6 and 6 plus
only thing is desing changed
metal of the product
but desing was stunning
specally black @VijayakumarNL
especially jet Black colorer devices are so new
the presentation every feature also good, Tim cook speeches and team speeches are same like steve jobs speech that they are using same kind of words to convey new product to the customer
i didt see the conference bro but they come from the school of steve
when every i see that iphone 7 im really diying to buy it
School of Steve. ha ha ha...
If you guys are saying if([Tim.Speech isEqualToString:Steve.Speech]){NSLog("Please go and watch 2007-AppleKeyNote");}
good morning
@iTag how you are finding this kind of website
you are google man :P
ha ha.. i am using this slack community from past 1year
You can find top nerds there.
and there is one more community for Reactive-IOS channel
if you have time. check this article.
@iTag bro what is that ?
@Shanthanu @siva @iTag @BoominadhaPrakashM @jafarbtech @sathya @mohan @Thom @Dany very very good afternoon for all :)
@KishoreKumar Good Aftertoon
Hi All
Q: Custom Math keyboard swift

user3391455My requirement is create custom math keyboard/ smart calculator. Since I am new to IOS, I could not find solution. Please guide me.

@user3391455 did you find any sample project?
try to build your own for this rite.
You are going to build as same it is?
NO same
some functionalities will be differe
it is like math keyboard
So math keyboard part you want to do the same?
@iTag yes
See. Just create one view with 6 TopLayer buttons. these button width should be divided by totalwidthOfSelf.view.width/6-numberOfButtons.padding
@iTag i didn't get it
First try to fit the Buttons inside the views
then start searching the functionality and give it to each on your functionalBtn(ie.+,-,%)
4 hours later…
Hello everyboday
Good Evening

Any one can help me on

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