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A: Fitting two non-linear models to data

ClebOk, I think I found the issue. I am not sure about the purpose of the line return (model-data)/data but it should just be return (model-data) since that it what you want to minimize. Furthermore, you should also choose initial values that are in the range. The modified code will result in...

thanks but still the values for amp_2, decay_2 and shift_2 are biased from the input values that generated data.
What do you mean by "biased"? Could you make a list of your expected output, maybe as an edit in your question?
I mean the estimated values are not close to inputs!
Because you can describe the model reasonable well with less parameters than you actually vary. Therefore, the solution is not unique. You can constrain the range of your parameters much more and then would end up with your expected parameters. The fit now looks perfect, but you could get the same quality with other parameter combinations as well.
I concur but I am also wondering whether weighting the data or using other approaches might return more accurate results or as you said setting rigid bounds might ?
That depends on your purpose, what you want to do with these parameters which is kind of beyond the scope of this question. My answer just improved the fitting results - which you asked for - the interpretation is yours ;) And you want to apply it to another model anyway, as far as I understood?! What should be added to get this answer accepted?
Hi, you there?
So just let me know what you would like to have changed to get it accepted... We could here also discuss your actual problem in more detail, if you like.
well, if you just want it to be accepted
you might also need to change the lower limit for amp variable
that would be nice but of course only if it helped you
i just still do not fully get what your desired output is
therefore i could not produce it but only improved the fit and pointed out the issues with your code
if it is not important to see whether for instant adding the derivative of the function or other methods would return better results
I am sorry but I was upset a bit for your attitude
well, that would be a second question
oh, sorry, why?
you can always try scipy's optimize
we post questions to teach other people how to use properly these libraries by our questions
you just care to get 10 points
not only. that's why i asked about your expected outcome
and i am not sure how to improve my answer since i think that my answer answers your question very well
but i might be wrog
so you could also try: import scipy.optimize as optimize and pass your function which needs to be minimized to optimize
if you just try this line result = minimize(fcn2min, params, args=(x, data))
it would return more exclusive results
yes, that wa smy first question in the comments, whether you tried different methods, not only 'nelder'
which contains the errors in the measured values
nonlinear optimization is very complex
and errors for some of them are very high
plus I would like to know how to extract the errors
I would get the computed values by params['amp_2'].value.
but how can I get the errors
not sure
params is an object
not sure how to access the data there
and by error you mean standard deviation?
Q: python nonlinear least squares fitting

AnakeI am a little out of my depth in terms of the math involved in my problem, so I apologise for any incorrect nomenclature. I was looking at using the scipy function leastsq, but am not sure if it is the correct function. I have the following equation: eq = lambda PLP,p0,l0,kd : 0.5*(-1-((p0+l0)/...

here is described what i proposed above
you could check whether that gives you more satisfying results...
params['amp_2'].stderr returns the errors in the measurements
amp_1: -1.77476644 (init= 10)
decay_1: 1.39683944 (init= 0.1)
shift_1: 0.14705995 (init= 0)
omega_1: 3.46397772 (init= 3)
amp_2: 5.02821149 (init= 10)
decay_2: 0.02426065 (init= 0.1)
shift_2: -0.21978389 (init= 0)
omega_2: 2.02827747 (init= 3)
does that look better?
I accepted your answer
I should get back to work
ok, i am afraid i cannot help you any further, sorry for that
but if there is something just add it as a comment and i will edit the answer
thanks for accpeting and i should also get back to work. cu around!
and sorry for upsetting you!
no worries

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