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Q: I am losing session data when being redirected from Payment GateWay using java

chakriI am setting some values using java session. After calling the Payment gateway, all me stored session values are losing. Please help me how to get those session values. i set the some values to session like session.setAttribute("id", 120). After redirect the paymeny gateway. I try to get the id ...

You'll need to provide a lot more information. How are you initializing the session? Which payment gateway? Are session tokens URL parameters or cookies?
session variables ang payment gateway is
That doesn't answer my question. Are session variables transmitted as URL parameters or cookies?
Sorry, before redirected to payment gateway, i set the some values to session like session.setAttribute("id", 120). After redirect the paymeny gateway. I try to get the id using session.getAttribute("id"). Here it returns the null value. Please help me.
Again, that is not what I am asking. Is the JSP session ID stored as a URL parameter, or a cookie?
i didnt get your question
When you use JSP sessions, the session ID is stored on the client side and sent to the server with eacj request
@chakri, is there either a cookie or a URL parameter called something like jsessionid or jspsessid?
Which of the two is it? A cookie? Or the URL parameter?
url parameter
Ah, OK. And when you contact the web service, do you specify a callback URL?
@hexafraction, after redirect the payment gateway, payment transaction is successfully completed. The redirect url is my website home page. in this page i want the "id" stored the session before redirect to payment gateway. Are you understand my problem ???
I do now.
I am working on writing up an answer right now
Thank you
No problem
Please try it
The main issue is that if you are making the purchase on checkout.jsp?sessionid=foo and you ask the payment gateway to redirect to home.jsp without the session ID appended, the session will be lost.
By encoding the session ID appropriately in the user success redirect you will not have this issue.
how to put the session ID in the callback URL?
Look at my answer. It tells you to call HttpServletResponse#encodeURL on the URL to add the session ID to it.
(i.e. tell the payment gateway to redirect to response.encodeURL("your home page URL")
i keep the CCAvenue redirect URL as a The CCAvenue intergation throws error for incorrect format. He said the ulr is up to
If you hava any example code, Please share with me. Thank you
@chakri I don't use CCAvenue
Ok, Thank you
Thank for giving some idea about this discussion
You're either going to need to make CCAvenue accept the URL with parameters, or set up your server to use cookies instead of URL parameters for the session ID
Please give me a up (tick) mark to proceed forward
Thanks a llot
Please don't ask for votes. I can give you one inthis case however since the question was clarified to be answerable
If my answer helped please do the same.
ok, Thank you

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