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which Q?
I don't c it
@JohanLarsson 49. I ____ her lifeless body from the pool
nice find
@drch Gazed upon
i have so many things i would say if the NSA wasn't listening
@drch good point!
got a big ol' "ACCESS DENIED" from nework admin
really? for meetup.com ?
@JohanLarsson #110 lol
> 118. What do you call a drive-through liquor store?
i call it awesome
make that one message
so i can star that shit
@JohanLarsson nice :)
I'm going to this thing tomorrow: meetup.com/DNSGroup/events/118250832/…
@Steve you make it one so we can pin? it?
118. What do you call a drive-through liquor store?
**i call it awesome**
finally, people can understand why Michiganders like me say things weird
im going home, later :)
> 121. What word do you use for gawking at someone in a lustful way?
such as 'Michiganders' ?
we're called michiganders!
Anybody wants to ask the one based object[] Q on SO? I don't like to ask because I have trouble wording things in English and no fun dealing with answerers :D
@JohanLarsson you cant cast a one based array to object[]
because object[] is a 0-based one
you have to iterate it as a System.Array
did you run the benchmark?
i thought it was a question about your cast from before
i looked at the gist but wasnt sure what i was looking at
the night before halloween... apparently michigan has its own way of doing things
i thought you were just showing read vs write performance
@drch it is about it, I don't need to cast it but somehow produce an object[,] that is one based
@drch I added Assert.AreEqual(1, values2.GetLowerBound(0));to show bounds
More clear in the debugger
Most of the US said no to "Are you coming with?" but I've used it a lot.
I don't really need it, can always code around it but annoyed I can't create one
@Pheonixblade9 Let me know if you want to play with F# I have it in my procrastination queue
"Where are you at?" is one I hear people in PA say a lot, but never hear in Canada.
@JohanLarsson so that's what the kids are calling it these days ;)
"Write a recursive function that finds and returns the minimum element in an array, where the array and its size are given as parameters.
//return the minimum element in a[]
int findmin(int a[], int n).." not a lot of information :(
you mean a team project?
@JohanLarsson var foo = (object[,]) (Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), new int[] { 2,2 }, new int[] { 1,1 }));
@Pheonixblade9 like anything really I was thinking about doing project Euler problems. I was a kid 25 years ago :D
@LewsTherin return n == 1 ? a[0] : Math.Min(a[n - 1], findmin(a, n - 1));
oo, AMD did another 4% jump today
I was an egg 25 years ago.
@drch indeed! Why did not my object[] work must have done something dumb. ty sir.
you only had 1 dimension
@KendallFrey If you decrease n, it doesn't represent the size of the array any longer
It's still valid though.
Yeah, it is. I just think that requirement is bullcrap
An array of size n can be treated as an array of size n-1 validly.
which requirement?
@drch and that breaks it? You know the reason for that?
I personally think that way is pure genius for iterating an array recursively.
@drch That the function signature takes only the array and the length of the array. If one were to truly follow that, you can't maintain min, unless in a global variable or something.
Yes you can.
See my example.
why do you have to maintain
it doesn't say ".. and put it in your pocket"
@KendallFrey n decreases.. so it doesn't truly represent the length of the array.
@JohanLarsson you were trying to create a 1-dimensional 1-indexed array
@LewsTherin That doesn't matter.
If it were in C++, a 'pointer' can have any length you want.
which apparently is object[*] (news to me)
yeah, its probably expected to have a signature like
int min(int* arr, int length) { }
@drch - Did you like my news pointer? :P
we have the weirdest conference room names
user image
@TravisJ i didnt get the riddle till you explained it ;)
Lol @ bat cave
Too bad you can't add
Phone Room 3 - Robin's Play House
Phone Room 4 - Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
oh i thought you were doing fibonacci conference rooms
nah it was a typo
Phone room 5 - Castle Grayskull
I thought I pushed 4 and then noticed it was 5 having at first been 3 before Robin came to play :)
I wish it was a fibonacci conference room series though :( that is a cool idea
If you don't know what Castle Grayskull is, go home or go back to the JavaScript play-do and fun chatroom.
You've got to be kidding, I order a Active Displayport to HDMI adapter- Which the company and ATI both say is an active adapter, then to have the package say passive. So it doesn't work- Grrr.
room topic changed to C#: recursion = () => recursion() * confusion; [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
(In honor of you, @Lews)
Oh gee thanks. Now I'm gonna have a splitting headache each time I view the topic ;)
Funnily enough that causes a stack overflow. How fitting!
room topic changed to C#: int Recursion() { return Recursion() * confusion; } [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Less syntaxy
hey I got a simple mvc question
I have a function that returns void called checkquerystring()
@ScottSelby Shoot.
I'm trying to make it redirect to another url if there is a specific querystring
Is it returning null, or flat out invalid?
it seems Response.Redirect() doesn't work in mvc ,and I can't do return RedirectToAction() , because the return type is void
its just skipping right over it
You can't use Response.REdirect
@ScottSelby - Who calls the method?
its called from controller action
@ScottSelby why not change the return type, then?
Could you post an example of your controller, that calls the method.
CheckQueryString() shouldn't even do any redirection, and it should probably return a bool.
its in the authorize attribute
you have to return the return value of that method from the controller action then
@ScottSelby: you can set the filtercontext result to a redirect result i think
in onActionExecuting
that is kind of a bad approach though, why not return a boolean and then return a view based on the boolean?
yea, I was thinking there was a magic something similar to Response.Redirect()
return View()
@ScottSelby What's wrong with RedirectToAction?
he's in an ActionFilter
Iyea I'm in an action filter - i'll move stuff around
@ScottSelby the filters are more like a pipeline. i think you COULD do response.redirect, but youd have to stop the filter chain
but its cleaner to return a RedirectResult anyways
as a bonus, its testable
nah, fuck that , i'll just put this specific filter code into the controller , it doesn't have to be in the quthorize attribute
@ScottSelby a redirectresult does make sense though
even in your controller
I mean - i said fuck that - @drch - but that is what Im going to do
A: ASP.NET MVC 3 Redirect From Action Filter Attribute

CRiceWith the route name: filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult("SystemLogin", routeValues); You can also do something like: filterContext.Result = new ViewResult { ViewName = SharedViews.SessionLost, ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData };

return Redirect("someUrl") returns a redirect result
pffft thats what i said
yea - i got it now , thanks drch and Travis
and Lews Therin :D
and Lews Therin
Danke schone ;)
and jebus
and Kendall ... for changing the room name
Don't forget to thank Al Gore for inventing the interwebs
And Jon Skeet for coding it.
@RyanTernier we don't have Robin's play house, but we do have Rainbow Room
wtf, and you didn't call it Rainbow Road?
lol - and Travis - I just got his book , the newer edition
@TravisJ Do you have Candy Mountain? Charlie will be upset if you don't.
@KendallFrey You're still a kid; it's ok for a boy to cry.
But the website
But remember, real men don't cry. Rocks fall from our eyes
@RyanTernier *asses FTFY
is that not jon's site?
(I think that's fairly old)
I couldn't find the part where he explains why trousers are pink, though.
Let the meme's begin...
@RyanTernier That guy... in the background...
Is he OK?
he's probably from texas?
I wish I was that happy in my job...
I wish I had half a million reputation points.
someone emptied out the lunch contents on that table. must have really needed the bag
What would you do with all of those points?
maybe there was a prize
@Nican Silly kid, didn't you know that the more points you have the longer your manhood is?
what points?
I think that was first shared here.
Standard stackoverflow
May 30 at 20:40, by Bob
I got bored and made this generic parody question http://i.imgur.com/dOLkgVR.png
Guys, I want to log data received from serial port....logging can take up to few hours or a day...is it ok to use StringBuilder and at the end just write the StringBuilder to a file? IF not, what do you suggest?
Don't use a StringBuilder
I typed user\domain and wondered why it didn't accept my password 0_o
oh god why wouldnt you just append to a file as you receive it?
What happens if your logger dies in the middle of the day? You would lose all of your data...
Straight to a file
damn should have tought about that
I have seen that image before
was that a real image? or a
With that exact same piece of text
From someone else in this chat
Yes, a real image.
so you mean File.Create and File.Append ?
No, not a real question.
@RyanTernier haha that makes Jon Skeet jealus :D
@Ryan - All that rep and only 300 views? :P
@RyanTernier That page actually shows the full number
and only 24 bronze badges
@Saeid87 open a filestream and write to that. and just like in the can, dont forget to Flush()
nyuk nyuk
@JohanLarsson he gave up being noob as soon it was polite to
i just fixed stack overflow. there ya go.
This chat needs some kind of crap filter...
You'd have to have the accepted answer on most of the questions on SO to get that much, not counting bounties.
@goughy000 your voice needs some kind of crap filter
@TomW your mom needs some kind of crap filter
To stop it getting all over my dick
The rep cap is 200 a day and Jon Skeet still manages to hit 500 frequently.
@goughy000 there is one, Travis nice script
I think skeet has 1,1M in uncapped rep
Could very easily be.
FW: Internet and phones will be going down soon
Bye guys
I answered a question today, do you think Skeet is worried?
@JohanLarsson Skeet will find you and haunt you down!
@JohanLarsson He is probably picking a wedgie right now.
he has lots of ammo if he wants to turn it into a downvote war
clicked that trashcan link to see what moved and saw this gem
in Trash can, 17 mins ago, by loading...
Do Apple make iFrames?
what does it mean?
Evil Clueless Stack Overflow Dude : "Mwhwha, for every question Skeet answers, another 50 will I create."
Hans Passant is actually doing good too :D
StackOverflowException was unhandled... Oh crap.
The only phone I can get at work is iPhone and my old stupid phone is starting to break, what's my play?
@JohanLarsson Are these phones work buys you? Don't complain. Say thank you
Though the Lumina series for windows phone 8 have been shown to outshine the best BlackBerries for IT security
But I don't love Apple, don't want to support them.
Also iPhone is not right for me I think, need something that can take some abuse and has battery.
I loved my windows phone
miss it compared to my android galaxy 3 actually
@RyanTernier yes company buys them
Lumia 925: Has enterprise and general security features such as Remote device locking via Internet, Secure NFC, Track and Protect via internet, Firmware update, Remote wipe of user data via Internet, Device lock, Device passcode, PIN code, Firmware and OS integrity check, Secure device start-up, Application sandboxing and integrity check; location and navigation apps like HERE Maps, HERE Transit, HERE City Lens, HERE Drive+; Nokia Music and Mix Radio for non-stop music enjoyment, and will launch with Hipstamatics new Oggl app which will let users share photos to other enthusiasts, like Inst
some IT drones STILL believe that only iOS supports remote wipe
Maybe add rectangle© as an iPhone feature?
1 missing laptop from a sales executive at a large tech firm could cost the firm 1-5 million $, so remote wipe capabilities are always required
I could stand a Lumia I think, gf has a Galaxy it is ok but battery is poor.
If any of our devices lose wifi connectivity to our router for more than 24 hours they detonate.
I try to go wirelessless as much as I can.
@TravisJ you must lose quite a few a year due to sickness, unexpected hospital admission, cancelled flights....etc
"to our router". Needless to say working at home over the weekend is not an option :P
yes, precisely my point. If you don't bring it back to work the next day, it dies?
We are trying to keep up with NSA standards is all. I think next year we will be forced to install these types of devices into our employees as well.
Does anyone knows of a website that generate sets and subset grouping? e.g. {A},{A,B}, {A,C},{B,C}, {A,B,C} ?
how do you mean?
why not just code it yourself? what about {B}, {C} also? does order count? uniqueness too?
@TravisJ I have a lot of cases and I was hoping that there would be one online to save me the time and ensuring that I don't miss any (I am a bit rusty)
What if you were to count these subsets by repeating letters, where the total length of repetition was considered to be f(n) where n was the number of letters in the super set, and n had to be equal to the length of the superset?
Sorry, this maps directly to a project euler problem :P
So sets and subsets? Of what?
@JohanLarsson I just wanted a page that gives me the result. I am just curious as I searched online and no one implemented such a helpful tool.
side project++
Just checked Wolfram alpha. no dice
ah well. Thanks everyone
@TravisJ please don't ever ask me that in an interview.
isn't there n factorial sets?
I think I could whip up a wpf app that lists all subsets in minutes but have already gone to bed
@drch yeah I think the binomina./&¤# what's-it-called in english
ah its 2^n
@JohanLarsson lol don't. I don't need it that badly. I already done the math needed on paper and it is all solved. I was just doubting my google-fu
S is a finite set with |S| = n elements, then the number of subsets of S is 2^n
In mathematics, the power set (or powerset) of any set S, written \mathcal{P}(S), P(S), ℙ(S), ℘(S) or 2S, is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself. In axiomatic set theory (as developed, for example, in the ZFC axioms), the existence of the power set of any set is postulated by the axiom of power set. Any subset of \mathcal{P}(S) is called a family of sets over S. Example If S is the set {x, y, z}, then the subsets of S are: * {} (also denoted \emptyset, the empty set) * {x} * {y} * {z} * {x, y} * {x, z} * {y, z} * {x, y, z} and hence the power s...
so in your case it would be 2^n - 1 if youre not including the empty set
aaaaand now I know what it is called. There is indeed an online generator.
that number gets very big very quickly
drch power++
the generator does not render the results in a super nice way
@AmmarAhmed Lol
So I am trying to make a feature which combines 6 previous features into one streamlined feature, and it is kind of kicking my ass.
I even had to bust out the whiteboard.
whiteboard is one of the first things I use
we have them everywhere in the office
@drch And you claim your math is weak ha
String, enum, bool, bool.
created once in a main method, and populated in a sub method. Class or Struct? Want the lightest footprint and quickest to access
@LewsTherin probably means weak in a Chuck Norris way
@RyanTernier A struct is lighter and faster.. if you won't copy it a lot
@JohanLarsson Yeah XD
@LewsTherin That's what I"m thinking, but I'm wondering about the size. THe string in it can get up to 25 chars long
I don't think I ever really wrote a struct other than when playing around
Even if you copy it, wont it take the same amount of time? The footprint difference comes from defined methods (class) verses simple properties (struct) I thought.
Where is our pedant when you need him?
@RyanTernier is it short lived in one scope or is it passed as an argument?
@RyanTernier - Is it ever passed anywhere?
@drch Extremely short lived, like 50ms. I shouldn't worry about the string as the string is immutable, and a reference type
A struct is usually light because it is stack based. Less overhead when creating it as well. But if you copy, it copies a lot of shiz. That's where the overhead is.
@RyanTernier The string should be fine.
Unless you use a statically sized array
@TravisJ Currently unknown, designing this atm. This webservice gets hit 500,000 times a day, and I need it until 2000 ms.
I gave them a 20 day estimate to shave off .87 seconds on the webservice, they agreed :\
room topic changed to C#: int Recursion() { return Recursion() * confusion; } // confusion is not defined [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
now i'm trying to see if I can get more
.87s is a lot
Already got that licked
take the rest of the week off
it was 13. seconds 3 months ago. I got it to 6.
var dict = new Dictionary<string,object>();
dict["str"] = "Hello";
dict["enum"] = getEnumerable();
dict["bool1"] = false;
dict["bool2"] = true;
now i'm trying to get it down more
add a second webserver
@drch We're doing that atm.
moving our brokers up to 32core machines, 128GB ram,
dict vs struct?
in 2 years when I remove biztalk we'll add 3 more
@TravisJ I'll try that
2 years damn
A struct might still be faster.
@TravisJ I would expect the boxing to kill performance
seems like an ultra micro optmization. id keep looking
@JohanLarsson Good point.
Dict is faster
That was fast :O
@RyanTernier share some benchmark code and results when you have it?
I hope you didn't just test it once or twice.
i find that difficult to believe that a dictionary lookup is faster than navigating to a property of an object
@JohanLarsson That would be a bit much atm - right now i'm threading 200 web requests to my box using different methods.
@drch I find it hard to stay in bed when reading it :D
it's 0.001 seconds faster
that number is so small it can be thrown off by someone sending a message in chat during your test
@RyanTernier than?
Then all 3.

Sending in 1,000 messages to my box on 200 threads yields me:
struct 00:00:02.7892427
class 00:00:02.7769781
dict 00:00:02.7839041
average per message
shit the context switch on that number of threads alone is probably more overhead than anythign else
do it with 10
@drch I have 32 cores running IIS to utilize them all :P
fine be that way
if I had a quad core, yea i'd be killing myself with switching
if a webservice call takes 2 seconds
youre not going to get much gain over class/struct
what takes the other 1.999995 seconds
wtf anyone else get a bad cert from that gist?
maybe you have a crap filter?
im on my potentially sketchy windows boot atm :P
@drch I understand the gain.
-Accepts request. Writes request to file (threaded)
-Validates incoming message (threaded)
-Runs SSL and Encryption checks on the XML package (threaded)
-Does 3 EMPI Gets against the EMPI (.4 seconds each)
-Does 1 EMPI Put against he EMPI (.4 seconds)
-Constructs return (.4 seconds)
-Logs and audits the message (threaded)
a 5ms gain on 1 service = 2500000ms saved in 1 day. = 2500.000 seconds of saved processing power
thats an interesting way of fudging the numbers
It sells :P
which gives me money to give my team work hahaha
i would call it a 0.0002% performance increase
tell them to send more requests so you can save more processing power
yesterday, by drch
think you need work on your sales pitch
sad thing is, we have a webservice that needs to execute in under 200ms.
if 30% of messages get over 200ms we are in breach of a SLA which means we can get fined

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