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@drch Yeah.. what's your secret? You and Kendall
And pretty much every other folkz in this room
i just have good experience i guess
ive never been stuck working on the same project for a long time
so i always got to try out new tech on each new project
I guess.. but to remember so much
I'm trying to learn WPF.. but I just don't have the willpower. I think I'm burnt out
some of it is just remembering a few key terms to know what to google ;)
;) But that helps if you can quickly grok it.
@JohanLarsson Bookmarked
I thought F# was a functional language?
It is multi paradigm.. ich verstehen
Time to watch HP
I am was wondering if The Hive could rate my answer to a five-year old problem
A: Parameterizing an SQL IN clause?

DarekHere is another answer to this problem: private static DataSet GetDataSet(SqlConnectionStringBuilder scsb, string sqlStr, params object[] pars) { var ds = new DataSet(); using (var sqlConn = new SqlConnection(scsb.ConnectionString)) { var tableValuedIn...

Mine is the first rated 0 points
Not looking for a boost, just seeking some constructive critisizm
is it possible to run an app from VS in debug and as administrator
I'm dumb, I'll just run VS as admin
Try going into the project properties, and under the "debug" tab, uncheck "enable the Visual Studio hosting process" and see if that fixes your problem.
@drch - Okay, so I handled the compression, it is pretty cool. Now I am on to trying to figure out why chrome isn't handling my page with a lot of forms on it very well. Have you ever had to use a lot of forms on one page before?
If that doens't do the trick, set the requestedExecution setting
@CCInc no but good try
not really - more than 1 but less than 10
are the forms all very similar?
@drch - They are delete buttons, so I wanted to make sure they post.
You'll want to modify the manifest that gets embedded in the program. This works on VS2008 and higher: Project + Add New Item, select "Application Manifest File". Change the <requestedExecutionLevel> element to:

 <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
@drch - They are rather similar aside from the id they use.
@xcx try that after
@drch - Every row has a delete button.
well you could have a single form at the bottom
<input type="hidden">
then on the click, update the hidden field, and post that form
That is an interesting idea.
does <form> have any css rules?
or is it just choking on extra markup
I am not sure why it chokes. Only chrome has issues with it. It is not the markup. It is something about the actual form itself.
Even ie8 runs it better than chrome
ff doesn't even notice
Any c++-knowers around?
depends on the c++
I only have a cursory knowledge of it.
i've had three classes in it.... so still, it depends on the c++
Dexpot *dex;

//C++ file

Dexpot *dexx;

BOOL SamplePlugin::Initialize()
		dex = new Dexpot(_T("SamplePlugin"));

	dexx = dex;
	// dex->SwitchDesktop suceeds but dexx->SwitchDesktop does nothing
@Billdr you should be ;)
Either of you? any idea?
I totally am.
@CCInc Uh.. what's your question?
Why doesn't dexx->switchdesktop work?
Is it defined anywhere?
oh and BTW the dex var is in the SamplePlugin class, the dexx var is in the global scope
I don't know what Dexpot does
@CCInc yea, but it has restarted VS, maybe iut would have worked with my dummy method, thanks
It looks like you've declared a pointer that should be a Dexpot, but it's never pointed at anything.
`dexx = dex;`
Does that not accomplish that?
It does...
neither dex or dexx are pointed at anything in this sample. I might be wrong, I suck at c++.
@CCInc dexx = &dex; no?
@Billdr Look at the if statement
I really suk at it though
@xcx No.. dexx isn't a Dexpot**
is a null pointer false?
ok sorry then
No need to be
@Billdr Yeah.. it evaluates to false. !NULL == true
good to know.
@CCInc whats the error youre getting
I'm not getting an error, it simply dones't DO anything
Might be because it's the wrong instance?
WPF Unleashed is the worst book ever. It goes on a loads of shit about XAML.. ugh
well if its not crashing, it must be doing SOMETHING
True, how do I find what it IS doing?
back to discrete math. Wake me up when the easy questions come up.
class SamplePlugin : public DexpotEventHandler
Dexpot *dex;
debug and step in
shouldn't dexx = dex; be dexx = &dex;
not if theyre both pointers already
ah yeah right
> @xcx No.. dexx isn't a Dexpot**
If you assign a pointer to a pointer, it will point to the same object, no?
i didn't realize dex was a pointer, missed the declaration
Best practice is to avoid using raw pointers or even pointers.. but I have no clue what's happening here.
try debugging it with gdb, see whats up
what scope is dexx defined in?
@drch It's a global var
Maybe I'm falling into an XY problem
do you have more than one instances of this plugin class?
The reason I assinged it to a global var was because I needed to call dex->switchdesktop from a global method
@drch Hmm, none that I created
also, the method returns a bool, but i don't see it returning anything, does this even compile?
@Steve I cut some of it out for the purpose of not spamming chat up
@CCInc its just a debugger for linux, i'm sure if you're using windows theres a similar one
@CCInc Globals are bad..
Can't you just inject it into that free function?
Well, they appear to be equal
+		dex	0x009a9950 {hWndCallback=0x00000000 hWndDexpot=0xbaadf00d OnLogon=0x00000000 ...}	Dexpot *
+	   dexx 0x009a9950 {hWndCallback=0x00000000 hWndDexpot=0xbaadf00d OnLogon=0x00000000 ...}	Dexpot *
void someGlobalMethod(Dexpot *dex)
Oh, right
well, it get's even more complex - I'm using RPC, so I don't actually call it directly.
Try it with a local variable.
Dexpot *fkdex = dex;
So the same shiz..
Well that doesn't make sense lol
Shit, hold on.
If I simply unplug my charger from the laptop.. would it still keep billing?
I'm sick of flicking the switch on and off
Okay, yes, it works with a local variable @lews
@CCInc so, dex is getting instantiated, and dexx is pointing at the same memory location that dex is (0x009a9950).... so everything in the code you posted seems to be doing what its supposed to, maybe the error is in the RegisterEventHandler method
Mmn except it works with a local.. :S
is that what he said?
3 comments ago
oh i'm blind
really blind
Haha :)
It's definately recieving the RPC message
even if it works with a local variable, the problem isn't in the code that he pasted
	dexx = dex;

	Dexpot *fkdex = dex;
   //     dex->SwitchDesktop && fkdex->SwitchDesktop work, dexx->switchdesktop still fail
Where else is dexx used?
@LewsTherin !!
@Code-Guru Hey dude!
Been a while.
@CCInc That looks dodgy.. you call SwitchDesktop before initializing.. ?
yes it has
How you been?
@Code-Guru "Relaxing.." before I get my results
It's in a different function
I thought so.. just making sure ;)
if I put it in the same where I assign it, I get the same result
ARUGH been on this SO LONG
Well shit
Unless anyone has any more ideas, maybe I'll scrap dexpot, create a seperate app, and just use the Windows Desktop API's
Ask @Code-Guru he is into C++ than myself
@CCInc Or can you gist the shiz? So we can get the whole picture
I thought you could onebox gist's..
@LewsTherin Taking a break from my Android app and working on some other projects...in between playing AC-Reveleations and watching movies

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