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Is there anyone that can help me with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/16757482/…
4 hours later…
I have seen a video on youtube and its say that there are 2 main webservices, SOAP and RESTful. But soap isn't just protocol? Isn't the combination of SOAP, WSDL and UDDI that must be called web service instead of just SOAP. So how this combination is called?
In mathematics, the dot product, or scalar product (or sometimes inner product in the context of Euclidean space), is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors) and returns a single number. This operation can be defined either algebraically or geometrically. Algebraically, it is the sum of the products of the corresponding entries of the two sequences of numbers. Geometrically, it is the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them. The name "dot product" is derived from the centered dot ...
@xcx dot product of two vectors gives a scalar not a matrix
@JohanLarsson don't know how it's called then but:
array([[ 7,  6],
       [ 9, 22]])
@xcx here you find good implementation using LINQ
Q: Sum of products of two arrays (dotproduct)

Boris CallensFirst off, I know my title can be formulated better, but my math classes are so far gone I can't remember the correct words anymore.. I need to do something like this (pseudo c#) int[] digits1 = new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int[] digits2 = new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int result = dig...

numpy.dot is simply the multiplication
they just wanted to confuse ppl
Q: how to set cursor position in gtk -Linux, MonoDevelop

JABFreewareOkay, so I thought I would get into Linux development. However, I found that you cant hardly manipulate the mouse and keyboard. My question is does GTK not support that sort of thing, or am I missing something? In windows its easy: Point Pos = new Point(20,20); Cursor.Position = Pos; How...

how do I implement IEnumerable/Ienumerator on my class so that I can iterate through all the properties in my class. (which are all of type double)
also, may I add that the properties are dependency properties
public IEnumerable<double> GetMyProperties() {
return new[] { this.Prop1, this.Prop2, this.Prop3};
@drch ok thanks, this does the job.
@Pheonixblade9 yo
Any recommendations for a (free) memory profiler?
I use ANTS I think
Trial versions are 'free'
I have been looking for a free performance profiler but have not found it.
Performance profiler is baked into VS2012.
I don't like trial versions. Meh.
VS has a nice profiler depending on what version you have, think it is in ultimate
dotTrace has a 14 day trial
if you like it and still need it for your assigment beyond the trial, i can lend you my key
dotTrace is pretty expensive I think, asked for a quotation for a couple of floating licenses once, forgot how much but it was enough for me not to bother.
oh wait i only have the performance one anyways ha
yeah the bundle is pretty expensive
i bought the performance one when they had the 75% off end-of-the-world sale
Any C++ gurus? I'm getting linker errors for some reason
c++ room broken?
You know perfect wlel what they think fo me
mem profiler is the best IMHO, but also not free
@CCInc ok sry
all the free ones I tried pretty much sucked
@CCInc Shoot :)
@drch Ah thanks for the offer, but yeah I need mem :P
it's also the cheapest compared to dottrace and ants I see
It's still nothing to be scoffed at.
129 euro compared to 269 and 395
only 395 for dotTrace?
dotTrace 5.3.2 Performance Standard $199 per license
for personal
floating commercial is like $2k
for the ANT memory profiler
dottrace memory is 269 euro
hey all!
I have a question
any idea how the shutdown command in windows works
I mean in shutting down ANOTHER computer
does it just send some packets
or does it log in as a user and shutdown
I think they fixed the ping of death
@JohanLarsson what do you mean?
so how does it work?
(lame joke on sending packets)
lame indeed
@LarsTruijens grrr
and it does check privilages on the remote computer
so could it be done through a microcontroller?
so it does some sort of 'login', but I don't think it is just like a remote desktop login and then sending a shutdown command
@LarsTruijens yeah I didnt mean that kind of a login
more like logging into a remote computers system manager
so is just like some packets with the password included that the computer receives and decodes
or does it actually have to go through all the connection protocles
if its the first a microcontroller could do it
yes, that basically describes every network command
ullo jabjab
@Pawnguy7 hye pawn
how is the game going?
PRetty much stuck on convex hulls. I think I need to switch to other things.
no, I expect there is a protocol, but that is also some packet which is received and decoded
One thing that still needs doing is sorting the scores.
and I expect there to be some protocol, like kerberos or NTLM, for the password (authentication)
it's not like a wake on lan packet if that is what you are asking
@Pawnguy7 wanna a tester?
@LarsTruijens grrr
@jab so sure, your microcontroller could do it theoretically, but I
I don't understand.
don't think it is an easy task
@LarsTruijens I hate protocles
everything is a protocol
even wake on lan
makes everything hard for a microcontroller
I meant certian ones
both sides have to agree on something in order to communicate
@LarsTruijens and why do they have to make them so complex a microcontroller cant handle them
because some things are complex
like security
that was a rhetorical question :)
@LarsTruijens btw your gravatar is cool
does anyone know where one would start
will protocles and such between a microcontroller and PC
Windows Embedded is a family of operating systems from Microsoft designed for use in embedded systems. Microsoft makes available four different categories of operating systems for embedded devices targeting a wide market, ranging from small-footprint, real-time devices to point of sale (POS) devices like kiosks. Windows Embedded operating systems are available to OEM system builders, who make it available to end users preloaded with the hardware. History Win3.x had an embedded version found typically on POS terminals. The NT series developed an embedded product called "XPembedded". Curren...
but otherwise, no I don't know
I don't think it is documented
the API is though
Maybe with a network analyzer like wireshark
@LarsTruijens yeah okay. Thanks!
@RoelvanUden okay, so for example I get this error
Error	22	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __WSAFDIsSet referenced in function "private: void __cdecl RCF::TcpServerTransport::cycleAccept(void)" (?cycleAccept@TcpServerTransport@RCF@@AEAAXXZ)	C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\cp-devel\SampleWrapExistingCredentialProvider\RCF.obj	SampleWrapExistingCredentialProvider
but I even checked the code, and nothing like that was there
 void TcpServerTransport::cycleAccept()
        // accept a connection if there is one waiting
        if (acceptorFd != -1)
            fd_set readFds;
            FD_SET(acceptorFd, &readFds);
            timeval tv = {0,0};
            int ret = Platform::OS::BsdSockets::select(acceptorFd+1, &readFds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
            if (ret == 1)
                RCF_ASSERT( FD_ISSET(acceptorFd, &readFds) );
                sockaddr_in addr;
@Pawnguy7 Linker error, any idea? ^
Maybe it's FD_ISSET?
It has been a while when I did C++
Sorry, I am a bit braindead at this point in the day, and I was never very good with linker errors in the first place. I have no idea.
it probably is a macro
1 hour later…
@CCInc WSA functions are contained in ws_32.dll
You need to add it to the project properties in the linker section to have it compile against that library.
Or, use a #pragma import (that's the bad way).
(I was watching anime, hence the delay)
Can anybody help me sort a dictionary?
what type of dictionary
It is a collection of highscores comprised of a string (name) and score (int)
string is the key, int is the value?
oh, wait, a dictionary by definition is not sortable. why do you need to sort this?
and you want them sorted by score?
yes. highest first
You will have to have a list of them for them to be sorted
@drch you might want "descending" in there
you can enumerate them like that
if you wanted a list of the names in order of score, you would do
just remember that you can't get a dictionary in return, because a dictionary itself is not sorted.
If you wanted to iterate through them in order
dict = dict.OrderBy(m => m.Key).ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value);
foreach( var item in dict.Keys.ToList() )
 //use item in order
i'm going to make a modification to your code Travis, because i'm not convinced that the "ToDictionary" would not mess up the sorting.
I use that, it works.
dict = dict.OrderBy(m => m.Key).Select(x=>new {m.Key, m.Value});
foreach( var item in dict.Keys.ToList() )
 //use item in order

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