Until you've straddled a computer, with your fingers deep inside of it, turning all the pieces that make it work in different directions just to get it going, then booted it up by inserting your boot disk, just to program some QBasic, you're not a programmer.
We have our own Cert authority, trying to find a good way to create certs through code, deploy them across 15+ servers, then update biztalk receive ports with the thumprint.
Well, I say it's a bodge because the way we got them was that I went up to the devops guy and said "Hey [devops guy], I'm getting a TLS failure, can we have a cert that works?" and he said "Sure"
@TomW It's amazing how many people want to hack Testing environments so they work, not realizing that once it goes to prod.. those hacks should not be/will not be in place
Sounds good to me. But if you start something from scratch, then to me that means you do not have a template or skeleton. You should build one of those first.
@LarsTruijens yeah the sdk got it. I guess that should be a good way to go as long as I copy the code part by part to understand it and not cheat myself.
@TravisJ for my last project (a hackathon) I started off the existing toolbox project and it worked fine :)
@Lars - I like to keep a base project with my library included in the config file so I don't have to always include a using statement for it, a couple helper classes, and the already referenced .dlls for mysql, ef, and the .config transformation definitions