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posted on May 14, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

I've blogged about how being a remote worker sucks. Sometimes I just need to get out of the home office and wander around town just to be near people. There's all this unspoken etiquette when you're a "homeless" remote worker and you're squatting in a café. How much do coffee does one buy in order to justified downloading an 8gig ISO over a coffee shop's bandwidth? Will a croissant cover it? Y

3 hours later…
anyone? pls
Q: Improving Performance of Highlighting [every line]

Elegiacim working on code-editor(winforms) and i use token parameters for highlighting such as: foreach (string token in tokens) { // Set the token's default color and font. rtb.SelectionStart = index; rtb.SelectionLength = token.Length; ...

2 hours later…
@Elegiac Try in WPF room too..if it is active
@codebrain ok sir ill try thanks :D
Don call people in SO as sir..
They are all just like you !
but im not as smart as you :) your geeks thats why i called you sir coz your all my idol hehehe
and im newbie
I am not very smart either compared to other, being newbee doest make you any lower//
just call people by name! they wont mind
ok @codebrain hehehe
Cool @Eleg
hope someone would help hehe
wait and watch
hello can any one help me out
Q: How i can get specific values from url in asp.net with C#

Noor RahmanHow i can get specific values from the below url i need to get only 3 values http://earnprofitclickint.com/UserWorking/Successfull.aspx?lr_paidto=U9925362&lr_amnt=2.00&lr_currency=LRUSD&lr_store=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.earnprofitclickint.com&lr_merchant_ref=&lr_paidby=U3563444&lr_fee_amnt=0.00&lr_tra...

@codebrain i got another question that you may know the answer :P
you mean querystring ?
you already have a answer and that'll do, just make changes..may be its case sensitive stuff.. modify it and you'll get it
i have done the case senstive stfuu
jst please confirm me how to remove the white spaces ie %
in the URL
remove space from url ? or the value you got from url ?
remove the spaces from url
@Johan are you there ?
No clue noor. I am sowiee
please help
yes a short while, got to go to work
%24id=70 from this when i remove %24 and replace with & then it will work and at the page load i can get the id value
I hosted a WCF service in IIS. is it possible that i can view it ? like we do in Webservices ?
but with this %24 it can,t work
Webservices, i can run .asmx pages from iis, I have Service.Cs in hosted WCF service. Any way to run it from iis ?
code brain please help
@codebrain no idea, never done it
Noor, i am wondering why you would need to modify the url ?/
Q: How i can get specific values from url in asp.net with C#

Noor RahmanHow i can get specific values from the below url i need to get only 3 values http://earnprofitclickint.com/UserWorking/Successfull.aspx?lr_paidto=U9925362&lr_amnt=2.00&lr_currency=LRUSD&lr_store=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.earnprofitclickint.com&lr_merchant_ref=&lr_paidby=U3563444&lr_fee_amnt=0.00&lr_tra...

its okay @Johan :) have a good day
i need to get my required values and am still unable to get those except one querysting value ie Amount.Value = Request.QueryString["lr_amnt"].ToString();
i can get lr_amnt but i can,t get the username=networkers and its id=70 i have to insert these to databae in my page load when response come from liberty reserve website y i need this jst for local history
code brain u understand what am asking ??
Pleae look closly my URL how i can get ??
jhone can u help me
Noor, is your problem solved now?
the problem is not solved
can u look my question again
i need to get my required values and am still unable to get those except one querysting value ie Amount.Value = Request.QueryString["lr_amnt"].ToString();
i can get lr_amnt but i can,t get the username=networkers and its id=70 i have to insert these to databae in my page load when response come from liberty reserve website y i need this jst for local history
bcs i can get one value and not able to get the other two paramers what is worong with these two parameters
there is nothing wrong.
y am getting nullable with these ID.Value = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
UserName.Value = Request.QueryString["username"].ToString();
while this working : Amount.Value = Request.QueryString["lr_amnt"].ToString();
ID.Value is coming to be null?
while is value is 70
Okay, so ASP resolves various parameters using LR?
wrong statement.
Listen, those 'ID' and 'username' are not available as query params.
they are params inside another query.
One question. Is it the debugger that testing for type errors and that handling exceptions?
Use 'ctl00%24contentplaceholder1%24username' for username
'ctl00%24contentplaceholder1%24id' for ID
yes u are rit
answered on your question, accept if it works :)
have a gud day
@NoorRahman :)
thanks sunny i really appricite your work
Did it work?
am updating the code on the server now so it will take 20 mints to uplaod i will give u repsone thanks
Can someone answer to my question please? I really need an answer to continue
@Loclip Hey, let me know your question
@SunnyRGupta Is it the debugger that testing for type errors and that handling exceptions?
so many geeks online :D
@RudyLee @Loclip @SunnyRGupta @user2380544 :D
not that many
@Elegiac hi :)
The League of Geeks is missing :D
@Loclip hello :D
@Elegiac you very fast, answering after 1 hour :D
lol sorry loclip i just fix something
Q: Now overload for method 'Show'takes 2 argument

ElegiacI'm working on code-editor and I make a mouseevent for rightclick specifically this code: if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { lbright.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y); lbright.BringToFront(); } but the problem was everytime I runs it 'overl...

-2 haha
they right you must use context menu for this
I remember I used it once its not difficult
can you help me with the position bro @Loclip?
i got problem with the placing (.show()) also i dunno how to add syntax for contextmenu .like if 1item selected whats the code^^ sorry if im noob lol
i already got this bro:
private void rtb_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)

MenuItem[] menuItems = new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Cut"), new MenuItem("Copy"), new MenuItem("Paste") };

ContextMenu rightcontext = new ContextMenu(menuItems);


@Elegiac ok wait a bit
thanksa lot @Loclip ^^ your the boss^______^
i already try .Show(rtb, Cursor.Position) but it turns to crap the contextmenu shows outside richtextbox lol
@Elegiac you just want to press right click and a small window pop up on the mouse position right?
yes boss @Loclip
@Elegiac if I will tell you that you dont need to write any code for that would you believe me? :D
lol how?
i dont use designer btw can it be? :D
i only use events for tools
@Elegiac oh it was using designer
wait i will try without it
ok master @Loclip
master i already got it :D
i just need to control the list in contextmenu
ContextMenuStrip cmt = new ContextMenuStrip();
richTextBox1.ContextMenuStrip = cmt;
and ready
how the control sir?
i mean where can i add code?
This will show the menu
now you want to add function to cut copy and paste right?
i mean where can i add code such as rtb.Copy(); in copy
Wait a minute
thanks master @Loclip :D
I think this will work
private System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtb;
private System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip cms;
private System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem cut;
private System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem copy;
private System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem paste;

private void cut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //do something
I not 100% sure i always using designer
but try it
you should also write this.cut.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.cut_Click);
in the InitializeComponent
ok master
ill try it master
master @Loclip
i doesnt work master :( it created a new context control and doesnt control my context on rightclick event
@Elegiac because i not familiar with C# without designer i will make you some questions
do you have function private void InitializeComponent()?
yes sir . but doesnt have anything with it
in this function you initialize the components and place them in the form
how then you placed components on form?
Look when you use c# winforms you have a constructor that calls function to initialize components

public Form1()
In the InitializeComponent() function the componets are initiliazed and placed in the form... do you have something similar?
Yov @elegiac , this is not tutorial center mate
@Elegiac why you not use winforms?
There you could do what you want just by drag and drop one richtextbox one contextmenustrip, add what you want in it and thats it... You do everything that you want without writing code
i use winforms sir
problem i dont use designer
toavoid more bugs
coz thats a requirement :/
you do school project or something?
work projectsir
sorry for a bit late response
been rushing onsomething :(((
really sorry master @Loclip
@Elegiac sorry mate can't help you much I not familiar with programming without designer
its ok master you already help a lot and waste your time for a newbie like me
and that worth a lot :) so bigthanks for that
no problem.. good luck with your project
Morning flirters
@user13814 are you high? :D
can anybody help me understand why we write the following xaml in this way -
    <DataGrid  AutoGenerateColumns="False" RowHeaderWidth="0" >
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
                <Setter Property="Height" Value="35" />
                <Setter Property="Padding" Value="5" />
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#4E87D4" />
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="ExpenseType" />
when we can simply use attributes like - <DataGridTextColumn Height="35" Padding="5"...>
Why exactly is the <Setter> element used and not simple attributes?
I am going away for now, but somebody plz reply it if u know the answer. I will check back later. Thanks in advance.
Just add @ infront of my name to notify me. Thanks
Has anyone here used JSF?
JSF = Joint Strike Fighter?
If only.. JavaServer Faces
Simply, it is a web app alternative to Swing.. but the problem is, I don't see the point.
It just seems to me like overcomplicated bullshit.
Of Java? I don't see the point either.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with JSF.
Meh, it's OK. I will keep googling.
Half an hr ago, I spilt coke on my laptop keyboard
Keyboards weren't working so I turned it off.. and made an inverted V
Now, I turned it back on.. everything seems to work.. I turned it off to be safe..
But is it really working? I mean Lenovo are the best.. but still
You should hear my brother on Lenovo. :P
He isn't a fan
Mainly because his Lenovo laptop monitor won't go on most of the time
Google for lenovo monitor issues (when connecting/disconnecting an external monitor, black screen)
I haven't had problems :O
Although mine is an ideapad
@LewsTherin I spilt coke on my laptop keyboard a few years ago. Didn't turn it off and the laptop worked perfectly for the next 4 years. Only problem was that my number pad keys (where I spilt the coke) where incredibly sticky and made a crunching noise everytime I used them so if you can, try and give the keys a really good wash
Mine was an HP
@MatthewSteeples Yeah, I'm afraid of the stickiness... so I will definitely do that after the exams
But that's good news!
Why did it croak after 4 years?
I've yet to encounter a laptop that survives me for over 4 years.
Haha touche :D
@RoelvanUden Got an HP NX 9420 in 2004/5 and it died about 4 weeks ago
Core2Duo processor and 3gb of RAM, still ran everything I needed it to :)
I have a list
and I am converting it into string
using this,

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@selectedFruitIDs", String.Join("','",selectedFruitIDs.ToArray())));
now my output is coming as

but what i want is

anyone can help as what can i do ?
@user13814 Take your string and add a ' to the beginning and the end?
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@selectedFruitIDs", "'" + String.Join("','",selectedFruitIDs.ToArray()) + "'"));
Although at this point you probably want to separate it out onto a separate variable/line
Hey all
I need a help with radiobutton text
I used a tablelayout for my windows application
& dynamic raiobutton in it
but the radiobutton text is displaying partial string only
even i assigned it to autosize
I don't remember but you can repeat a value in an array with Linq?

To get data from xml tag like

<spine toc="ncx">
<itemref idref="W000Title" />
<itemref idref="W01MB154" />

i am using " GetElementsByTagName "
I am getting Spine tag values..
How to get tag <itemref .. />
Can any one help..
I got the answer
What is it with people here not using monospace font?
You don't use non-monospace font in your editor, so you don't paste in non-monospace font in the C# room.
@rightfold Almost everyone here uses non-monospace font in our editors.
Either you're trolling or the C# community is totally insane.
Trolling. But the C# community is insane too.
how can i get the event for mvc model validation message on the client side for a field?
I used to use Arial (I think) in VBA.
Just because I could X/
VBA isn't readable anyway so yeah it doesn't really matter there.
<div class="sub-setting-row">
            <div class="sub-setting-label">
                <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.settings.Name)%>
            <div class="sub-setting-editor">
                <%: Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.settings..Name})%>
            <div class="validation-row">
                <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.settings.Name) %>
ah nice
sub-setting-row as height as 2em
so when the error comes ..it overlaps with other fields
is there an event on the client side for model validation? in which i can change the height of the parent div?
in case of Errro .. sub-setting-row height needs to be 4em
model validation error*
real developers program with comic-sans
how to apply the shadow for image dynamically in c#?
You need to explain what you mean.
posted on May 14, 2013 by Eric Lippert

The good people over at Tech.Pro have asked me to write a short series of articles for their site on the subject of mistakes I've made and seen others make when writing benchmark performance tests of C# code. The series … Continue reading →

I didn't know it was possible to freeze the command line.
Ruby sucks.
It froze my computer to the point where I couldn't Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
Your computer sucks.
I read "A language should have a minimal number of primitive concepts/features." why is that?
kisses rightfold
you have to believe everything you read :)
@DavidDV I writing a report and want to understand what I read. This is the definition for simplicity but I don't understand why a language should have a minimal number of primitive concepts/features.
I also don't understand that
For me as much can a programming language do so better is it
So java is better then C# because it doesn't do Lambdas
makes no sense
The simpler a language is, the easier it is to use.
When was that quote written and in what context
Is it easier to learn arithmetic or calculus?
@KendallFrey yes but the author used the word "should"
so he suggest that all languages must be simple
why so?
Because simple is good.
One key word in that quote is primitive
Lambdas are not a primitive concept, but a language feature.
Delegates are the primitive concept.
so lets say one language doesn't have delegates. This making this languge better than other that have delegates?
because it more simpler?
If it can do the same things, then it is better.
@KendallFrey now I get the point
If leaving out a feature means leaving out the ability to solve some important problem, then it shouldn't be left out.
so in other words being able to do 1 thing in 1 way is better / simpler then the ability to do the same thing in 3 slightly different ways
@KendallFrey so he mean if 2 languages can do the same thing but one of them have less number of primitive/features so then it make this language simpler than other?
in other words the author is Captain Obvious
I wouldn't say it's obvious that multiple ways is bad.
Would that mean that Brainf*ck is clearly the superior choice?
For some things, yes.
if a language is bad no one will use it, if a language is good they will
C# offers things like file I/O which are essential for most programs.
@DavidDV C++ is a counterexample.
developers don't need theoretical nonsene to decided which language to use
exception java :p
funny google maps game :)
awesome google maps game, I've been playing around with it for a few days.
I've been trying to crack 30k, but when it drops me in some back country road that stretches for miles...
@DavidDV omg very cool game... thank you for sharing it
2029. ugh
Licence plates, road signs (esp. speed limit), and vegetation will give you a decent starting point geographically.
yeah spanish -> oooh spain -> nope Mexico :p
ffffffuuuuuu i was in a place that i actually knew and my browser crashed
You missed with 369.686 km which gave 2557 points. hehehe
lol I found the sign and found it on google :) But damn still lost cause there is a place with same name :/
I'm underwater :O
hahaha you are in Atlantis... man you found it :D
can anybody help me understand why we write the following xaml in this way -
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" RowHeaderWidth="0" >
<Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
<Setter Property="Height" Value="35" />
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="5" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="#4E87D4" />
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="ExpenseType" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Amount" />
when we can simply use attributes like - <DataGridTextColumn Height="35" Padding="5"...>
Why exactly is the <Setter> element used and not simple attributes?
hi guys
do u guys know about shopping cart?
@AnkurSharma I think the above example set a style and apply it to all column header so you will not need to write each time inline the style of column header. Its just my opinion, I think its same thinking with how css works
how cart handles promotion?
@Loclip Ok thanks. I am new to XAML so just needed to clarify. Thanks again.
@DevProve what your question have to do with c#?
using c# to design a shopping cart in session
but i have no idea on how shopping cart deal with promotion product @@
@Loclip how was it?
@DevProve I not sure if this want you want but I remember one page where I was buying cpu and the page promoted me also to to buy a cooler for it
@DevProve what you mean how was it?
Learning C# in 5 minutes
1) Register on Stackoverflow
2) Go to the Chat room
3) Asked full detailed solution to your problem
thats 2 minute :D
you are over-estimating my target - audience ;)
i'm asking you about your opinion
I like this idea but I didn't buy the cooler :D You can also give a look at data-mining
oh i remembered the site pixmania.com if you want you can see how they work
Can someone explain me this term and maybe any give any example? "The language should support a high level of data and control abstraction.". Thank you.
@Loclip Context?
@KendallFrey I make a research on How do we evaluate a programming language? And one of criteria is Abstraction which have the above term
@SteffenWinkler "That Rudi guy"? How nice
@Loclip Context? Link? Anything?
Maybe you should talk to your course instructor?
I'd say it means you can program a car as if it was a car, and not, say, a collection of parts, or a sequence of bytes.
already posted
@KendallFrey ok thank you
@DigitalD its not a course a making my final year project
abstraction is that like garbage collection is a higher abstraction
I don't think that high level of abstraction means good
It all depends on your context
@KendallFrey and there where it says

*Reliability and safety
When computers go down, planes crash, phone systems break, nuclear reactors melt down, cash machines close. We'd like to avoid this. *

What a programming language can do to avoid it? :S
belgium tv show
guy has a speaker in his pants with fart noises :p
@Loclip Fail gracefully.
Have a fallback procedure.
Hi, does anyone have any knowledge why the debugger would detach from a WP8 emulator while trying to expand a list of objects on a break point?
@KendallFrey nice.

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