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@OlegOrlov honestly, if it was me, I would ask your PM the question "what is the business value in supporting this small feature for a subset of our users? Why can't I just hide it?" and use the sexy CSS3 stuff for people it is supported for.
invalidoperationexception would be better
> The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state.
@OlegOrlov what does that have to do with using a fancy transition? I meant just show/hide the element, rather than animating it.
@oleg - Did you see the code I posted?
Okay, so ask your general boss. Is it worth you spending several hours/days getting this little fancy transition right for old browsers?
huh? that sentence makes no sense
if it dont make dollars then it dont make sense
@drch exactly.
If your clients choose to use an obsolete browser, they should not expect full sexiness.
can i get the icon in cornflower blue?
there are good challenges and bad challenges
You should always make functionality available in all browsers, but there is, in my opinion, very little business value in writing browser specific code for non-business-value-enhancing tasks
@OlegOrlov that's not your responsibility
but I don't know your problem
your boss might be an inflexible asshole
yes, I understand that
Chrome supports ActiveX
I get the feeling what I am saying is not getting through to you, so forget it
make perversions?
@OlegOrlov I'm not saying they should switch browsers. I'm saying you should not worry about providing unsupported features in older browsers that don't necessarily prevent users from using the page.
this is why i like freelancing. if you end up somewhere that they make bad decisions on what to spend your time on, you can just go somewhere else
@drch I've been trying to get more into freelancing, so far I've only got one consistent contract, and it's $150/mo
@drch shrug it's $50/article and it takes me 1-2 hours to write it. www.sharelatex.com
also, I have a full time job ;)
oh well thats fine then
freelancing is my full time job
ahh, gotcha
well hey
if you ever have extra work, especially mobile work, please give me a shout
I've done some Android consulting in the past
it'd be nice to have a job where I can charge my usual $75/hr rate :)
i usually do 2-3 month contracts on-site
but i have some gigs that come out of vancouver that i do outside of that
yeah I don't have a lot of interest in changing jobs
i have a company back home with a buddy (he has a full time job too)
my boss has been giving me some more management-style tasks lately, which is cool, as I've only been here a year.
we're working on a project that takes up like 16-20hrs a week @ $80/hr
I'm managing the interns this summer :)
been like 6 months like that
that's pretty nice :)
if you ever have spillover work, I'd be happy to give you a 25% cut
this project wraps up in june and ill probably take a breather for the summer
if you're serious ;) let me know when you get it so I can take it down
got it
I'd love to get some extra cash, put into savings for a house
how do you like the freelance lifestyle? have you been at it long?
love it
i got a 2 year visa for the UK and ive been here since jan 2012
more money, less tax, total freedom.
planning on going back to BC after that's done?
I know it's tough to get a permanent visa in the UK/EU
doesn't seem so bad
actually had a call today from a recruiter who has 2 clients that would be willing to sponsor
but going permanent is a huge pay cut
yeah, you have to look at benefits to see if it's worth it
with 401k match it might be worth it
its basically a 5 year commitment to the company
I guess you have nationalized healthcare there, so health insurance isn't a big deal..
i havent had a job that lasted over a year in a while
I have really good insurance and I still pay $30/visit just to talk to the doctor
yay America... freedom... whoo...
yeah i dont pay anything for health care cause i only pay myself $600/month in salary
@oleg - 5:21
you put the rest into your business account?
wait you mean $600 or 600GBP?
'cause I can't imagine someone living on $600/mo in the UK
er yeah £600
my rent is £860
how does that work out
@OlegOrlov I don't follow
i pay myself £7500/year in salary, £30,000 in dividends
and the rest stays in the company
dividends? like stock dividends?
so you get taxed less on dividends because it's capital?
and because my salary is so low, i dont pay taxes on my income nor my dividends
I'm not familiar with UK tax law
so thats £7500 completely tax free and £30,000 taxed at 20% as profits to my company
lol I'm amazed that's legal
thats how its done ;)
same in canada and i think the states as well
that's still a modest income for a software engineer
but not bad :)
well sure but the rest goes into my company
i worked 9 months last year and grossed £60k
yeah, but you'll be taxed on that eventually :P
anyways, I'm off for the night
thanks for the chat :)
@OlegOrlov: a room in a flat...
@OlegOrlov sorry if I was being grumpy, it can be difficult to communicate with someone not having English as a first language. I hope you solve your problem :)
@OlegOrlov our flat costs like £4500/mo in rent (there's 5 of us)
its insane
yeah i bet your place is way nicer and bigger than mine
damn travis
But I live across the street from the beach :P
ah well there you go ha
yeah i wont miss the rent when i leave london
Where will you go next?
germany i think
Cool, I liked Berlin when I went there.
yeah im going to book a trip to berlin soon. i went to oktoberfest in munich last year and it was sweet
Except, avoid the Eisbein lol
oh god
just wiki'd that
sounds awful
I ordered that on accident once
is the best way to calculate the n-dimensional cross product just using the determinant definition?
why? looks good except that it is pig
@EiyrioüvonKauyf i understand some of those words
taking a day off tomorrow
@EiyrioüvonKauyf - In a program, I believe you would calculate the first 3 of your n, and then do the result of that with the next 2 and so on until n. However, for math theory it would probably require some aspect of differential equations
^ ... what are you talking about
Use a 3-dimensional cross product n/3 times. They can be chained.
^ o_O? for n dimensional? ... how
^ . elaborate please o-O? ... so like how would you do <1,2,3,4> x <5,6,7,8>
ok for elaboration i mean en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product not the cartesian product ....
how do you have a 4-d vector in 3-d space?
^ what are you talking about
@EiyrioüvonKauyf - You would add them up as you went, using a sum. I believe this should help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz_formula_for_determinants
@drch: your question makes no sense.
You should just stick to the simple determinant function for small matrices though, I thought we were talking about thousand size ones.
@TravisJ: huh interesting.. I'm talking about calculating the cross product for large lists
e.g. 100 element vector
A: Is the vector cross product only defined for 3D?

Eric O. KormanYes, you are correct. You can generalize the cross product to $n$ dimensions by saying it is an operation which takes in $n-1$ vectors and produces a vector that is perpendicular to each one. This can be easily defined using the exterior algebra and Hodge star operator http://en.wikipedia.org/w...

^ ... i assume that was for drch?
No, that was for you as the person answering also implies that the cross product of an n dimension vector can be done by breaking it down into smaller vectors and combining them.
^ 0 clue what that answer means by the way. I understand the others, but i'm not going to pretend to understand exterior algebras and the Hodge Star Op.
It is pretty advanced stuff. I don't fully understand it off the top of my head, I would have to review first. I was just hoping it would help you :P
._. 0 clues
I don't speak that level of abstract algebra .... yet anyway
quick: what's the typical round-trip latency in a (wired) LAN? 10ms?
I think I'll go with 0.1ms instead.
thanks Travis.
goodday :)
anyone can help me here?
Q: Replacing for Intellisense

ElegiacI'm working on a code-editor (winforms) and i found a bug for replacing . Replacing was text from Richtextbox will be replaced by text from listbox . like in actual code-editor (richtextbox = texteditor & listbox = intellisense) . Further more here's my code: public partial class MainForm : F...

please ... really need a help :/ thanks a lot
i need a good debugger :///
2 hours later…
whereever you go, whatever you do,
i will be right here waiting for you
to answer ... hahaha
Q: Replacing for Intellisense

ElegiacI'm working on a code-editor (winforms) and i found a bug for replacing . Replacing was text from Richtextbox will be replaced by text from listbox . like in actual code-editor (richtextbox = texteditor & listbox = intellisense) . Further more here's my code: public partial class MainForm : F...

2 hours later…
any online geek pls ? :/
1 hour later…
hey guys
any MVC wizard out here ?
looking for one too
do you know how to convert excel to csv in MVC?
anyone help me with excel to CSV conversion?
1 hour later…
hi @Padmalochan
kul med svenskar på stack
jo men ganska glest i chatten
Vet du något bra asp.net tutorial? Har studerat c# men aldrig rört asp.
nevermind I found one
I've never done any web
Ok i have a job interview on monday as a asp.net developer =)
nice man, Channel9 can be good
Good evening every one...
Q: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [NullReferencceException was unhandled]

Elegiacrelated to this topic: if condition for MDI Parent Control i need to call text from my label in DtextEditoR (form) to another label in frmMain (form) . and i use timer instead of button since i follow the answer here: Communicate between two windows forms in C# which leads to: frmMain.cs: p...

can someone help me with this?
please :( i nedahelp so bad
public sealed class MainPage : Page
I am getting this error showing in "MainPage"

Missing partial modifier on declaration of type 'Webview.MainPage';
another partial declaration of this type exists.
please help me :)
@kumar try public partial sealed class MainPage : Page
@Elegiac Looks like your for does not have a lblcountline
But It didn't works for me
I changed to
"public sealed partial class MainPage : Page"
it's working
oh ok I wrote it here in chat so fumbled on syntax
It's ok.
How would one go about and add an executable (a program) to the Windows installed programs? I want to make a custom install in which I'm simply going to copy required files to C:/Programs/ and then add the .exe to Windows installed programs.
I want to develop a stream like facebook which might contains pictures, video(uploaded and embedded), post and sky is the limit. I am using ASP.NET webforms, can anyone recommend me the approach I need to follow? Because I feel that basic AJAX won't help me. [Do you think I should post this as a question on SO?]
@Alex I am not sure if this helps but I can say Powershell is pretty strong in dealing with Windows component.
@Alex Try WiX
@JohanLarsson That makes me think of something.
what is the something?
Did you know that there is no such thing as a static class in MSIL?
nope did not know, I have not done much MSIL
A static class in C# becomes an abstract sealed class in MSIL.
ok and the runtime takes care of 'newing' it up and managing a single instance?
@JohanLarsson No, there is no instance.
It's abstract/static, which means it can't be instantiated.
what is a static method/property in MSIL?
@KendallFrey ok fair enough but you said there is no static
@JohanLarsson static, I think.
@JohanLarsson abstract(MSIL)/static(C#)
@OlegOrlov I did not add on facebook as this chat is enough, cool?
Fixed font please.
Indentation is nice too.
@OlegOrlov No need to select.
ctrl+k shortcut
ugh, I hate working in eclipse
everyone who does java seems to hate automating things
I only used eclipse very little but I consider VS the biggest strength of C#
don't have much to compare to though
what kind of hosting do i need to connect the online database with a desktop application.
@JohanLarsson You should try MonoDevelop. It's really pretty cool.
Hi alll
Hi Mr.johan Larsson
Being the C# room, it's worth asking, does anyone here have insights on data-binding in JavaScript?
@KendallFrey I should some time, have a lot on my list and it only grows
Front page of our documentation system:
And YES! I know it's ugly. The theme will change soon. For now, i was mainly concerned with making sure we had the functionality we needed.

Update (11/19/2009 - Bob)
@Jonathan hi sir
Hi johan I have a doubt on muxing
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know anything but think knockout does it
do you know about muxing
@BenjaminGruenbaum elem.value :D
I meant something like
Q: How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

Benjamin GruenbaumPlease treat this question as strictly educational. tl;dr How would I implement bi-directional data-binding with JavaScript? Data Binding to the DOM By data binding to the DOM I mean for example, having a JavaScript object a with a property b. Then having an <input> DOM element (for example...

@Jonathan no but ask any way, there is a bunch of guys here, maybe someone wakes up
@Jonathan A mux is an electronic circuit that selects one output from several inputs.
What's your question?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you looked at angularjs and knockout?
they both do real time databinding between html and js objects
@KendallFrey Yah, I want to mux a audio file and a video file in to single file
@drch Look at the question :)
@Jonathan You mean combine them, or just pick one or the other?
didnt read the last bit haha
but have you looked at how they do it?
if (audio)
combining two file. The video and audio are of same time then the output file will be also same time
knockout adds an interceptor to the values
and angular checks them vs their last seen values
angular has an event loop
Oh. In that case, check out Windows Live Movie Maker.
so those are two approaches
Or, if you're on XP, use Windows Movie Maker.
I want to do that in c#
@drch to be honest I've used both Angular and Knockout but I don't know how they do it. If you can explain those two approaches and how to implement them in a simple way in JS for a primitive case, you've got my upvote
The files will be in the server. I will take those two files mux them and save it in the server again
@Jonathan So how are you storing the audio and video? What classes are you using?
@Jonathan Are you sure mux is the right term?
Mix sounds better.
I am using getusermedia
to load the audio and video of the user
Isn't that JavaScript?
I have saved the files using getusermedia to the server using javascript
now i want to combine the files using c#
I mean mix
So, how are your files stored in C#?
is there any .dll to mask the image in c#?
@Rithesh What do you mean?
That's a very generic question.
like itextsharp.dll
What does that have to do with images?
we need to mask the image
What do you mean?
@KendallFrey Files stored in c#? They are stored in the server. Can you be more clear
Mask can mean so many things.
@Jonathan How are you reading them in C#?
By using the file reader
What object are you reading them into?
for example, there is particular image and a mask image with some portion transparent. so that the original image in the transparent portion can be seen and rest are masked using the mask image. Hope you are clear now.
@ShotgunNinja are you looking for a job?
@Jonathan Search google for a class that will let read audio or video data.

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