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think about it
try converting the concept of a convex polygon as a bunch of points a distance from a central radial into a bunch of points from a line segment
think about what the definition of a convex polygon is in that projected context
does that make sense?
I can picture what you described, but no, I am still very lost.
try drawing a picture
draw a very simple one
draw a central point with line segments going out to different lengths
draw a convex and concave version
then try to draw those two shapes "unwrapped" on a straight line
I don't know what unwrapped means here.
unwrapped means the angles between your vertices will be 0
isn't that a straight line?
that's the idea
Apparently I don't get it. I have to go eat. I will check back later, and see if it makes sense to me then.
it's a lot easier to think of the logic you want if you transform the radial plane into a linear one... most people think better when it's linear
find a website where we can both draw stuff
I'll show you

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