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"Black player connected"; shouldn't it be African-American player connected? How's it know the race of the players?
@IDWMaster rofl
cough racist cough :D anyway, nice
@Pawnguy7 whats a racist cough?
sound any different?
I would laugh, but it hurts.
haha :D
So, what ind of homework have ye?
@Pawnguy7 finally done
and guess
my parents are now kicking me off
@CCInc Thanks
Try it
I doubt it works
@CCInc You want the public key by the way; not the private key
Must have been a typeo :D
@CCInc Fail. Doesn't work at all :(
In what way
Bad key exception
Found something that does work though
I'll post it
Looks like you're missing a lot of stuff too
Java part
C# part (to import key from Java)
Don't need any XML stuff at all apparently
you wanted java encrypt, c# decryt
It works two-way as well
Here's C# (generates public key)
and sends to Java
Q: Java RSA Encrypt - Decrypt .NET - need help

badMonkeyI am encrypting on JAVA using RSA and attempting to decrypt using .NET. I am including my JAVA code and .NET code in hopes that someone has some experience with this sort of thing. JAVA Code: byte[] modulusBytes = Base64.decode("xTSiS4+I/x9awUXcF66Ffw7tracsQfGCn6g6k/hGkLquHYMFTCYk4mOB5NwLw...

She just texted me <3
@CCInc Who did; Java? (laugh out loud)
Wonder why Java doesn't support pointers
C# does (in an unsafe context)
Apr 1 at 0:07, by Zoidberg
Java is like C# but with all the nice features removed.
@CCInc Yeah. Too bad it doesn't work on Android (C#)
Not really sure why my company uses Android.
Checked exceptions in Java are really annoying as well. No unsigned data types. Big endian encoding (have to convert whenever interoping with anything else), poor Lambda support, etc.
Java's just a mess.
2 days ago, by Mike F
I like my women like I like my Java runtime: insecure and prone to arbitrary code injection outside the sandbox.
17 hours ago, by Oleg Orlov
user image
mega lulz ^
@CCInc It's amazing how many companies still use it. Also; it's the only language a lot of applicants know (poorly) out of college.
Although I guess most of our internal software is written in C++
Runs on Linux
(yes; I know Android is technically Linux too, but it's a really terrible version of it that seems nothing related to Linux in terms of programming)
Android == JVM, Linux == c++
@CCInc Actually Linux is more C than C++, but whatever. They're becoming more C++. They used to have good support for C# as well (with Mono), but now that's kind of looked down upon in the Linux community.
I've noticed
why is that?
peace out dudez
Hi everyone
I'm searching for some help c: anyone willing to answer a couple of questions?
So I'm going to have a relatively large database of games and I'm going to have one image for each for their box art. But when I try to include images in the resources they are compressed again from png to bitmap and they lose color quality. Is there a way around this?
@IDWMaster You know there's a system for .NET on Android?
@user1580598 how are you storing your data in the database?
how do I added a non standard using? Sorry my vocabulary is very limited. How do I add non standard namespace?
yay finally changed my pic
gravatar did not work for me
@LearningC This is a c# question, right?
and I'm using visual studio 2012
@LearningC You can use the "using" keyword to include any namespace you want (at the top of your file
for example, "using System.IO;"
@gunr2171 I tried but it is givving me erriro
it is not a standard libary
type in what you entered and the errror
Error 1 The type or namespace name 'HeatonResearch' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) F:\Visial Studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication7\ConsoleApplication7\Program.cs 8 7 ConsoleAppl‌​ication7
what is the line giving you the error?
using HeatonResearch.Spider.HTML;
do you have a reference to a project/dll that provides the HeatonResearch.Spider.HTML namespace?
try using a "higher up" namespace, like "HeatonResearch"
I did not reference yet I don't know how
and btw, a "non-standard namespace" in c# is any namespace that is not in "System", so basically anything you make.
ok i will google that thanks
are you trying to access a dll file or another project in the same solution?
@LearningC yes to which?
can I show you over teamviewer?
I don't have teamviewer, and I can tell you how to add a reference. I just need to know a bit about your code structure. The item you need to reference, is it in your solution?
I'm not sure if it is in my solution or now
I'm looking at solution explorer and I dont see it
go look at the Solution Explorer panel. at the very top is "Solution ... (# projects)
ok, so it is probably an external project. right click on your solution and Add > Add existing project
navigate to your project file that houses the code you want to reference
then right click on your project (that is breaking) and hit "add reference"
under the "project" tab will be your linked project
include that, and your using should work
ok it is getting better
some of the red has gone
nice all errors are gone.
awesome, glad to help
@gunr2171 Thank you so much for the help
can we do a review of the vocabulary we used?
what do you have questions about? (and i'm not sure what you mean)
What was causing the problem? If I was to ask for help what words would I used so the people would understand the problem.
your problem was that your project (lets call this the "target project") did not have a reference to your "source project" (the project that contained the code you wanted). By adding this reference, one project (also called an "assembly") has access to another
oh ok thankjs
by using references, you can keep your code split up based on functionality. So one project can be used for data conversion and another for UI.
more information on references can be found here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wkze6zky(v=vs.80).aspx
anything else i can explode your brain with?
so anything like using System.IO; is a reference?
yes and no. "System.IO" is a namespace found in one of the system dlls, which is already added as a reference by default when you create a new project
alright. I'll try and remember this.
lol c is much easier to learn =)
@LearningC that is highly debatable. But it's just like human speaking languages: each one has their pros and cons, and there is always a learning curve.
2 hours later…
goodday :)
Goodday Geeks
hi can n e 1 suggest me basic mvc2 video tut?
I have a question..
Can I load XHTML file in webview in store app?
using C#
It says " WebView doesn't provide a way to retrieve its HTML directly. But you can use WebView.InvokeScript like this:
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] {"document.documentElement.outerHTML;"})
@Devendra and this one too stackoverflow.com/questions/10684741/…
thank you for ur reply
right now I am loading my HTML file by petting into the Assets folder(it's working fine)..
if do like that for XHTML file it is displaying as blank in webview.
Hey there, just a short naive question: Is there any change that Count of List<int> can be < 0 somehow?
Good morning all :)
anybody could help wit this post ? -stackoverflow.com/questions/16393999/…
@derape This Count of List<int> can never be less than 0
and neither by anymeans
okay thanks, thats what I thought
Hello All@
Hi @Droid28
@Devendra hello
can any one plz tell me i have following line of code in web.config in C#.net i am trying to rewrite the url ......my question is can i remove the space in url with _ in this line ????

<rewrite url="~/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)" to="~/arrest_details.aspx?sourcecounty=$2&amp;inmateNum=$4&amp;state=$1&amp;uname=$3"></rewrite>
@Venkat can u help me
@Devendra @
I don't know..
@Devendra okay thanks
hello @Devendra how are man?
Hiii @Venkat
What abt U @Venkat
after a long time seeing U
Had ur lunch @Venkat
what is this??i think you now each and every thing in C# @Devendra
No.. who told U.. @Venkat
I am new to c#, & learning now..
actually I posted a question, waiting for that reply in this page @Venkat
how use paypal ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus
anyone use ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus??
hello everyone, do anyone know how to work with VB?
Q : i need to replace the space with _ in url which is declared in my web.config file and looks like following :
<rewrite url="~/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)" to="~/arrest_details.aspx?sourcecounty=$2&amp;inmateNum=$4&amp;state=$1&amp;uname=$3"></rewrite>
@EshaGarg do you know ??
hello geeks :P
I need to create a CASE statement on some sql query on MS-Access but it seems there is only "if" how can I use a case in a function then? and how do i get the data so i can manipulate them in my case function?
@Venkat I see no spaces in the string "<rewrite url="~/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)" to="~/arrest_details.aspx?sourcecounty=$2&amp;inmateNum=$4&amp;state=$1&amp;unam‌​e=$3"></rewrite>" aside from between rewrite url and " to
could you be a little more specific?
@Bryan hey what question is this
this is url
when comes to broswer it provide space since $1....$2 variable u see in above line is dynamic values which contains spaces
i need to remove that space ...
use place?
@Bryan thanks for help but are you C#.net developer
@Droid28 yes
hi..any way for using windows credentials in my application for login??
please tag me so that I can renew my question.
@Droid28 have you figured it out yet?
@Bryan okay thanks bryan but the code above i pasted is in web.config and i guess web.config does not have replace fuction
@Droid28 hmm you aren't being specific on what you are doing...are you trying to make something in c# to replace the spaces? sorry... just got up and I'm not sure what you are on about mabye you can share the project and I can take a look?
@Bryan how can i share my project with you?
@Venkat @Droid28 gist.github.com or RAR/Zip it and upload to a fileshare site...
Hey Room
@Bryan nope not possible
Ability & Possibility <--
heheh @codebrain
@Venkat @Droid28 considering I'm still not exactly sure what you are trying to do and your english isn't so great then I'd need to see a example of what you are trying to do....and are you sure you don't mean asp.net?
Bryan, Sup mate ?
trying to help droid and venkat
@Bryan i need to implement url rewriting in c#.net
so there is code here in my web.config :

<rewrite url="~/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)" to="~/arrest_details.aspx?sourcecounty=$2&amp;inmateNum=$4&amp;state=$1&amp;uname=$3"></rewrite>
@codebrain hii
Here $1 .. $2 ..etc are dynamic variables which also contains spaces so i want : space replaced by underscore _
did u got now my question bryan?
No questions to me :(
haha you don't have brain @codebrain :p
Droid, i think there are lot of sources available through google!
@Venkat, Thanks, why do you have a question ? if you have brain ?]
@Droid28 give me a minute and I may be able to help you
@Andre ?
@codebrain hehehe
Any native german speaker here ?
plz provide one source @codebrain
what source Mr.V?
" i think there are lot of sources available through google!" in that lot of sources plz provide one source for me @codebrain
why should i ?
i didn't get any source in my google so that why i am asking you may be you get sources in your google
Was that so hard :P ?
Who's playin Truth or Dare ?
you are good boy
i want to display values if it is null too. My value is showing when it is null it shows error "Nullable object must have a value."
varchar only
should work
first i give <%: Model.GetIndustry(Model.IndustryId.Value).Name%> like that code
sorry it is not a char. Int only. i convert it into varchar
so int?
any idea?
@codebrain hello
In all the places where you are doing a .Value, you probably need to check that there is a value first, or use the null coalescing operator, e.g.:
Length = x.Length ?? 0,
Venkat..what ?
Nullable types also have a .GetValueOrDefault() that you can use instead of the null-coalescing operator
@Duk try implementing something like if(yourvalue != null)
when reading the value
nice to meet you @codebrain
ok i try. i need to put this type <%: Model.GetIndustry(Model.IndustryId.Value).Name%>
are you flirting ? :P
I am not gay :D
if any null value is there means how to give within this code accept the values
Say Venkat! I am just Kidding..lol
i am an android developer.
Duk, seems like a jumbled sentence for me!
Android ? Say some apps you developed ! let me check them
j/k :P
@codebrain see my profile
no one get idea i think. any way its k
@Duk, is this not helping ? null coalescing ?
no. string.isnullorempty is correct?
i don't know
dude, how will you check your int in that way ?
I need to install visual studio lol so I can help all these people that need help with asp
You dont have a VS ? o-O do you write code in notepad Vryan !? Found a Frozen geek :P
ok byee @codebrain @Bryan
See ya around @Venkat ! next time meet a psychotrist :P
I have c# and c++ installed
Where do you write the code @Bryan ?
haha good joke @codebrain
thanks venkat
O.o in my project?
inside either of those compilers...
huh , big deal.
get VS 2012, come back to newyork from Amazon mate
dont have the money?
Oh, how much MS charging for it ?
solve my issue dude. give me ideas
you gotta google that @Duk
not sure
no clue from my side :(
k fine
looks like theres a vs2012 express
im installing that now
yep, never mind. screw MS and get them from torrentz..lol
when you have money buy one!
I'm happy with the express versions
@Duk Wasn't it already answered? Check if it is null.
Roel I think hes trying to display if its null
Hey @RoelvanUden i got a question for you from German language
@Roel van Uden not getting u
@codebrain I'm not German, but go ahead.
@Duk If you call a method on null, it will break?
@Roelvan Why "der Bund" and "die bundes" comes under different categories ?
why Bundes and federik are feminine ?
where Bund is masculine ?
value also there and null values are also accepted.when value is there it is displaying. otherwise it shows null. but here when null it shows error.
@Duk paste some code here, so others will find it easy to help.
Is there a name for this kind of List?
public class Teacher
public string TeacherId { get; set; }
public string TeacherName { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }


List<Teacher> dayList = new List<Teacher>();

I am a beginner and i am trying to learn collections, i know the above example uses a List but it has used a class defined by user as its datatype (i guess) is there a different name for such Lists?
I just Debugged my application with "Release" configuration
Now in the bin/release folder, I have a lot of files
it looks like this - i.imgur.com/cH914Gk.png
I want to redistribute the application, can somebody tell me which of these files I can delete?
which of these files are not needed for the application to work
Everything except dll/exe
vshost can be removed too
@Arbaaz I'm not really sure what you're asking; but I think you're wondering what the significance of the <Teacher> part is?
that's called a generic type argument
@RoelvanUden Thanks
oops, no it isn't.
a constraint is something more specific, I've corrected the above
@TomW yes i was looking for that.
Can you tell me what is the difference between List and Dictionary because i used to think that List can store a single series of elements Like ..
but if it can be used to store multiple fields like in the example i gave(teacher) then what is the point in using a Dictionary?
@TomW and i am sorry if i sound stupid, i am just a beginner.
dictionary is a lookup
that's fine, we've all been there
list is basically a fancy array, and it allows you to look up elements by index only
a dictionary stores pairs of keys and values, and you get values out of it by specifying the key
i.e. var itemIWant = myDictionary["keyOfMyItem"];
a list would barf if you indexed it using a string
well, it wouldn't compile
suppose i use List just like in the example i gave, can i get teacher name and subject if the TeacherId is int ? (Using List)
Can i get Subject and teacher name using TeacherId
@Arbaaz no, the list has no way of knowing that you want the id to be 'the same' as the index
there is a straightforward way to do that, but it's not part of List
Ohk i get it now. If teacherId value 100 and its index position is 5 then i will need 5 to access its elements instead of 100 . Right?
you can do what I think you want to do with extension methods though
which is a nifty feature of .net languages - they're methods that are made to look like they're members of a given class, say List, but they aren't
var teacher = teachers.Single(teacher => teacher.TeacherId==100);
there, Single is an extension method, and teacher => teacher.TeacherId==100 is called a lambda expression
ugh, typoing all over the place today
haha its ok, well i guess i should stick to basics for now , before going to lambada
Single applies some arbitrary condition to every item in the list, and picks the one that satisfies that condition
if you like, but they're really useful - although don't expect everything about them to be clear right away, and definitely bookmark the documentation pages to refer to if you're going to start using them
I strongly recommend getting to grips with LINQ extension methods, they're really useful
I was about to ask how important is learning LINQ
you can do almost everything you'd ever need to do without them, but they make doing boring stuff like getting items out of lists so much less effort
I see, how long does it take a a beginner like me to get a grip on basic LINQ?
do you know SQL?
a lot of them are the same idea, just expressed in C#
Yes i know SQL
LINQ should be pretty easy to understand then, getting the syntax right can be a little fiddly
but conceptually, I don't think you'll have much trouble
e.g. var results = from foo in foos where foo.Country = "UK" select foo.CustomerName; - that's a LINQ statement, in query syntax
looks almost precisely like SQL
I see, it doesnt sound so tough. How long should it take to learn how to query Lists etc? Days, weeks, months?
days I think, commit a weekend to it
Can you give me a link to LINQ? I can google but i wouldnt know which one is one is the best source since i do not know LINQ yet
that's a good point, I hadn't appreciated how much of a muddle the microsoft docs are. They talk a lot about using it against database connections, which is also useful but unnecessarily complicated and not really relevant if you just want to query lists
I'm trying to find the bit that talks about LINQ to objects
'LINQ to objects' is the name for using those query methods against lists, arrays, etc. You can also use them against databases and web services, but that's a different topic
Thanks, i think your link will do .
no prob
could any one suggest me that how could i able to have Mdi parent form inside another mdi parent form?
What have you tried?
well i took a form made it its IsMdiContainer property true
Than i took a second form and set the same isMdiContainer Property true
but i got exception when i run
What exception?

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