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lol the second comment
We had an interesting bug in a website we had built for us by a design agency
Bugs are great.
clicking a submit button did a double postback, the first being ignored and thus throwing away the session token
@rightfold Doesn't Node.js have a "browser compatibility layer" or something so you don't have to worry about different browsers?
@FredOverflow Node.js has nothing to do with browsers.
Am I confusing it with SomeThingElse.js?
turned out IE was the only browser that implemented that bit of js correctly
@FredOverflow Yes.
@FredOverflow jQuery does many things to be cross-browser.
Oh yeah, it was jQuery.
Node.js is serverside
where correctly == annoying and requiring workarounds, because the spec says so
Or maybe you mean modernizr.com.
@CCInc depends.
Not if you don't run it on a server.
something about default events on controls not being bypassed unless you explicitly say so
Then it'd be moreā€¦ whoever uses it-side.
Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous I/O to minimize overhead and maximize scalability. Node.js creates a web server by itself, making it unnecessary to use web server software such as Apache or Lighttpd and allowing full control of how the web server actually works. Node.js enables web developers to create an entire web application on both server-side and client-side in one language (JavaScript). Details Node.js is a pa...
> Wikipedia
Tell me how npm is server-side.
It runs on Node.js!
"Contrary to the belief of many, "npm" is not in fact an abbreviation for "Node Package Manager". It is a recursive bacronymic abbreviation for "npm is not an acronym". (If it was "ninaa", then it would be an acronym, and thus incorrectly named.)"
fuck you, nerds
'recursive bacronymic abbreviation' has no moral right to be a thing
every time someone blockquotes, I i) look it up in the help ii) realise it's not there iii) ask someone iv) immediately forget what they tell me
so...how do you blockquote in chat again?
> Like this!
> Foo.
Cool, thanks.
spot the obvious bug in my pseudocode there...
"Hey, @TomW...how do you blockquote?"
@rightfold Can you do it without a monospace font?
> Like this?
> Like this?
have u tried agile in czech way?
1 time we write, 4 times we rewrite
@FredOverflow that's monospace font, cheater.
I hoped you wouldn't notice ;)
@Micha I have invented this new agile methodology! It's called "making a list of tasks and doing them in fucking order."
@rightfold we have it the other way - nobody knows what it looks like but it has to be done
@rightfold and it better has just 2 buttons: 1) Do all; 2) Do all very well
@rightfold ordered by what criterion?
Whatever you want.
so, do you schedule the most definitely-specified tasks first, so that you have time to confirm the less definite tasks later, or schedule the least definite tasks first, so that interfering managers can start trying to change them sooner, and hopefully also finish sooner?
you're then left with the obvious stuff for the end sprints :D
You do it in the order you (as opposed to the inventor of the methodology, who doesn't know a damn about your project) think is most efficient.
Do any of you have access to a full-time server? like 24/7?
I can access Stack Exchange 24/7.
I need a place to host the bot.. any ideas?
@CCInc buy him a cage
nobody can host my bot?
@HangBot hi.
That bot is too intelligent
No, he's not.
Or too human?
That was me.
Ah, fair enough
I love this feature
Where do some of you live?
cc/stat rightfold extended
@CCInc Command stats does not exist. Did you mean: stat
@CCInc rightfold has 18564 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 361 questions, gave 443 answers, for a q:a ratio of 361:443.
@CCInc [rightfold](http://stackoverflow.com/users/142019/rightfold) has 18564 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 361 questions, gave 443 answers, for a q:a ratio of 361:443.
avg. rep/post: 23.08. Badges: 15g 76s 191b
cc/time india
The local time in New Delhi, India is 4/27/2013 8:01:15 PM
Oh yeah.
yes correct
How's them doggies
cc/time ponyville
like u
hi Hangbot
Hai Hi everyone i need some help from you guys related with Hash table in C#
In computing, a hash table (also hash map) is a data structure used to implement an associative array, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found.
No shit.
that is what i understand it can store values or map values with particular iindex
You map keys to values.
hashtable use to stored key and value
You hash the keys, modulo them the number of buckets and you have the index of the bucket.
ok my question is can we use hashtable as an option for the tables which are updated continuosly
Search and insert on a hash table are both O(1).
ok great that means the values that are going to stored inside the table i can store them in a hash table and use those values where i want
@rightfold There's an eval feature on the bot.. just enter valid c# syntax with limited references
what is )(1)
cc>int i = 0; i++; Console.WriteLine(i);
@NetStarter look up Big-O notation.
oops what is O(1)
ohk got u
@CCInc 1
cc> Console.WriteLine("The first ten even numbers are: {0}.", String.Join(", ", from x in Enumerable.Range(0, 10) select x * 2));
POST ccinc.host56.com/ideone.php  jquery.min.js:4
send jquery.min.js:4
f.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:4
f.(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:4
Object.merge.reduce.call.Object.keys.forEach.ret.(anonymous function) master.js:1040
window.bot.parseMessage master.js:423
fireEvent master.js:45
window.IO.fire master.js:42
IO.(anonymous function).tick master.js:177
IO.(anonymous function).flush master.js:193
bot.adapter.in.pollComplete master.js:2809
@NetStarter O(1) means the efficiency of an operation does not depend on the size of the data structure.
ok thanks @FredOverflow i was just checking the meaning for the same
@FredOverflow Take that, pathetic BST!
Does using hash table is a better idea than updating the database table?
@rightfold BST has guaranteed O(log n). Hashtable is possible worst case O(n).
@FredOverflow can't you implement a hash table with a BST for collisions?
Hm, interesting idea!
Rather than a linked list or array.
Never thought of it before. You should patent the idea :)
Or with another hash table with a different hash function lol.
That would be a variation of double hashing.
Time to get out of bed and take a shower.
@FredOverflow You cannot patent algorithms. Not sure about data structures though.
cc> Console.WriteLine("The first ten even numbers are: {0}.", String.Join(", ", from x in Enumerable.Range(0, 10) select x * 2));
frankly ...it seems odd that threading issues raise their demonic heads only after some OS update and a mere 5 of 1000 systems are affected :(
...actually, it is quite perterbing
@FredOverflow: Due to the fact that I often don't need answers on how to achieve something, but more about what specific technology of method I can use to achieve my desired result. SO questions are clear and encapsulated with a well defined problem and scope, and anything that doesn't fit isn't a proper question. That's why I prefer asking a question on chat, and mostly in here, because people here will think with you and share opinions, and point you to something. It's more dynamic.
@RoelvanUden seems reasonable
What is that a reply to?
@IAbstract That was a reply to "Why would you ask JS questions in the JS room instead of asking on SO proper?"
Dammit C#.
Why does ! take precedence over is. :(
Then use ()
Yes, but that's ugly in this case. :P
I don't see how ! could work.. even if it has precedence
Distracted sorry
!(x is T)
Using the parenthesis anyway
X isnt T. Oh wait. C# doesn't have it.
Dynamic type checking sucks, anyway. Can't you just do Pattern Matching?
@rightfold is does not work with T?
@RoelvanUden Don't need it :D
@JohanLarsson It does.
But !x is T doesn't work.
!(x is T) does.
@rightfold Of course not
if (x is T); else doYourThing
Unless x is a boolean type
@FredOverflow Semi colon :{
Well, I needed an empty statement.
Does .NET have APIs do parse .NET bytecode?
Microsoft "Roslyn" is a set of APIs for exposing the Microsoft C# and Visual Basic .NET compilers as services available at runtime. The software is currently available as a community technology preview (CTP). Roslyn notably includes versions of the C# and VB.NET compilers written in the languages themselves. The compilers are available via the traditional command-line programs but also as APIs available natively from within .NET code. Roslyn exposes modules for syntactic (lexical) analysis of code, semantic analysis, dynamic compilation to CIL, and code emission. The latest release of Vis...
Hmm, it seems it only works on source code, not bytecode.
> Roslyn exposes modules for syntactic (lexical) analysis of code, semantic analysis, dynamic compilation to CIL, and code emission.
I need the reverse. :P
What do you need it for?
I'm going to write a C# decompiler. Seems I have to write the parser myself.
Never used it but maybe check reflection emit dunno if it is right
Oh well, then I'll do it in Haskell anyway. :P
@rightfold What do you need the C# decompiler for?
How will it be called? DeC#?
ensharpen :v
no Cā™­
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 4 hours ago, by RegDwighт
The Read the Bills Act (RTBA) is proposed legislation intended to require United States Congress to read the legislation that it passes. It was originally written in 2006 by Downsize DC, a non-profit organization focused on decreasing the size of the federal government. The proposed act is a response to the passing of bills like the USA PATRIOT Act that are thousands of pages long and are passed without copies being made available to the members of Congress who vote on the bill. The bill is aimed at limiting the size and growth of the federal government. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) stated hi...
oh god
imagine they passed a Read the EULA Act
if i was in congress, id totally just scroll to the bottom and click i agree
@IAbstract aka Bā™®
@drch lol!
Hi Guys, i'm new to WPF. I need some help. This is my code & it works exactly for the background color and border what i need exactly. But I couldn't set buttons in a position. <Window x:Class="IpImage_Test.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" AllowsTransparency="True"
    WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Height="700" Width="850" Focusable="False" ForceCursor="False">
there are no buttons?
:9097484 <Window x:Class="IpImage_Test.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" AllowsTransparency="True"
    WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Height="700" Width="850" Focusable="False" ForceCursor="False">

        <Border BorderBrush="White" BorderThickness="5" CornerRadius="6" Background="#FF0099CC" Cursor="Arrow" Focusable="False">
that button is centered right?
@JohanLarsson I would like put many buttons and poition them. But I couldn't.
you want to add rows and columns to the grid I think and then do Grid.Row=0 Grid,Column=1 (example) to posiiton them in grid cells
Hacking a sample for you
        <ColumnDefinition Width="211*"/>
        <ColumnDefinition Width="306*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="121*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="199*"/>
    <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0">Button1</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0">Button2</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">Button3</Button>
    <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1">
That should get you going, example of grid and stackpanel, both frequently used wpf panels
Thank u. Thats the window i have to design using WPF. Is it possible?
What is the background color for the WPF form and button style & color, especially the button 'Cancel' . Could you please tell me, if possible?
that should not be too hard
ok, could you please tell me if possible the background color of the form and the button. I ran many color codes but nothing worked here.
positioning the buttons like that is np at all
Yes, i undestood that part from your exmaple.
@linguini use the color pickerin the designer
@jdknight yes looks like that
@jdknight Any sample of this color please.
@linguini Try something like this?

<RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin="0.5,0.5" Center="0.5,0.5" RadiusX="0.9" RadiusY="0.7">
<GradientStop Color="#FF01D1FF" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="#FF0183DB" Offset="0.5" />
<GradientStop Color="#FF012732" Offset="1" />
help vampire
Imagine count++ on a method that is not synchronized
How will inconsistency occur?
@jdknight : How can i add white border by removing titlebar/min/mar bars???
@jdknight Can i apply the same method for the buttons too?
@linguini buttons looks like a bunch of lineargradients and radial gradients
@LewsTherin Does C# have something like AtomicInt?
Nope, I haven't come across one. However you can use Interlocked.Increment
@JohanLarsson ok. How can i add white border and remove titlebar/min/max bars???
@FredOverflow Can you explain how 2 threads acting on a member integer variable i++ can cause race conditions ?
I am trying to understand multithreading better
@LewsTherin its not atomic
What isn't? i++?
count = count + 1;
Title="Window1" Height="500" Width="500" WindowStyle="None"
WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Focusable="False" ForceCursor="False">
@drch I think it depends.. no?
This way it's fine. is it ok?
if a thread reads count, then another increments it, it will have a dirty read
@linguini think so, play around and google some, you have something to play with now
@drch Can 2 threads increment count in such a way that printing count will result in the same value?
i dont know what you mean
@LewsTherin Right, on the bytecode level, there is no such thing as ++.
It's implemented as read-modify-write.
class Foo
    public int count;
    public void Test()
        var tasks = new List<Task>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => count++));
@FredOverflow So, the inconsistency could be in either read-modify-write.. depending on the interrupt
@JohanLarsson ok. I'll check with google. Thanks
A reads i
B reads i
B adds 1
A adds 1
B stores i
A stores i
Can you convert DataView to CollectionView?
If i is 0 at the start, i will be 1 at the end, even though you did ++ twice.
Classic race condition scenario.
A overwrites the value?
Both A and B saw the initial value 0, increased that to 1, and stored it back.
Yeah, gotcha
It's sorta hard to visualize :(
A race condition or race hazard is the behavior of an electronic or software system where the output is dependent on the sequence or timing of other uncontrollable events. The term originates with the idea of two signals racing each other to influence the output first. Race conditions can occur in electronics systems, especially logic circuits, and in computer software, especially multithreaded or distributed programs. Electronics A typical example of a race condition may occur in a system of logic gates, where inputs vary. If a particular output depends on the state of the inputs, it ...
Does someone understand dependency injection pretty well?
@FredOverflow Thanks
@ScottSelby Are you using a framework?
> Dependency injection is just fancy talk for "passing a reference into a constructor".
@FredOverflow - yea , I got that far , now im a little interested in what Unity - or Ninject are actually doing
Oh, dunno about DI frameworks.
I mean I read tutorials about how to rewrite the Icontroller interface to force it to not check for a parameterless controller , but that seemed like a pain in the ass
I would need a new version of Icontroller for each controller
@ScottSelby: ninject comes with a nuget package that will hook itself up as the controller factory out of the box
Interfaces dont specify constructors
public HomeController {
   public HomeController(ISomeDependency) {}
@drch - so does unity - I got that working , just didn't know if someone could in a couple sentences explain how its doing that
which part
they will look at the constructor, check itself to see if it knows how to create the dependencies, and do so if it can
and throw an exception if it cant
when the mvc framework tries to call HomeController like that it will break and say it didn't find a parameterless constructor for HomeController
right, but you can replace the default controller factory
if you don't have a framework installed
so... what is the framework doing to make mvc happy
yea , that is what I meant , but It looked like I had to replace the default controller factory for each controller , each new controller factory telling it what interface to use
you can do it in your global asax
on startup
but in the controller factory don't you specificy which interface the controller will use?
you dont register your controllers in your container
and most of the controllers you create wont implement any new interface, they just extend from Mvc.Controller
btw i think thats kind of old. id have to check the code, but i think it sets DependencyResolver rather than controllerfactory
yea it is actually DependencyResolver
yeah, Ninject just does this on startup:
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new Unity.Mvc3.UnityDependencyResolver(container));
I use that with Unity - same shit
i dont like unity
but theyre all really similar ;)
why not? I don't know anything about either
I know Microsoft made Unity - so just knowing that , its probably worse
ive found some bugs w/ it actually and the setup isn't all that intuitive
Q: Resolving named dependencies with Unity

drchI have a service with 2 dependencies: a Repository and a Gateway (sms). I need to resolve 2 different versions of the service that only differ on one of the parameters passed to the gateway. The code is simplified to as follows public interface IService { string DoSomething(); } public in...

structuremap i think is the most common, autofac is the fastest from what ive seen in comparisons, and ninject has ninjas
so clearly i choose ninject
ninject has the most downloads on nuget last time i checked
I do like ninjas
yeah man theyre sweet
I read a bought called jquery ninja and i'm badass at jquery - so naturally I'm partial to ninjas
I'm assuming jquery ninja was written by ninja's - it would only make sense
@drch all of the stuff I have read on trying to choose a DI framework is old
Unity.2 just came out and fixed so much of the stuff that people complain about
they are all extremely similar
structuremap's documentation is crap
I just came on as a junior developer a few months ago , the senior developer quit , and I'm the one writing all this code now , so I just want to make a good decision on which one
I'm just going to go with Unity I think, I already have a mock up project up and running with it
If it was called NinjaUnity It'd be a no-brainer
unity 3?
there's Unity.Mvc3 , Unity.Mvc4 , and Unity.Mvc.dll which I'm using
I don't care for all that extra crap in my code , dll will do just fine
I think I got lucky and answered one of those bullshit questions that a whole bunch of people are going to come to and give me points
A: How do I find the css of an element on a website

Scott Selbyfont-family: Open Sans,Arial,Century gothic,sans-serif; font-weight: 800; color: #fff; font-size: 16px; In Google Chrome - right click the element that you want to inspect, and choose inspect element. On the right side will have the css class with all the properties. All of the css classes un...

SELECT t.id, t.summary
FROM tickets AS t
JOIN projects AS p
    ON t.project_id = p.id
JOIN memberships AS m
    ON m.project_id = p.id
WHERE p.id = $1 AND m.user_id = $2;
Can I simplify this query?
memberships is a join table for projects and users.
I'm not sure I need to JOIN projects.
you dont have to join memberships
but youll need projects
How can I do it without joining memberships?
actually sorry one sec
SELECT t.id, t.summary
FROM tickets AS t
JOIN memberships AS m
    ON m.project_id = p.id
WHERE t.project_id = $1 AND m.user_id = $2;
Won't this work?
tickets join memberships on project id
There's a foreign key constraint so t.project_id always references a valid project.
seems ok to me!
Wait. There is no p now. :L
join on t.project_id = m.project_id
SELECT t.id, t.summary
FROM tickets AS t
JOIN memberships AS m
    ON m.project_id = $1
WHERE t.project_id = $1 AND m.user_id = $2;
er no not that
@drch Oh right, that works.
on m.project_id = t.project_id
where t.project_id = $1
that might make a huge result set prior to the where
could also do something like this:
SELECT t.id, t.summary
FROM tickets AS t
JOIN ( select m.project_id from memberships where m where m.user_id = $2 ) mp
ON t.project_id = mp.project_id
that way youre doing the join on fewer rows
Oh right.
hey @drch - can you help with a linq to sql query?
i can try
i want
var QueryOfFriendsIDs = FFdb.FFUsers.Where(x => FriendsFBIDs.Contains(x.FacebookID));
but x.FacebookID is nullable long , so I had to do
var QueryOfFriendsIDs = FFdb.FFUsers.Where(x => FriendsFBIDs.Contains(x.FacebookID ?? 0));
I want something like
var QueryOfFriendsIDs = FFdb.FFUsers.Where(x => x.FacebookID.HasValue FriendsFBIDs.Contains(x.FacebookID));
but it still doesn't like doing .Contains() with nullable long in it
linq to sql didin't handle the nullable correctly on the first one?
actually you probably got a compile error cause i assume FriendsFBIDs is a IEnumerable<int>
er long
what about x.FacebookId.ValueOrDefault() ?
.GetValueOrDefault() I think worked , haven't ran the query , but the squiggly went away
yeah, depends on if linqtosql knows how to convert that to sql
I'm really hoping that the Contains() creates a SELECT .... WHERE .. IN ..
it probably will.. thats an expensive query tho
for some god awful reason I don't have sql profiler, I can't figure out how to get it , i have an msdn liscence and redownloaded sql enterprise edition ike 3 times
@drch - you have any advice how to speed it up, I was doing a foreach , then selecting each one invdividually , and that is even more expensive
er wait i think i misread the query. FriendsFBIds is already defined so that should be fine
linq to sql will do something like
declare @a id1
declare @b id2
declare @c id3

select ... where FaceBookId IN(@a, @b, @c)
FriendsFBIDs is a List<long> , and its only has like 3 items in it , but I know there are going to be jerk off that have like 2k friends
like you actually know that many people....
yeah it should be fine... subquery is bad but linq to sql will write it like ^ to avoid a subquery
I was hoping that would be exactly how linq would write it
@FredOverflow DI frameworks?
Isn't DI just a fancy word for polymorphic arguments?
@drch - you still here?
so , i'm alittle confused
I have my controller , in my controller I try to call a method in FollowHelper , in FollowHelper I have the regular DI set up , private IFollowRepository , the each method uses followrepository.MyFunctioin()
but in the controller I'd like to be calling a static method from FollowHelper , but I can't make it static If I want to you the interface that is set in the FollowHelper
the idea of IoC is that you rely on abstractions
a static method is always going to belong to a concrete class
you could either move that down to an instance method, or wrap that functionality up in another class that gets injected
So .. it would be (from the controller) FollowHelper fh = new FollowHelper();
nah, put it on the interface as well
but then again
just call the interface right from the controller?
if the functionality does belong to be static
then sure just call FollowHelper.SomeStaticFuction()
but I want the static function to use a function from the interface
ahhhh wait i think i missed the point
and I thought that the interface is supposed to he shared across the helper
actually brb cigarette
good idea

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