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Stored procedures are so awesome.
anyone know how to get a rtmp stream with httpreqest?
@StuartBlackler - you still here?
or.... @TravisJ
yo, can some help with dependency injection?
guys do you know what sl4 mean?
I downloaded HtmlAgilityPack and in folder have sl3, sl4, sl5 what are that?
sl4 have also sl4-windowsphone71
Q: From the Html Agility Pack download, which one of the 9 "HtmlAgilityPack.dll" do I use?

user1944272There are nine folders in the downloaded zip file for HTML Agility Pack: Net20 Net40 Net40-client Net45 sl3-wp sl4 sl4-windowsphone71 sl5 winrt45 I do not know what these folder names mean. Please explain which one I need in order to scrape data from html files using VS2010. Please explain w...

Apparently "sl" means Silverlight and the digit is the version number.
oh ok thank you
Yo peeps
How's my chat room goings
what cc
It is Saturday. :v
no its not
central US time is really the time to go by
If you ain't Dutch you ain't much.
keepin it alive
saturday :D
1 hour later…
Hi guys
any one there i Have one query
I am having problem in assigning data table into view state
when i do filter in Data table
Required your assistance , if you can help in the same
If Not isRequiredLTALeaveType Then
dt_LeaveRuleMst.DefaultView.RowFilter = "cLeaveName not in ('Leave Travel Allowance')"
Me.ViewState(vs_dtLeaveRuleMst) =
'dt = CType(Me.ViewState(vs_dtLeaveRuleMst), Data.DataTable).Copy()

Me.ViewState(vs_dtLeaveRuleMst) = dt_LeaveRuleMst
End If
in Me.ViewState(vs_dtLeaveRuleMst) =
i need to write code that can save my filtered datatable
2 hours later…
is it better to decalre variable inside of a loop or outside of the loop?
  int temp = 0;
  foreach (var boxItem in boxIds)
     temp = int.Parse(boxItem.Split('=')[1]);
foreach (var boxItem in boxIds)
int temp = 0;
temp = int.Parse(boxItem.Split('=')[1]);
your code looks strange
you just want the last item?
it is just a piece
main thing is about this int temp
where should I better have declared it?
I'd say it is about the same, maybe slightly better performance outside the loop but let readability decide imo
readability goes for the second way ))
I agree temp = int.Parse(boxItem.Split('=')[1]); looks pretty strange
It's also not very safe. :P
not safe at all
I would use tryParse insted of parse
@Micha: Always go for readability of code first (after correctness). Performance comes later.
Anyway, variable declaration inside the loop will be optimized by the compiler and placed outside of the loop to prevent multiple allocations in this case, so performance is not an issue. Go for readability.
@Micha: Especially when writing code at this level, performance is hardly ever a problem.
@Steven staryes
aright then ))
And @RoelvanUden is right. Both the C# compiler and JIT compiler (and processor) do optimizations to your code, so it is really hard to reason about the performance of these micro optimizations.
Readability and correctness are very good friends
Readability over performance is a bad statement, IMHO. There are many cases where you have to go crazy to make work something smooth, or if you're working on a bit of a high-traffic website, you want that extra performance to avoid massive hardware costs. :-)
@RoelvanUden: Yes and no :-)
Off-topic: Anyone know of a good CSS3 animation library (with fallback if no CSS3)?
Little example. For Simple Injector (my open source DI container) I favor readability over performance for every piece of code. But still, Simple Injector is by far the fastest framework in the field. That's because I optimize after readability (not before) and optimize only the parts that are actual performance critical. This has resulted in a code base that is very readable AND maintainable, but still extremely fast.
@RoelvanUden I don't think I will ever be able to help you with anything.
Haha :-) It's the thought that counts :P
what is the quote that says something along the lines "no obvious bugs and obviously has no bugs"?
One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
ty, I tried google but failed
we are officially in aphorism mode!
@RoelvanUden but you can't render/animate it :D
ok never seen it until now, did you ask in the js room?
... But it doesn't fall back gracefully. :-(
I tend not to go to the JS room. Everything I ask turns into a huge debate why it is a bad idea, rather than just answering the bloody question.
So, I prefer the people here.
so you're saying we are the get-things-donners?
@RoelvanUden have you read don't make me think?
I haven't :-)
short and good imo, mostly web
zomg bootstrap layout builder layoutit.com/build
@drch omg nice
how can one see the generated code?
i think if you click download in the header it'll be in the index.html
actually downloda also shows it to you in a textarea
nice, that looks very useful for all the web stuff I will not do :D
I regret rejecting 'web stuff' for so long.
posted on April 27, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

  I have a new primary laptop and it's the Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch. It's an Intel Core i7 3667U running at 2 GHz. I got 8 GB of RAM and a 240 GB SSD. The integrated graphics are the Intel HD Graphics 4000 running a 14 Inch screen. It also has Bluetooth 4.0 (nice!) as well as Intel a/b/g/n WiFi. Feel First, it feels pro. It feels like a Lenovo, and I've always been a fan. You either

and all because of 'ew, webforms'
does anyone read the feeds ever?
yes sometimes
@TomW mvc has been out for like 5 years...
@drch ...yes?
well up until then 'ew webforms' was valid
fuck the web
well, my first proper development job was at a place that doesn't do new
new = this decade
they still sell an application written in VB6, and still release feature updates for it, very occasionally
holy guacamole
I'll say one thing for VB6
it's really, really fast
compiles and launches in ~1s
to be fair, a large part of the reason they're such dinosaurs is that so are the people they sell to
you probably save a ton having your development team use win 98
worked on XP in fact
I don't think anyone tried it on 7
not while I was there anyway
and win ME?
@JohanLarsson to be honest, who cares?
I was trolling
serious point though - don't ignore XP users when writing desktop applications
for organisations like ours, with tons and tons of ancient legacy stuff we needed and couldn't replace, upgrading to Win7 was expensive, time-consuming and complicated
some SMEs still won't have done it
I'm working a visual novel engine for the browser and just added native transition support to support Android devices. If you have one and are willing to test, check out roelvanuden.nl/coffeenovel and please inform me whether or not the game is smooth (in terms of transitions and technology, not the actual game). :-)
xp is still fine imo, win 7 did not bring that much. At work we are still 50-50 win 7 /xp
@RoelvanUden imo not sure about animating the text tbh
@JohanLarsson Do you mean 'It is a bad idea' or 'The text animation is not smooth'
i found it a little disracting
getting used to it now :D
It's something of a convention in that particular genre
ok np
I'm playing it fast btw, straight for the A
I didn't come up with the game btw :P just the engine
Don't blame me for a terrible and short plot :-D
fck looks like I'm getting married, means I lost right?
Although marriage is the end of your life, it was the point of the game.
You should hide an easter egg where all the endings are telling the player to GO AND TALK TO A REAL GIRL
@RoelvanUden: very cool to see this in action
Thank you :-)
@RoelvanUden looked nice, there were some screens that were all black, maybe have them autoanimate (x-fade with a timer) idk
All black? It should always give back a background.
the ---years later-- one for example
Ahh yeah, I didn't come up with that :-)
was confusing for a second before figuring out to click the void
I just made an adaptation of an existing script to this (github.com/Deathspike/coffeenovel/blob/master/public/scenarios/…) so all the story choices were not mine :P
if bl then t 'Well, apart from that Boy\'s Love game she insisted on making.'
Well.. bad choice. :P
like most choices in love
1 hour later…
for the people in Lounge<C++>, yeah.
how is it possible that in Entity Framework even with LazyLoading disabled not all the properties of my entities are loaded correctly?
I mean are not loaded at all
have to use :Include: all the time
makes me feel bad
@TomW Are you saying girls find C# programmers more attractive than C++ programmers? :)
@RoelvanUden Why would you ask JS questions in the JS room instead of asking on SO proper?
@JohanLarsson congratz
lol it was in the game :D
Are you becoming reg here? Congratz to us if so!
@FredOverflow since they're more likely to be highly-paid enterprise consultants, yep ;)
it is not all about money
yeah it might also be our super lean bodies
well no, but that business appears to attract a certain sort of person
@JohanLarsson, about six people from our office run marathons and play squash or tennis every lunchtime - so yep, that too.
@JohanLarsson Well, us C++ folks have WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN bodies :)
but I'm fat, BMI 26
@TomW I met my significant other on a C++ job, so no complaints here :)
not me, I might add
gf is making me fat
@JohanLarsson I have 21.
@JohanLarsson Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
idk maybe, I should be a feeder out of jealousy?
No I mean, aren't you supposed to make her pregnant or something? ;)
Hey has anyone here tried MVCMusicStore3.0 ?
I don't want to know what he's putting in his cooking if so
@JohanLarsson Well, I have a bookmark for the C# room since yesterday. Let's see where it takes us, shall we? :)
yeah but then we marry right?
my computer chair is falling apart. Time for an upgrade. Any suggestions as to brand/model?
@JohanLarsson Aren't you already getting married?
@TomW We had several questions on programmers.SE, but they all got closed.
Don't say Aeron.
Q: Good furniture for programmers

Nathan TaylorWhat are some good furniture offerings for those of us that sit around all day every day? I'm interested in chairs, desks, etc... Bonus points for posting images. P.S. Is the GeekDesk really as great as Stack Overflow would have us believe? That's a lot of cheddar for an adjustable table.

I think sitting on an Aeron must give you a brain disease that makes you like things that are terrible. It's the Aeron's survival tactic
@FredOverflow I was only getting married in Roel's game, gf has been mentioning it at medium frequency irl for a while now but I'm not convinced.
Aerons are fucking horrible and I hate them
@JohanLarsson If you're not convinced, don't marry her. Is it about her or about marriage in general?
old company bought a vast number of them, more than they'd ever need, and I don't know anyone from there who liked them
@FredOverflow marriage in general, she is great
Hey has anyone here tried MVCMusicStore3.0 ?
@codebrain evidently not.
@codebrain No, but I've heard about it. Twice. From you.
0 Killed !
great fred.
@TomW I have one of this and one of this think I write better code in the latter
I write better code on the ladder.
is this a 'if you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it' sort of situation here?
I don't see prices
they are pretty high end I think, don't remember exactly but think it was ~1500$ for one of them
but I think the other one was cheaper
basically, to sit comfortably I have to keep my lumbar muscles tight - constantly. And that's exhausting and takes concentration
on the second chair you can semi stand if you have adjustable desktop height, not as bad as it sounds. The opposite in fact.
but you can not take a nap on it
so not for work
tbh I think the problem is me
my core muscles are screwed; rarely painful but almost always uncomfortable
I get enough exercise, but not the right sort
@TomW Pull ups are great for the back. Are you doing pull ups?
Do people still call yield() in threads?
Do people still use threads?
Do people still use?
Do peoples still?
@FredOverflow Is that rhetoric?
They skipped "What does"?
@LewsTherin Threads are too low-level these days, aren't they? With PPL and ConCRT and stuff around.
@FredOverflow no, I don't - I'm a member of a gym I never go to, and I don't think any part of this house is sturdy enough to attach a bar to
would be a good idea though
@FredOverflow Well, I am talking of C# and Java. But it seems people are learning to TPL and Asynchronous programming
@TomW No need to screw them in:
yep, seen those too. Somehow I don't trust the doorframes either
I managed 30 pull ups at one point in my life, not now though
@LewsTherin Java programmers don't have to use threads anymore since the introduction of java.util.concurrent in 2004.
@JohanLarsson 30 in a row? Holy cow. I can do 5 tops.
I'm concentrating on my running atm
Pull ups are pretty tough on the elbow joints, think it is wise to do them slow
though I should go back to the gym
@JohanLarsson Every muscle exercise should be done slowly.
did 5km in 24 minutes on thurs
@FredOverflow my rule of thumb is to go slow on the way down and try to explode up
grr, jQuery is frustrating. I dislike the way that if you haven't expressed what you wanted in the right way, it does nothing
presumably the same in vanilla js as well
Try Knockout. I recommend it greatly.
@TomW Problem is Javascript, not jQuery
@LewsTherin I figured as much, but jQuery seems like a nicer way to do so many things that I'm just going to bypass vanilla js altogether
jQuery provides a nice abstraction, and cross platform compatibility. For that kudos
Never tried vanillajs though.
There is a lot of js frameworks huh?
Meteor, Knockout, vanilla, Underscore, Ember, Angular.. fucking hell
(vanilla means 'plain', dude)
@LewsTherin Solution: CoffeeScript everything!
Have you tried TypeScript?
All those libraries also play ball in a different region.
Tried it, didn't like it (yet).
It has a future.
I may learn both when I have the time
The point of TypeScript is that you should be using the compiler for compile-time analysis. The syntax is nice, but integration and tooling is not good. It tries to bring the features we love from .NET to JS it simply isn't there yet. If, at some point, it does become full featured then it would be a great language. Until then, all the checks are wasted, especially looking at the complexity of third party libraries and their extensions.
I do have to admit that I have been spoiled by CoffeeScript now. It does a lot to improve the JavaScript experience and all the features and love it brings to the table, aren't features readily available in TypeScript. Especially if I look at await/defer from ICS and the way it handles binding and scoping..
IcedCoffeeScript, a superset of CoffeeScript, maxtaco.github.io/coffee-script
Extend ALL the languages!
except LISP
Yo dawg, we heard you like language extensions, so we put an extension on yo extension....
It does sound stupid, but it works, and is amazing to work with. :-)
basically the reason I'm keen on jQuery is that without jQuery, you'll probably have to write browser-specific code. Basically - 'No, fuck you.'
If I have to do that, I'm not doing it
Hence, the nice abstraction
I was watching a newboston Ajax tutorial
What he said about IE, made me lol.
1 hour later…
@LewsTherin what was that
Good morning noobs.
"Internet Explorer is gay... Internet Explorer is retarded"
2:07 I think
@rightfold Morning nublet
@LewsTherin IE is not that bad
It's hilarious how people ask Java questions in the Java Sucks room.
@Micha The new IE yes
Internet Explorer is bad.
The latest version is also bad.
@LewsTherin 10?
It's always been bad and will always stay bad.
@Micha Think so
@rightfold because it is of microsoft origin?
@LewsTherin -1 not enough jQuery.
@Micha I doubt it.. he likes C#
@Micha no. C# and .NET are awesome.
@rightfold It is an Ajax tutorial duh.. no jQuery needed ;)
Doing AJAX without jQuery is masochism.
jQuery should be standardized.
True.. but it helps to learn how it works
@rightfold so what is the reason of such unlove towards IE
I have had a job as a web developer.
We made websites. They worked great in all browsers.
Everything worked fine.
Until we tried them in IE.
Everything was fucked up beyond repair.
Yay for IE! Not.
That ^
So much time is wasted for web developers…

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