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We'll just have to disagree then. :)
submit defat
you are wrong
anyway I'm working today on caching data I get from a WCF service that is done internally with EF
because it is so slow
anyway, today i'm working on chatting in C# while pretending to work, because its rainy, miserable, and friday
what's this SP you've been fighting over?
oh wait
Way to go Func Hank....
ITS FRIDAY. I want to go home and play this new game I got
which game?
test drive unlimited???
Hey guys, I'm writing an (I believe) MYSQL query inside C# through a DAL (data acces layer) and I get data out of an access local db. BUT my query isn't fully done, I need to get everything from the current month into the where. Does anybody know a solution? I can't seem to find the correct code
SELECT c.id, c.omschrijving, l.maximumBedrag, SUM(IIF(IsNULL(f.bedrag), 0, f.bedrag)) AS bedrag
Financien f ON f.categorieId = c.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN
Limiet l ON l.categorieId = c.id)
WHERE (f.inkomstOfUitgave IS NULL) OR
(f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1)
GROUP BY c.id, f.categorieId, c.omschrijving, l.maximumBedrag
I only bought it because I <3 cars, it was cheap, and the game features convertible cars with an animated roof function.
wtf dutch sql
yeah sorry its in dutch lol
thats my fieldname
don't develop stuff in dutch
its very unkewl
@Yenthe you should know better. Dutch is not a world language. Translate your vars and column names
WHERE (f.inkomstOfUitgave IS NULL) OR
(f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1)
^ I should just get something in there to get all data from this month
And @DavidDV, I have to, its a schoolassignment...
I know; I'm Dutch
ah yes school
I always write in English but I'm not allowed to with this lol
...so basically you want your homework done by us idiots?
ofcourse not o_O I just need a tiny bit of help
since its another version than normal sql
DROP TABLE 'Categorie'
and it doesn't know currdate etc
@DavidDV you are like scrooge, i think thats why i find you so funny
Relax, I am only kidding
@AlexDresko, very funny :p
Anyway I hate SQL. that's why we have EntityFramework @DavidDV erection alert
but yeah I'm stuck since I don't know which SQL version it exactly is.. and this version seems to be retarded limited.
can you do datetime functions in EF?
I wrote my first Dutch SQL... ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED. I'm going home.
I've tried lots, such as these
but they all don't work
whats the column type of myDate?
how does it store the date
f.datum is the column name and the type is Date/Time in Access
Access o_0
so when you say current month, you mean like... april, or 30 days prior?
If I have a connection string <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-asdf-20130416174441.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-asdf-20130416174441;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> - to use just a normal database in SQLEXPRESS do I just change the Initial Catalog to the name of my DB and remove AttachDbFilename?
it should get the first of the current month, so for now that would be 01/04/2013
and @Steve: I know right? SO outdated, but yeah college..
heh i'm in college too
If I only knew which version of SQL it was or something
that would get me a good way
SELECT @@VERSION AS 'SQL Server Version'
Select @@version
"Unable to parse query text." @Steve (:
@AlexDresko: Error in SELECT clause: expression near '@'.
Missing FROM clause.
Unable to parse query text.
so is not sql server
still no succes :(
or just try to execute the query "STATUS;" (without quotes)
Unable to parse query text.
what a shit version is this? lol
"SELECT @@version" works in mysql..
Are you trying this in Access?
What's your connection string?
Access is not SQL Server.
@KendallFrey yes it is
@KendallFrey: I'm doing this in the query builder of C#, through the DAL layer, and my db behind it is access, but I don't know what SQL version it is
Uh, no it's not.
yes it is
3 mins ago, by Steve
so is not sql server
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="C:\Users\Yenthe\Desktop\School\KHK 2012 - 2013\C#\Project2\MoneyManager\MoneyManager\moneyManager.accdb"
@KendallFrey nope, you're wrong
Before I look up what that means, try select * from v$version
@KendallFrey obviously access is not sql server, i was screwing with you for stating the obvious. i have short term memory issues and completely forgot he said its access
@Yenthe Access isn't SQL Server. It just uses SQL syntax for Access queries.
Sometimes I wonder why I ever started to use coffee script..
accdb looks like it's an Access database.
@KendallFrey but how do I know which command I need to get everything of only the current month then?
Which command? You need to write a query.
and yes it is @AlexDresko, but it seems to be using other SQL variants in the c# programme or something :/
@KendallFrey: this is the query
SELECT c.id, c.omschrijving, l.maximumBedrag, SUM(IIF(IsNULL(f.bedrag), 0, f.bedrag)) AS bedrag
Financien f ON f.categorieId = c.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN
Limiet l ON l.categorieId = c.id)
WHERE (f.inkomstOfUitgave IS NULL) OR
(f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1)
GROUP BY c.id, f.categorieId, c.omschrijving, l.maximumBedrag
the where only needs to be extended with a clausule to get only everything from this month
@StuartBlackler yep
Whatever that language is, I don't speak it.
inkomst of uitgave? No clue.
@KendallFrey: its Dutch, but I'll make it easyer
WHERE (f.inkomstOfUitgave IS NULL) OR
(f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1)
needs to become something like:
WHERE (f.inkomstOfUitgave IS NULL) OR
(f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1) AND (f.datum) >= current_month
f.datum = f.date
and uitgave = expense
inkomst = income
Dutch is worse than I thought...
well, you need to get the first day of the month, then select everything after that
yeah indeed @Steve, but I've tried the default SQL commands
but they all seem to be useless in this version..
where monthcolumn > firstDayOfCurrentMonth, so then you need to find out how to get the first day of the current month in access, which i'm pretty sure is easily googable
If I remember correctly, you have to wrap dates with # in Access... so SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeDate > #1/12/1979#
do we have any aggressive 401k'ers here?
hmm let me read that link @Steve
SELECT DateTable.TestDate,
FirstDayInMonth([TestDate]) AS FirstDayInMonth,

Can I leave that select out?
nvm, he can't even cope with this..
FirstDayInMonth([TestDate]) AS FirstDayInMonth
it looks like cause I'm writing the query in the C# programme uses a different type of commands then those of access?
where has bill been
@AlexDresko Yeah, you have to or you are in for a treat.
last i heard he bought a ton of btc at cheap as shit, then the price sky rocketed to like $200+/btc, i bet he checked out
@KendallFrey Dutch isn't that bad, Dutch ppl on the other hand, ugh
@DavidDV we're brilliantly blunt
@DavidDV: thats not friendly! lol
and gosh still stuck :(
more like loud and annoying :p
I guess it is genetic
Everytime when I go on holiday
you just go to some beatiful quiet place and all of a sudden "NOU ...."
LOL that is so true, but hey I'm a Belgian, not a Dutch! So I don't belong in that category hehe
its like fish that have to keep swimming otherwise they die, in the netherlands they think that they have to keep talking :p
ah fellow belgian
@DavidDV you're right too... when I was in Tokyo it was SO quiet. And there were SO many people!
yo hey hank
In Holland you'd be deaf with that amount of ppl
hey it's @CC
heh asians are like robots.
LOL I just launched an app and got this message
what the.
Stop using snaggy!
Sowwy kendall
what's snaggy
The thing that Opera hates.
16 megs of ram, whew, i dont think i can run that game quite yet
@Steve ikr
Even my fucking web server has 128 MB
128MB? lmao
what the heck
LOL since when was a RTS used arrow keys?
Since before civ3 appearanlty
and @Steve
not even this works
SELECT FirstDayInMonth(datum) AS test
FROM Financien
i always wanted to play age of empires in first person, but its always birds eye
undefined function he says o_O
@Yenthe what's the questoin
@Yenthe Where is it defined?
@Yenthe might not be an access 2010 file, you need to do some independent research
@KendallFrey: what exactly do you mean with 'it' defined?
@CCInc: I'm trying to get all records from my db when the date in my 'datum' field is bigger than the first day of the current month
@KendallFrey can you see this?
(note: in C# DAL layer) and an access db behind it
@CCInc i cannot
@Yenthe The function.
@CCInc Nope.
Niether can I :/
the DAL has nothing to do with this, this is all Access sql, you need to play around with it, and google stuff
but that's 3 clicks too many
I remember figuring out exactly what Opera's problem was.
This shows exactly what I'm doing!
Something to do with MIME types and allow headers
@KendallFrey The allow headers, I believe
@LewsTherin hey!
It changed what browser saw waht depending on the headers
@Steve Hey dude :P
MongoDB time anyone?
@Yenthe But where is it defined?
@LewsTherin What about it?
MongoDB pwnz
and node
I think I am doing something wrong.. I have separate classes simply because I can't generate unique id for objects
public class Teacher
   public List<Student> Students{get;set;}
Financien is my table in my Access file
@KendallFrey, or am I still not ahead at what you mean? :(
Where is that function defined?
To make each Student have a unique Id.. I have a separate Students collection.. is that the way to go? And each Student stores the id of a teach.. this is a simple example
In your code, or somewhere else?
I think the lack of "relationships" in mongo is confusing me :S
it becomes a function when I click a few times on next
You lost me.
jut like those functions you can see in FinancienTableAdapter
yeah its tricky :/
let me get you a scheme.
i think i'll pick up a fifth of jack on the way home
this is the structure
i always think its fun to look at screenshots of other peoples computers, i dont know why, i just like to see what they have open
I give up.
@Steve: I know, I do that too lol
and too bad @KendallFrey, this is a hard one uh
Probably not, but I can't debug for you.
lol typed datasets
SELECT datum
from financien
where datum >= '2013/04/11'

this for example works. But its just I should always get the current month
and all data from only the current month :/
Q: Get the previous month's first and last day dates in c#

Jeremy BoydI can't think of an easy one or two liner that would get the previous months first day and last day. I am LINQ-ifying a survey web app, and they squeezed a new requirement in. The survey must include all of the service requests for the previous month. So if it is April 15th, I need all of Marc...

But that function.
@KendallFrey that function is built into VBA
THANK YOU for answering the question I asked 13m ago.
You're welcome sugar pie
@Steve: you seem to be better at this than me lol
just drop the class
Sugar pie... That sounds pretty good.
so do where dateColumn> " + cSharpFirstDay + " ....
What about maple syrup pie?
Anyone got an idea how I get the table name from an ObjectSet (from an ObjectContext)?
so find the first day in c#, concatenate it to your sql query
@KendallFrey whatever kind of pie you wanna be ;)
I'm only allowed to write it inside that query box @KendallFrey, not allowed to use LINQ or anything else
This is an example, but giving the format as and empty string, is it viable ?
DateTime.ParseExact(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Ticks).ToString("HH:mm:ss"), "", null);
can threading.Task return a list?
@AndréSilva: I'm not allowed to use such commands, gives errors in my query
:( Damn
thanks for the attempt though!
is this for school?
@Magikarp Of course.
@KendallFrey how do you write it
i suggest you get help from your professor since none of us can help you debug, as we're not aware of the restrictions
@Steve: yeah
mhmm, my teacher isn't exactly good
I had to learn him how to write insert queries in the first palce.
while he made the task u_U
Make it return a List<T>
well since he doesn't know what he's doing, just do it in c#, he won't know whats going on anyway
So how exactly could I write it in C# then? Well I know how to write the query but
how do I get it to get everything from the db+?
isn't your DAL in c#? lol you are so confusing
yeah it is
but how can I send from my form to my dal? without a function to link to the db?
7 mins ago, by Steve
so do where dateColumn> " + cSharpFirstDay + " ....
and I'm so confusing since my teach barely explained anything :/
Q: Get the previous month's first and last day dates in c#

Jeremy BoydI can't think of an easy one or two liner that would get the previous months first day and last day. I am LINQ-ifying a survey web app, and they squeezed a new requirement in. The survey must include all of the service requests for the previous month. So if it is April 15th, I need all of Marc...

Mhmm gonna give that a try, thanks :)
@KendallFrey oh sorry... i tried to have the taskfactory instead of Task
gotta run, see you all! thanks @Steve and @ActionHank
howdy folks
It feels as if I am doing too much work in Mongo..
7 messages moved to recycle bin
^ this is acceptable.
@LewsTherin why is that ?
too much work in Mongo
<3 @Steve
@DavidDV I have separate ViewModels from the Models to represent one to many relationships etc..
   Students: [{}..n]
Each student object has no unique id with that structure
Ah yes, that won't work :p
You can't do that if you need student by themselves in another view
and its not that you can easily join stuff, i think
You can't have a "many to many relationship" as well
I tried it and serialization error
I'm just using mongo for view only and do a 1 on 1 on my viewmodels,
@DavidDV Yeah
Sometimes a relational database is the best solution :p
(just don't use EF or NH to talk to it :p)
This is what I have roughly
    List<StudentViewModel> StudentViewModels{get;set;}
Is that ok?
And a StudentViewModel:
   List<TeacherViewModel> TeacherViewModels{get;set;}
Ugh.. confusing
@LewsTherin still the same project?
Well, not really.. just odd
@JohanLarsson No, this time assignment ;) Just messing with Mongo.. big mistake rofl
Yeah I don't think this is a good problem to go and use Mongo :p
In this case you should just use it as a relational database
So when exactly should Mongo be used?
I use it for caching data of my statistics + logging site
for example I have a page with detail info and 3 graphs and all that data is stored in one document
and then with nvd3.js -> node.js -> mongodb it is super easy
Or I have a case where I really need the schema-less stuff
Right, I see.. if there are no links use mongo.
actually I have 2 cases where I need the schema less stuff
I think Mongo is developing support for relationship type schemas, no?
Hi guys...stuck on probably a trivial error for the experts
I think there is already support
I just never tried something like that
its about schtasks
maybe it super-ez in Mongo and we are just 2 noobs :p
Probably ;)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//schtasks /create /tn "My App" /tr C:\Users\Vivian\Desktop\whichvers.bat /sc monthly /d 18 /m APR,MAY,JUN /st 16:48
string op = LaunchEXE.Run("schtasks", "/create /tn \"My App\" /tr notepad /sc monthly /d 19 /m APR,MAY,JUN /st 16:25");
The message box gives a warning message
I am supposed to click a yes or a no
how do I do that ?
LaunchEXE is a Process.Start()
you want a yes no button on your messagebox?
i think I read about Dialogresult
but the thing is just wanted to use Schtasks
DialogResult myDialogResult;
myDialogResult = MessageBox.Show("question", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

if (myDialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
//yes was clicked

if (myDialogResult == DialogResult.No)
//no was clicked
Thanks @Steve
no problemo
Its not that question I was looking for the answer
sorry I asked my question wrong
oh lol
@Steve switch (myDialogResult), please.
I use Process.start()
to start schtasks
with a scheduled process...
LaunchEXE.Run("schtasks", "/create /tn \"My App\" /tr notepad /sc monthly /d 19 /m APR,MAY,JUN /st 16:25");
@ShotgunNinja yeah, i just copied and pasted that off of a google search
How does one pronounce "schtasks"?
Schedule Tasks
Well anyway
The first time, the task is created without any problems
however when I run the app second time
the output is a warning about replacing the existing task
so the task is not actually being replaced with the new dates/time
so how do I hadnel this
no idea
just so you know that i'm not ignoring you
Oh no problem :)
@KendallFrey got quiet
hmmm, how should i approach writing file parsers? RegEx? Splits? something else?
i'll have to end up writing alot of them, so efficient + easy to implement would be most ideal

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