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anyway microoptimization is stupid
I've come at a point where i must install a json lib in my app
"[\"" + args.Time + "\"," + args.Bid.ToGBString() + "," + args.Ask.ToGBString() + "," + (pnls != "" ? '{' + pnls.Substring(1) + "}]" : "{}]"
What's wrong with JavaScriptSerializer?
need to read how to use it (thx)
Json(object) win.
What framework are you using?
I am intimately familiar with jss lol
It's pretty basic. You have Dictionary<string, object> for objects, object[] for arrays, and then the basic primitive types.
You can serialize directly from a complex type though, you don't have to set it up like that
@TravisJ .net 4.0 or .5
hey @Darek :)
sorry, that is a framework, but I meant like wpf, vmc, or something else
@TravisJ I only did deserialization, which is how it comes out by default.
I dealt mostly with serialization
If I had had complex types, I would've used em.
@TravisJ just basic console app sending in tcp
I see. Like a service
Are you serializing or deserializing?
public double? latitude; //<- what is the ?
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string jsonString = serializer.Serialize(yourObject);
it denotes that it is nullable
@TravisJ ser
@cc: nullable
I still haven't had a good excuse to use V8 in a real app.
I use this for serializing:
public abstract class AsSerializable
 public string AsJson()
  var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
  return serializer.Serialize(this);

and then on a class I will have it inherit from that if I want to serialize it

public MyClass : AsSerializable

var myc = new MyClass();
string json = myc.AsJson();
I'm using SmtpClient in a wcf service, I feel like I want to keep the client in memory and queue the messages (hundreds), can anybody point me in the right direction?
make it static
is there a collection that I can wire an event up to? something that will fire when items are added?
@drch -
"Everytime there is a postback to the server, the ASP.NET lifecycle events are fired in order, causing the server side objects to be created, updating the viewstate with the updated information from the client, updating the server side elements with data from the viewstate, executing any server side events that need to be executed, and finally rendering the HTTP response to return back to the client."

Do you know where the listeners sit which handle the server side events?
I was looking at ConcurrentQueue
@TravisJ what if I'd like to serialize a spupid array
@c'c - Then you can use
var s = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var array = getArrayFromSomewhere();
string spupidArray = s.Serialize(array);
yes just fetched the doc sorry, nvm
that will beautify my app
@TravisJ: not sure actually
k, me either, but I figured you might know :P
> HttpRuntime, HttpContext, and HttpApplication – Oh my
When a request hits, it is routed to the ISAPIRuntime.ProcessRequest() method. This method in turn calls HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest that does several important things (look at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInternal with Reflector):

Create a new HttpContext instance for the request
Retrieves an HttpApplication Instance
Calls HttpApplication.Init() to set up Pipeline Events
Init() fires HttpApplication.ResumeProcessing() which starts the ASP.NET pipeline processing
you gotta look at old ass .net 2.0 articles for the explanations :P
but yeah looks like its all hooked into httpapplication msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
that is pretty epic
that makes a lot of sense because you can store application scoped objects inside of httpapplication
not suggested^ but still possible
HAHA Amurrica...
so according to that link, "This class is the base class for applications that are defined by the user in the Global.asax file.", it is implied there can be multiple applications running at once
And when I looked in my base global.asax:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication{}
which means I could also have
public class AnotherApplication: System.Web.HttpApplication{}
in theory right?
And they would both run?
@drch - ^
I think it is true, I just compiled a second application
Do they have separate threads? I will throw an exception
aww, the second one never got instantiated
I wonder what decides which to run
just added the assembly System.Web.Extensions
hmm yeah thats a good questoin
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
Serialize is not there
@cc: its not a static method silly
there is that too
hehe ok
new JavascriptSerializer().Searlize()
forgot to instantiate the object, silly is the word
@Yenthe I appear to have fixed the problem. /etc/adjtime was present and had a large number stored in it. I'm guessing it was being invoked by dtp and causing the time to go forward so fast that by the second time check the offset was greater than it would change, and so nothing happened. I'm not sure about it, though.
@TravisJ: i would guess it comes from global.asax Application directive
<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.Global" Language="C#" %>
@Yenthe Seems a bit odd that it would continue running but not do anything. I was under the impression that if the offset got too large the ntp service would stop. That didn't happen here. After renaming the file, ntp triggers every ~15 minutes (it's getting off ~1 sec per minute, so the offset is 15 seconds at that point.) Seems to be bringing it back in line regularly.
@drch - I can't find that file or anything similar, where did you find it?
It isn't in mine
My .cs file does not have an arrow by it
a ha! "view markup"
"Parser Error Message: There can be only one 'application' directive."
public class BothApplications : System.Web.HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()
            new MvcApplication();
            new AnotherApplication();
? ;)
<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="BothApplications" Language="C#" %>
oh shii
almost worked, but this version did
public class BothApplications : System.Web.HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()
            var mvc = new MvcApplication();
            var another = new AnotherApplication();
had to make app start public
not only that, both ran and serviced my request
lol what is that
ha nvm
Any PowerShell nuts around?
Ok so now my another app is going to sit on a background thread and service my main app
here goes
so cool lol
why I can do:
Get-RemoteRegistry -computer "someComputer" -Path "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters"
but I cannot do:
{"someComputer"} | ForEach-Object -Process {
  $name = $_
  $reg = (Get-RemoteRegistry -computer $name -Path "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters")
  Write $name
fails on
   $rootkey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($root,$computer)
is that php?
despite the fact that $root and $computer are populated
@TravisJ it is PowerShell
wow I just racked my computer somehow
hah, I set the background task too harsh and it took the fk over
I know
hmmm, how do you do this kind of aggregation .Aggregate( new Dictionary<int,string>(), (sum,v) => sum[v.Ticket]= v.Total.ToGBString(); sum;);
second time around instead of someServer the value is "someServer"
lol, too literal? :)
@cc: put it in plain english what you want to do
Hey guys, just wondering, did anybody else once made a printpreview dialog?
@drch I'm doing a plain shit 1 min
wait 1 min *
there's a ToDictionary
you possibly want .ToDictionary(k=>k.Ticket, v=>v.Total);
yep done thx man
Say does anybody know opensource user controls for c#? :D
@Yenthe You mean like github kind of thing?
I mean those .dll files which are custom made by a user and can be implemented in a project (for example an usercontrol superTextBox which validates extra features)
but any link / source is welcome @CodeMonkeyAlx, you never know :D
lol, running two apps is kinda freakin sweet
@Yenthe I would check codeplex.com if its open source and C# its likely there.
Now I can run a ton of apps
I'll have a look, thanks @CodeMonkeyAlx
@TravisJ Android?
A0 = 1
A1 = A0 + 1
An = An-1 + 1
ad infinitum
@CodeMonkeyAlx - mvc3
Oh I see!
Now I just have to find out what use this is
I wonder if their application pool overlaps
but arent the actual requests running in your BothApplicatoins ?
check HttpContext.Application
Yes but only one has the defined route handler
So right now, one is servicing the request, and another is running an async task handler
It had it start at 100,000 and so far it has executed about 10,000 times
Meanwhile I have serviced a couple dozen requests on the main app
HttpContext does not contain Application
directly... it was HttpContext.Current.Application
ok, app 1:
if (HttpContext.Current.Application["val"] == "stop")
app 2:
HttpContext.Current.Application["val"] = "stop";
oops, blew up on first check, need to preclude with not null
hm, HttpContext.Current is null
inside of app start
hm, I don't think that those overlap =/
Unsure if the one ever gets an httpcontext though
omfg so awesome
ok so the task factory was losing the httpcontext when its tread went async the first iteration so I stored it
and then I placed the two calls listed above
and went there, and the first app responded
while the second one serviced the call
Lol, so what is this good for
Just seems like obfuscation of a background task atm
I should fork before I completely bastardize my global.asax code
meh check it in and see what happens
communicating through application is dangerous though I think. Won't all applications in the pool have the same application wide access to that variable?
Or does each user get their own application
each has their own
is there a ?? for PowerShell ?
@drch - How is it different than session?
er wait user?
yeah its shared. 1 HttpApplication total for the app
Q: Null coalescing in powershell

MicahIs there a null coalescing operator in powershell? I'd like to be able to do these c# commands in powershell: var s = myval ?? "new value"; var x = myval == null ? "" : otherval;

unless you are messing around w/ your global.asax obvs ;)
but applications are separate in an application pool
function Coalesce($a, $b) { if ($a -ne $null) { $a } else { $b } }
so all users affect the application storage just like static
actually there are some things that can leak across application pools
if you do a lock(typeof(MyClass))
the actual instance of the 'Type' can be shared across processes
so you can deadlock from another application
which is why lock(typeof()) is a terrible idea
actually saw that in production code at my last gig
but then again they also locked on strings
the two applications have different sessions
how weird is that
if you write to one can you read from the other in the subsequent request?
only using application
not using session
what is weird is they share the same httpcontext, but not the same session
how can that be
or maybe they don't share the same context. hm
I think httpcontext is created first
when I debug I notice that the session is always null
httpcontext is passed to the application in IAsyncResult IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData)
I have a valid context
what kind of structure I could use to contain to list of any type, (will be in a json array) ILIst<Object> or is there a non parametrized one?
Sounds like you want an ArrayList.. eww
List<Object> will work though
@LewsTherin: we dont talk about arraylist around here
Lol, as well we shouldn't.
Have you ever used Meteor?
hm, they are the same session
i dont know what meteor is
but because of the thing where projects like to spoof names of other projects
Oh, that's shocking for some reason
i assume its a long polling framework
like comet
MVC framework for nodejs I believe?
oh wait yeah i have seen this
how often does Application_Start get hit?
@drch I am not sure how it works.. maybe.
and that is it eh
@TomW No it's both client and server side. Could probably work with Node
wires all the events up and just hangs out like a boss
@LewsTherin: i heard about it early on but haven't seen it pop up since. not sure how much traction it got
although i dont really follow the node community so i cant say for sure
I wonder if I am using Knockout too much. I literally have little Razor syntax and more Javascript (obv)
there is no napping allowed lol
Oh yeah before I forget.. what's the difference between async programming and multithreading programming?
Can someone dumb it down.. I've dumbed it down to multithreading with callbacks (but then that seems pointless)
async is the hollywood principle
"dont call us, we'll call you"
Ok, so I assume it means I have to listen to something?
Dumb it down, not hide it in riddles ;)
you dont really want to compare async vs multithreaded because an async model will be multithreaded
you compare it vs synchornous
Why does async have to be multithreaded?
Node.js is both async and single-threaded.
No it is inherently single threaded..
But it has to be async for proper response
yeah it uses an event loop
i guess my point was that async doesnt necessarily have to do with threads
Even C#'s async uses single threading if possible.
but node is actually a really good example
So async can be blocking?
No, because that makes it sync
single-threaded != blocking
the idea is that there are things that are going to block, especially I/O or calls to an external process (ie, database)
@KendallFrey No, but it can cause blocking... look at the meaning behind the words.
Not if it's async.
async is by definition non-blocking.
So if async is not always multi threaded, how the hell does it avoid blocking?
So this is strange. It has the same session. But then the session becomes null in the first application after 3 rounds. Why?
@LewsTherin: its a different model. single thread with an event loop
@LewsTherin If by blocking you mean blocking calling code, it doesn't.
If by blocking you mean blocking callbacks, it can indeed do that.
Ok, I didn't know there were 2 blockings.. I was referring to blocking calling code
So what is the point of async again?
Nope, it will return before the operation is complete, and call the callback at some later point when the thread. is idle.
blocking means the next insruction will not execute until the previous one returns
Some code.. javascript in this case.
the only thing async in js is ajax
@LewsTherin there are multiple things you could be asking about. Do you mean the "async" keyword? Or the BeginX/EndX async-style programming?
The point of async is to utilize the CPU as much as possible while external hardware is doing its thing.
@drch Yeah, that's why we use threads, I get that. But async is :S me
@TravisJ Does that use the event loop as well
@KendallFrey Can you show some C# snippet?
if you spin up a thread to do some work while you continue processing as much as you can and then wait on the thread, that would still be asynchronous
@LewsTherin It's probably best described at a high level.
Take networking.
one way to look at the whole async thing is that it uses threads behind the scenes, but you don't necessarily get to manage the threads the usual way.
If you want to send 1000 web requests, what's the most efficient way?
@KendallFrey Well, if each request is not dependent on the other, using threads methinks
You can either a) send one, wait (CPU idle) for a response, then send the next one, or b) send them all in a row, and wait for the responses.
Both cases the CPU is going to waiting between requests and responses.
But since the internet can take more than one request at a time, it's more efficient to send them all at once and let the internet do its thing.
I hope there is a good book on this ;(
Let me see if I can explain it better.
i think you understand what threading is
I can give it a try too, but I'll let Kendall try first.
@KendallFrey write a kernel module to avoid system calls and talk directly to the network drivers.
With option a, the CPU and network are never working at the same time, right?
asynchonous is a model, typically language or framework support so you dont have to spin up the threads yourself
in .net you have IAsyncResult, delegage.BeginInvoke, and upcoming await/async
or even TPL
With option b, the CPU is sending out the second request at the same time as the first one is being sent through the internet.
Thus it's doing the same amount of work in less time.
Use async and await.
@drch It's not 'upcoming' anymore :)
Don't use blocking I/O if you need to do thousand requests at once.
Are all the requests to the same server?
Because if they are, just put all of them in a large byte[] and write that to a socket.
Alright, I found a video.. if that video doesn't help.. then I'm going to wallow in depression for a long time.
You don't have to wait for responses since all you do is sending requests.
I'm explaining a concept, not a problem.

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