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there are only Active(Mixed platform) Mixed Platform, any cpu, all platforms, x86
there was no x64
You have to create a solid, x64 only platform
can't do mixed either
There is this warning
There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference "D:\Dev\xxx\xxx[solution][proj]\System.Data.SQLite.dll", "AMD64". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references,
or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project. (Code=MSB3270)
I am not allowed to change to x86
sorry form x86 to another, it is x86 in the drop down list
Not allowed? You are always allowed
Just create new
Hey again Darek, you seem to like this chat hehe
@Yenthe Hello hello
I do
I do like helping @people
Yes I did so,
@Diode did it compile as x64 only?
did you make sure that all project are set to x64?
I did it doing to configurationmanager
apparently! and you seem to be good at it too! ;)
Yes but there appears some other errors after that
in python it's very easy to get a array of anything just by doing [anything] how do I do that in c#
@Diode paste'em here
new []{anything} @Markus
or if it is already an enumerable anything.ToArray() @Markus
Error 1 Assembly reference 'D:\Dev\Git\plasma\DataDebug\DataDebugMethods\bin\x64\Debug\DataDebugMethods.dll' was not found or is invalid D:\Dev\Git\plasma\DataDebug\DataAnalysis\DataAnalysis.fs 1 1 DataAnalysi‌​s
@Diode You need to check the Build checkboxes fro dependent projects
They need to be rebuilt too
How on earth do you all know that kind of stuff Darek? :p
I built the DataDebugMethods project and then it bult file. But still the problem appears the same
@Yenthe I'm weird that way
that file doesnt exist :S
@Diode, now it is becoming intereting
check your computer ;)
probaby c:\program files not (x86)
Yes that is the problem
@drch he knows that
for some reason the plugin looks for x86 instance instead of x64
@Diode Are you able to tell where the error occurs? Like when does it start looking for the Excel path?
I think when it want to start the office excel.
Where is these settings exists. I have no idea
@Diode can you paste that piece fo code
I do not know,I mean this is a office excel plugin project. Normally when be build and run the project it will automatically open up the excel. I thin for that it search for this missing file
I am impressed by myself spending the extra time to put NLog in a previous project
now I have logs to look at when the client says something's not working
I dont know there is this piece of code
I prefer log4net for performance reasons @edc
@Diode can you step through it?
@Darek I gonna try ELMAH for another project
@edc ELMAH?
I use log4net in combination with PostSharp
gives me cross-cutting logging everywhere with minimum effort
@Darek It's an ASP.NET module that acts as an enhancement to the standard yellow screen of death
@edc link?
@edc Holly Mackerel!
I still have a build error,
Error 1 The namespace or module 'DataDebugMethods' is not defined D:\Dev\Git\plasma\DataDebug\DataAnalysis\DataAnalysis.fs 6 6 DataAnalysi‌​s
Error 2 The namespace or module 'ErrorClassifiers' is not defined D:\Dev\Git\plasma\DataDebug\DataAnalysis\DataAnalysis.fs 321 24 DataAnal‌​ysis
posted on April 12, 2013 by Eric Lippert

As promised last time, a fun-for-Friday rerun from the early days of FAIC. But before we get started, a quick physics refresher. Force is the ability to change the velocity of an object by a certain amount in a given … Continue reading →

@Darek Like the people there said, it's not really a logging tool, but exception handling tool
and you can make it work with log4net
@edc Right. I used to use PostSharp for Exception handling as well, as it captures and logs every exception with the Diagnostics toolkit
@Diode it seems you are still missing dependencies
@Diode ... interesting .fs, is that an F# class? Sweet!
whoa someone actually uses F#
F# still freaks me out
yes it is an f# class
but the main project is in c#
By the way Darek, just wondering, do you know anything about piecharts in C#?
@Yenthe Yes, as a maater of fact I do
@Diode, that is fine, just make sure you compile ALL projects as x64
your prior screenshot did not indicate that you do
Hmm just wondering, would you be curious enough to check out a question of mine on stackoverflow? I can't seem to get it fixed :/
@Yenthe link?
here it is @Darek, do ask me questions if you don't understand its a complex one.. :/
oo charts
I used to support that thing
They are such a pain in the ass lol
I managed to resoleve the build problem by changing the target framework from 4 client profile to .net 4
how does it ruin your graphics?
Now the above errors are gone but the same issue
@Diode, can you step through the code?
@Yenthe, this would be so easy with LINQ
what are the chances you could start using it?
@Yenthe you don't need XValue for pie charts - they can all be 0
Yeah I know @Darek, but its an assignment for college and I HAVE TO use this method :/
@edc, whenever I try to pump the data out of the database into the chart it just dissapears. It won't display anything anymore, so I might be using a method wrong
@Yenthe did you breakpoint through your code to see if there are actually any datapoints being inserted?
this is the code that start up Excel
If I use my "hard coded" method it makes them all and it shows them all.
Didn't try a breakpoint yet as I don't know how to get everything in it dynamicly either :/
This is the hardcoded example:
for (teller = 0; teller <= aantalRecords.GetUpperBound(0); teller++)
var dp = new DataPoint(prijsje, prijsje);
dp.AxisLabel = Convert.ToString(prijsje + "€");
dp.LegendText = Convert.ToString("legende " + teller);
series.Points.Insert(teller, dp);
prijsje += 350;
@Diode weird ...
Oh wait
Now this is funny
The plugin never gets hit
It is VS complaining it cannot find 32 bit Excel
because itself is a 32 bit app
@Yenthe cast your database array to list or array first
I did not get you
@Diode the error you posted is from VS2010
not the plugin
VS tries to open Excel
assuming 32 bit
But your Excel is 64 bit
it never gets to test the plugin
So the question is, how to force 32 bit Visual Studio to open 64 bit Excel
So, it was not in the project
project was always on VS
int[] pricesPerCategoryArray = blFinancien.getAlleUitgavenPerCategorie();
Gets me this error mate: Cannot implicitly convert type 'MoneyManager.DAL.DBManager.FinancienDataTable' to 'int[]'
So I seem to do something wrong still :/
what does getAlleUitgavenPerCategorie() return?
a data table?
it is a datatable
I work with DAL & BLL
then why are you assigning it to an int[] ?
Cause I've got this sql?

select sum(f.bedrag), c.omschrijving
from financien f
inner join categorie c on f.categorieId = c.id
where f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1
group by f.categorieId
I'm not sure how to get that into an array well
that sql doesnt even look like it should work
How so?
you have columns in your select that arent in your group by
Oh I thought you shouldn't have all selected columns into a group by?+
you should only have whatever selects you need
but they must appear in the group by if youre using an aggregate function like sum
@drch I concur
and in C# or any strongly typed language, you cant just cast objects willy nilly
you cant cast a Person to an int
select sum(f.bedrag)
from financien f
inner join categorie c on f.categorieId = c.id
where f.inkomstOfUitgave = 1
group by f.categorieId

Well, I have enough with that query actually ^
but how should I get it into an array now then?
I need to be able to put it in a for afterwards too
you have to read the datatable and parse out that record
oh gosh, and how do I do that?
and @Darek, why do you concur? Always interesting to hear
@Darek wow you are excellent. I would never have found such resource. Thank you !!!
@Yenthe I concur that you should only query for columns that you need in an SQL
@Diode Thank you
I will try this right away!!
mhmm! Anyways just to be sure I left out the second colum, as I don't really need it :) soooo now to convert it into an array somehow..
the second column also would have given you a sql error
@Yenthe You will need some second column for the labels
just be mindful
ahh yeah right, my label should containt the text from the field 'omschrijving'
Where should Linux questions be asked?
SU? Or is there nothing in these linked sites that is a good place for Linux?
You can try here, who knows, someone might answer.
Well, it's an issue with NTPD not keeping time correctly on a virtualized server. Seems like higher exposure than the ten people in a room aimed at another topic is more likely to get an answer. :)
There is blog post from Scott Guthrie on this subject
is the virtualized server added to a time pool? I vaguely remember something about that.
no, it was on a CPU clock
Yenthe: Not sure what you mean by that. I'm actually not particularly knowledge about VM, but the guy who does the VM stuff isn't knowledgeable about Linux. I'm not particularly either, but I'm the one trying to figure it out. :)
knowledgeable, rather.
What is your VM platform @Ben ?
VMware ESXi 4.1.0.
yep, I know whats your problem most likely Ben.
Do you use Vsphere?
Yes, we're using Vsphere.
one second, let me get you a link
You need to add your vsphere (servers) to a pool
called ntp pools if I'm not mistaking
Hey everyone. Are there any bilingual (C# + Java) people in here?
Go to
Configuration -> Time configuration -> properties -> Options -> NTP settings
and click on add
There is where you need to add NTP pools
the pool depends on your country / location ;
@sharakan: just ask
Why would this be necessary? The Windows machines keep time fine, it's just the two linux VMs that get off (one by a couple minutes a day, the other by a much larger amount even with ntpd running.) Does NTPD not work correctly internally in a Linux VM?
@drch: With 10+ yrs experience in Java and before that C++, I'm trying to get bead on how long it would take for me to be 'productive' if I started a new job in a C# shop.
The exact why I can't explain, but at college they explained me that if you don't add them to a pool they will get lost with the time configuration, if you add them to a pool they will sink with the pool @ben
Interesting. Let me give that a try, thanks.
matter of months to be writing code without looking stuff up constantly, and 1-2 years to get to something approaching my level of expertise in Java? or is that overly optimistic?
@sharakan: not very long at all
No problem Ben, I've got a little guide about it
but I'm afraid its in Dutch
Ah. Well, yes, not my 2nd language. :)
I can send you it if you wish, the printscreens should help you a good way
Linux ticks behave differently in a VM @Ben
@sharakan C# has the advantage of Visual Studio doing a bunch of stuff for you, especiall in VS2012. Intellisense <3
your knowledge of design will transfer well and the general syntax and forced OO is similar
and find your needed pool here @ben
and any time you google "how do I <java concep> in C#" you get good results cause a lot of things are 1:1
@ShotgunNinja thanks for that. always nice to have IDE support for language learning
the more challenging part will be picking up the framework of the job you end up taking. ie, WPF, WCF, MVC, etc
@drch Right, I hear that...
@drch: I think my main concern is I don't want to sound overly cocky saying "Oh yeah, I'm sure I can pick that up in a couple of months"!
@Yenthe: Yeah, we've got the time server running on every server. I'm checking now if there's something necessary to get the linux VM to pull from the host.
Normally they should do that automaticly, especially if they are in a cluster
is the timepool running AND started too?
If you forgot that it wont work :)
@ShotgunNinja Does Intellisense do substantially more for you than the corresponding feature in Eclipse for Java?
I'm glad @Diode
@Yenthe Yes, it's started. :)
Mark the answer if you don't mind @Diode
Q to the crowd: how can I force SOAP binding using just web.config?
@Darek :) Maked it already. I did not see it earlier. Thank you thank you Thank you!! you saved my life
@ben and its still not working well?
Hello everyone!
@Diode You are to kind ... :D
how to add, SqlMembershipProvider in an existing project?
@Yenthe Yep. When I got here 2 hours ago the clock was ahead by 1m48s. Now it's at 2m01s. It's been slowly increasing over time.
And oddly enough it was dead-on from when I set it yesterday at 9am to when I left at 5pm. Seems like something is going on overnight to throw it off, but I've no idea what could be at fault.
Wow thats really weird.. the fact that you have NTP pools added & its inside vSphere should manage it automaticly.
I'm not quite sure what could produce such a problem though :/
@sharakan Immensely more. And if you want even more, I strongly suggest ReSharper.
Yeah, it's been an weird issue. The server I'm trying to fix now is the dev server. The prod server gets way further off. It's a half hour ago.
its weird for a clock to get that out of sync that quickly
regardless of ntp
yeah indeed @drch
@sharakan: ReSharper is pretty awesome, yeah. 30 day free trial, check it out.
Leaves me clueless..
@ShotgunNinja Yeah, I've heard resharper is basically a must have so that you have a full suite of refactoring tools
ntp is more about syncronization than accurate time keeping
I agree. It's very strange.
too much electricity going through the box
Yes, something is throwing the time off, it seems like. And I realize that's the actual problem, but I'm not sure why ntp isn't able to counter it.
I'm in a college course focusing on C#, and ReSharper is absolutely required. We also must make sure ReSharper gives no warnings before submitting our code, or it will be marked as a zero.
is it only happening on the virtualized OS? does the parent OS have clock issues?
Nope, parent OS is fine. Before we virtualized the server it was fine as well--might need to be adjusted every month or two, but nothing terribly bad. Also the Windows guest OSs all run at the right time. It's just the two RH linux VMs.
i think windows updates with time.windows.com every hour
R# is too nice!
but it get hard to work w/o R#!
I understand that you can run .NET code with something (Mono?) to run cross-platform. Anyone know if that's actually done in production? Or is it more of a proof of concept?
@AppDeveloper : Yes, I've heard people say that. I only played around with the 30 day trial for a bit.
glad i have full one :P
@drch, the Linux ones should just update by syncing with the pools too
Mono is pretty developed at this point. Has support for MVC4 now, think asp.net is at 4.5 as well. Some difference you need to account for, though.
differences, even.
@Ben: have you guys looked at: vmware.com/files/pdf/techpaper/…
explains the issue and how vmware addresses it
pg 15 describes linux specifically
@drch Checking that now, thanks.
Alternatively, you can set the .vmx configuration file option tools.syncTime = true to turn on periodic synchronization
Starting with ESX 4.1 this can also be verified by using the command `vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync status` on Linux
Alright I'm out guys, cya!
@Ben: good luck
@darek: see you around
You bet @Yenthe
@zneak really cool AI vid
Later, Yenthe, thanks for the help!
@drch : Page 17 talks specifically about how the Linux Vm can get ahead of the clock. Haven't seen the fix yet. Helpful document, though.
i think it basically says this shit is going to happen simply due to virtualization, esp with older kernel and the solution is to enable sync with the host via vmware tools
interesting topic though
particularly if youre not the one who has to fix it
hey hey
@KendallFrey where are YOU??
@drch yes simply the IO one, nice
nice answer 6 hrs after also ;)
oh right
ha now i remember
NetworkStream is rather useless Class
usually you just deal with streams
the implementation specific ones are just for the creation
they are inheriting certainly*
@AlexDresko: nice profile pic
I'm having a code baby.
Quick question: if I want to be in multiple SO chat rooms, do I open a browser tab for every room I want to be in, or is there a better way (ie, like JabbR)?
I just open tagbs.
@RoelvanUden Thanks. That's what I thought. Dunno if I prefer JabbR or SO chat, so I just keep them all open in the same window. :)
I don't even know what JabbR is.
SignalR dog food project
"dog food project"?
SignalR rocks!
What do you mean by a "dog food project", though? I've never heard the term before.
Just another name for a pre-canned, working project?
Anyone care to look at my question? stackoverflow.com/questions/15976799/…
@ShotgunNinja Ha. No. "Dog fooding" generally means when a developer uses their own product to prove it works.
For example, everyone at MS "dog foods" Windows 9 while it's being built, before the public ever has a chance to see it.
And Microsoft has dog fooded Team Foundation Server for a long time before it was released. And Visual Source Safe was almost nowhere dog fooded within Microsoft.

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