I want to allow users to click on a link that will be emailed to them. This link must point to a web server and then come back to the client pc and open up notepad
I got array list of dates, which I want to map to XMLNodeList but I am not able to
foreach (DateTime dt in Dates)
XmlNodeList Date = xd.CreateElement("Date");
i know, send the email, the link points to a downloadable file hosted somewhere, this person B downloads the app which will open the notepad or whatever app you what it to open...
Tell your manager you're going to need to to develop a browser, and make all your clients throw away chrome, firefox, ie, and safari and only use the brwser you develop. And tell him it should be ready by 2018.
I know your bind though. My last boss wanted me to make the site look exactly the same on every screen. Including his iphone. He would get furious because the font was too hard to read on his iphone, but too large on his 22" monitor. And making a sepearte mobile version was out of the question.
Ok I'm going to approach him with the *.xyz file sitting on the server and when a user clicks the link it will allow them to download the file and then open up my application and read from that file