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They're talking about Common Intermediate Language, I think
Intermediate Language
yes, i know what intermediate language is, i just don't see it in acronym form, or usually ever.
so @RoelvanUden answered my vague question already
I never see it other than acronym
@klut intermediate language: 20 chars, IL: 2 chars
most acronyms will do that for you :)
yeah and just so happens the application i'm developing has the acronym IL
Not like it is a keyword or anything.
well last i talked intermediate language was a year ago, and before than was 2 additional years. and it was in notes spelled out both times.
@KyleTrauberman you there?
Phoenix, what's your email address?
tell me when you copy it so i can delete
ok done
I got Kyle an interview
hopefully can get you one
<Loves the hold music on the MSDN support phone line>
<does a little dance, makes a little... coffee>
lol @RyanTernier it seems like you just spend your entire day working with MSFT. I'm the one who lives in Seattle, dude!
Are you... sleepless?
yes, but not because of AIM.
Aim? Thought there were lots of "Marks" in Seattle.. to miss them that's just sad man.
it is the most casually sexual city in the country
/makes a note to go visit seattle
its a great city
@Pheonixblade9 - Clearly you have never been to Isla Vista :P
UCSB's nickname is the university of casual sex and beer
I'm going to Claremont next week
Nice. I would suggest that you go to a ski resort since you will be only 90 minutes from Big Bear, but you probably have way nicer ones in Washington.
Are you there for a conference?
Big Bear... sounds more like an arrested assault suspect than a ski hill.
@Ryan - Nah, he didn't get arrested. They burnt that to the ground.
that is the most NSFW link I have ever seen.
I was training some cops in Denver and they took us out to singsing.com, was amazing
@TravisJ I don't ski, though :/
Also, I live in Seattle. They have skiing here through June, lol
That is what I said to start with.
Then you went off about some random homo tangent =/
Anyway...Are you going to be in CA for a conference?
Nope. Just visiting a friend
I needed a vacation. Still too scared to go on a big one, so I took a 4 day weekend.
i mean, dude, skiing rocks
@RyanTernier I rock climb, kayak, cycle, play about 12 instruments, fix my own car/bike, do freelance work... HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU THINK I HAVE???
eats scoop of ice cream (going back to my dessert)
@Pheonixblade9 - Is your weekend all planned out? I could give some suggestions.
@TravisJ not a thing planned out, except I'm probably going to meet one of my friend's sisters in LA to have dinner.
would love some suggestions :)
I'm not going skiing on my trip to FUCKING CALIFORNIA! I can do that here! I wanna go to a damn BEACH or something!
I can go swimming and freak out all the locals 'cause it's only like 67 out
I personally strongly dislike Disneyland, but you will be close to there. The Santa Monica Pier is always a lot of fun...That link too up almost my entire message so I think this might take a few more messages.
I'm not going to Disneyland with my college buddy :P
As is the Venice Beach Boardwalk. You can also check out seeing a tv show - I like those, they are free and can be a lot of fun if you get to see a show you follow.
isn't the venice beach boardwalk where all the chicks wearing almost nothing go roller blading?
or was that limited to the 80's?
yes it is
there is a lot of interesting stuff at the venice beach boardwalk
lots of buskers, bums, weight lifting parks?
there is one main weight lifting park, yeah there are some homeless people but they tend to at least have some sort of mat setup with stuff to sell so they usually just sit in one place, what is a busker?
: "Busker" and "busking" redirect here; for the element in a corset, see Busk. This article is about the form of public entertainment. For the fundraising pledge system also known as the Street Performer Protocol, see Threshold pledge system. Street performance or busking is the practice of performing in public places, for gratuities, which are generally in the form of money and edibles. People engaging in this practice are called street performers, buskers, street musicians, minstrels, or troubadours. Street performance dates back to antiquity, and occurs all over the world. Performanc...
oh yeah, tons of those
we have a bunch of guys playing those crazy sounding east asian fiddles
The Queen Mary is also pretty sweet. You can stay a night there or just get a few drinks. It is a "haunted" cruise liner that is out of commission and sits near the harbor in Long Beach.
hah, nice
other than that, I am sure your friend will know of local spots, places to eat, or that type of stuff. Those are the main places I would point out that are in range. Maybe you could go through hollywood, see the hollywood sign, or take a quick drive down rodeo drive in beverly hills
hehe, I'd like to do that
...on my bike
Oh, I have never been to Universal Studios, but it is in that area too. I hear good things.
Is using a timeout a good way of mocking an ajax success callback?
I think there's going to be a great deal of scotch drinking/filandering
@TravisJ unit test?
nice :D You don't have to do everything, you are on vacation after all
@Pheonixblade9 - I am trying to see if this is a good way be able to get a value returned from an ajax success callback (since someone asked and I thought it would be interesting to try). Here is the fiddle: jsfiddle.net/BC6Px
Hmm, is there a reason you can't just use a callback method? :)
are you trying to do recursive AJAX or something?
awwwwwwww yeah
Done with my finals!
Everything late is turned in!
Hopefully, I'll pass all of my classes!
@TravisJ I've been on it, it's a cool old ship.
@ShotgunNinja good luck :)
@Pheonixblade9 Thanks, man. I should at least pass my classes; if I'm lucky, I will have above a 2.0 quarter GPA, and I'll be able to stay at MSOE.
Academic probation sucks.
minimum standard of excellence?
isn't "minimum" the opposite of "excellence" as a concept? :P
Milwaukee School of Engineering.
But that's a hilarious coincidence.
Hello Wisconsin!
@kush Moo.
Stay warm up there...
lol, there's this guy whose resume I have for an internship... his title line is "Web Developer and UX Architect"
my boss just laughed his ass off at it, was like "dude... take that off your resume, you'll get torn apart"
Dude, we just had a great snowfall. About 6-7 inches, of thick, white, packy snow.
Yeah, Missouri declared a state of emergency.
The best part about packy snow is, it doesn't even have to be freezing.
It's like 33 degrees outside at ground level.
Fahrenheit, mind you.
wuzzap everyone
Oh, it's all the way down in Missouri?
Sup @anima
All of the weather sites are blocked here at work...
yeah, Missouri and a little on the Kansas side.
@ShotgunNinja is github blocked?
@kush Nope.
I've never understood blocking sites at work.
Just fucking hire people who won't go to those sites.
blocking sites at work, sounds nazi to me
Godwin's law!
It's more to prevent the crazy marketing department folks from doing nothing but checking the weather and reading the news all day.
true , lol
@ShotgunNinja oh yeah, people that don't do work, they "do work"
Also, I'm in a full two-piece suit right now, and I just found out after coming in to work that it's extreme casual friday.
But I had to wear it for my Senior Design presentation anyway, so whatever.
@ShotgunNinja jesus dude, what kind of shit company makes developers (and a college student, at that) suit up?
@Pheonixblade9 My school.
wait, you work at your school IT dept and they make you wear a suit?
I had to give a Senior Design final presentation today.
I don't work at my school.
lol, ok. so your work doesn't normally require one?
Of course. Normally, it's business casual.
I'm wearing jeans and a button up
plenty of people just wear t-shirts/thermals
I normally wear khaki slacks and a suit-shirt or button-up.
I'm not really sure of the difference, but one's fitted and one isn't.
shrug I dress nice, I don't mind.
It would be a pain to dress in a suit every day, but I don't mind dressing nice.
Of course.
I just don't like that all of my nice work slacks are super thin, and I live in Wisconsin...
When it gets really cold, I wear flannel pajama pants under my work slacks ;P
lololol, the site shows up, but all of the images are blocked.
user image
Banana Republic is decent quality, pretty good prices (always buy on sale, their stuff is ALWAYS going on sale), and it's GAP, so there's pretty good customer service if something goes wrong.
@ShotgunNinja MSOE is a private school?
bannana republic/gap/old navy all one thing
beauty of buying online, is FREE shipping on returns as well as packages
don't know if you want 32" pants, order 32, 34, 36 and return the ones you don't need free
@RyanTernier Piperlime and Athleta, too.
ok same one
@RyanTernier that's the whole reason I have Amazon Prime, lol.
Get Lucky jeans for like $50, order 5 sizes, return 4
I usually fit 32 or 34... I ordered 36 Levi's and they don't fit, I have a pair of Lucky's that are 32s and fit perfect
I usually wear 34, i got a free pair of 36 levi's and it makes my crotch look like I'm a porn star.
@RyanTernier my crotch looks like a porn star all the time.
not sure if Levi has shitty sizing, or if everyone else is vanity sizing...
@Pheonixblade9 I like lose fitting pants with slim fitting shirts. I can't stand tight pants... can't stand boys who wear womens pants... can't stand boys who have pants with the crotch at the knees... must-curb-anger...
Aren't you a porn star?
lol, I wear 32/32's
well, he does have a porn star mustache
graduate school can cost $19,344 (and rising) every semester? guys, is anyone going to grad school here?
@kush lol, try way more than 20k for some grad schools.
@kush Maybe, I was looking at Carnegie Mellon University.
Their Entertainment Technology Center has been calling my name, ever since reading The Last Lecture.
Not to mention, they're one of the big names in Software Engineering in general.
@Pheonixblade9 At that point, where I have to work for maybe five years to be able to afford a graduate degree, is it worth it?
@kush not for me.
get somebody else to pay for it.
@Pheonixblade9 The reason the American economy is in shambles.
@Pheonixblade9 maybe you'll hire me and pay for me to go to those fancy schools in Seattle.
@ShotgunNinja not really, though it is part of the the reason young people are poor and pissed off. Not just in the US, but everywhere.
Old people are living longer, and our employment model is still based on people retiring at 55
not only that, but the value of labor is going down because of so much automation.
@kush we don't do tuition reimbursement, unfortunately. I haven't gotten your resume yet, btw.
@Pheonixblade9 Haven't sent it yet. I am on a cr-48 machine right now.
and it's not a Google Doc? For shame.
speaking of ChromeBooks, I'd love to get one of those fancy new chromebooks if they gave it to me for free.
Speaking of Google, I want some of those google glasses...
It will be interesting to see what happens when someone gets prescription eye glasses with Google Glass, and tries to go to a movie theater, performance, or art show. Will it be viewed as a hate crime because they have vision impairment? Ohhhh the law suits.
I guess they'd need to turn on "airplane mode"
what are you doing to your cpu steve?
MaxParallelThread is for whimps
Steve, show me your resmon!
@SteveKonves Only 2 cores? psh
string s = "0";
while( true ){ s += s; }
i was testing a parallel processing library with all available threads calculating percentiles from z-scores
@RyanTernier wait, so four threads per core?
Oh great.
4 cores 8 threads
I just spent a few days this week moving something over to the wrong site.
Like, an entire sub-feature of our system is now working on our e-commerce site, instead of our affiliate sites.
The problem is, this is undesired functionality.
can you just revert to a previous version of the deployment?
@shotgun - burn
We "want" the Wish List to be on the e-commerce site, for access to the database. We "want" the Shopping Basket to be on affiliate sites, so it can be modified with AJAX. We "want" to serialize everything in the Shopping Basket on the affiliate sites over to the e-commerce site during checkout via an HTTP request.
What I did was move the entire Shopping Basket functionality to the e-commerce site.
That's my ESB server :P
8 cores?
32 cores? o.o
oh yeah ... stacked
what a pos, you get that on ebay?
@RyanTernier how many processors?
oh wow, so I guess we're hiring for 2 SDET positions.
@TravisJ I'd buy it off of craigslist
Also, in response to your "is it backed up" question, no. We use CVS.
4 processors, 128gb ram
sorry 2 - hyperthreaded
So all of my code for this project over the last month or so that I've been working on it exists only on this workstation.
@ShotgunNinja :(
definately photoshop
my server?
I've been begging for git or mercurial, so I can branch the main repository and roll it back all I damn well please, but no luck.
@SteveKonves defiantly photoshop!
I love how people misspell "definitely" as "definately".
I'm excited about Google Glass - they're opening up Google Retail stores now. Google Glass was the main driver for that - nobody would want to spend $1k on it without trying it
@Pheonixblade9 So Google is becoming Apple?
@ShotgunNinja nah. Google still makes 98% of their money through advertising.
lol you know im kidding
@ShotgunNinja I have used git with tfs and and with subversion. You can too. It won't hurt.
i was just hoping you'd post something with an IP :)
@Pheonixblade9 Well yeah... they're an advertising company, first and foremost.
@ShotgunNinja technically a data company
they're getting pretty involved in eCommerce now.
"Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"
this was a HUGE fucking deal for us. Like, we had a huge meeting about it: bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2013/02/20/…
and part of that data is YOUR data ... which they sell
@RyanTernier ?
I love Joel's article: strategy V. "babysitters are a complement of dinner at fine restaurants"
Bears on horses. That's more interesting than 32 core servers :P
this is true
When I can't make sense of what Google is doing, I go back and read this strategy letter. It makes me feel like I can comprehend the titans a little.
ryan stole my server :P
i need a wallpaper of that for my laptop
@TravisJ are you in Tyler, Texas?
it's just INSANE to me how big IBM still is.
apparently not
IBM is massive man
@Pheonixblade9 about the only people you can go to if you need "an army of java developers"
@kush - How did you know?
apparently they rewrote major components like the pricing system all in under two months
well it's still like... the 6th biggest company in the country
of course, they completely ignored existing SQL Server installations and forced DB2 down the throat.
don't get me started on their DB2 Push
"Hey IBM, We have an issue with your XXX software"
IBM: Hmmm we have an app to fix that for you. Let me draw up the paper work. It's $399,000 for the first year, then $5,000 per year after to solve that problem.
@RyanTernier I'm sorry!
@kush - Do you like bull riding?
@RyanTernier wait ... the fix for a problem in the XXX software is shoving something down the throat?
I've never ridden a real bull. Only mechanical ones at amusement parks
"Hey IBM, You say your software works perfectly with Oracle, why can't we do this?"
IBM: "WE have an software package for that. If you purchase DB2 and leverage it's storage capacity mixed with your oracle server, hire 2358 more developrs and bring a tomatoe, goat, and a sacrificial knife to work every day, you'll get it working"
@Ryan - I was agreeing with you until you said "Oracle". At which point I immediately blamed Oracle.
I have read a lot of people defend Microsoft on this but still it doesn't make sense when we have to buy their IDE when even Oracle gives away developer version of their software.
Our production oracle stack is $3 million / year in licensing
so throwing out a few hundred dollars in software, pshhh
We also use TOAD for ORacle, which is way more expensive than Visual Studio
@RyanTernier Oh yeah I forgot about toad
but why do you spend so much? You could hire an ace team of say five or six ace developers to maintain your postgres or whatever db you'd like to use. Is it because "nobody gets fired for choosing IBM"?
@ryan - what do you use for version control?
My bet is on perforce
@kush - btw, I do not live in Texas...It says right in my profile that I am in California.
sorry, I didn't click through
only one more hour until the most sorely-needed weekend of my life.
Should I try to get something done?
I guess that's what they pay me for.
Write java?
this is my team lead's lines of code added/removed according to github: / 42,162,850 ++ / 6,169,336 --
he writes a lot of code-generation stuff.
@CCInc It is blasphemy to drop the cursing word Java without obvious negativity dripping from every other word in the sentence.
B̡̪ͫ̾ͣ͌u͔͕͑t͈̙̫͔̋ͧ ͏J͙̗̠͓̻͔̪͆́a̗̜̲͉̯̫͆̀̓v̸̪̬̫̘̊̆̑́̉̚ạ͕̟ͧ̅̉ ̰͞i͍͈͉͐ͬ̒͗͋ͤͪsͭ҉ ̸s̺͇̜͈ͅu̅͌͛͂ch̖̞̤̖̘̼̎ͫͦͨ͗͂ͬ ̡̦͉̦ͩ̂á̗̠̟ͅ ̬̦̮̮̃̇ͪͭģ͈͇̩͉̻͊ͧ̐̆͗ȑ͂ea͉̦͎̭̓̉t͔̤̟̞̯̪̳̒̐ͫͤ̓̇ͪ͢ ͩ̑l̳̮̞̮͙͋͂̾̕ā͔̰ͩ͝n͙ͬg̖͌̐̏͌̋ͨ͠ú̬a̟̰͈̗̰̯͎ͯ̀́g̣̣̰̟̱e͒͛́̐́
We're in the C# room. It would be like Luke saying good things about Vader.
E̜̳̥̺̝̼̖̼ͨ͗̔̈́͠V̳̺̙̥̰̲̘ͪ̅ͨ̍E̔́͊ͨ̕҉̙͉͇͇̟ͅŖ̴̥̼̖̈́ͧ̿ͥ͟Y̜̦̆̀ͨͬ̃B̘͍̠͙̹̓̅͠͠O̮̘̦͇̠̤̯̫͑ͪͧ́ͥ͛̊̈D̪̮͎̖͇͖͖̖ͧͮ̉ͪͨ̕͠Y̶̖̦͍̑̉͢ͅ ̮̥͚͚̪̏͐̏̎ͫ̑̐̈́̚͜L̥͕̺̗̈́̇̈́͌̏O̍͗ͤ̆ͮͭ͏̡͍͎̗̣̻̭͍͙V̻̝̗̼͔͙̬̽ͮͨͩ̌͗ͪĖ̷̗̗̼̓ͬ̐̌̀͂͘S̴̷̨̪̹̦̙̖̥̥̑̓̃͆ ̣͉͉͙̩̓͜͞J̸͓͕ͮ̏̑ͫ̓̾͐Å̱͎͖͑ͧ̈̿ͅV̨̮̈́̾̓͛̉͠͞Ẫ͙̤͔̦͉͎̻̋́
@Pheonixblade9 wait, isn't that cheating?
I mean create a data model and just have the boiler plate code spit out...
Man, I'm not being much of a star whore lately. Better not star this message.
Such provocation.
@Pheonixblade9 is it ok if i flag it instead?
@SteveKonves don't flag messages unless they're genuinely offensive/inappropriate. It's really inconsiderate to the 10K rep people.
is sarcasm not as obvious on friday afternoons?
@SteveKonves apparently flagging is across rooms and everyone everywhere sees it. so probably not a good idea to disrupt people in other rooms.
@TravisJ SVN.
@SteveKonves wasn't sure :) Some people are really haphazard with flags, and it's reallllly annoying to high-reppers.
also, having the flag and star 10px apart is genius
@kush Luke DID say good things about Vader.
well... it does require a confirmation
exactly ... wait ... what?
If you make even the most obscure star wars reference, it is getting a star.
@TravisJ NNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (that was a Wookie)
@RyanTernier I guess that means C# people must say good things about Java.
@kush I do say good things about Java. It's good for nothing =D
@RyanTernier will you tolerate people using git on their own machines and svn to commit to the repository?
I was scrolling through something and my eye caught something. I went like what is litigation matency? Turns out it was latency mitigation. o.O
@kush wat
I read something wrong as I was scrolling
I've read somewhere that we don't actually read each letter of every word when we are "reading" fast
@kush thast why you can eaisly unedrsatnd tihs
You're just pattern-matching.
Fun fact: Publishing companies get around this by making fonts smaller and using textured paper.
now I went back and read pattern-matching three times to spot where you misspet it
I don't misspell things intentionally without using [sic]. It'd piss me of way too much.
sik [sick[sic]]
The Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written") added immediately after a quoted word or phrase (or a longer piece of text), indicates that the quotation has been transcribed exactly as found in the original source, complete with any erroneous spelling or other nonstandard presentation. The usual purpose is to inform the reader that any errors or apparent errors in the transcribed material do not arise from transcription errors, and the errors have been repeated intentionally, i.e., that they are reproduced exactly as set down by the original writer or prin...
Just loked that up
and thus if "sic" is spelled rong [sick[sic]] ...
and then quoted
@SteveKonves good song
interesting vid
My favorite song by qotsa is Long slow goodbye
i need some feedback on some logic here ...
looks empty, there are only 3 dots, that can't be good. Where is the rest of it?
order of operation with problems at work: 1) try to solve problem without rocking boat 2) rock boat 3) get a new boat
move to next step when a step fails
looks good to me, except that you might want to exclude step 2
don't rock the boat :P
if i can save 3 years invested in a job, is it worth it?
unless the next job pays more
but in some sense, perseverance is a bit more valuable that a few extra Gs
I'm so glad its friday
Nobody link to Rebecca Black!
this could be my monday!
peace out folks!
Haha nice
and mine too, if I ever get my resume sent out to Phoenix
@kush Depends on the context, and the safety concerns. All of the projects I work with are governed by strict security. For example, if you have a laptop, and turn off the encryption on it, you're fired, no questions asked.
@RyanTernier fired for using Git to keep track of changes?
@kush No. You'll get a warning if you have a minor security issue. Local GIT is fine, but if any code ever made it to the cloud, or to a US server, it's a very big bad ugly bad
@RyanTernier yeah, I was talking locally. But just for my knowledge, could you tell me why it is bad for code to go to a US server? Is that a legal thing?
For my team the code is owned by the Province of BC
and we have a requirement to keep everything on BC servers, hosted by SSBC
When I'm at work, I have the internet, but all traffic is routed through our local Gateway, then through the Ministry in BC< then through CGI corporate in Ontario before it hits the internet.
Yes, it certainly depends on the job

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