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@JABFreeware I would never shoot myself. Only the server.
@JohanLarsson meh, by lazy capture
@RoelvanUden Why not?
Do you have something against learning how to use a language by asking the folks who speak that language?
^^^^^ I happen to like EL&U, where I know a thing or two
I have answered a question in the ELU chat once! (I don't know any English :)
Learning a language from just a Stackexchange site is just as wrong as learning to develop an application from just Stackoverflow. If you have a solid foundation in a particular language you probably don't need native speaker advice from a Q&A site, but you'd rather learn by doing. Hence my amazement such a Q&A site even exists.
You're discounting intermediate speakers then
Like someone with 2-3 years experience
@jcolebrand you go through a lot of servers?
my laptop has a few holes in it, but it still runs, you just can see through the screen in a few places
@JABFreeware Only the three ;-)
I tend to be a pretty decent programmer :o
@jcolebrand me to but it gets frustrating sometimes!
I like SE.workplace myself :)
@JABFreeware wanna do something frustrating, write an MVC framework in nodejs that works like ASP.NET MVC3
@jcolebrand no thanks! You go right ahead! >>>
@JABFreeware I wager I'm 60% of the way through
I haven't tested the Razor View Engine I wrote yet
Comes complete with HttpContext (appropriate for Node, of course) and the ActionResults we all love
@jcolebrand WOW. Good for you!
And it's edited by a JSON web.config, and kicked off by a global.asax (because I'm a dork, and because we can)
If you use JavaScript you could just make use of its flexibility and avoid being tied into a monstrous framework such as ASP.NET MVC, and just use Express with some Connect middleware to customize your own stack.
The eventual goal will be to build in stuff like SASS/LESS/etc support with some other fanciful tricks, just to make development/serving easier, and it's going to come bundled with some socket.io as well, because that's the whole intent of the framework in the first place (that and I really hate the way Express/Connect apps are built by default.
@RoelvanUden Have you written many Express/Connect apps?
Like, full fledged websites. Not some little "Hello World" but a replete app with a dozen controllers or more?
@jcolebrand Mostly small applications with just a few 'controllers', working on a big one atm tough.
@RoelvanUden I'm working on a clone of the SE chat server
Enough people have asked for one, and I started a version in 2011 but never finished it (part of the Nodeknockout competition, we really didn't use knockout tho, so .. meh)
Matter of fact, built with two other SE users whom I've never met.
But the SE chat server is just a simple polling server with some sugar for starring and so on. It's not exactly a big application.
And you really don't need ASP.NET MVC-likeness for that :P
@RoelvanUden oh, I'm sorry, did you forget rooms, flags, customizable, and all that
User pages
Historical values and charts of activity
Like I said, not exactly a big application.
The transcript pages
The onebox plugins
No idea what the last bit is.
I realize it's not exactly tremendous, that's why we had like 60% of what we wanted done in one weekend last time
and that's why I'm just one man writing it this time.
I made a similar mistake of approaching Node demanding a robust MVC-like platform with a lot of utilities and helpers and whatnot, but honestly -- embracing the open-minded approach Node has taken really makes thing easy. And I mean, very easy.
@RoelvanUden this tells me that you probably don't know just how large the chat engine is.
@RoelvanUden why do you think I feel confident to write a full MVC framework around it?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
I have no idea why anyone would want MVC for Node at this point. Well, being stuck in a traditional mindset does explain that. You could just write a view engine you prefer and tie everything together with little effort.
A: HTML Optimization

Roel van UdenTaken From (Read it!): http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html Put Stylesheets at the Top While researching performance at Yahoo!, we discovered that moving stylesheets to the document HEAD makes pages appear to be loading faster. This is because putting stylesheets in the HEAD allow...

All those are onebox'ed
@RoelvanUden because it's about structure? I'm not just writing some flat logic. I want IOC, I want auto-wiring, I want auto-routing.
I never want to type app.get('/route/method',function(req,res){
Yeah that's the whole point -- you want it, you don't actually need it.
I prefer to have RouteController.js
@RoelvanUden ok, explain to me how to properly do database access in a repeatable way without copy-paste and without using something that auto-wires for me.
I think you're just not quite as experienced ... ... or you have achieved a zen-like state that I may never reach.
Use a basic repository pattern and pass the container to the consumers.
To say "No, I want to write all the logic by hand" makes me shake my head. I want to write an auto-wiring agent once and never worry about it again.
@RoelvanUden so, like DI?
Sounds like you're saying use Dependency Injection anyways.
You don't need DI at all. Shrug
Mine does allow for DI, as well as IOC.
Let's say you have this route..
And you want it to have your app and repo..
wait, define "have your app"
I can't keep up if I don't understand what you're explaining
module.exports = function(app, repo) {
app.get('/:zen', function(req, res) {
repo.users.findById(req.params.zen, function(err, data) {
Very little overhead. Doesn't need DI or IoC.
Make a container obj if you're more comfortable with that.
press up a couple times and highlight that, then press <ctrl><k>
(also oneboxed if you do that)
Here are the problems I see with what you just wrote:
You require each route to know everything about the request and the response. They're just little bitty controller logic. They need to know nothing about that. Then, you want the controller to know all about the database logic.
anyone here as used git on VS connected on another server? I`m testing GIT Source COntrol Provider, but I cannot see where to connect to a server.
There's a reason the field is moving in the direction of SOLID principles, and the code you're writing looks inherently like a script kiddie.
@rogcg nope, sorry. Been curious how such things work >.<
In computer programming, SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers for the "first five principles" identified by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s that stands for five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design. The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. Overview {| class="wikitable" style="width: auto; font-size: 95%; table-layout: fixed; l...
(^^^^^ also a onebox)
> Single responsibility principle
> Interface segregation principle
> Dependency inversion principle
You do realize that a controller knows everything about the request/response in ASP.NET MVC, right? Besides, I'm using a repository pattern to have the separation of database logic... it's not like the controller is doing SQL or whatever.
Hey everyone how can I make a local XML file tamper EDVIDENT, so that my app can check the file and say, hey wait a minute this was edited or tampered with
But yeah, I wrote my own route, and didn't rely on something magical.
You're violating three of the basic principles of modern software design in your one method
@RoelvanUden what's magic?
@rogcg when you do a push it asks you for url. (I have only used git about a week so no xpert)
Mine says "does a controller with that name exist? Yes, does a method with that name exist? Yes? Continue, give it this data" If there are any no's, it looks for a static file there.
@JABFreeware hash it?
@JohanLarsson yeah.. but when you installed it on VS, did u set it up to connect to a remote server?
@RoelvanUden wrong. The controller knows who to ask for the data, or who to give the data to to do something with. It does not know how the data is stored/retrieved/etc.
@JohanLarsson THATS WHAT I SIAD!!!
I'm not following the whole convo, but I saw " a monstrous framework such as ASP.NET MVC" and it makes me think someone doesn't really get MVC. You can't be much more compact and light than MVC. It's almost like going from inline styling to CSS files. It simplifies everything.
@JohanLarsson Oh, good idea!
@rogcg no I have only used it with github for remote
@RyanJMcGowan I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC3 inspired framework over nodejs
@CCInc Yeah you did!
Nevermind. You're obviously way too well informed to listen and experienced to ever listen to a counter argument.
@RoelvanUden it's not that, it's that you're not making any sense
@CCInc sry did not see it
A"massive" app can't be done like you're describing
@JohanLarsson No, no, I didn't post it
it becomes spaghetti rather quickly
@jcolebrand you talking to me?
you either use separation of concerns, or you have spaghetti
@JABFreeware no.
@jcolebrand k
Just like how PHP is inherently a progressive programming style and cannot ever have a clean code base? Right? :)
Taking on MVC made me feel like I can scale up really easy. I'm not familiar with nodejs though.
I have MVC in that.. repository for model access, views for my view engine, and routes are my 'controllers'.
So yeah, whatever, I don't seperate at all.
@RoelvanUden Lemme ask my good buddy who only works in PHP how many times a day he curses himself for something he broke because of copy-paste ;-)
And he runs his own business
@RoelvanUden show me, because I missed it
I did. That bit of code. That's all.
@RyanJMcGowan it's entirely a different thing. Nodejs is like IIS.
To elaborate:
The route I configure is the 'Controller'. It asks stuff from the model (repo pattern) and passes it to a view.
What language does Nodejs run?
The repo is the DAL for the model.
@RyanJMcGowan javascript
The view in this case was res.JSON, instead of res.render with a template.
You're running js from serverside?
@RyanJMcGowan sure, why not?
That's it. Separation of concerns, DI through a container, IoC since everything is typeless anyhow.
scripting vs. compiled
JS on V8 JIT.
@RoelvanUden and in my paradigm, the controller gets to say "please send back this json" but it doesn't know anything about the response context
@RyanJMcGowan everything gets compiled eventually
ok pre-compiled vs. compile-with-every-request
Anyways, like I said before, I just have a fundamental dislike of how Express/Connect are built from the ground up. I'm allowed to dislike them ;-)
@jcolebrand The controller in ASP.NET MVC is well aware of everything you do, since you HAVE a context, including the request and response. You are just using helper functions to avoid touching them. That's all you are returning, an action response interface that implements a tidbit just like Node does.
@RoelvanUden yeah, but you don't actively ask them to give data to the context, do you?
Sure you're entitled to your opinion, but I wish you would see that everything you want and love from ASP.NET MVC is actually there -- just as it is, in a slightly different manner then you are used to.
It may be passive and "in the magic" but that's just it
@RoelvanUden why the fuck do you think I'm building a framework if I can't find them to begin with?
I'm not building a framework because those things don't exist
The function you pass as callback could very well be your own controller thingy that bounces to a different function and enables you to access 'this' instead. It's about 10 lines of code to replicate that behavior.
I'm building it because I'm a) used to a particular style, and b) want to help others that have experience only with that style can use to become more familiar with node
@jcolebrand FlatIron? :)
@RoelvanUden yuck
You know you're basically going like 'Hey I love PHP so I'm gonna cram it's progressive nature into C# because other developers know that style' and disregard everything C# has to offer. :)
You haven't actually seen my code, so you can't know that
That is what you are saying. It's the only basis I have to go on.
No, I said "an MVC3 inspired framework" tyvm
It's different from Express/Connect (with their app.use altho middleware is nice) and it's targeted for a specific set of purposes.
"I'm a) used to a particular style, and b) want to help others that have experience only with that style can use"
Sorry, that IS what you said.
Yes. I like my styles of writing things.
Hence, cramming PHP progression style into C# reference.
Let me say it another way
I prefer OTBS brace styling
However, at work we use something more akin to Allman style
When I go home and write code, it's in OTBS
I have written apps on Express/Connect, and they felt clunky to build.
Regardless of how easy you found them to be.
I'm not a huge fan of app.use
I know I'm not a huge fan of it because I've written those things.
I want something else, that works in a different way.
So, I'm writing it.
It'll still use async where appropriate. It'll still do things "the node way" overall. It'll just have a different flavor at times.
I'm also going to have socket.io in there as a first class citizen.
finally got that stupid thing done
one more element of our channel account setup page is data driven
Would anyone give a website theme opinion?
check out dribbble.com
lots of ideas there
@CCInc that site looks phishy
Suggestions then?
buenos dias.. que pasa tios chavales
good mornin evenin afternoon
@Ianthe Happy 9:52
@CCInc thank you @Pheonixblade9 hey there
were you able to sort out your sql server installation yesterday?
Yes, I was.
Would you do me a favour and check out my website template test?
23 mins ago, by CC Inc
@Ianthe was I trying to install Sql Server yesterday? I must have been sleep engineering
@Pheonixblade9 no... CCInc was installing it... but maybe you were too :)
@CCInc sure.. what's it about? i see Latin everywhere :p
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur adipiscum elit
Is the layout/colours good?
And you guys know how I can recreate this?
The design's not bad but I prefer lighter colors...
It should be a font gradient fill in photoshop
resolved like 4 tickets today
@Ianthe What colours would you go with?
@CCInc white, gray, black and some other colors :)
@CCInc I used to make it all black (like this: bugera-amps.com/EN/Products/index.aspx) but the the folks here wanted something lighter...
I can't see your mixer btw @Ianthe
@CCInc which mixer?
15 mins ago, by Ianthe
error message?
oh ok
@Ianthe are you good with grpahics designing?
Can't say that I am. :) We have a team that does the graphics for us.
Ah, OK. I am in need of some graphics helps...
what's it about?
I need something like this customized for my project
I'm an ex-graphic artist.
@RyanJMcGowan Cool! You think you could help me?
Depends. You want advice? OK. If you want full branding, with layouts, print-ready art, etc... that's a lot of time.
@RyanJMcGowan that's great! :)
I have .12 btc I could give up
I don't even know what btc is.
are you calling me a bitch?
So you want more than advice. haha
This seems old but might help you... codeproject.com/Articles/32002/…
What are you doing?
@RyanJMcGowan A website for my sfotware
@Ianthe huh
Nothing for print?
No print, just for show on webstie
You mean skinning your website? Or that 3d graphic box?
Both could use some work
I was originally asking for the box
But my website needs some serious work
Do you have the layout of the box and just need it to look 3d?
I have a logo
which acmh also may need some work :P
yeah that's not a logo.
that's logos
and copyright issues
what's the software about?
Sync bookmarks/history of all browsers together
never make thin fonts 3d with bevels and stuff. That only works on fat letters.
What does SB stand for?
Sync Bookmarks?
Sb would be more interesting
doh! antimony
@RyanJMcGowan ?
break up the oval too. It looks too contained. It's like a blanket around the letters. Break those letters free!
Symmetry is bad. No matter what they taught you in 12 years of public education, nothing should be equal.
@SteveKonves I only got what you meant just now. sloww.....lol
Shouldn't it be BS? Oh wait what...
@RyanJMcGowan I'll see what I can do, how should I break up the symmetry?
@Ianthe yeah... that's why we chose SB
Should be a catchy name
Sb is better for that. Don't center things. Imagine how boring the Chrome logo would be if it was exactly face on.
Use a fatter font, too.
A fat S and medium b would look modern
When you layout the box, K.I.S.S.
if you have a layout, send it to me and I'll make it look like a product photo
K, thanks
@CCInc could also consider changing the software name to "Synchro", if you decide to expand the features later and don't get stuck with just bookmarks
My name was never "SyncBookmarks" :P
I guess that was redecdied
@Ianthe "Syncro"?
lol what's the name then?
Yeah, company names should be generalized to allow you to expand. Apple could make anything and there's not a conflict with the name. Microsoft makes hardware and it's like "but... you're a software company..."
brand names should be specific
14 mins ago, by CC Inc
OK, so "Syncro"?
I don't get it really
I think the name isn't too bad, but it does lack flow
Synchro as in short for synchronize. I thought your software's name was "SyncBookmarks"
I thought drop the "Bookmarks" in case you want to expand the feature list later..
It's Browsers. Not Bookmarks.
My bad.
shorter names make great logos
How good of a programmer are you?
On what scale?
Me being 1...
Skeet being 10
How good are you?
I'm a 1.
That just tells me how much time you're on here
You are .06
Skeet is 1
x/100 = 1700/525000
So I'm about a .32
How long have you been programming?
A year, about
Did you go to school for it?
No, I'm.. uhh..
Still in high school
minus a little, yes
You've been programming about as long as I have. But you're about 15 years ahead of me in terms of age.
That would mean you are -2 :P
SO if Skeet = 20 and you = 1, then I = 6.2
or rather skeet = 10 and you = .5, I = 3.2
No, I'm a 1. Your math is wrong. I'm a 1, Skeet is a 10. That puts you around 1.3 or something
Your givens are me = 1, him = 10, you =?
I went by calculation of my rep.
yeah but you went on a scale of 0-10. I said on a scale of 1-10.
sigh lets see...
How GOOD are you?
            BrowserSync.Form1 form = (BrowserSync.Form1)Application.OpenForms[0];
            // param is the list of parameters passed from the runWorker event
            List<object> param = e.Argument as List<object>;
            // How the worker turns out
            List<object> result = new List<object>();
            // method is the MethodInfo we passed as param[0] from runWorker
            var method = param[0] as MethodInfo;
            // The actual arguements to run the Method passed from runWorker
I'm pretty good with HTML/CSS and decent at JS. I started C# about in March. I pretty much know all the basics.
That's likely one of my more advanced peices of code
FINE, I'll say a 2.5
whoa is this a showdown?
I haven't worked a lot with collections yet. I need to dig more into that. Mainly in terms of working with Linq and collections.
I have a CSS issue with my site, if you would be so kind as to help...
There's a few things I know I don't know. Like how to make custom Attributes.
Where's your site?
that's super easy
@RyanJMcGowan Not online yet
make a class that extends Attribute
here you go
My nav bar SHOULD be stretching the full length of the Main div, but its not
@zneak I know how to make make the class. I just don't know how they interface with the methods they go on. Like, reflection and all that I haven't really studied yet.
reflection == hard
it's all stuff.GetAttributes()
@CCInc, it doesn't take the full page because there's nothing to tell the <li> elements to expand
How would I go about doing that?
I always get stumped on that stuff though, I'm not sure there's a good way to do it without fixing the number of elements
it will get easy when browsers support grid layout (like WPF grid layout), but that's not quite the case right now even though the standard's on a good way
throw new UnsupportedWordException(typeof(CC));
You're wanting the entire list to center on the page?
he wants it to span the entire width
weeeell, worst-case scenario, you can still use display:table... let me try that
@CCInc seems you don't have width set to <div class="main" />?
@Ianthe It is set from CSS
.main {
	margin:0 auto;
You want the list to span the full 1100px?
I think so. I just wnat the menu items to adjust width when I change the site width

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