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@DemCodeLines Lemme guess, a web-based OS?
Well, boys. I'm off like a prom dress.
No, its not an OS.
@Ellie Not at my prom.
You fellas have a fantastic weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday.
Later Ellie.
cya @Ellie
<3 to you all
@Ellie Adios
@KyleTrauberman This javascript of yours is really good.
sorry for the ping.
thanks. :)
Are pings rude?
No, but he's got a sleeping baby at home next to the computer speakers he left on 100%.
He may have put the baby's pillow inside the subwoofer.
ok, I always ping when there are many massages, not doing it when like now
@JohanLarsson messages* FTFY
wtf... I changed the name of a parameter in my sproc... regenerated my ORM with SqlMetal... the fucking parameter was renamed in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPROC...WTF!!!
@ShotgunNinja lol
ok I leave it!
@Pheonixblade9 Precisely why I am biased against ORMs.
@JohanLarsson A friend of mine did this on Facebook recently; he started a Minecraft server, and asked everyone to "massage" him for the IP address. Understandably, no one did.
@ShotgunNinja how do u know the taskbar is not just another "form" that is programmed to be closed as soon as the desktop clloses and vice-versa?
@DemCodeLines It is. It's part of explorer.exe. When the "desktop" closes, so does explorer.exe.
But you all are talking about explorer.exe as if it was .NET...
I also did a research paper on the GDDI, and figured out what processes are responsible for what parts of the (at least Win7-wise) Windows desktop & trappings.
@CCInc It may or may not be .NET; I'm talking about it as if it were a program.
at least DemCodeLines is
@CCInc true, and a little curious.
I would HIGHLY doubt the core Windows is .NET
its not.
@CCInc Agreed.
Its c/C++
Confusingly, Windows does have the concept of a 'class' which is completely different to that found in high-level programming languages
and of course, assembly
although having read more about it, it's not as different as I initially thought. Still pretty different though
partial, or other differences?
Why is resharper/vs warning me on this JS?
for (thisChain in data.ScheduleJobChains) {
    self.chain.push(new Chain(thisChain));
@DemCodeLines gist it, I don't like downloading files
cause it is JA
@Billdr That is JS?
@Billdr You're interating over everything, incl. prototypes.
it's saying Use of an implicitly declared global variable 'thisChain'
Only that? Put var in front :P
add var before thisChain
for (var thisChain in data.ScheduleJobChains) {
That cleans it up
@Pheonixblade9 but its a whole project
if you omit var the variable is declared globally
W3CSchool says it's not needed. Guess that's what I get for trusting them.
add var to scope the variable
it's not needed, if you want global vars
also, don't use w3schools
@Pheonixblade9 ?
W3Schools is horrible. Even worse that they call themselves W3, which gives the impression they're associated with w3c
but their site is so easy to read and their validator is so handy.
They should probably be sued
Oh, they're not?
@DemCodeLines idk, sorry. got busy D:
@Billdr Umm, no.
no, they aren't
well, I feel lied to.
@Pheonixblade9 I am saying its a whole project.
@DemCodeLines Wait till JAB gets here
Him and I will work together
he won't help
> W3Schools.com is not affiliated with the W3C in any way. Members of the W3C have asked W3Schools to explicitly disavow any connection in the past, and they have refused to do so.
@DemCodeLines He likely would.
> W3Schools frequently publishes inaccurate or misleading content.
No, he clearly told me yesterday, he is not sure of how to do it, so he can't help.
@DemCodeLines Umm, he and I didn't help because you didn't give us the complete code
But if you are going to refuse help, thats cool.
ok, let's see if you guys can help now.
We have things to talk baout.
I used to like W3Schools, until I started using MDN.
> Claims that x = … and var x = … are the "same". They are obviously not (goo.gl/rXrY7). On that note, W3Schools doesn't mention variable scoping at all…
For some reason, my app doens't show in teh taskbar
Do you know when he will be here?
@DemCodeLines 5 ish
2 more hours?
5 PM my time, which is 24 minutes ago
He will be here tonight though.
[1/3/2013 7:28:42 PM] JABFreeware dotcom: see you tomorrow!
Well, the reason I am bugging you is because I am running two days late on this, hence I need this to be fixed as soon as possible.
hence, the hurry.
henceforth, thou shalt not say hence
@DemCodeLines WHY can't you just use my code?
CUZ I need that glass thingy to draw the transparency png on itself.
what transparency png? what does it do?
It simply takes a transparent png from the resources and draws it onto the form, making it look transparent
Umm, cant you set the transparency of the form/panel itself?
welp folks, I'm outta here. Good night, everyone.
night @ShotgunNinja
night @ShotgunNinja
night Ninja
I feel like Dr. House tracking down this SqlMetal issue... IT'S NOT INFINITE LOOPUS
@Pheonixblade9 then you will get it right the third time
3 mins ago, by CC Inc
Umm, cant you set the transparency of the form/panel itself?
@DemCodeLines ^
@CCInc, no. The trancy png sets the transparency in a way that it looks like glass.
Ah, so you mean like a pane OVER the panel?
BTW do you have a pic of what this is SUPPOSED to look like?
Ha @Pheonixblade9 we starred that comment.
@JeremyThompson we? I wasn't aware I was talking to royalty ;)
its just it has (removed)
no no
I was being a smartass
"we" when used to describe a singular is known as the "royal we". Typically monarchs describe themselves as "we" because they represent the country as a whole
The majestic plural (pluralis maiestatis in Latin, literally, "the plural of majesty"), is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single person holding a high office, such as a monarch, bishop, or pope. It is also called the royal pronoun, the royal "we" or the Victorian "we". The more general word for the use of we to refer to oneself is nosism, from the Latin nos. It is most commonly used to denote the excellence, power, and dignity of the person that speaks or writes. In pluralis maiestatis speakers refers to themselves using a grammatical number other than the singular (i.e., in p...
@CCInc, no, its not a panel over a panel. There are two forms. One form is the container form, called glass. It has a method called "Prepare" which asks for a form in its parameters. It centers the parameter form within itself and increases its own size as necessary to make the sure the parameter form is in the center.
Next, it uses the transparent png to draw that png image over itself, and the entire background turns to tranparent (Glass-like look)
Finally, when the form is displayed in the center and there is the graphically-drawn transparency all around it.
The glass form is not actually an MDI container. All it does is that it centers the child form within its own size, and puts an event handler which closes the glass background form as soon as the child form closes
@CCInc ^
@CCInc you there?
well, did you read it?
most of it
Ok, let me ask you this. Is it possible to have an MDI form inside another MDI form?
What would this do?
8 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
Ok, let me ask you this. Is it possible to have an MDI form inside another MDI form?
No, not that
That said, without using the MDI mechanism you can still put forms inside other forms/controls, to do this set the child forms .TopLevel property False and add the form instance to the .Controls collection. It's something you could try out. Example:
protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
	get {
		CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
		cp.ExStyle = (cp.ExStyle | 524288);
		return cp;
what does that code ^ do?
@DemCodeLines It adds WS_EX_LAYERED to your window.
which is?
I quote: "Using a layered window can significantly improve performance and visual effects for a window that has a complex shape, animates its shape, or wishes to use alpha blending effects. The system automatically composes and repaints layered windows and the windows of underlying applications. As a result, layered windows are rendered smoothly, without the flickering typical of complex window regions."
@Pheonixblade9 when does it gif?
@Billdr it gifs precisely when @JohanLarsson 's mother stops being a whore
I can't wait that long.

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