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because annalear and billdr are the same person?
Does that count as a quatrain?
wow that word looks differnt without the capitals lol
Who is this @AnnaLear person
she is amazing, that's what.
Does she talk, at all?
she's a stack exchange employee
@ActionHank sometimes
People, is there a way I can get my dev server's (windows) git central repo to push to github whenever it is pushed to?
when it suits her.
@dav_i Yes
Woo Stack Exchange employee presence in chat!
Guys... she's always in here.
we usually have 2 in here
@AnnaLear and @RebeccaChernoff
Who's the other?
She's the magical chat angel
I find it rather reassuring that, despite the overwhelming statistics on gender allocation in the software industry, the two StackExchange moderators are both women.
guys, don't forget to fill out the survey if you want free stack overflow stickers (US/Canada only)
Q: Stack Overflow Annual User Survey

Alison SThis year's survey is officially open! We've added a few new questions based on your feedback from last year and we are really looking forward to publishing the results in January. Once you've taken the survey, we will send you (US or Canada) a limited edition sticker as a small, yet terrific, ...

@rudi_visser <sarcasm>Thanks! Lucky I don't want to know how to do it...</sarcasm>
@KyleTrauberman yes, I am from ze great country Holland where you can't get SO stickers.
@dav_i You're welcome
that sucks @ActionHank move to the homeland.
People, is there a way I can how can I get my dev server's (windows) git central repo to push to github whenever it is pushed to?
@KyleTrauberman this IS my homeland
@ActionHank when I have time and/or notice that someone's mentioning me :P
Ah HA! I lured @AnnaLear into the dark tunnels which are the C# room!
@KyleTrauberman Thanks for the heads up
evil laughter
@Billdr np
@dav_i I believe you can use the post-receive hook on it
@ActionHank Dammit. I knew this was a trap.
once C# room has a grasp on you, you'll never escape.
@rudi_visser I believe I can... but I can't for the life of me figure it out
To be fair, @Billdr started it, with his witty rhyme skills
@AnnaLear For some reason when I look at your tiny avatar I think you're a bat with red hair
@KyleTrauberman why are you in italics
because I'm awesome
@KyleTrauberman by that standard, I should be in italics too
I'm a room owner
See? I alt-tab out of the window and Anna speaks!
Oh ha
@Billdr ...aaaand she's gone.
@Billdr and @AnnaLear are the same person. CONSPIRACY
@rudi_visser That's not the worst I've gotten with my gravatars. One was once likened to a goat.
hi everybody
I can see that :)
Pft, I can't code my way out of an awkward viewmodel. I assume Anna is at least 10 times more 1337 than me.
@rudi_visser Hey. :P
Aw. I appreciate all the kind words in here today. Thanks. :)
Do not angry the Canadian. She will send more Celine Dion our way
oh shit
Is he Canadian too?
he/she, whatever
yeah, from Stratford. About an hour from here.
Why didn't you nuke that place while you had the chance?
And you still live there?! You're one tough woman
Or just, y'know, stab him in the head
Bahahaha, all of this delicious hatred for Bieber.
Nickelback is from Canada too, right?
someone just forgets Rule 19
@rudi_visser it also has great food and a theatre district :P
Throw a water bottle at him
I work for a sheet music company, and I laugh inside everytime I see that we're carrying something with his face on it.
Death battle tells me that's his greatest weakness.
@AnnaLear You can rebuild that once you've got rid of the problem
@Billdr That was actually kinda lame. I can see making fun of the dude's music or whatever, but assaulting a minor? That's not cool.
Yeah definitely not cool, just nuke his whole city instead
It's more awatering than assaulting...
That way nobody will ever know it's targeted at a minor
Is he still a minor? The sum of my Beiber knowledge is from that episode of Death Battle.
@Billdr I think he's 18 now. I don't pay much attention.
Whatever it is, it needs to go.
@Billdr stahp it
god, this is a work computer, come on.
Ugh... cancer..
That video is amazing, and I highly recommend it.
and I work with a great deal of musically-inclined individuals. Several of my coworkers teach music programs at nearby schools.
@ShotgunNinja I feel your pain
That said, no one wants to see that here.
@AndréSilva I agree with that sentiment :D
Actually, I think they would.
They fight to the death.
@rudi_visser I think not even the cigarettes I smoke gives more cancer than JB does..
But it involves looking at their faces, so idk.
Hence "Death Battle."
Best thing ever said
in PHP, 1 min ago, by Dumb Cow
Hey guys, does anyone have Windows Mountain Lion?
Resident Evil: Retribution is awesome
I just thought you'd like to know
@KyleTrauberman oh man, I read that like 3 times and didn't notice he said "Windows". Hah.
he also said that peace rallies are going on as Bill Gates, the guy behind Apple, died in Sillicon Valley today
yeah, wtf
@KyleTrauberman, the SimCity guy told me they haven't started the public beta yet
bill gates is not dead, not according to google
I've spoken with a guy whose job was to listen to Justin Bieber's music long enough to produce sheet music of it. He had to wash his brain out with Dragonforce afterwards.
and he's not behind Apple
and he's not in Sillicon Valley
he's suspended now.
This user has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 2 days.
@zneak ok. thanks for trying. :)
Wow they talk crap in that PHP room
What do you expect, it's a PHP room...
But like
I was expecting them to be all like 'omgz php is so kewl' n shit
Do not underestimate the stupidity of script-kiddies
'I luv how we can be lyk mixin our phpz and our htmlz'
I'd like to tell the world that Grumpy Cat is my wallpaper.
But no, it's just shit about other shit
It's funny, but I really got my start on PHP, before teaching myself C.
Freshman year of high school.
@ShotgunNinja I am a Senior PHP Developer!
yeah I got into PHP at first too
I started on classic ASP which isn't any better really
then I learned VB at school and pledged to never use it again
I haven't touched PHP for about 6-7 months now, but that was my job title when hired :D
Cool. I just wish that class support in PHP was more fully developed.
then I learned C, C++, Objective-C, Java and C#
What do you mean @ShotgunNinja
There, free stickers!
Well, I guess it's been a while since I've used it, but I remember there being some oddities with the class system.
wtf I want a free sticker
I just wish PHP had conventions
@rudi_visser Aren't classes in PHP just big arrays like in JS?
Also @Sean where is my balloon?!
@rudi_visser Oh I forgot
No. They're real objects
oh wait, PHP has a lot of conventions! what was I thinking?
@Sean I think you got that backwards.
PHP just seems cobbled together. Python seems to have a bit of it as well.
Ah fair enough. I did read that entire page of PHP bashing but my brain absorbed hardly any of it. Cos it's PHP. I can't even pass the useless information on to anyone...
@Sean Arrays in JS are just objects.
And objects are just dictionaries.
@KendallFrey So they're just an array =P
They're interpreted scripting languages for the web, of course they're cobbled together, primarily by open source twats idiots advocates who don't know what they're doing
ActionScript looks like they tried to remake it as a good language, but got stuck with legacy support, and ended up as garbage.
Lua is fucking perfect. lol jk
@KendallFrey, the "real backing store" of arrays is implementation-dependant, and typed arrays are definitely not objects
@Sean Well, maybe, but dictionary != array.
(well, definitely not Object objects)
@zneak Typed arrays, no, but normal arrays are objects in all the implementations I know of.
So does anyone here have a BlackBerry?
Sort of.
You're an uncool kid.
To be fair, my favorite language at the moment is C#, because they have goals and a business model for adding new, useful features while still avoiding kludge.
@KendallFrey I'm sure there's some subtle difference between arrays and dictionaries I don;t understand.... I have no desire to know right now
I think 'brick' is a better term.
Hence why I'm in this chatroom.
@ShotgunNinja You're in here because of C#?
@ShotgunNinja I don't like the legacy features and API in C# either. It should be removed.
@KendallFrey Bet you 20 bucks my phone is heavier than yours.
Bet declined.
@KendallFrey I had my first experience with a BlackBerry on Friday
@rudi_visser I'm also in here because of cool people.
Bet you 100 bucks mine is twice as old.
@ShotgunNinja That's more like it
@KendallFrey HTC HD7. It's a monster
I don't like the latest waves of C# features but I still think it's one of the sanest languages atm
@Sean Mine's heavier than yours
@KendallFrey Bet declined.
@rudi_visser Is it?
@KendallFrey I clicked 'Email Setup' and it went ENTER YOUR EMAIL/PASSWORD FOR ENTERPRISE ACTIVATION
I'm like what the fuck
I do like async/await, and makes all the Begin/End functions so irrelevant, there should be a good cleanup for .NET 5.0 really.
Bet you 200 bucks mine can survive a fall from higher (no cases allowed).
Turns out just to read a fucking email I need to subscribe to a BlackBerry specific tariff, what is that crap all about
@Sean Yes
@rudi_visser You need Blackberry Enterprise Server to get emails or something like that
@rudi_visser What model is yours?
No, you don't.
@Sean Well yeah either an enterprise server or a BIS subscription
Both of which are gay
Lumia 920
180~ grams vs your 160~ I think
185 over my 162
it really doesn't look that much bigger though
Yea no
Are you guys really trying to determine whose phone is bigger? Lol.
yours is 6000 cubic millimeters bigger than mine
I'm fully aware that mine is bigger
@ShotgunNinja It's like penis sizes. You just have to know.
Likewise in that
@Sean I'm well aware, but I still find it a bit funny and cliched.
Well mine was the biggest phone I could find when I bought it
I mix my html and C# all the time, @rudi_visser. Razor ftw.
Mine's the thickest.
Shouldn't really be surprised there's something bigger
But has a tiny screen.
Razor is an abomination that should be shot. Honestly.
@KendallFrey Girth is arguably more important, never forget that.
@RoelvanUden Run.
Get out @RoelvanUden Razor is amazing
@RoelvanUden Wow, how can one person be so wrong?
@Sean Spark? Sure! But Razor, no!
@Billdr Ah yes, but that's fine, mixing your non-view logic in there would make it more like PHP
Razor actually PROMOTES you to break the seperation-of-concerns.
No it doesn't
@RoelvanUden No I meant from them lot. I don't use Razor or Spark or anything vaguely MVC related
You don't put logic in your views. You're crazy.
hi :)
(or a PHP developer)
Also, my friend got a new Samsung Galaxy Note II when he was in Seoul for a K-pop concert tour during the time it released. It's lolheug.
Although you have to if you want to use knockout to do anything. Stupid knockout.
@ShotgunNinja Was looking at those on saturday. It's too big. Far too big. Even the S3 is too big IMO
Screw Knockout
@Billdr Once you really get it, you don't need logic in your view there either :P
Javascript sits on the view
I like Knockout.. why do I feel like such a minority when it comes to presentation layer? :3
Apparently, in South Korea, everyone walks around with huge phones. Everyone.
It's a cultural identity thing.
I like the idea of knockout, but I'm really tempted to just use callbacks and ajax
@KendallFrey hi :)
since it.. ya'know, works.
It also doesn't help that they use email more often than traditional SMS, due to the language/encoding differences.
@Billdr Stick with it. Unlike most JS libraries, Knockout doesn't feel wrong. It's a lot like WPF in many ways, and that's good. :P
Ohgod, jQuery took me some getting used to.
I guess it'd help if I knew WPF.
<viewdata products="IEnumerable[[Product]]"/>
<ul if="products.Any()">
  <li each="var p in products">${p.Name}</li>
  <p>No products available</p>
Oh god that is horrible
That reminds me of Coldfusion
@Steve I knew it was you. Did you upvote one of my answers?
That reminds me of knockout.
except, as far as I'm aware, the else has to be another if.
@LewsTherin :o possibly
Am I wrong or is that just ridiculous to create a whole viewmodel just to hold a string lol
@Steve Mmmn.. I've been getting notifications of new badges lol.
@Steve Agreed, and it wouldn't have worked anyway.
@rudi_visser I don't like the each construct, or the invalid attributes, or the else. But the basic idea is great, you want to have your template flow based on the ViewBag using data attributes. It's elegant and simple and everyone will understand, even your designers.
Screw my designers
@LewsTherin which badge did you get?
You're not much of a team player, are you? :3
Sure I am but my designers do design
@Steve Nice Answer and Enlightened. Probably one more but I can't remember.
It's like saying that Expression Blend is a 'designers' tool
That's BS designers can stay away from my beautiful XAML
designers gonna design
They can design the look and the interaction and let the real boys code it
@Steve I suspect someone (you) in this room, but thanks in advance whoever :P
@rudi_visser No, but you know the CSS/HTML/PhotoShop type? They make really beautiful layouts and are great to have in your team. If you embue what they understand, thus the HTML, with SIMPLE tags to generate content, they would be really happy.
Damn Rita Ora is so shit
blah, staff meeting was called. I suspect this is going to be about how we're not getting paid this week.
.. I should write a view engine.
@LewsTherin lol it was me, it was a good answer, i didn't realize putting brackets in there meant you had to return
@rudi_visser Hot though, I'd smash her back doors in.
@lew u suspect some1 of what??
@Sean You have low standards
@rudi_visser Not really
@RoelvanUden They can go die as far as I'm concerned and stick to Photoshop, I can't stand designers who pretend/think that they can do HTML/CSS
@Steve Ah, xD. Glad to clarify that :P
@SamyS.Rathore Upvoting me.
@rudi_visser Not all of them are glorified hippies, you want the ones that are valuable.
I personally love a good designer.
@RoelvanUden Agreed. She doesn't know I exist, though. T~T
lol jk
@Steve What the hell.. you again? And I'm not complaining! But too much and it gets reverted.
@RoelvanUden But 99% of them are glorified hippies
@LewsTherin nope, I only did it to one
@rudi_visser 99% of the programmers are complete morons too, you shouldn't hold that against the good ones :3
@LewsTherin That was me, I just thought you'd like another badge
It's true
But most of the time they know that they're morons, whilst the design types don't
@rudi_visser Ah thanks! It did add another badge lol.
@LewsTherin Yea I upvoted your 9 :p
@rudi_visser For example, our company website is complete shite and the designer sends me all the designs as PDFs because he does them in fucking illustrator
@Sean Stab him in the face
@rudi_visser xD I got a Nice Answer badge, I probably would get Enlightened soon enough :)
@LewsTherin I know exactly what you got it was a very planned action :p
He's so camp I literally cannot believe he's married. He has gay spiky hair as well. He looks like a blonde hedgehog.
Anyone have a good website that uses RFC to connect in SAP using C#? :(
@Sean He's covering.
@rudi_visser Touche ;)
@ShotgunNinja Yeah but he gets phone calls and has marriage type conversations too. It baffles me...
@AndréSilva The one you're about to write?
Not sure if code finally working, or exceptions are all catched silently
@ActionHank caught*
@rudi_visser Am I going to write a good website that uses RFC to connect in SAP using C# ?
@AndréSilva If you're asking about it, probably
No, I'm doing some real work now... Not a website. I just need to follow some tutorials so I can understand what to do..
There's a guy who sits opposite me who is kind of the same way, though clearly not as campy. He is constantly talking on the phone with his wife about his special-needs daughter.
It seems it isn't a normal ADO...
He does have the soul-patch half-goatee and the earring though.
@ShotgunNinja Yeah this guy is external so I dunno what he does daily... But he's a twat and I hate him. He doesn't even understand DPI properly......
@Sean look a spelling Nazi
@ShotgunNinja So he looks like a piratE?
@ActionHank Oi. I don't do it that often, but that one was painful...
sorry, I won't do it again
@ActionHank You're better than that!
Good boy.
I am, ain't I
I have dataset - I would like to add values to original value and then to do Update my Dataset. How to do that?
I think I am going to die.. how the hell am I going to survive 7(slides)*50 pages worth of crap to read?
And this is for one module.
@LewsTherin complaining about some light reading?
@LewsTherin Reading glasses and Relentless.
@ShotgunNinja LIGHT READING? Takes Shotgun
Put some points toward Insomniac, and a few toward Fast Learner.
Not helping.
That feel when you get into work and everything you did on friday is broken today.
pats @KyleTrauberman
I've worked in Avionics. That is light reading.
Me and Kyle both sad. Doesn't bode well
@RoelvanUden Can I bind a foreach to a function in KO as long as it returns an array?
@Billdr Jup. If you want to modify the array too, use a ko.observableArray and its push/pop functions.
This is priceless:

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