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A: Image vs BitmapImage vs Bitmap

Darin DimitrovImage is a base abstract class representing images in GDI+. Bitmap is a concrete implementation of this base class. BitmapImage is a way to represent an image in a vector based GUI engine like WPF and Silverlight. Contrary to a Bitmap, it is not based on GDI+. It is based on the Windows Imaging...

A: Image vs Bitmap class

RichardThe Bitmap class is an implementation of the Image class. The Image class is an abstract class; The Bitmap class contains 12 constructors that construct the Bitmap object from different parameters. It can construct the Bitmap from another bitmap, and the string address of the image. See more i...

@JohanLarsson are you confused about something?
oh, your answering someone!
never mind :)
np, not much of an answer, just googled some
@JohanLarsson is it hard to create a bot in chat
I know CC Inc is making one
and Im thinking of making one, too
@user1739957 Why do you use just the number as username? number is really hard to remember
@user1739957 Better to ask CC, I think there is a bot you can fork on github to get started
@user1739957 yup, you can fork ziarks
@CCInc link?
@JohanLarsson can I change my user name without loosing anything?
I think so but not 100%
@CCInc hey, CC Inc!
@JohanLarsson thanks for nothing :)
Q: Is it possible to change your username?

I created a Stack Overflow account using my Gmail account. I would now like to change the username. Is this possible? If so, how?

not much answer there
what are you afraid of loosing? rep?
@JohanLarsson yeah!
@JohanLarsson Thanks very much
ok I'm 99% sure you don't lose rep but still not 100 :)
Give me 10m @user1739957
@CCInc I would be happy to, but I cant, my parents want me to come do something. I should see you tomorrow, though, and check your email
@JohanLarsson thanks for nothing :)
Aww, he left :(
no one here?
nobody writes code during Dexter :(
@ScottSelby I HERE!!!!!!
what up, you don't use MVC , do you?
actually this isn't really MVC related
  public ActionResult Index(DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now, DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10))
            var a = (from x in db.tblEvents
                     where( (x.StartDate >= startTime) &&  (x.EndDate <= endTime))
                     select x).Take(20).ToList();
            return View(a);
what mvc
I'm getting error
Error 81 Default parameter value for 'startTime' must be a compile-time constant
wtf ??
DateTime.Now is not a compiletime constant.
Default parameters need to be a constant.
Perhaps you could pass null then check for null?
that was my next choice - can datetime be null - it might yell at me about that too
DateTime? startTime
is that allowed?
Lews - do you use mvc ?
OH! mvc = asp?
@ScottSelby Yeah
sooo , if I want to just update a certain div .. before I would to jquery.ajax -> then fill in the new div , now would I call a controller then have a seperate view just for that div ?
You can still use ajax to call the controller/action..
ajax to a controller ? I'm confused
won't mvc work like ajax if the rest of the page is a master page and the view changes?
What do you mean? That was kinda hard to understand.
hello, i'm from php, is this where the real coders at? i got some architecture questions
@dyelawn We are very real coders.
so If I have a controller that displays a view , the view uses a master page , then clicking a button I call the controller but with different parameters , it will be displayed again with different results , will it appear like ajax to the user ? since the is not a post back like I am used to in webforms
I have finished C course and i don't know if i should study C++ or jump directly to C# or Java, what do you recommend?
directly c#
or java
c++ == c
@ScottSelby If it is an ajax request.. then yeah it will be asynchronous. Otherwise the page refreshes.
@CCInc You are kidding, right?
Do either of you know WPF?
@ccInc sweet, bc I have grand visions that require either a) serious advice or b) serious dispelling of delusions of grandeur
Most C code can easily be made to compile correctly in C++, but there are a few differences that cause some valid C code to be invalid or behave differently in C++.
One commonly encountered difference is that C allows implicit conversion from void* to other pointer types, but C++ does not. Another common portability issue is that C++ defines many new keywords, such as new and class, that may be used as identifiers (e.g. variable names) in a C program.
@dyelawn Don't take me seriously
C++ is certainly != c
@dyelawn If you will need advice, stick with C#. Those c++ people are a bunch of crazy...
2 mins ago, by CC Inc
Do either of you know WPF?
@CCInc Why?
my stupid intellisense is broke , isn't there an overloaded if
like if(statement, return if true , return if false)
I want my tabItem's content to be in the center, but right now it is on the left. HorizontalContentAlignment does nothing.
@ScottSelby Ternary operator?
No, "?:"
In fact, better yet, can I format the code inside the tabItem?
I've been using so much vb that I forgot how to do that with ??
I love ASP.NET MVC, but i can't stand it when you have a button... and it doesn't do anything when youpress it
@RyanTernier If you didn't attach a click handler.. not sure how you expect it to do something ;)
ok, architecture question: i want to build a thing that never breaks; bridges multiple programming languages, environments, and display specifications; and is infinitely scalable. naming packages and files has been a problem. thoughts?
@ScottSelby Nullable operator? Sounds different from what you want.
@LewsTherin A button should trigger a form event regardless :\
I was thinking
@RyanTernier What form event?
a <input type="button" /> should submit the form
using the actions on the form contorl
@RyanTernier Last time I checked, you need type="submit"
does this here mean - if starttime is null then starttime = now , if not null starttime = starttime ????????
startTime = startTime != null ? DateTime.Now : startTime;
@LewsTherin ... shhhhhh!
=D thx
been at the office 12 hours today
anyone - lews or Ryan ?
@RyanTernier Lol np.
err.... what are you trying to to do scott
if starttime is null then starttime = now , if not null starttime = starttime
@RyanTernier You good with WPF?
Object = getObject() ?? new Object("cat");

if getObject returns null, a cat object is created instead
@CCInc I'm decent with it, by no means an expert
(not Microsoft , but the ghetto way of thanks) @RyanTernier
@RyanTernier I have a tabitem and all I want to do is format the text inside of it, but can't figure out how.
so in C#:

you could also
anotherTime = STartTime == null ? now : startTime;
if that makes sense
<Window x:Class="TestWPF.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="422" Width="733" WindowStyle="SingleBorderWindow" AllowsTransparency="False">
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
            <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center" />
            <Setter Property="Template">
perhaps i shouldn't have been so facetious. i want to write an application on mvc that i can maintain for web, ms, os x, android, etc. via a single, global xml config file. how do you name things
I'd love to help @CCInc But I am on a bloody deadline for tomorrow morning. :(
Shipping this thing to the customer tomorrow, and I have a lot of work still to do
I want my bonus $$
@LewsTherin - you still here?
how do I pass parameters to a controller ?? I thought it was /Controller/firstParam=abc&secondParam=123
it got mad about & in url
you probably need a ? somewhere
though I don't know where
the two most probable ways to put it (assuming the /Controller part is correct) are /Controller?firstParam=abc&... and /Controller/?firstParam=abc&...
@zneak are you good with wpf?
I know some wpf
see people, this is where i can help with what i'm trying to build. url structure within c, c#, objective-c? bingo, ask me, i come from php. library naming conventions within any of the aforementioned? help me help you
I need some help, if you can.
well, what's the problem
I have this styling, but I want to be able to format the text.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
    <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">



         CornerRadius="0,0,6,6" >
                            <ImageBrush ImageSource="tab.jpg" Stretch="Fill"/>
The text inside of the tabitem.
I'm afraid I've never touched styles
How did you achieve things and make it look good? I am VERY new to WPF.
my stuff all looked like winforms
(which was okay, since it was a data entry application)
I used grids to align stuff
and uh, yeah
grids to align stuff.
I know there are nice ways to do nice things, but I don't know them.
I find WPF so confusing
yeah, it's got a pretty nasty learning curve
@LewsTherin You still about?
WTF? Why do I have to write the same code 4x more on the first two and the next two I can just set the "header" value?
<TabItem  Name="tabItem1">
<TabItem Name="tabItem2">
            Internet Explorer
<TabItem Header="Firefox" Name="tabItem3"></TabItem>
<TabItem Header="Chrome" Name="tabItem4"></TabItem>
<TabItem Header="Opera" Name="tabItem5"></TabItem>
Do I have to declare each of them a TextBlock?
@user1739957 yo
do you have to?
@CCInc Its actaully WPF! :)
@user1739957 hate it :(
because I'm pretty sure just setting Header will be fine
@zneak If I just set header, my style is not applied.
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Black" />
        <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center" />
well I guess it doesn't put it inside a TextBlock when you just specify Header
have you considered finding the type of TabItem.Header and styling that?
How would one do that?
That is a good idea though.
:( Object
public Object Header { get; set; }
heh, sounds like it won't be that easy
Q: WPF: Problem applying style to custom TabItem Header through ControlTemplate and ContentPresenter.Resources

Stephen HoltI am trying to write my own control template for a TabItem Header, and have got the basic layout to work but now I wish to apply styling to the content of the Header, for example to manipulate the size and font of a textblock. In order to test this, I have put an ellipse in the tabitem header an...

looks like what you're trying to do
Need a good method to fade in/out a form
there's a ContentSource attribute to ContentPresenter, that's probably what you're after
ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite"

Who's still here?
@user1079641 hey man, whats up!
@user1079641 yo here
@user1739957 Oh, hey there!
@CCInc, hey there!
Nice to see people here.
@user1079641 glad you got your project working!
in Room for user1739957 and CC Inc, 23 mins ago, by CC Inc
@user1739957 He uprated me, too, but I didn't get any points because he "mass uprated" me.
@user1079641 whats up?
@user1739957, haha yeah. It took a long time, but it worked!
Thanks to you, major thanks to @CCInc, and some others.
yeah, dont uprate anyone more than 10 time or it will freak out SO
oh, haha
lol my bad
@user1079641 yeah mine went through with no problem but CC Inc did not
:( I had 600 rep :(
Is there any way to attach a global try catch around my WPF application so I can display a clean messagebox on errors?
@CCInc, I am sorry. How can I make up for it without it messing up again?
will do it right now!
too late hehe
coffee brb
@FreddyFlares what was your question again?
@CCInc, happy?
Is there any way to attach a global try catch around my WPF application so I can display a clean messagebox on errors?
@FreddyFlares define global
you mean system global or just throughout your app
For instance if the app is running outside of debug mode I wanna see any errors in a message box
@FreddyFlares use Debug.Assert I think
I just want one single try catch, you can do it forms because there is an App.Run(Form); you can put it around
@FreddyFlares oh, I see. Im new to WPF, so I really cant help with that
ask the question on SO and someone will help you
Except I don't know how to change the speed of the glow color
Oh, speed. Sorry
I can't change how fast that glow color goes across the bar
the white glow color
Look in drawglow
@user1079641 how about just changing the firing intervals of the timer?
1 hour later…
Hello, is it possible in wcf to have return objects of class that has methods? I mean, can we some how put methods into data members?
3 hours later…
So I have a JSON string, and I only know how to deserialize it into a predefined class. Can I parse it like with XmlReader, by just navigating via strings?
@RyanTernier @CCInc Sorry guys.. I went to get some shuteye.
morning campers
Hi. In multiThread scenario , does each thread can access the same ref object ?
does it has to be static ?
And what about value types ?
Can different threads acan access the same value types ?
morning @Sean
@RoyiNamir Une moment, s'il vous plait.
MSDN is being a gimp, trying to get a link for you
Your French is getting better
That should be "Oui"
@RoyiNamir You need to get a reference to the object before you start the Thread. But in general, if you are starting a new thread, it can only access static variables outside it's own scope. Take a look at msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… and msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173179(v=vs.110).aspx
@LeClerq I did it in school for two years, there are bits and pieces I remember even though I was actually really good at it at the time
everyone remembers poisson
and "Common ca'va?" and such
The French word for fish made me wary to eat fish ever again
What's wrong with that?
It looks similar to 'poison'
Oh I see.
It's before 5:30pm, I'm still asleep
In Holland the first word everyone my age remembers in French is 'le syndicat d'initiative'
Trying not to remember it's my birthday next week and my uncle is getting me Halo 4
which is the tourist bureau
Good morning.
You just can't guess at French.....
picturing you know sitting in front of a laptop going 'OMG OMG OMG OMG HALO'
Laptop?! I should be so lucky
Sean I think you are wrong
if 2 threads run the same function
Most people do
which has a value type field
they both will see that field
it doesnt have to be
If it's static
it doesnt have to be static
Yeah it does ._.
If it isn't, you're just creating a new instance and will have different values
on each thread?
Where have you seen that? I'm going to be completely re-writing my knowledge of C# at this rate...
and what bout ref types ?
You can't use the same instance of the same function with different threads if that function isn't static
so threads create their own copy of value types ?
Not a copy, but instances... ._.
If a thread runs a function, it will do whatever is in that function in its own scope
and if it was a reference ?
Then, I don't know. I really don't know much about references...
So if I have a MyAwesomeClass object, and I use a thread to start instanceOfMyAwesomeClass.MakeMeASandwich(), the thread will run that function on that object
isn't everything a reference in c#
@LeClerq There are some differences. Even reference types actually tend to get copied around all the time
But if MakeMeASandwich() was static, it would act like any other static function but in another thread
So you mean a reference is something that is "referencing" to a variable somewhere in the memory ?
As far as I'm aware, the only problem you have with using threads is making sure things aren't reading from variables while something else is writing to them. Which is why you use locks
That is just the same concern you'd have with databases...
Try to make procedures that won't have deadlocks...
Ideally you would be using a DBE that didn't have that problem
Or, just do what my boss does all the time and specify WITH (NOLOCK) on every goddamn query in the system....
Why bother creating an intelligent query logic while you can NOLOCK the shit out of everything..
"Just get it done" I love that sentiment
As goblins in world of warcraft and marketting people say. "Time is money friend.".
The only problem is, that when you leave Sean on his own with the system for any length of time he eventually ends up sitting and crying at the screen because he's too scared to touch anything for fear of breaking it and why X does Y really isn't obvious.
those fucking goblins
Although I'd have that hot rod
I know the feeling Sean
Best bit is in Azshara just outside Orgrimmar, with the rocketway. Now that's cool.
I think like this, if I do an excelent work at my job, I'll get my monthly income. If I do a crappy job but get stuff done, I'll get my monthly income...
I just try to do my very best and try to catch 'em all when I'm doing personal stuff...
That's a brilliant philosophy André. Except I'm a bit of a perfectionist
Perfectionism will get you nowhere
if you're a wage slave that is
So things being wrong or not done right piss me off to no end. Especially when I'm the one having to write it
@LeClerq I am a slave to my wage but it's not the only motivating force
@LeClerq And only in the sense that if I don't get paid, I can't pay my bills or eat
Unfortunatly the business world is all about ass licking. If you can do a good speech, you'll end up on the big chair...
True. Although around here the mantra is 'thats just the way the system works'
My nose is intestinal particulate free, thank you very much =]
so don't bother try improving it
Exactly the same here, it's annoying
The sentence I most hear here is "If it is working, don't touch it."
@AndréSilva that
"Yeah just add to that 1000 line page that really should be split up into separate parts. Yes I know it'll be more of a pain later. But I don't care. You're the peon, get it done."
1000 lines only?
My high school Java teacher, I shall call him master because he was my mentor, always said that the world doesn't need more monkeys that can type, but humans that can think.
I like your master
He was a freaking genius... Every month I go to my old high school to talk to my teachers.
Oh how I love mondays: making hot tub plans for the weekend already
@LeClerq I was thinking of one of the relatively new aspx pages. And that's the code behind. It's probably longer but it's sooo horrible
Any of the old asp pages and you're talking 3000+ lines. And it's all one giant if statement...
Sounds like a PHP kiddo created those asp pages
if putting a new record in, execute these thousand lines, if reading, these thousand lines, if editing, these thousand lines. If none of these, duplicate a load of code and go for TWO thousand lines
oh no, so much worse
oh poor you!
Ugh... sessions... I really don't like those...
Morning peeps :)
Morning. :)
in PHP it would be if($_GET("requesttype") == "open")
Arrrgh my eyes
friggin querystrings
feels like coming back home after a long time away :D
"I miss you" sex?
I don't swing that way
O.o oh em gee!! NSWF !!
(thats about the time when i left this room :) )
Not safe work for ? ._.
Awww come on, course it is!
the keyword draws attention :)
Not suitable with ferries
that too!
though i prefer fudge
chocolate fudge.. mmm...
I'm going to check my emails to see if I'll have work today, if not I'll study some wpf. :)
right, that's my cue
Need to catch up on user based authentication in ASPX
@LeClerq Are you using authentication forms and such ?
@LeClerq I at least tried with my asp pages. That crappy game I wrote had a separate page for each operation. View, edit, update and delete pages for almost everything
I guess he won't answer us.. :(
He's been taken by the work monster
we could ping the hell out of him? :)
If he has speakers that would be mean, imagine if he's left his desk and someone walks past his PC going "BING! BING! BING! BING! BING!"
Nah... I'll still bing him. @LeClerq
i wouldn't expect anybody to have speakers
though as I type that... i just heard a skype ping two desks behind me
I stand corrected!
Poor you, I usually sit
they get worse, don't worry
I usually hear noises from the salespeoples' laptops
yea they're most annoying after he leaves his desk for home
I tend to stay late in office (i come late too!) while hes 9-5:30 guy
and his skype just won't shut up!
The latest one is some really weird bird-call thingy or something. It's a really weird noise I can't describe it better than that
Skype's the best when you get a call and everyone looks around to see who's phone is ringing. Or Lync, that has the same effect
My boss has his Lync hooked up to his phone and it's ye olde 1930s ringing sound
Or whenever phones were invented
And everyone still looks round if he's not there, even though all our phones are digital and you can't make them make that kind of noise
Mainly because they don't have that ringtone. You could probably make them if you really tried

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