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Paste it here.
  "items": [
      "question_id": 9033,
      "last_edit_date": 1344270350,
      "creation_date": 1218558744,
      "last_activity_date": 1344270350,
      "locked_date": 1331337248,
      "score": 1480,
      "community_owned_date": 1221810492,
      "answer_count": 296,
      "closed_date": 1330534334,
      "title": "Hidden Features of C#?",
      "tags": [
      "closed_reason": "not constructive",
      "view_count": 257328,
I want to iterate through every item so I can retrieve and test the title.
Just an ordinary for loop.
from 0 to items.length
for (int i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++) ?
I would prefer res.items over res["items"]
But yes.
can you do res.items?
Now how do I choose a random string from an array of strings?
help... please
Q: Displaying results in View linq to sql mvc 4

Scott SelbyI have been reading and reading , and I can't seem to get this to work at all. I am very very new to asp.net MVC - after all the tutorials I read I finally got this much accomplished. public class EventsController : Controller { private EventsDBDataContext db = new EventsDBDataContext(); ...

@KendallFrey - you don't use MVC , do you?
I imagine there's a random number generator in JS.
@ScottSelby No.
var rand = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
Q: Pick Random String From Array

atrljoeHow do I go about picking a random string from my array but not picking the same one twice. string[] names = { "image1.png", "image2.png", "image3.png", "image4.png", "image5.png" }; Is this possible? I was thinking about using return strings[random.Next(strings.Length)]; But this has the p...

bam! Googled that shit!
@ScottSelby We are in JS :D
@CCInc Don't think that will work.
var item = items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];
@KendallFrey No?
ha - same thing
Missed the floor.
I asked the easiest question - no answers ... arrggghhhhh
i want to rent ScottGu
How do I understand node.js errors?
Like what?
If I want to represent my SlidingBlockPuzzle object in a user control will I be needing a DataTemplate for that?
WARN: ERROR: Unexpected token name <<i>>, expected punc <<;>> [?:6415,11]
Not needing.
If I want to bind to it a la mvvm
But it's probably the way to go.
tl;dr yes
There is no news.
@CCInc And what's on line 6415?
@KendallFrey Of what? It does not give a file.
$news Kendall's bot is back, and better than ever!
@CCInc Whatever you're running? Idk
None of my files are 6000 lines long...
Is there an online JS validator?
Hmm. Just guessing at the line.
Could it be you messed up the loop?
How are you looping?
@KendallFrey That is it.
for (int i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++)
I used C# style
use var, silly
Time to go to the sandbox :D
Ugh, two errors all ready
Ok, I get: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input master.js:6413
		function processUser(){
		var res = JSON.parse(req.responseText);

		for (var i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++)

	   // alert('test');
I bet JSON.parse isn't getting what it expects.
Have you checked req.responseText?
Am I doing this right?
		function getRandomQuestion(){
			req = new XMLHttpRequest();
			req.open('GET', 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=desc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c++&site=stackoverflow');
			req.onreadystatechange = processUser;

			return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];

		function processUser(){
		var res = JSON.parse(req.responseText);

		for (var i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++)

	   // alert('test');
Should I access the request before it is sent?
You need to check if readyState is 4
what? how?
This is my xhr function:
	xhr: function (method, url, data, callback)
		var retry = function () { bot.xhr(method, url, data, callback); };
		var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
		req.onreadystatechange = function ()
			if (req.readyState == 4)
				callback(req.status, req.responseText, retry);
		req.open(method, url, true);
		req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
if ((a=b)>5){...}
Can I do that in C#
Assign and condition check
		function processUser(){
		if(req.readyState == 4)
		var res = JSON.parse(req.responseText);

		for (var i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++)
is JS case sensitive?
That makes no sense to me because you have no IDE nor Intellisense
items.add(...) is there an items variable?
So becasue I am new I don't know the proper "function" names
wait. what is items?
Also, MDN.
@KendallFrey change the VB room to VB & Winforms?
@JohanLarsson why?
Um, no.
That's like changing the JS room to JS and PHP.
@user1739957 vb and winforms rarely get any help here in C#
What have you been smoking?
There is lots of WinForms discussion here.
@JohanLarsson you must be kidding
Why this throw error?
GET api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/… 400 (Bad Request) fiddle.jshell.net:35
getRandomQuestion fiddle.jshell.net:35
(anonymous function) fiddle.jshell.net:57
condition mootools-core-1.4.5-nocompat.js:3901
		function getRandomQuestion(){
			req = new XMLHttpRequest();
			req.open('GET', 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title=how do i&site=stackoverflow');
			req.onreadystatechange = processUser;

			return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
Is the spaces in the url messing it up?
Quite possibly.
How can I avoid that?
See above.
@user1079641 ok, lol I'm in minority
@JohanLarsson I mean, I got help here lol. BY YOU! haha
encodeURIComponent, specifically
@user1079641 lol
 req.open('GET', encodeURIComponent('http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title=how do i&site=stackoverflow'));
The problem is, that gives me a 404?
Ok, that url gets converted into
omfg watch the noob fail
You don't encode the entire url
just the strings you pass into it.
No? Silly me!
For example...?
think of it like sanitizing sql.
console.log('http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title='+encodeURIComponent('how do i')+'&site=stackoverflow');
@KendallFrey for some reason this gives a "{"error_id":400,"error_name":"bad_parameter","error_message":"site is required"}"
http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title=how%20do i&site=stackoverflow
how%20do i <-- -_-
Yes, I know, but it does that with spaces or encoded?
i fixed it
Just use how%20do%20i
Or how+do+i
A lot of urls accept spaces as +
Even though my items array is full, this gives "undefined":
return items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)];
what is items?
How is it initialized?
for (var i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++)
 //   console.log(res.items[i].title);
var items = [];
    var req;
    var items = [];
    var rand;
console.log('http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title='+encodeURIComponent('how do i')+'&site=stackoverflow');

        function getRandomQuestion(){
  req = new XMLHttpRequest();
            req.open('GET', 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c%23&title=how%20do%20i&site=stackoverflow');
            req.onreadystatechange = processUser;
OK: this gives 0 for some reason:
Well if 0 < x < 1, then it will.
What is items.length?
0 for some reason...
items.length = 0, but:3
Could be that you are clearing it somewhere?
I think send is async
Yup, true.
So what is the issue?
send is async.
As in, it returns immediately.
Yes, how do I do that?
You are.
Ok, so what is the problem?
Besides that it is async.
items is empty
But items is not empty
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
Uh, yes.
length is 0.
You never fill it before you use it.
[$family: function, $constructor: function, each: function, clone: function, clean: function…]
0: "How do I reverse text in C#?"
1: "How do I retrieve stock market data from an external window for my application in Windows?"
2: "How do I get latitude and longtitude for desktop application?"
3: "How do I solve this compile error?"
4: "How do I find a substring in a string?"
5: "How do i make a program to display real time video from a webcam"
6: "How do I make a loop that runs through every value in a list, printing each value in a C# console application?"
That's res.items, correct?
@KendallFrey That is what is outputted when I write: console.log(items);
after you run the code, correct?
when did you output that?
    var req;
    var items = [];
    var rand;

        function getRandomQuestion(){
  req = new XMLHttpRequest();
            req.open('GET', 'http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c%23&title=how%20do%20i&site=stackoverflow');
            req.onreadystatechange = processUser;
            console.log( items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]);
      console.log(items); <---------------------------------------------------------
Which browser?
Opera does the same.
Here's the scoop: you got screwed by your browser.
it logs items, then updates it, and the updates are reflected in your console.
Your problem is this: send is async.
You mean it is out of date?
If you had logged items.join(), you would see the original value
so what does this mean? Why is it not working?
because items is empty when you access it.
so the browser is wrong and it is actually empty?
When you log it, yes.
Not when you view it though.
What do you mean?
I have no idea how to explain it differently.
afk 10m
A: HTTP GET request in Javascript?

JoanWhat the heel about all those fancy libraries, JavaScript has it built-in: function httpGet(theUrl) { var xmlHttp = null; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false ); xmlHttp.send( null ); return xmlHttp.responseText; }

I dont know if this is even close to correct syntax:

function processUser(responseText) {
    var res = JSON.parse(responseText);
    for (var i = 0; i < res["items"].length; i++) {
hmm, i will look at that
I'm back.
Still lost?
ping CCInc
Response timed out.
Response timed out..
Response timed out...
Response timed out....
looks like it should be processUser(req.responseText);
@JohanLarsson That's not the issue.
@CC finish it quick, getting lat here want to see what you are doing
@KendallFrey ok, I dont know js at all, just googled. Help CC?
I'm trying.
But I'm not sure what he needs to know.
What is WRONG with my code? What do I need to change to make it WORK?
Don't use items before it's filled.
Not sure how you want to go about that.
Do you understand why it doesn't work, or should I explain that?
@KendallFrey does not the .push handle that?
Please explain
@JohanLarsson No.
@CCInc This is what you are doing:
1. open the request
2. send it
3. access items
4. request responds.
5. fill items.
See a problem?
but changing to processUser(req.responseText);
@JohanLarsson I'm telling you, has nothing to do with it.
will that not wait?
@JohanLarsson the difference in what you found is that it's opened sync, not async.
But i fill it first, with processuser, right
That's one option.
replacing the onreadystatechange eventhandler which is calld five times for a request
@CCInc No, because send is ASYNC.
The best solution is to use an async request, and only process the results when they get there.
How? I dont know JS well
Process the results in the onreadystatechanged handler.
So move everything with "item" into processuser?
That's the idea.
So why is "async" messing it up? What does it mean?
it means it sends the request and continues without waiting for the response
what are you doing with the item that is supposed yo be returned by your function?
Writing it as a message on my bot
do that from the eventhandler?
or call that function from the eventhandler
Has anyone ever heard of "COSMOS"?
@user1079641 FEA simulation software?
C# Open Sourced Managed Operating System
Pretty nice if you ask me!
Ok, will try
So apparently Cosmos manages to create ISO for a bootable operating system. Anyone know anything about this? I didn't know you could do this with C#
ISO == archive || iso == standardization
you cant make os with .net
Then what is to be said about that COSMOS?
@JohanLarsson @KendallFrey it works!
:) :)
Would it be possible to create a custom console type application?
Not the default Windows type one
a virtual one
@user1079641 you should uprate @user1739957 also :)
@CCInc, thats not the reason I am doing this lol. I am trying to create a virtual OS myself. It obviously won't be bootable
Why not?
I don't get why this is not valid :(
http://api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/advanced?order=asc&sort=votes&closed=True&tagged=c#&title=how do i&site=stackoverflow
How I can use the stored procedure in C# ? any suggestion examples
@CCInc Because it has a space -_-
Night all
5 hours later…
hi @JohanLarsson
hw r U?
fine and you?
fine like U
Do U read my texts?
I read it on the phone, gonna have to reread it I think
did you get any help?
plz read it if possible
and let me know ur ideas about it
I placed some picture for better clarification.
ok, reading now
tnx a lot :)
first, your gui looks nice
I work for it very much
with create some custom control and userControl
I think I agree with Tom, having the combobox in the ribbon would be nice, maybe a flyout?
and use from existing components
but still not complete.
do U understand the problem?
I think/hope I do
some works must do from ribbon and then some the other must do from main form and again som must do from ribbon bar and some must do from main form
in specific order
for example,
if end-user don't select a shape from column type in ribbon
he won't able to continue the process of the entering data
It's better that I set this things from ribbon bar to main form?
or what?
can you solve that with a chain of enabled bindings?
Maybe have the ribbon needed to be filled in have a red border or something?
I can
but my problem is for better user-friendly.
I think it would be good to have the drop downs in the ribbon, that way the user can see the settings chosen easily
can U explain it more?
One way could be to make a wizard?
it's not good
If end-user have to enter some data in form and some the other in ribbon bar and do that several times
he will be tired for switching between ribbon bar and main form for entering data
I want to do the better thing for entering data by end-user in easier and better way.
plz check the image 3 that I set.
in that U will see the process from 0 to 3.
that is trickier
when U select a shape
I still think it would be good to have the current selection available maybe as flyout?
U must enter some data in the main form of the columns window
it's good but not in this situation
imagine that
U must enter some data for 30 times
Have you asked your users how they want it?
I talk with some users
and they tell me themselves ideas not an idea for using in public for all end-users
I want a public and better solution for all end-users
for better receiving data from them.
Is this part of the app about building a list with columns?
The users configures some 30 columns that gets added to the list?
may be
depend on to the map of the structure
bridges, columns and the other things are dependent to all of structure/building
and some specific calculations
and some reports
these information use for create a 3d view of the structure
and some specific calculations
and many other things.
I only want a better way for receiving data from end-users
because everyone use from this app in current order of receiving data, it will be tired from it.
I was thinking if you could have a listview/detal view
Maybe it makes sense to have it all in the column form after all
then a column can be selected and the details shown
I ask a question from U
program works exactly as you mentioned
when U select a shape U will able to see other things in the form
and after entering data in form
ok, I think then it makes most sense to have the details view in the form then, will show how the data is linked together in a clear way
it's a better idea
but a question
imagine that
in the columns form, I show how the data is linked together in a clear way
btw, If U be one of end-users for this app, U won't tired for switching between ribbon bar and main form for entering data for several times?
the main problem is this.
@MRS1367 I think that might be the case + a little confusing. Ribbon feels more like application level settings
If I place some of parts of the ribbon bar in the main form
such as shapes
the main form will be very overcrowded and messy
and it is too bad for GUI of an app.
I don't understand now
if possible
plz think about it
and tell me ur idea about it in everytime that u can.
tnx for ur participating a lot :)
Is it going to b much work to move it from ribbon to the form?
(my laptop has jammed keys, e is on of them)
but my main form will be very messy and cluttered.
Morning all
Hi @RobWhite
Hey @MRS1367 how goes it?
and U?
Still alive
@RobWhite -> what r U doing?
At the moment, browsing peopleperhour.com to see if there are any worthwhile quick jobs to get a little extra ahead of Christmas lol
In general, picking up my web design and development skills again, it's been too long since I've done much front-end
Unfortunately the things I'm more interested in are bigger longer-term projects :P
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