Error 1 Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'CCWpf' that is not included in the assembly. C:\git\TestWPF\CCWpf\CCWpf\MainWindow.xaml 8 21 CCWpf
ok, it is pretty stupid thus far, we have no events but we fix that later
If you look in the xaml for main window you see this: mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:d="" xmlns:CCWpf="clr-namespace:CCWpf" d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=CCWpf:ViewModel,IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=CCWpf:ViewModel,IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}" means that the designer creates an instance at designtime, that is why I added 'DefaultName' in the ctor so we see it at designtime
At runtime that has no effect, you can remove it and it will work the same
Not really, just certain people being obstinate and unhelpful, this goes back a while though, I've consistently found the most vocal regulars to be the least pleasant
the red box with number 0 is columns type number that exist in the Columns' Initial settings dialog box for edit again if end-user needs it.
after appearing columns form, first, end-user must select a value for columns number in Columns ribbon bar that is displayed in picture in the red box with number 1.
and after, must select a shape from columns type gallery that is displayed in the picture in the red box with number 2.
so, end-user can enter other data in the columns form.
now, I have a question.
it's better that I set these data in the main body of the columns form or in ribbon bar.
note that after entering some data in the columns from by end-user, he must select other things from ribbon bar for continuing of entering data (such as Implementation Location, Reinforcement Plate and etc.)
Which is better?
placing them in the columns form or in the ribbon bar?
or with specific method?
what is ur idea about it?
If U be one of end-users for using from this app, what method do U like to enter data?
I prefer not to have message boxes appear, because they stop me from doing anything else until I send them away. Entering data in controls on the ribbon is fine
I say put everything in the ribbon, that's what it's for. It's designed to have complex controls embedded in it, so I don't see a problem with using it that way
I don't know what your app does, what the data means or how I'd enter it, so I don't think it's possible to give a meaningful answer to the question I think you're asking
Well yes, you can tell me that, but I don't know anything about steelwork. I can't imagine myself as a structural engineer so I can't visualise whether the application would be easy to use or not
ok, that's slightly different to what I meant, I was just wondering whether changing the number of columns in the ribbon for example would give you more controls to fill in on the form, for example. In that case, I wouldn't want a form that changes its own contents, so the ribbon is the right place for it