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I'm back
kcab m'I
@Loclip It's possible your quicksort has a slow implementation.
If you graph the times, you should see O(n log n). If you don't, you need to fix your implementation.
Ok I will check it ty
posted on November 29, 2012 by Eric Lippert

Tomorrow, the 30th of November, 2012, is the first day of my fifth decade here on Earth, and my last day at Microsoft. (*) I've been working at Microsoft full-time since 1996 and had two years of internships before that. Microsoft is an awesome company. We do great work here: work that changes the way people interact with information in a fundamental way. And I in particular, have had the ple

Hi there
hmm that wasnt loud enough, I'm not sure I heard it well
hey, can someone explain what dependency injection is , or what the purpose is
I've been reading on it all night , just a normal explanation from someone that understands it , not a 10 page long technical description that I have been reading
It's a 5-dollar term for a 5-cent concept that's worth about .5 cents.
Ho yeah
this tutorial is making me use ninject and dependency injection on everything - is it really that important ?
And so far all I have figured out it's good for is testing.
well i've never written any testing code , so this is all new to me
I'm going from no testing ever - to test driven development
you changed the Eric Lippert rss feed ?
Have to do that too
Thst it. Im never answering a question on SO again. My rep is 22,222 and i never want it to change!
Oh no. What if someone upvotes one of my old answers :|
Just did :)
@Jamiec - I just ruined it
damn yooooouuuuuuu
@Chuki2 I guess the future for image storing is base64 after all...
where's grixxly ?? I'm going through the same book Pro Asp.Net MVC 3 that he was complaining about for like a month - now I want to complain to him
@Larry I can use what now?
@KendallFrey What are you going to teach us today? haha
You decide.
How am I going to decide what I want to learn if I have not learnt yet... :(
Let me browse around on MSDN...
Have you used WPF?
I guess not.
then don't
Why should I use it and why shouldn't I use it ?
ok do. but be carefull.
Use it because it uses hardware-accelerated graphics.
And looks awesome.
What is WPF exactly ?
be carefull because it's doing a lot of things behind your back.
And has good databinding.
@AndréSilva The successor to WinForms.
Windows Presentation Foundation
@KendallFrey That sounds neat.
@KendallFrey Well bindnigs have proven very dangerous to me lately
from a memory and performance perspective
Did you know that C# has a built-in type for complex numbers?
Is there a "wpf" on 3.5 ? I'm at work and I don't have access to mstsc.
@AndréSilva Yes.
Let me search it..
I really enjoy winforms.. so I guess wpf will be really nice.
It will be horrible if you come from WinForms
it's really another way of thinking
lots of developper seems to have trouble getting on grasp on it at first
.xaml wtf ._.
It took me several attempts to start getting my head around it, several giving ups, until I finally forced myself to do it
It's content-based as opposed to control-based.
and now I <3 it
You don't draw stuff, you arrange stuff and let it appear.
I came from WinForms, now I love WPF
sounds like html
It looks like some kind of xml interface..
be carefull still... Styles, ResourcesDictionaries and binding are dumb as hell
Yes, your interface programming is done in XAML.
@Sisyphe ?
@rudi_visser well they have serious perf issues
What is that I should know about this ? I'm so going to read about this...
Oh, and the arranging stuff isn't just giving stuff positions. Everything is relative to the other controls.
What serious performance issues do they have?
look at MVVM paradigm
Meh, MVVM is only a good pattern for data consumption apps
But still, what about it?
@AndréSilva I'm reading this book amazon.com/dp/B00142KQES
@rudi_visser well for example MergedDictionaries are parsed and instatiated for each control isntance that references the ResourceDictionary
I reference in App.xaml for my global styles and they're parsed once (you can see this from accessors)
@rudi_visser Style can also be catastrophic as there are implcit theme style that are applied by default for each control, if you set your own style, there is a fetching mechanism taht is a huge bottleneck too
@rudi_visser ; MergedDictionaries
I think you're exaggerating.
@KendallFrey I'm not :)
@Sisyphe Yea merged dictionaries, I import styles from a MergedDictionary within a separate assembly
I haven't had a significant problem with WPF performance, ever.
@WileyMarques I'm not good at learning things from books. I like to screw my brain with some challenges..
@KendallFrey I've been developping a very extensive control for quite a long time
@AndréSilva I'm doing both at the same time :D
a treeView that can display thousand of very complex cnotrols (dataGrids etc...)
@KendallFrey Same
it's virtualized so it's creating controls a lot
well style merging was taking something like 2000ms for a simple physical scroll
How much better is WPF against WinForms ?
Well, depends on what you're talking about as being better
Performance, ADO and such..
ADO is nothing to do with the display framework
and so long as you do WPF right (which will be hard at first), then the performance differences are negligible
well I don't agree on that
Is there any difference in the code behind ?
I guess WinForms still have much more controls available than WPF, because it's older
I have been working on very performance critical controls, and base WPF mechanism can be very bad at this
@AndréSilva Yes
@AndréSilva a lot of differences
@AndréSilva Some, but surprisingly little.
Could you guys decide ?
3 different answers, love it
That is, if you use event handlers everywhere.
If you use MVVM, then it's quite different.
All I know from handlers are ashx from asp.net :(
MVVM is just two letters being mirrored...
:( I feel nooby.
Event handlers are a core principle of Windows Forms development
Ah, event handlers.
I read just handlers
oh yeah, if you stay programming as you do in WinForms so the difference is not so large, but MVVM makes you change your mind
Same thing, funky delegates
In WPF, you can actually skip using event handlers (for the most part) and use commands.
That is ok.. event handlers, at least I think, is nothing that I will have trouble with...
But is there a big difference between commands and event handlers ?
Not really.
By the way, I'm asking all these questions because this is really new to me. So... :(
Nope but the main difference you're going to come across with WPF vs WinForms is getting controls to do what you expect them to do
You can create a Command and assign it to any number of buttons, menus, etc.
and also thinking less in a static way, since you will essentially be designing apps that seamlessly flow now, which is cool
@rudi_visser Is it like ASP.NET ? Having ViewStates, Client-Side and Server-Side are not always the same.. ??
Well maybe
And if you're a WinForms developer moving to WPF, do not use Canvas.
Guys, who of you master C#?
@Parek ALL OF US! Muahaha
I never use canvas ._.
Haha sure. Then help me out with this issue. stackoverflow.com/questions/13629473/…
$i @Parek
@Parek Welcome to the C# room! Please read the wiki.
Yeah but @AndréSilva he's saying that because Canvas provides a similar experience to WinForms design
I'm creating my own Sql Agent for Azure.
And need help with some datetime problems.
gosh, waking up this morning was definitely a NP-complete problem
@rudi_visser hi mate how about mock up the object
@rudi_visser Got it. I noticed a lot of different components. Most are just with different names.
@rudi_visser use the moq
I want to schedule first day of the month and first day of the week.
@Larry The issue comes that if I use TryConvert and return a mock object with that interface, it will attempt to call via that mock object and not the dynamic interface
vtc as narq
So, anything else I should know before I start coding ?
@KendallFrey, "while (true) {} // this should function as a temporary heater"
@AndréSilva Have fun!
@rudi_visser Can you please take a look at my question?
@Parek yeeeeeees?
@zneak Yeah?
Ye sec
Ty bro
I actually already did that, I forgot my keys during winter so I went to the toolshed (for which I had the key, I don't remember why), plugged in my laptop, and did exactly that
@zneak LOL
Did you utilize all the cores?
Or did you only have one?
yes, all two of them
(that was like 4 years ago)
@rudi_visser Certainly will.
in the end it didn't work very well
it would've been better if I could have put the GPU to use too
Running Xbox Music has the same effect as while(true) { }
but in the end, it never really mattered.
By the way. I was going to ask today, but I just remebered now.
Does C# has any library to use SQLite ?
there's an adapter on the sqlite website
But there is no native library ?
no, there is no native library
Why would you want to use a native library in C#?
though you can use in-memory ms sql databases
@Parek I'm not sure what you're asking here, do you want to be able to see if you're currently in the first day of the week/month? cos the week you can just check if today is Monday, and for the month just see if it's the 1st?!
or single-file ms databases
SQLLocalDB <3
@KendallFrey I think by native, I'm not expressing myself the right way. Like System.Data.SqlClient and such
you mean bundled with the .net framework I presume
Yes, exactly.
I assumed native == C++.
Well no
Because I have a system that store data in a xml :(
And I really hate that.
Convert it to SQLLocalDB! <3
What is SQLLocalDB?
Actually I'm googling.
It's awesomeness in a free version of SQL Server
it's a sql server database packaged in a single file and usable like sqlite
It comes with the visual studio framework ?
Basically SQL Server Express made awesome
I can't really download anything here.
It does w/ 2012 ya
Damn... We use 2008 here at the company
Tell them to get with the times. 2008 is soooo 4 years ago, nearly 5!
I use 2012 at home.. So I have to download it from there.
Does SQLLocalDB include the server inside the database file?
Yea cos it's totally awesome
It includes the universe inside the database file, just as an added slice of the awesomecake
That sounds sorta like... Access runtime.
@rudi_visser Exactly rudi, Just for you to understand the conditions. I'm having a rating system for the current month and the current week which means that i want an stored procedure to be executed on the first day of the month and the first day of the week. So, what I need help with is to check if the first day of the month or week have passed so that I know if I should execute the stored procedure. I hope that makes sence. If somethings unclear please tell me.
with real SQL.
Well no it's not shit, it's awesome. Like you're missing the point
and no forms
and no macros
and no designer
It's just SQL Server
in short, without everything that makes Access good for RAD but shit once it's deployed
Yeah, I didn't expect it to be Access.
I made lots of accdrs back in the day.
There is no back in the day for you yet
No, I was 12.
@rudi_visser At least he remembers it like it was yesterday.... haha. :X
And I made a Rubik's Cube simulator in Access. How awesome/terrible is that?
Why was you programming when you were(?) 12
Cuz I wos a geak.
I was, too.
I cn speel ho I wont too.
@rudi_visser did my answer to you make sence?
and it's actually legit in English, because there is no authority standardizing orthography
But that makes me a hypocrite, doesn't it?
@zneak dictionary.com FTW
@Parek Well yea but surely you can just check if you're past the 1st or past Monday in that week number
@Parek Perhaps I'm missing the point
of course there are dictionaries, but no one "owns" the English language, so no one can actually tell you're wrong
your English teachers lied to you the whole time
(this is in contrast to French, where there's an organism responsible for coming up with new words and standardizing orthography)
@rudi_visser Lol ur right, why do it in such a complicated way. It's just to check if the day of the week matches Monday.
@rudi_visser Sometimes the most simple tasks can be the hardest ones...
@zneak I guess portuguese too
I want to go home
I dunno about Portuguese, I'm merely bilingual
@WileyMarques Yeah, I think it's Academia Brasileira de Letras..
I think is the organism that allows words into the portuguese dictionary too...
Portuguese is fun... Anything can turn into verbs, and everyone understands it..
a lot of stuff in English can turn into verbs too
Yeah, it's called 'verbing'.
(not in French though)
We have a lot of english words that are portuguese verbs.
Is fuck one of them?
I'm just curious
Not actually..
@AndréSilva there's an "international society" that makes the rules, including that new ones, as de acentuação gráfica
But we have "To Xerox"
Differently from english language ( I You He/She ... )
I kinda like how you can say "[noun]ed away" to mean "taken away by [noun]" in English
like "optimized away"
Optimize is a verb.
I also heard "spirited away", but I'm not sure it's common outside horror stories
Verbs are spelled differently between He and She
@zneak Yeah, the usage I'm used to has nothing to do with spirits.
Mixing Dev + Ke$ha is fun, cos in essence I'd like to Dance Naked In The Dark with Ke$ha before she Dies Young..... Tik Tok.
man, I don't have nothing to do here at work and I sit in a place where my boss can see me doing nothing
The SQL that we can create inside the program, is there a way to do a backup and store a file with it ?
@WileyMarques A fun thing to do is watch all of Gwen Stefani's music videos one after another. You might get freaked out a bit though
@Chuki2 Hello..............
@Chuki2 Hello!
@AndréSilva Write it to a .sql?
Hehe.. so bored today....
@rudi_visser Hm, ok.. I will use it with WPF. I'm screwed. :(
@AndréSilva I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about
I'm high on Reflection.Emit
May i ask, how to read value from data table to text box?
There are a gazillion ways.
@Chuki2 TextBox1.Text = DataTable.Rows[0][0] as string;
@rudi_visser haha I prefer to stay listening Metallica <3
@rudi_visser Instead of using SQLite or SQLLocaldb I'll use the SQL from c#
I see.. if i have many fields?
@Chuki2 and it's not even friday yet
@AndréSilva But you need a backing database regardless. Or are you just talking about LINQ-to-XML?
@Chuki2 Loop.
@WileyMarques Your loss, her videos are brilliant :p
@rudi_visser to xml ?
You said you had an XML file at the moment
Forget about that. That is the stable version. I do use LINQ to XML
I'll work on the 2.0v
ok but C# is completely standalone from SQL*
But it is possible to communicate and query it and backup the file right?
Query what?
SELECT * FROM tbl_anything
Ok friends.. good night..
Yes but what database is backing it?
See you soon...
Night @Chuki2
Bye @Chuki2
@Chuki2 lol night!
@WileyMarques : Haha.. here in malaysia is 12:43 now..
@rudi_visser I want to know if I can do backups of the database that I'll create inside the Visual Studio
@AndréSilva Yes of course, but that's what I'm trying to ask, what database are you creating? Is it a SQL Server Compact database? A Service-based database (ie. SQL Server (Express/LocalDB))? or some custom file-based DB or what
@Chuki2 now everything makes sense haha
Shit, I really gotta start remembering to go home
@rudi_visser The SQL Visual Studio creates on Server Explorer an such. I do not know the name of it...
The Server Explorer can support lots of database backends though
It's fairly important to know which one you're using
My heart is filled with rage toward the guy that wrote this script.
Hm, I had other thing in mind...
Damn, I hate TFS
Well no, I love it very much
But I hate it's whole concept about workspaces
Workspaces? Linux!
here TFS doesn't work at all
@KendallFrey No it's the fact that if I stage something at work I can't access it at home without screwing up workspace or whatever crap it wants to even load the project
Anyway, I'm going home
Cya in ~40 mins
but I guess it's because a mistake made by someone..
guess who is hiring
and is based in my area
and just called me
stackoverflow? :P
or rather, their recruiter called me
Or cool, depending on which angle you're going for?!
I have mixed emotions about potentially working for them
on one hand, I don't respect that company as a web citizen
on the other hand they throw FREAKING AWESOME CHRISTMAS PARTIES
and you have Danica Patrick
and they pay 10-20k over my current salary
I always say cool to somebody, doesn't matter what they say haha
@KyleTrauberman aha, now it's cool !
@WileyMarques cool
I can only assume she sits there in the corner looking pretty for staff motivation purposes
six figures, here i come!
Anyway, cya soon
gl @KyleTrauberman
Maybe I need to start a company called GoMommy that doesn't suck. (no pun intended)
Or maybe StopDaddy? No, that sounds bad.
Really bad.
@rudi_visser I following you in twitter.. twitter.com/abhishekbhalani
@KendallFrey that would have been good during the sopa fiasco
@rudi_visser now I am at my home..
GoGrandma ?
@KendallFrey That sounds like a pedophile company..
I like the story about Apple's iTouch Kids...
@KendallFrey Was that real ?
I don't know.
Tell me the story ! Now !
As legend goes, the original name for the iPad Mini was the iTouch Kids.
That would be freaking hilarious
While we're going strong, start a bicycle company called PedalBear.
Or, one of those nude bike rides. PedalBare.
"The annual PedalBare nude bike ride..." Oh, god.
That would give a nice picture for televisions at lunch time...

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