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@Sean this is what I am using now

looks alright to me, what do you think

ErrorMessage="Input valid email address!"

and thanks for help
@yaron Yeah that should do, did you get that from regexlib? =]
morning all
evening here.... :) :)
im from the future :)
or from the past...
@Sangram nice spot. @Yaron if you look at that answer, it looks like .Net provides one for you. I'm guessing you'll have to go into design mode and use the property boxes to select the email one though
@StuartBlackler Exactly what weapons is World War 4 fought with?
@Sean Lightsabers
i believe CODES...>>> ROBOTS
@StuartBlackler But Einstein said it would be sticks and stones.... He was right about a lot of things.....
@Sean regular expression doesn't check if a textbox is empty or not tho
@Sean but was WW1 actually the first world war?
and @Sangram cheers
@yaron use a requiredfield validator as well
job done, tldr
I was but then I thought reg Exp might do the job
anyway ta
@yaron Yeah unfortunately you have to add both, it's annoying... I don't see why they didn't just add the ValidateEmptyText attribute like they did for custom validators....
@StuartBlackler Technically no but I think it's fairly safe to say that in modern times there really haven't been that many real wars that have involved the whole world (or at least the vast majority of it)
@Sean i was thinking back to the Romans mass invasion of known Europe, much like germans did
I think Einstein was referring to the fact that if we did go to war properly (instead of just meddling with other countries), nukes would fly and there would be nothing left but sticks, stones and some lucky lucky bastards.
@StuartBlackler yeah but before that there was Genghis Khan and all sorts of people who conquered areas much large
Oh, with the regex, you could make the whole group be required at least once, but if you have the two validators you can customise the error messages to suit the actual problem etc
Einstein was a bit clever, i'll give him that
if you get technical about it all, we've not actually had a proper world war yet
in every war we've had so far there has been at least some of the world that wasn't involved at all
south america didnt get involved in either war did they?
like in WW1 and WW2 really it's just westerners being all "The West IS the world" because apart from Japan (did China even show up?) it was mainly just europe, russia and the US
none of the countries in the middle east were involved
apparently China did show up
I think they took on Japan on land
@Sean do you have experience with JavaScript by any chance as well
Exception: "Default constructor not found for type System.Byte[]."
Hi all
That is correct.
@yaron yeah a bit but not an amazing amount, what's your problem?
See apart from some countries under British rule back then, there are NO countries from the middle east
What would it mean to ask for a new byte[]() ?
how large would it be?
@MarcGravell How long is a piece of string?
@sean still a supprisingly large amount on the allies side though.
@Sean if I add regular experision, then other part of my user control doesn;t work
@StuartBlackler Yeah I didn't know there were that many involved and a lot of the middle eastern countries must not have existed back then cos there's load I can think of
e.g. it says enter email address then I do something in update panel
@Sean 4cm. You didn't ask which piece, so I chose arbitrarily.
@MarcGravell Exaaactly ;]
@folex except the C# compiler doesn't know how to choose arbitrarily so when you make a new byte array you have to give it a size
just throwing this one out there, if I use the StackExchange dataset for my uni dissertation. Is that going to violate the license of it at all? I would like explicit permission, but have no idea who to ask for that?
@folex byte[] myByteArray = new byte[1024]; //for a byte array with a size of 1KB (1024 bytes)
I have a habit of declaring Variable like ` List<string> new List = newList<String>;` so now.. is it advisable to just declare it like ` List<string> new List` & then '
under the bonnet, it gets even more fun: structs are initialized via initobj, classes are created via newobj, but arrays have a separate IL syntax: newarr. Very very different.
newList= returnsomething(); ?
@folex if you want to be able to expand and shrink the array at will, you would be better off using a List<byte> which has a method .ToArray() which will convert it to the right sized byte[] if you really must have a byte array google.co.uk/…
@Sangram var newList = ...
how var is better than List<string> ?
less typing, less to read, less to update if you change the thing on the right-hand-side
otherwise: identical
@Sangram using List<string> myStringList = new List<string>(); is perfectly fine, you're just declaring and initialising at the same time
@Sangram it just means that the compiler will handle the typing, or the runtime if it is impossible to determine at compile time, in that respect the var keyword is very uiseful. Personally I'm a fan of making sure everything is strongly typed so there's no confusion whatsoever
var is strongly typed ;p depending on what you mean my "strongly".
i rarely use var & but i see lot of experts using 'var' most of the time..
Hnngh. When I say strongly typed I mean being able to see what the type is supposed to be when you look at the source code. I know that the compiler still has to give everything a type and if you do something to a var that doesn't work with the class it is, it will throw an error, like it should. I just like knowing what everything is
EF is so slow :O Doing a simple query on a mysql server took like 10 seconds
@Sangram probably because most experts know to make it damned clear (via naming etc) what the result type is
also, if you hover over var VS will tell you what type var is
@LewsTherin that doesn't necessarily mean it is EFs fault. could be the DB. But yes, it also could be EF generating a really bad query, or it could be EF losing time in query generation / materialization layer.
either way, EF is too slow for me, so I don't use it. But 10s sounds... very odd.
in my case "too slow" means 4ms vs 40ms
@MarcGravell - so does that mean 'should i just stop using List<string> & start using VAR everywhere? ( i guess no !!! :P )
I prefer to make it explicitly clear what type it is, that way you can't confuse var quoteID to be anything from any number of the integer types. Or it could even be a GUID.
@MarcGravell I ran it again, and it was faster. Instantaneous. Ah I don't know what to do :(
If you're going to go round prefixing everything with the type name just to be sure you may as well skip var and just use the type name
@Sangram subjective and up to you; if the result is obvious, there is no real reason not to; there are some edge cases where it matters, but using var doesn't mean you always have to. In some cases, explicit typing makes it clearer.
It's not always 100% clear what type something should be even if it is appropriately named
@LewsTherin db load, caching, etc.
@MarcGravell Could you have a look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/13522271/… Should I stick with the Hash? I don't think membership provider will work on a WCF service.
@MarcGravell True..
But either way, it won't make any difference to the execution speed or resources your program uses
@LewsTherin I haven't touched WCF for years. It does have a separate security model, though.
@MarcGravell Do you remember what it was? I'm thinking of using a salted hash as a last resort.
sorry, I can't remember.
It's ok.. will do some Google magic. Thanks
Afternoon folks
Afternoon @RobWhite
damn is it afternoon alreadY?
12:45 for me
It is for us UK folks ;)
Same @StuartBlackler
Has anyone tried one of these yet:
@StuartBlackler No but apparently we voted for them
@RobWhite Yeah I just didn't realise it had gotten on so quickly is all
go and buy one, they are lushhhhh
@StuartBlackler do you, by chance, live daaaan saaaf?
@Sean Isle of Wight (But at Bournemouth Uni atm)
@Sean the days have been a bit of a drag here so sadly I'm always aware of how long it is until I finish!
@StuartBlackler That's south enough. It's just nobody up here says lush like that xD
@Sean how far north are you?
@RobWhite You mean you don't have an "always on top" WPF form you made specifically to tell you EXACTLY how long you have until home time? And it doesn't play the Final Countdown 3 minutes before it is home time? Shame on you.
@StuartBlackler Burnley (spits), west and slightly north of Manchester
@Sean not yet but it's a distinct possibility, thanks for the suggestion! lol
@RobWhite I was going to but then I realised I suck at making it look how I wanted it to
I wanted nice classy curved edges and the whole thing to be translucent, akin to the old Messenger Plus feature where you could drag contacts on to you desktop to always see your favourite contacts' statuses. But all I got was a messy form that looked rubbish and I have no speakers on this PC so playing the final countdown would be pointless =\
what's the problem @SamyS.Rathore
i am using this method to save excel as pdf
and many others i have seen use this method with just 2 parameters
but in my app, there is no overload which takes two arguments
looking into it, but mean while
i tried to fill the extra parameters like this:
xlWorkBook.ExportAsFixedFormat(paramExportFormat, save2, paramExportQuality, paramIncludeDocProps, paramIgnorePrintAreas, paramFromPage, paramToPage, paramOpenAfterPublish, misValue);
few of which are just set to Type.missing
yeah I don't understand why it doesn't work really
but it's giving me "value doesn't fall within expected range" exception
so 2 problems,
1. Why don't i have an overload with 2 parameters
2. How do i eliminate the exception :/
@Sean the link you gave has 8 arguments, mine is not settling for less then 9 :P
@SamyS.Rathore oh.. right.. I don't think any of us in here are Office interop experts. You'll probably get more sense out of a newborn badger..
@SamyS.Rathore Which version of excel is it, 2010?
i have 2007
MSDN is being slow...
@SamyS.Rathore "value doesn't fall within expected range" would suggest paramFromPage and / or paramToPage are out of range (too big or too small)
I'm not sure if it might be one of the other parameters but those are the two that would stand out from that exception
it does have a note about the PDF add-in not being installed correctly, can you open the file in Excel and export it as a PDF?
Q: 8 is not less than or equal to 30?

BigMAlright, I've got a RangeValidator: <asp:RangeValidator ID="DateRangeValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="DateRange" ErrorMessage="The date range must be at least 1 day, not more than 30, and neither date can be greater than today's date." EnableClientScript="true" MinimumValu...

vote me up cos you love me and cos it's more complete than the other answers. Also cos I hate being beaten to the post by short answers.
@Sean Downvoted... ;)
@StuartBlackler thank you honey
Hi all again.
I'm having "Default constructor not found for type System.Byte[]." exception when trying to convert SQLite.TableQuery<byte[]> to List<byte[]> via .ToList() IEnumerable method.
Anyone seen that before?
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World C# Chat");
Hello @Dav_i
Q: Is it okay to apply a bounty to a question just to encourage people argue more?
whats the q
A: Align multiple sorted lists

Tim SchmelterHere's another approach using List.BinarySearch. sample data: var list1 = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; var list2 = new List<int>() { 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; var list3 = new List<int>() { 3, 4, 5 }; var all = new List<List<int>>() { list1, list2, list3 }; calcul...

@Folex didn't Marc answer that for you earlier?
@StuartBlackler sehe answered it, but I'm quite enjoying the debate sorry didn't see the @ mention
and wondering if bounty would encourage that
He said that I should use List<byte> instead of byte[]. I can't do that since I forced to use byte[]: that's for keeping serialized objects
you would only get more answers not more of a debate i would think
id save the bounty tbh
@StuartBlackler Meh, only 50 rep... doesn't drop me any privileges. Also I think it's quite an interesting question and my question was for the best answer - the more the merrier :)
@folex I said to use List<byte> but the List<T> class has a method on it called .ToArray() which will convert it back to a byte[] array
I have sqlite table and byte[] inside it. I can't place List inside it: there is no C#'s List<T> in SQLite :)
@folex If you were to post the entire code block that's giving you the problem, maybe we can fit something a bit more specific to your solution
@dav_i i'll answer it later on when i'm back from the physio if you want, it'll give you a different solution ;)
@folex Ok so if you are passing it in as a parameter can't you just pass it in like so: List<byte> myByteList = new List<byte>(); //populate list byte[] myByteArray = myByteList.ToArray();
you can also use methods such as AddRange(IEnumarable<T>) where T is byte in this case to add a separate array of bytes or even another list in to the list you will be using, e.g. byte[] fiveBytes = new byte[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; myByteList.AddRange(fiveBytes);
@folex what column type is cont.Data?
oh, StreamContent I'm guessing?
It's just byte[]
Anyway, I want to solve the problem: I use this Helper<T,R> in many other places, and it works just fine.
@StuartBlackler More the merrier! Can't bounty for another 23hrs tho
@folex ok so you're going to get an IEnumerable<byte[]> as the result of that Linq query. If you only expect one value back, try var tmp1 = contentList.First().ToList();
Hello, I'm trying to create a class with a method named "public bool this[int thePosition]"
This class extends another class which should have this method as an interface, any clues how I can do this?
ahh i leave just after 2, so wont be back till 530 ish anyway :)
need to get my stupid knee sorted out
@folex otherwise you will have to loop through the results and add them all to your list (if that's what you want) which would look something like.... foreach (byte[] bytes in contentList) { myByteList.AddRange(bytes); }
and I thought I knew nothing about Linq.... :D
But WHY it doesn't working?
@folex Because the linq query is always going to return an IEnumerable<T> as its result no matter how many records you expect to get back, it's the nature of generics
I can't see any reason for what. How could be that compiler can't find constructor for byte[]?
@Sean So what?
@folex Byte[] does not have a default constructor. You must specify a size
@folex you're still getting that error? Why?
@folex what is the line of code that's error'ing we could go back and forth for ages here..
@folex somewhere in your code you must be trying to initialise a byte array without a size, I assure you that none of the .Net framework methods will try to do this
var contentList =
from cont
in table
where cont.Id == id
select cont.Data;
var tmp1 = contentList.First();
still getting the exception, @Sean
@Sean And I can't get List<byte[]> from IEnumerable<byte[]>
if(!text.IsMonospaced) me.Assume(text.IsCode == false); - code should be formatted with fixed font!
If you want to get a List from an IEnumerable, use ToList
@folex you should be able to through the extension method .ToList()
Yeah. That's exactly where I'm getting the error
@dav_i Add a comment to say in plain english that code should be formatted with fixed font, and I'll pin it.
I should say that this SQLite not from .Net
@folex Show me.
ok, first of all, you will need to do:

if(contentList != null && contentList .Any()) { var tmp1 = contentList.First();}

otherwise you will get an error if the list is null when calling .First()
@KendallFrey done
oh i give up on the formatting
And what exception do you get?
@KendallFrey unless it's changed he said he was getting 'Could not find default constructor for byte[]' =S
Exception: "Default constructor not found for type System.Byte[]."
Which I fully didn't understand
I arrived late :P
Oh yeah I know, was just filling you in
@folex When you get your data from the database and put it into your Helper class, how do you populate byte[] Data ?
there must be something more to it than just being a get/set property
pastie.org/5423205 -- this is full exception

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