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I want to call the "AddTabs" method of the FloorsGrouping in one of the following places:
get accessor/getter of Tab property
set accessor/setter of Tab property
why do you think that's the place you should call it?
"SetItems" overrode method of the "ItemsCollectionEditor" class
that doesn't answer the question
Because these places hit after click "OK" button of the "CollectionEditor" window
Add sub controls to custom control after click the “OK” button of the “CollectionEditor” window in design time
The best place for call AddTabs methos is "SetItems" overrode method of the "ItemsCollectionEditor" class
But I can't add these sub-Controls to current added custom control.
By the way, I can call this method in "SetItems" overrode method of the "ItemsCollectionEditor" class that is inherited from "CollectionEditor" class; nevertheless, I can't access to "AddTabs" method without create a new instance of my custom control class. If I create a new instance of my custom control, "AddTabs" method applies changes on a new control of my custom control and NOT ON THE CURRENT ADDED CUSTOM CONTROL IN THE WINFORM.
Don't shout at me
I don't shout
FYI, using ALL CAPS is considered shouting
I want to change ur attention to important part of this text.
where is the new instance created?
Custom Controls and User Controls must be compiled and after it
they used by end-user for developing GUI
My Custom Control used for WinForm projects.
You said "I can't access to "AddTabs" method without create a new instance of my custom control class."
where is that new instance created?
It's created on the current WinForm that end-user has used my custom control on it.
oh, another thing, what are the types of the arguments to SetItems? They're typed as object and object[] in code, but the debugger should show you the actual types
It's not important
overriding SetItems like that probably won't do anything, since you're just calling the base method. That will be called anyway if you don't override it
It will work correctly
because I write following line of code.
return base.SetItems(editValue, value);
That doesn't make any difference
if you didn't override it, anything that calls SetItems will just get the result of base.SetItems
I want to call my AddTabs method before this line of code without create new instance of my custom control.
anyway, that either works or it doesn't, it's not wrong, it's just pointless
it's just pointless
But in this method (SetItems)
I can call AddTabs method after click "OK" button of the CollectionEditor Window.
I think I see what the root of the problem is now. The control has no way of knowing that the collection has items added to it - why should it. I think if you just call AddTabs when the control refreshes, you should get the result you want
override Refresh() on your control, call base.Refresh(), then AddTabs and see what happens
I have to go out for a while, let me know how you get on
I try it
@TomW -> It's not worked.
It only works when something happens on my custom control that needs to refresh the control.
I want to add/remove these controls to my custom control only after click ok button of the CollectionEditor.
If I call AddTabs method in Refresh of my custom control
may be it never hits while my custom control is refreshed.
@TomW -> r U there/here?
Hi @JohanLarsson
I'm very angry and sad. :(
I've encountered with new problem again. :(
and no one can help me. :(
but why?
Do U see my new Question?
Custom Controls for using in WinForms
I have almost zero exp from winforms
Do U work with WPF?
It is actually very common that people with vb or winforms questions get angry/sad here
dev.w3.org/html5/markup/common-models.html < I find this page useful. I'll leave it here for everyone else to peek at
Hi @rlemon
@MRS1367 I have not done much gui yet but mainly using wpf for the things I have done
@rlemon that is the root, w3's "recommendations" are probably good to adhere to
Working with GUI in advanced level is very horrible whether in WPF or WinForm
@JohanLarsson for this they are.
generally speaking, you are right, however in this case, they are not likely to change from this model.
I just always need to look shit up when it says "only phrasing elements can be contained within XYZ element", so having a nice list is nice ;)
But, when U experience in this subject, it'll be very easier to implementation.
ok, HTML is one of the many things I suck at :)
in JavaScript, 26 mins ago, by rlemon
HTML is like golf, easy to learn, hard to master.
@MRS1367 idk, sry
idk -> abbreviation for what?
@MRS1367 I don't know
I use idunno for say it.
I would rather work with more skilled colleges than get more paid I think. It would be so sweet to have people to learn from and not have to learn all by myself.
@JohanLarsson -> u're right.
But most of my colleges haven't worked in GUI design in advanced level.
and I can't get help from those. :(
If U see my profile,
just throw up a webview and do it all in HTML
U will see that all of my Questions are about GUI design.
Boss: can you make an android app for us?
me: what would it do?
Boss: same as the web application you made
me: *evil grin* - sure I can!
and I have to solve them by myself.
ok, why is wpf not an option for you?
No one can help me about them.
for some reason.
@MRS1367 i'm also not a huge design oriented guy - I get most of my answers from here:
ux.stackexchange.com o_O onebox fail.
It's better for implementation
wow... horrible onebox
that's good @rlemon
@MRS1367 pls don't be angry if you dont find winforms help here, I don't think I have yet seen anyone get much winforms/vb help here
I try... no one haz love for winforms
But, before coming WPF technology, most of the Application Developers use it for GUI design.
but why cant you change to wpf?
I need to both of them.
Now is probably a better time than later really
WPF and WINForms
I ask a question from U?
Why GUI component developers such as devcomponents company are create most of their GUI components for WinForms?
no idea, if I was to guess it could be due to a) winforms has been around longer b) it is not as easy to do custom stuff in winforms so there is more market for custom
u're right.
but, the important tip is:
I think there are tons of WPF components
@user899181 -> If U search the internet U will find many components for WPF and WinForms
I didn't say that U can't find many components for WPF.
each of the technologies have some advantages and disadvantages.
Using most of them can achieve to better result.
for example, @JohanLarsson -> do U research about great Application Programs such as Adobe, Autodesk, Office, Maxon, CSI, and ... products?
@MRS1367 how do you mean, I use Autodesk Inventor a lot and program to their api
SHIFT + 'u' <- you are already at two keystrokes (sure at the same time, no matter) - would it really be so difficult to complete the word and write "you"?
lol, I use u a lot, lazy but I understand an sympathize with the hate :)
I don't know. I just haven't seen that many new WinForms development lately.
No, I mean that do U know about programming methods that these companies use in their sofwares?
Do U know that they use from what programming language for developing their softwares?
no I'm a pretty sucky programmer, but if I manage to put in 16h a day in two years I a´will have my 10k hours
Please help me with this question I'm stuck with so badly
Has a bounty, please help I'm desperate ppl
I think it is much C/C++ for that scale applications
So, I will tell U that They Use many programming languages and technologies
Adobe is probably not a very great example, hehe.
For Example, Autodesk for doing 3D processes
@Shimmy you should as Travis or Kyle here when they log on, they are best at mvc I think
use from QT, OpenGL, DirectX and so on
@JohanLarsson I've already asked them
Q: MvcSiteMap: Dynamic node provider?

ShimmyI created a project that the nodes are defined using attributes, and I set it in the web.config to scan for attributes, and it works fine. I don't use an XML file at all. Now I want to add a dynamic node provider, how do I do it? Is there a way to do it without the XML (.sitemap) file? I need to...

If we can use from technologies together
travis said isn't into mvc
CSI, Use from VB in some of parts of Codes
@Shimmy ok, I suck so hard I can't even tell :)
ur not talkin to me r u
cuz ur the only one who looked at me
which is something
We can offer better softwares.
If I can develop my software in winform and WPF.
I can have many other advantages.
I can offer my GUI controls as Components for using by Software developers in both GUI technologies
and by doing this work, I can to have more profit.
sell my softwares, my GUI components in WinForm technology for WinForm developrs
and WPF developers
and ...
@MRS1367 I'm confused on what you're trying to accomplish
Howdy Folks
but then again this chat room doesn't go to the top of hwne you started it
@RyanTernier I think @MRS1367 is trying to make components?
@MRS1367 chrome.csi(); // (⌐■_■)
I love you Chrome <3
I hate Chrome.
I love Chrome Magnum
Chrome hates you too im sure
Chrome hates him because he insists on using Opera
Probably. That would explain why it's slow.
Opera is slow. I'm glad we agree
IE has a good 64bit browser. Thus > FireFox
Chrome is fast thus > fire fox && IE
@rlemon No, Chrome is slow.
Ie has 64 bit browsing thus > chrome
new IE10 is only second fastest because it chooses to not render over half of the frames (so the reports say)
@KendallFrey Chrome is to date: the fastest web browsing experience there is
What kind of computer are you running Kendall?
CHrome is lightning fast on mine
Chrome is lightning for me too
@rlemon It wasn't the browser that was so slow. It was the developer console.
Oh, and did I mention it crashed too?
@KendallFrey never had a problem there - were you running JScript?
No, JavaScript.
$($); will crash any browser
infinite recursion! :)
happy thanksgiving
Is there an easy way to repair the connection using win 7? gfs crappy laptop fails to connect to NAS after waking from sleep
trying ipconfig/renew (don't know what it does really)
[x] worked
should prolly write a bat file for that
happeneed to me on my dell lappy. I just tell it not to sleep =D
Killing the Planet FTW
@rlemon I just crashed my browser.
really? tripple ping just to tell me you ran the code I said would crash you ... and it crashed you?!
my insane hunger from lack of food in prep for turkey has made me a bad speeler
also, it's affected my judgment
JS: $($);
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

aww doesn't even crash it
I'm looking at 400+ mm of new books beside my bed and have not been reading fast lately
400 milimeters of new books? so 40 cm? so about 1.3 feet of books? Nerds read books, geeks read computer screens
yes, millimeters felt right for some reason, more than a week of intensive reading
depending on formatting, some books love tables, pics and white space to get more pages
I have my laptop by my bed so when I wake up in the middle of the night I can play a few rounds of Grepolis<--yes geek
luckily i dont game much, dont even know the game
hi everyone !
i need a help ?
Anyone ever use Mercury Quality Center?
@RyanTernier are you asking because it's a big pile of ass and you need a voice of sanity?
I'm asking because I want to scrap it, but it has some nice features that need to be preserved if we get a new one
well, don't look at me. Was just curious; seemed like a good opportunity to absorb some knowledge by osmosis
@TomW I'm trying to find a tool that:
-Issue Tracking (Web interface)
-Can work with Excel/Project like TFS Does
-contains test case management, test case execution, can easily raise bugs against a test case
- Is not expensive.

TFS is a Cadillac, but our office is not a TFS Office and the ministry won't pay for it, so it has to be open source / cheap.
Gemini and JIRA are 2 options, but JIRA is $$
only testing tools I've ever used (in a enterprise environment and not just some testing stuff I've written myself) was ms ACT (Application Center Test)
and that was in 2005
It may surprise you to know that the rarest badge on Stack Overflow is not a gold badge, or a silver badge, but a bronze badge.
We use Jenkins for integration, that keeps track of test results, but doesn't have issue tracking and no direct support for test manipulation, I don't think we've considered a one-box solution like that
has it grown at all?
I have the moustache badge, the rest of you can suck it
I got the Lemon badge, but only because no one else wanted it.
When was the last time you installed a program that removed the taskbar during installation...
@KendallFrey how do you even do that?
well, presumably there's a win32 call
...but why would you write an installer package that does that, and why would anyone write a package compiler that can do so?
Easy. Go into task manager, find explorer.exe, and kill it.
Winter sucks
It's not the task bar specifically, it's explorer.exe.
@RyanTernier I tried out Gallio briefly. It's not perfect, but it has many integration options.
Waiting for winter sux
Waiting for summer sucks.
Waiting sucks.
Most things suck.
Where I live, summer sucks
So I integrated git with bitbucket as well as visual studio.. surprisingly easy to do..
But it sends the files itself to the remote branch
I always had the impression that it should commit only changes.
I think that's what tortoise svn does?
Who makes ambidextrous mice and puts the extra buttons on one side?
Seriously, hoomins.
by the way waiting for winter is very much like watching game of thrones :)
Game of Thrones is awesome, enough said.
Another questions you guys may know the answer to... do you use a build agent?
If so, which?
what do you mean by build agent?
like, say, Ant?
Ever heard of TC?
@TomW Yes, something like that.
Isn't that for Java?
@LewsTherin what do you need it for?
yeah, part of the java ecosystem anyway
i think it's meant to be able to do most things though
To build my unit tests whenever I commit.. I think that's the idea of a build server/agent.
we use Jenkins
I will check it out.. thanks
pretty easy to get started with
compared to, for example, CruiseControl
one .jar, run it, go to localhost:8080
that's it
Mmn I hope so.. I've been trying to set some things up with Java.. it gave me the finger so I ran back to C#
well, it's a java product, but runs everything
Downloading it now, thanks
Is it because you need it or want to learn?
Both :D
both are good reasons
I always postpone new stuff, the initial learning is so painful.
But the learning gets fun after that again
I tried setting up a java web service.. I gave up .
I was using CXF.. and I was really hoping to use something new.
But it's too much of a risk
did you find a way to use VS for mono?
Corporate Politicts FTW
That was sent out in a weekly reminder to submit peoples time sheets.
SOmeone got "offended" by it and now they can't do funny pictures in time sheet emails
@RyanTernier the offended guy sux
@JohanLarsson ?
Find a way to write and compile mono-code using Visual Studio
Jenkins online!
@JohanLarsson Nope, never tried it.
What's wrong with MonoDevelop?
@KendallFrey never tried it, never felt a need to replace VS
Well, if you're doing mono, monodevelop is the one being replaced if you use VS.
@LewsTherin Will it prevent you from committing if all tests do not pass?
monodevelop is very similar to VS, but for mono. No reason not to use it.
@JohanLarsson Good question.. not sure :O
@TomW If a test fails, would it still commit?
@KendallFrey true in a way I guess, but I really like VS. Have you used monodevelop much?
Not much, but when I did, I was impressed.
Have you?
no never
Well, it's a lot like VS. You won't be lacking in features, and you'll already be familiar when you open it.
ok, that sounds good
The main difference that I thought of is the default settings for code formatting.
Gonna be a while before I do any recreational programming though, as it is now I look at going home from work after 8 hours as the midway point of the workday.
And those are very customizable.
Just saw that, and if you have kids you'll appreciate it (Yes i'm trying to keep this chat room on topic)
An I'm a nerd trying to be geek :)
I usually ask gf for dessert after having dessert, dessert++
Nah, that's D#
Or you could have D#
Sounds appropriate.
but what is D#?
F is short for? =D
Ok what's going on?
D D#(Eb) E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E... etc.
I didn't take music :(
One of those things I promise to remedy.
You can do a lot with music and programming.
do you do Thanksgiving in Canada?
We do Thanksgiving in October, when it was meant to be done.
ok, it was really quiet here tonite
@JohanLarsson you ever play any online games?
I played A LOT of poker a couple of years ago, was good money but glad I quit, took so much time. Other than that I hardly game at all
you play much?
I never play poker online. I play League of Legends a bit, and Grepolis for when I need something to do
at the moment I try to strip off all that is not C# from my life :)
Mmmmmm yummy...
@Hardcoder nice nick (reply later)
(He's not allowed to chat)
but he will be in two hours
Says who?
or minutes
my gut
I see.
How long did it take you to get 20 rep?
I dont know I registered my account to answer an old question that I stumbled on the answer for
did bot care about rep at all before chatting
Care a little less about rep now again after getting lots of up votes on a crappy answer
But trying to answer questions' can be fun when bored
being able to spell would be nice too
Bb, C d eb f g a Bb, C d e f g a b c
@CCInc Still working on that hash?
Meh, to impossible
Encryption is out of my range.
Question: Should I have both a release GUI running along a dev GUI, or should I just have a release GUI?
I have no idea what that means.
Hold on, I have to get to a computer
you're missing some stuff @Cinc

C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C and repeat
C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C and repeat
B#, C#, C##, D#, D##, E#, E##, F#, F##, G#, G##, A#, A##, B# Ohhhh yea

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