the purpose being that one enters, for example yuno grep and the program spams the system with a variety of ordinarily reasonable inputs to grep to diagnose why it won't do something you'd expect it to
Perhaps you guys can help, I'm trying to track down a video I saw on learning Expression Blend. It was a female speaker at some conference probably about a year ago on Blend 4 and Windows Phone. I think she was a program manager for design maybe?
> It's probably a reference to Battlestar Galactica. The nickname for Cylons was toasters and some of them could copy their consciousness to another body when they die, kind of what AlienRespawn does with your PC.
what do you think about the following, or what do you prefer to do: a) Write extenion methods b) write a "wrapper" class that will "eat" the class to extend and add a imlplicit operator (the class to extend is sealed)
okay I try it again: I try to extend the DirectoryInfo class. And it's sealed. Now, should I write extenion methods for it or a wrapper class that exposes all the methods of the DirectoryInfo and adds some new methods?
@TravisJ fair do's, just wondering if they'd messed you around or you were waiting until you could be absolutely certain it's their issue before raising it with them
@TravisJ might have difficulty in that case as they can always argue that any compensation would be related to how long it took them to resolve an issue and that they weren't notified I guess
@Billdr I've seen a plaque commemorating the last speaker of Cornish, who died in 18-something. Also vaguely related to welsh, but nobody speaks it anymore
@robwhite - They have been aware though, I told them about it a week ago at which point I was informed the issue was "known". Although they have made some progress it has not been fully resolved. As part of their service contract, a 99.9% uptime is guaranteed - one week constitutes a 2% down time, and thus, a breach of contract.