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I have the frakking hiccups.
I had that last week. It was horrible.
step 1: take huge breath, step 2: hold all breath in until you literally cannot, step 3: no hiccups.
if you hiccup in step 1 or 2, start over
i made hot tea
You need a ++ somewhere so you dont loop forever?
Thhat is what I wrote shaking my keyboard trying to unfuk my h key^^
^ guess that is the result
did you fix your hh key?
i want an hh key
all my keys are single letters, not double
I have a double u key.
i have a double v key
but that doesn't count, since its considered a single letter
user image
perfect that time
Hey what do you guys and gals do when you just can't get your head around a problem?
@Fendorio go for a walk
Take a break.
Or get a more flexible head.
More felxible head sounds good
watch this a few times:
Walk to coffe machine
it will clear your head
and loop that
What's your opinion about seeking out a solution to the problem from another person? (I'm an undergraduate so new to the business) I.e. Do you think that's cheating yourself?
Yup, thats cheating. Disconnected the internet and work alone on a typewriter.
@Fendorio depends on how you do it
If you learn to collaborate with others to solve problems it is good
+ more fun to work that way imo
But if you just leach off someone it is not kool
I've only been programming for around 2 months. Ok cool cheers for the info.
@TravisJ thanks. that worked.
One more thing
And by seeking out a solution i mean asking someone to show me there solution so that i can understand it myself, this wouldn't be so bad? Or should i stick at trying to solve the problem myself for a couple more days?
no more hiccups
@Fendorio Almost always when I have struggled with something I have asked myself, why I did not take a couple of hours reading a chapter in a book about it instead of diving in and starting to write anti patterns
@Fendorio Maybe ask first then read about it?
@kyle - tips from a drunken college daze :P
@JohanLarsson Thanks i appreciate the advice. I'll make a trip down to the library tomorrow... then ask for a solution lol
If it is an anti pattern to write in anti patterns, and you only write in anti patterns, does that mean that you are now writing proper patterns?
@Fendorio What is/was your question?
I need LINQ help... any takers?
I can try but I get everything wrong today
My data is structured like so:
What are you trying to get out of the structure?
@TravisJ I feel intimidated speculating when it is you who asks THAT question
I can't even see a structure so now I'm wondering whether you can see something I can't ^^
label: ABC, date: "5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM"
label: ABC, date: "5/1/2008 11:42:17 PM"
label: ABC, date: "5/1/2008 9:23:52 AM"
label: ABC, date: "5/3/2008 1:43:27 PM"
label: XYZ, date: "5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM"
label: XYZ, date: "5/1/2008 8:27:52 AM"
I want to group this like so:
Is it properties on objects in a list or a table?^^
label: ABC,  values: [0, 0, 1, 0, 3]
label: XYZ,  values: [0, 0, 0, 0, 2]
basically, give me the number of things that happened each day in a list
@JohanLarsson that's the important data in my table, those are each "data rows"
the "values" in the 2nd bit is the number of events that occurred on each day
so basically I want to get a count of each event for a given date range
this is what I have so far:
looks like a distinct on label first
then a where select?
how would that look?
I'm using LINQ, but I can translate from SQL I suppose :P
I'm using method syntax
what is the type of the table? (What can I use for dummy data)
it's t-sql
I'm very close to zero when it comes to SQL stuff
try this:
SubscriptionTitle	AlertCreated
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-03 13:51:33.287
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-19 22:21:37.770
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-29 01:07:03.180
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-29 01:07:03.180
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-29 01:07:03.180
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-29 01:07:03.180
No Outbound Channel Feed	2012-10-29 01:07:03.180
Merchant Disabled	2012-10-08 10:17:46.790
Merchant Disabled	2012-10-08 10:27:18.897
Merchant Disabled	2012-10-08 10:28:32.293
but Travis is pretty expert I think
those are the 2 bits of data I'm looking at
I go with a dictionary then
no not a dict
non unique
So expected output would be something like this...
Date Event Count
2012-10-03 No Outbound Channel Feed 1
2012-10-19 No Outbound Channel Feed 1
2012-10-29 No Outbound Channel Feed 5
2012-10-08 Merchant Disabled 3
basically, I need a frequency list
@RobWhite something like that, yes. I need the number of times it occurred, and the date of the occurance for each item in the list
I am not sure exactly how to do that with linq because it is pretty complex. You are going to have to use a projection to gather the distinct set of labels, and then another to put together the array, and then you are going to have have a third which forms new objects with the distinct label, the array
To give you a better idea, this is how I am displaying the data:
Does it have to be linq?
Okay, so first grouping level is date, second is event
I think so
I think I can abuse .ToShortDateString here
Just mocking something up and giving it test data
cool, thanks :)
@JohanLarsson Sorry was making coffee.. i need it lol. My probem is this conditional:
if (playerPositions[i] == squareNo)
dynamic newList = fooList.Select(f => f.label).Distinct().Select( new { label = f.label, values = fooList.Where( f => f.label == label).Select( f => f.date).ToArray() }).ToList();
playerPosition is an array which holds the values of 2-4 players positions on a board. For a console application board game
looks good^^
something similar to that
[x] skill
[x] dynamic
Ideally it would have a class defined for it to go into
List<fooDisplay> newList =
yeah, I like that too
and then it would be .Select( new fooDisplay() { ...
@Fendorio I don't understand
@TravisJ what if I have a WHERE clause for the date I want to go back to? like, only 7 days prior
should that go at the beginning or end/
Select( f => f.date ).Where( f => TimeSpan( Date.Now() - f.date ) < 8 )
I think something like that
I'll wait a bit, don't want to make the chat box hectic :)
hectic it up!
Let me look through this :) I can always scroll lock lol
@Pheonixblade9 -
    public class DictionaryTest
        public void PheonixTest()
            var data = new List<Dummy>
                                   new Dummy {Title = "A", Value = 1},
                                   new Dummy {Title = "A", Value = 2},
                                   new Dummy {Title = "A", Value = 3},
                                   new Dummy {Title = "B", Value = 1},
                                   new Dummy {Title = "B", Value = 2}
(Travis stuff)
does that run johan?
Minor modification, looked right in the debugger
it needs .ToArray() }).ToList(); at the end
i did not use date, only int (faster & easire)
@TravisJ optional?
Added it any way, who am I to disagree with you?
@Johan - I suppose, as it will still be an enumerable at this point
nah, you made a good point
mem leak :<
aprox 1mb every 10 minutes
from where?
haven't determined that yet
just was watching the mem increase to make sure it was in fact a leak
@Fendorio now is a good time
application ran for 20 minutes and increased 2mb used mem
I'm gonna run it for the weekend and see if GC eventually catches up
\ /
\ .=
\____/ '`:.,____
Ok so i'm making a console application board game, like snakes and ladders. 2-4 players can play.
I've got an array:

static int [] playerPositions = new int[4];

This is to hold the player positions, no seperate array for the board.

I have a diceRoll method at the minute which always returns 1 for test purposes.

My problem is that the rules of the game are that no more than one player can be on the same board position.
lol stupid fixed font
static bool RocketInSquare(int squareNo)
//TODO: write a method that checks through the
//rocket positions and returns true if there is a rocket in the given square
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)

if (playerPositions[i] == squareNo)
return true;
@TravisJ wth am I looking at
@Travis, you should see what I'm writing now. Pure insanity antipattern is a too washed out term to describe it
My problem is makign a conditional for this
@rlemon - A horribly broken leaky bucket
@Johan - Then it must be awesome :)
I write code that writes code, use reflection to write wrapper classes for COM objects
 /=//==//=/  \          "memory leak"
|=||==||=|    |           A tale of wonderment
|=||==||=|~-, |            and one mans quest for
|=||==||=|^.`;|             eternal happieness.
  `"""""""`^-,`.       - by Robert Lemon
wrapping all props and methods
I need to make a while loop in the PlayerTurn method which says
while (RocketInsquare() is true)
move the player along to the next available position
which is what is confusing me....sadly haha
@Fendorio use ctrl + k when you post code, the chat it formats it then
SOrry my bad
np, just a tip
private static void PlayerTurn(int playerNo)
// TODO: Makes a move for the given player

for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)

while (RocketInSquare(playerPositions[i]) ==true )
playerPositions[i] = playerPositions[i] + DiceThrow()+1;
playerPositions[i] = playerPositions[i] +DiceThrow();

Lol need to get used to this
@TravisJ still having problems...
you can edit click the bar to the far left of your post
later gaters
@Pheonixblade9 - What does your code look like?
@JohanLarsson press up arrow on your keyboard to edit as well.
I'm pretty poor at explaining this problem, can you see what it is i'm getting at?
Question: when you guys come across some code at work that's written badly, do you just fix it, or do ask a project manager for their approval first?
I dont really have any project manager per se
I just start overdesigning I guess
var alerts = context.vwAlertHistories
		.Where(c => c.MerchantID == merchantID)
		.Select(c =>
					new AlertSummary
						label = c.SubscriptionTitle,
						values = context.vwAlertHistories.Select(f => f.AlertCreated.ToShortDateString()).ToList()
		.Select(f => f.label)
return alerts;
the Distinct seems strange where it is (without testing)
Did Travis stuff that I posted above not work?
not quite, no
@Pheonixblade9 It seemed to work with the dummy data
yeah, but I have an additional where
@JohanLarsson the problem is, you already have the data in a "frequency map" in your test
that's where I'm running into problems
@Fendorio I got to go now, gf has been yelling for a while. I think I risk a fracture soon.
@Pheonixblade9 ok too simplistic
var alerts = context.vwAlertHistories
            .Where(c => c.MerchantID == merchantID)
            .Distinct(c => c.SubscriptionTitle)
            .Select(c =>
                        new AlertSummary
                            label = c.SubscriptionTitle,
                            values = context.vwAlertHistories.Where( m => m.MerchantID == c. MerchantID ).Select(f => f.AlertCreated.ToShortDateString()).ToList()
uh oh
The xml data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.
@JohanLarsson No worries mate thanks for your time, good luck! Haha
var events = new List<Event>
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-03 13:51:33.287")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-19 22:21:37.770")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
.Distinct(c => c.SubscriptionTitle)
It needs cleaning up a lot but tired so that's where I'm up to at the moment and it works
yeah, I appreciate the help
you can't use a lambda inside of .Distinct
Lambda in select and distinct on that?
.Select(c => c.SubscriptionTitle).Distinct()
var events = new List<Event>
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-03 13:51:33.287")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-19 22:21:37.770")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
new Event {EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", DateTime = DateTime.Parse("2012-10-29 01:07:03.180")},
Replaced the nested loop with SelectMany
It's suggested edits like these that make me happy that not just anyone can edit: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/928051
@Pheonixblade9 -
.Where(c => c.MerchantID == merchantID)
.GroupBy( c => c.SubscriptionTitle)
seriously, this guy gutted my answer and completely changed it to the point that it wasn't even relevant to the question any more.
@TravisJ I'm getting one or the other... maybe I need to describe more
I just need the date and the count
each of the "values" is a count for that day
@Pheonixblade9, last cleanup below
        var grouped = events.GroupBy(x => x.DateTime.Date,
            (date, groupedByDate) => new
                Key = date,
                Events = groupedByDate.GroupBy(
                    e => e.EventName,
                    (key, groupedByEventName) => new
                        Date = date,
                        EventName = key,
                        Count = groupedByEventName.Count()
            }).SelectMany(item => item.Events);
I think that's almost it, Rob
Let me know if anything needs doing to it and I'll sort it out
@Fendorio you gonna stick around for a while?
I',m here
And yeah i will :)
I have actually solved my problem by say... 40% lol
I've got to watch tv for a while now
But yeah i will be here for another hour or two
getting mean looks as I type now
@JohanLarsson just spotted your comment on Ctrl+K, great tip, was wondering about that myself :)
Haha! Never a good situation to be in
ok, I have this:
				var grouped = context.vwAlertHistories.GroupBy(x => (x.AlertCreated.ToShortDateString()),
					(date, groupedByDate) => new
						Key = date,
						Events = groupedByDate.GroupBy(
							e => e.SubscriptionTitle,
							(key, groupedByEventName) => new
								Date = date,
								EventName = key,
								Count = groupedByEventName.Count()
					}).SelectMany(item => item.Events);
@RobWhite that is starting to look nice
I get this:
+		base	{"Method 'System.String ToShortDateString()' has no supported translation to SQL."}	System.SystemException {System.NotSupportedException}
Pheonixblade9, leave the date part as it was
any ideas on how to group by DAY
using .Date property removes time
So it was already listing per day ;)
oh I see! I had it changed a bit
So in your case, x.AlertCreated.Date :)
I think that's it :)
@JohanLarsson thanks Johan :) took me a while to get my head around the multiple levels, long day!
@RobWhite ahh! just a little polishing and I think that's it. Thank you!!!
@RobWhite I've never used group by really, gonna play a little with your code later
@Pheonixblade9 glad I could help :)
@JohanLarsson I think it would be a little nicer if they have a shortcut like .GroupBy(col1, col2) or .GroupBy(col1).ThenBy(col2) but also not sure if that would work as well or be as flexible...it's a great tool but sometimes takes a bit to figure out
i think there is a then by
not sure though
@JohanLarsson There is but it's for ordering
ah ok
@RobWhite I think there is just one last step
@Pheonixblade9 Shoot
I have the list, right?
let me get sample data...
+		[0]	{ Date = {10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM}, EventName = "No Outbound Channel Feed", Count = 1 }	<Anonymous Type>
+		[1]	{ Date = {10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM}, EventName = "Unacknowledged Orders", Count = 16 }	<Anonymous Type>
+		[2]	{ Date = {10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM}, EventName = "Unfulfilled Orders", Count = 27 }	<Anonymous Type>
+		[3]	{ Date = {10/4/2012 12:00:00 AM}, EventName = "Unacknowledged Orders", Count = 2 }	<Anonymous Type>
+		[4]	{ Date = {10/4/2012 12:00:00 AM}, EventName = "Unfulfilled Orders", Count = 2 }	<Anonymous Type>
I need to transform that into a JSON object
in this format:
'label': ['label A', 'label B', 'label C', 'label D'],
        'values': [
          'label': 'date A',
          'values': [20, 40, 15, 5]
          'label': 'date B',
          'values': [30, 10, 45, 10]
          'label': 'date E',
          'values': [38, 20, 35, 17]
          'label': 'date F',
          'values': [58, 10, 35, 32]
          'label': 'date D',
          'values': [55, 60, 34, 38]
blah, this is a tough problem, lol
I figure the values are the counts and the labels at the top are the event names
hmm, ok.
so I'll have something like this:
		public class AlertSummary
			public string[] label;
			public AlertCount[] values;

		public class AlertCount
			public string label;
			public int[] values;
Essentially yes
The only real complication to that is any instance of a blank count
so I should put some smarts in the AlertSummary constructor?
In which case you construct an entry for every label and populate the count for that label where it exists, where it doesn't you use 0
Is the list of event names going to be based on a static list or will it be the distinct list of event names from the data source?
everything is coming from a table
I have a static list in the DB, but I'd prefer to avoid joins if possible
It depends on what you want to show on the chart
If you only want to show the event names that the query pulls back that's not an issue
I want to show how many alerts occurred each day for each type
the Event Names are the Legend
I can just do this, though, right?
Hey can any of you guys share some insight into the behavior of two of my methods?
string[] labels = grouped.Select(f => f.EventName).Distinct().ToArray();
Okay, that simplifies things :)
@Fendorio What's up?
private static void PlayerTurn(int playerNo)
// TODO: Makes a move for the given player

for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)

NextMove = playerPositions[i] + DiceThrow();

while (RocketInSquare(NextMove) == true)
playerPositions[i] = NextMove++;

playerPositions[i] = NextMove;

static bool RocketInSquare(int squareNo)
//TODO: write a method that checks through the
//rocket positions and returns true if there is a rocket in the given square

for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)
Shit sorry i did not realise it was that long
My VS is zoomed right out lol.
my DiceThrow() method always returns a 1
@Fendorio where is the DiceThrow() method?
so the output i'm looking for is for

playerPosition[0] = 1
playerPosition[1] = 2
playerPosition[2] = 3

and so on
static int DiceThrow()
return 1;
sorry keep forgetting ctrl k
@Fendorio so what you want to do is this, I think:
public static int DiceThrow(int max)
    Random r = new Random();
    return r.NextInt(max);
Pretty sure that's right
I get that
My output when running that is that

playerPosition[0] = 10
playerPosition[1] =11
playerPosition[2] = 12
So that behavior i'm looking for is there: if a player lands on a square which is already occupied by another player then move to the next available square
this is a one-dimensional game board, then?
Is there a way to simulate a deadlock?
But my dice returns 1; So the output should be :

playerPosition[0] = 1
playerPosition[1] =2
playerPosition[2] = 3
Or race condition
@LewsTherin yes
object lockA = new object();
object lockB = new object();
        Thread 1 void t1()
            lock (lockA)
                lock (lockB)
                    /* ... */
        Thread 2 void t2()
            lock (lockB)
                lock (lockA)
                    /* ... */
hey what is this called ?
posts.Where(x => x.Tags.Any(y => y.StartsWith("foo")));
@Pheonixblade9 Scary! That was fast lol
where you have the x and >=
@ScottSelby lambda?
@Fendorio can you post a gist of your entire file?
yea ! lambda , i couldn't remember that
Yes sure
@Pheonixblade9 Well I want to test my code for possible race conditions and deadlocks. Any idea?
@LewsTherin I did well in my OS class. We had to write 3 different ways a deadlock/race condition could occur for our final :)
Actually sorry, how to i post a gist in chat? This is first time in here
@Fendorio go to gist, copypaste, post the link here
@LewsTherin just use TryEnter()
@Fendorio don't be sorry, this is a very friendly chat
@Pheonixblade9 :P Thank the powers that be I wasn't asked that lol
@Pheonixblade9 Thanks!
@LewsTherin haha, my curriculum was pretty tough. I only took 4 CS classes, lol
For a BSc?
@LewsTherin no. I got a B.S.E. computer engineering, math minor
Ah, sweet. You would be a master at it then :P
I mostly took classes like digital design, digital signal processing, digital electronics, analog electronics, computer architecture, that sort of thing
CS I only took CS1, CS2, Data structures, and operating systems
Did you do all that stuff like PSK, FSK?
oh phase shift modulation
yeah we did all sorts of that stuff in digital signal processing
I'm way too good at math, lol. Complex number math in particular
You only need the .cs file right?
Not the solution?
@Fendorio yes
@Pheonixblade9 I wish I was, I'd be way comfy with CS
what is CS?
Computer Science
ah, should have figured
gist: FendorioBoardGame, 2012-11-02 22:10:25Z
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace BoardGame
    class Program
        static int readNumber(string prompt, int MaxNumber, int MinNumber)
            int SelectionResult = 0;
                string numberString = Console.ReadLine();
                SelectionResult = int.Parse(numberString);
                if ((SelectionResult < MinNumber) || (SelectionResult > MaxNumber))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between: " + MinNumber + " - " + MaxNumber);

            } while (true);

            return SelectionResult;
         const int MAX_PLAYERS =4;
        static int NumberOfPlayers;

        static int[] playerPositions = new int[4];
        static int NextMove;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)
        static void ResetGame()
            // TODO: get the number of players and set the required elements in 
            // playerPositions to 0
            NumberOfPlayers = readNumber("How many players?(1-4)",4,2);
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                playerPositions[i] = 0;
        static int DiceThrow()
            return 1;
        private static void PlayerTurn(int playerNo)
            // TODO: Makes a move for the given player

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)
                    NextMove = playerPositions[i] + DiceThrow();
                while (RocketInSquare(NextMove) == true)
                    playerPositions[i] = NextMove++;

                playerPositions[i] = NextMove;

        static bool RocketInSquare(int squareNo)
            //TODO: write a method that checks through the 
            //rocket positions and returns true if there is a rocket in the given square
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++)
                if (playerPositions[i] == squareNo)
                    return true;
                    return false;

Was that meant to happen?
Not used it before
Ok so the output of main is (assuming i choose 4 players, say)

When i want it to say


As the test dice is only returning 1 ( that's to check if the player collision is working )
I think the problem is that the line 'NextMove = playerPositions[i] + DiceThrow();' is in the for loop... but i can't see a way around it.
@tomw SOrry I just saw your message - GJ
@Pheonixblade9 Still there?
Hey guys i gotta go for 20 mins to put my niece in bed, i'll still be online but afk. If your able to give me any insight into how to solve that problem I will send you a bottle of beer as a thank-you, or some non alcoholic beverage if that doesn't take your fancy lol :) brb
@Pheonixblade9, in case you are, the below is an update that will zero-fill the list...
            var grouped = events.GroupBy(x => x.DateTime.Date,
                (date, groupedByDate) => new
                    Key = date,
                    Events = groupedByDate.GroupBy(
                        e => e.EventName,
                        (key, groupedByEventName) => new
                            Date = date,
                            EventName = key,
                            Count = groupedByEventName.Count()
@Fendorio Have you heard of unit tests?
MS test or nUnit
@JohanLarsson welcome back
ty ty, far too kind :)
@RobWhite sorry, ran to get a coffee
@Pheonixblade9 no worries
Can you see the update above or do I need to post again?
I can see it, ty :)
That should give you everything you need to get to the structure methinks :) Just need to remember to order the values so they map back to the labels
grouped.Add doesn't work though
am I missing a using?
Did you make the .ToList() change?
ah, ty :)
I didn't highlight it but look at the SelectMany, it has a .ToList() after it now
Posted my first answer on SO earlier today :) I've been signed up for a while but kept forgetting to check in (always busy)
First bit of reputation that let me in here :P
well you're awesome, you should get more :)
Planning on it ;) Just need to set aside time
I've always found that you learn more by helping other people, especially when they throw you a curveball
Argh, they cut metal in my office, it smells like a war zone
@TravisJ ouch! I'd be working from home if they did that in our office
I have a disposable respirator at least
@JohanLarsson No i haven't ? I only started 2 months ago sadly
@Fendorio ok, no worries
It is not hard and it fits the type of code you write perfectly
Ok just downloaded nUnit, i should play around with this then
for me the type of code you are writing is hard to get right but it is fun to code stuff like that, not just power-googling trying to get something external to work
Too messy? lol
I think it looks ok
def not messy, it gets like that
and you can always refactor if you feel it gets messy

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