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Though u would go insane waiting
Like that?
that was better
Per Robert Half a midlevel software developer should make $74,500-$118,250 in the US next year.
Then I must be a low-low-level developer.
I was thinking the same thing.
Oh, C# devs should add 9% to that.
About you? Or me? :P
I don't know what you make.
If your salary is spaghetti, I bet mine is ramen.
I don't get salary.
:( I make PC Immitation Kraft Dinner
I can't tell if that's awesome or not anymore.
It's not.
With my current hours, if I got paid per hour+overtime, I'd be doing really well. I imagine they'd want a lot more out of me in a much shorter time though.
I actually don't make so much, but my job satisfaction is very good. and the company is in a RAPID expansion phase and the owner is a few years away from retirement - we expect an offer in the next 3 years and it will / should be a good one
so I should get a nice cheque in the end
You got stock?
nope, but he is a good guy and has already said he would just pay us all out if he sold
and if he doesn't, I know where he lives.
My ceo made no such promises, and he strikes me as the kind of guy who'd own an assault rifle or two.
(Because he has a cute daughter.)
8 employees, so we're pretty tight knit here
just a split from office / workshop
Yeah, well we have 3. Me and the owners.
The owners code too?
3 office, (me, receptionist, and owner) and rest are in the workshop assembling, prototyping, etc.
@Billdr 'yes'
mine is a "scripter"
Thing is, 99% of my work is as a subcontractor.
my system must be able to interpret his scripts
That sounds very scary.
For one company.
Arduino Uno Rev 3s are $18, if you've got a MicroCenter around you.
just got the source code for a project i have to debug... There's one problem in the whole thing - but it's in a method that's 900 lines long.
one of our OEM contract specifically states I am "available to travel and consult when they need me" - worst stipulation ever
Maybe it's the Jr. level speaking, but why in god's name would you have a method more than ~50 lines long?
No, that's reasonable.
(your assessment)
(900 lines is not reasonable lol)
50 sounds high to me
Huh. I cannot get that much done in 10 lines.
I aim for that an indentation level no deeper than three
That seems reasonable.
not a rule set in stone but now hen thinking about it it feels about right
I do not understand it, but I went from 23 build errors to 0 in one fix. Happy day!
@Billdr More common the oither way around, one build error the class does not implement... and then bang 94 errors
I was just fixing a method; apparently that one got used a lot.
Then you insta commit and go home
Unittests still failed. Not ready to go home just yet :/
hey - is there a way to get the html value of c# textbox?
How do you mean?
yea , I want txtbox.value to return all the <b> <p> <h1> along with the text
@ScottSelby string.format?
Textbox is plaintext. Do you mean a rich text box?
its Kendo that turned my textbox into a rich text box , I was hoping I could uses txt.Text and get all the rich text the kendo UI put into my asp:TextBox
Will the users be entering it as html, or do you want to interpret the rich text as html?
interrupt rich text as html
lol in context
using (SerialPort port = new SerialPort(..settings..))
	while (!abortScan)
		if ((modbusConfig.haltOnWrite && !isWriting) || !modbusConfig.haltOnWrite)
			ushort[] registers = master.ReadHoldingRegisters((byte)1, point_ranges[current_scan_index].StartPoint, point_ranges[current_scan_index].NumberOfPoints);
			updateReadGridView(point_ranges[current_scan_index].StartIndex, registers);
			if (current_scan_index >= point_ranges.Count)
				current_scan_index = 0;
would this even work?
Puts a while new meaning to using an interpreter when in a foreign country.
@ScottSelby I don't know, but a quick google turned this up: stackoverflow.com/questions/439301/convert-rtf-to-html
@rlemon Not if you don't run it yourself.
I'm just trying to mess around with different ways of doing the same thing as XP on some machines (they all should be SP3) is having issues
rs232 -> rs485 -> rs232 -> USB (unfortunately I also have to deal with this... device converters.... o_O)
Man, who knew that getting your account hacked was such a big deal?
foo.A = foo.B = true;
^ why don't you see this pattern more often?
Because it adds another aspect to understand to a language.
I use it in JS all the time
Every trivially reducible aspect of a language is unnecessary, and only serves to confuse newcomers.
was actually surprised it worked in c#
I can see that, however it's like arguing not to use == vs === because many people are confused by it
loose comparison ;P
Here's a challenge: Write a complete C# program without a single space, tab, or newline.
Except it's super easy.
(modbusConfig.haltOnWrite && !isWriting) || !modbusConfig.haltOnWrite can be rewritten as !modbusConfig.haltOnWrite || !isWriting
@rlemon Well, === can't be trivially reduced to == or vices versa.
Is that actually a challenge? When did C# care about whitespace.
Since inti=0; is invalid
Ugh, SO moderators piss me off :/
diamond or 10K?
Mostly the meta community
And the mods who will decline/dispute an obviously correct flag
So, I piss you off. Thanks for the tip!
FYI, I counterflag about 90% of chat flags.
lol no ya don't :p
I'm talking about answer/question flags anyhow ;)
Not sure the difference, but w/e
e.g. flagging something as "not an answer" when it clearly makes no attempt to answer the question. flag declined.
Anyhow, that's my mini rant of the day. What's everyone working on?
Actually, I have a standing question that someone attempted to answer, by directing me to one of the things I stated I tried. It's breaking my accept rate. Do I have any recourse?
@robjb I'm learning shelving!
my accept rate is ~80% and I'm happy with it
Accept rate is not proportional to anything good.
@Billdr 90% is fine, don't try to "fix" your rate if there is no acceptable answer posted to your question
accept rate goes up as you get better questions, but begins to drop when you start asking very intelligent questions that no one can answer.
@KendallFrey That's when you answer your own question from finding a half-assed workaround and accept it as the solution.
My big-@$$ post on math.SE got 3 or more incorrect answers IIRC.
I wonder if Jon Skeet can ask one of the Android guys for me.
Nice try, Lemon.
@rlemon Try changing your name to "Feed"
@Billdr You missed it.
I haven't seen one in a while.
But I knew it was coming.
Maybe I need to introduce my sock puppet to you guys.
He doesn't have enough rep to chat though.
soooo, if I am using parameters in storing data in tsql , is there allowed to be quotes in the string that goes in parameter?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they get escaped.
im putting HTML in database and some is like style="..." and its comming back all crazy
Does it look right in the DB?
yea the joke failed, chat name never updated
probably would have had I left it 24 hours
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;asdfkljds kljaf sskldfj lakdfshkasjfhklasdjh laskdjfh&lt;/em&gt; &lt;span style="font-size:large;font-family:Georgia, serif;"&gt;klasdjfh kladsfh sadkl jhlad&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;"&gt;skj hadskfjlh sadklfh sadkl jsdf
looks like that in db
The buffering on names is kind of weird. When I changed mine some people saw it after 5 minutes, I didn't see it until the next day.
Okay, so it's html encoded. I imagine when it displays it looks as if it has the <pre> tag around it, right?
<p><em>asdfkljds kljaf sskldfj lakdfshkasjfhklasdjh laskdjfh</em> <span style="font-size:large;font-family:Georgia, serif;">klasdjfh kladsfh sadkl jhlad&nbsp;</span><em><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;">skj hadskfjlh sadklfh sadkl jsdf
Path markup looks so insanely confusing
inline styles :(
@Tgys Path? XPath?
@rlemon speaking of which, is there a way to have javascript (more specifically, jQuery) change the styles of a tag without going inline?
WPF path's stroke data etc.
@Billdr you can inject a style tag
otherwise, nope
I always say, just make everything modular in classes
add and remove class names
Attempting to make a curvy line
<div class="foo highlighted moved animated half_opacity"></div>
nothing wrong with that IMO
rlemon - how do you turn that into html in c#?
string.Format("{0}", "<div class='foo highlighted moved animated half_opacity'></div>");
I see what you did thar.
Thanks for the answer Rlemon
however inline being produced by js is not such an evil because you don't have to maintain it
According to msdn there's a "cubic Bezier curve, quadratic Bezier curve, smooth cubic Bezier curve, smooth quadratic Bezier curve, and elliptical arc"
they are all the same for me :D
they're not :(
inline styles and event handlers are just horrible to maintain and have no separation of concerns
@ScottSelby Did you get your html to database issue sorted?
Curves, all the same.
just noted differently
"Cubic Bezier Curve Command" looks easiest.
well I'm not sure of the difference between a smooth Bézier curve and a non-smooth one, but cubic and quadratic curves kinda are different
no, its getting escaped in db , then comming back as escaped html , I think there is HTMLunscape class or something built in c# im looking into
the quadratic curve has just one control point but the cubic one has two
A non-smooth curve
i'd like to know what that is
I think you want to you SQLEscape when putting it in, that should(I hope) resolve the html escaping.
well, a single control point sounds fun, but it produces the same kind of curve in the end I guess..
assuming you're not manually html escaping it somewhere
@Billdr I inject a style tag for Killit
function C(a) {
    var b = a.target;
    "IMG" === b.nodeName && (b.src = "http://i.imgur.com/AM3Ae.png");
    return !1
function A() {
    d.body.insertBefore(s, d.body.firstChild);
    d.addEventListener("click", C, !1)
function B() {
    d.removeEventListener("click", C, !1)
var d = document,
    s = d.createElement("style");s.textContent = "body * { cursor: crosshair; }";A();
tsql is escaping for me @Billdr
sorry for the minification (done by hand no less)
I think HttpUtilities.HtmlDecode - i think will do it
Give that a shot. If not, take a look at this: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms221720.aspx
hey guys, would you mind voting to close this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/3383540/…
it's one of my older questions that deserves to be closed
@rlemon Yea. jQuery's toggle does something similar. I just don't like how messy it can get.
I'm proud of my produced shape! :D M 0,0 C 10,0 10,30 20,30 L 120,30 C 130,30 130,0 140,0 Z
@Billdr depending on what you are doing I would just use CSS animations and add and remove the classes as needed
who cares if it doesn't look smooth in IE8
if you are still using IE8 there has to be some kinda punishment
Our customers use IE6 and up. We finally said, "Look, we're not supporting IE6 anymore. Come on guys."
@Tgys if only i could see svg out of that >.<
The joys of B2B
after 20 min spent asking for to unesacpe html in here (and an additional 1 min of googling research on my own ) I finally get it to work :)
HtmlDecode() is exactly what I needed
@Tgys oh nice
I really love this vector stuff in WPF
some sexy shadow and it's more awesome
Tgys - I have no clue what that is supposed to be - still pretty sexy though
heh.. except it takes some time getting your head to work in vertices mode
@ScottSelby Well, you can see it as an inversed tab
Something totally different but whatever :p
its like a tab thats been in a filing cabanet for years and is bent down , but somehow still has perfect gradient
: p
i actually thought it was a bottom of a custom shaped window
A shadow instantly messed the rendering up. i.imgur.com/9ZQQU.png
needs selective shadowing may be use twin shaps
shapes even
@Maverik it's a custom menu bar on the center-top of a stream display (fullscreen); a bit like RDP
one for shadowing at back
meh, will probably remove the shadow since almost everything which is shadowable is shadowed now
More effects, more fun!
not like we're entering the minimalist metro age or anything :D
true XD
I really love curvy thing
im all about rounded corners and more Shodows!
rounder corners everywhere
My current textboxes: i.imgur.com/JXujh.png
Obviously rounded and shadowed XD
well i do like curves but M$oft has come up with some nice squares and i feel like persuaded to follow them now :(
IE7 makes me panic - all pointy corners :(
and no shadows
I use IE7 here to test web stuff, I don't have any later IE installed :;p
you can download IE9 , and test 7, 8 , and 9 all in the same browser,
I hate IE just as much as anyone else , but IE9 is actually pretty nice for testing ,
I have a friend whose most common online handle is pwny
@zneak that sopunds like an ex pokerplayer
You also have a friend whose alternate online handle is pwny ;)
yeah, just saw that
his first name is Anthony, we call him Tony and at some point it became pwny
Now if the stupid chat server would sync already...
what are you trying
I have a friend named Tony who will be annoyed as all hell if I call him Pwny. Thanks.
@zneak F5... F5... F5...
I think he might be a closet bronie too. So this is great.
at some point I think we took his face and photoshopped it on Ponyta (the pokémon)
I don't know what that is, but it sounds awesome.
I have a friend named Pontus, he is short. We were in Jamaica and the divemaster (huge guy) would not stop calling him pony.
You goddamn kids and your pokemans. Get off my lawn!
just imagine your friend's face on that
How to start a conversation without saying a word: See above.
Pokemon :D
Pokemon are over rated.
as a kid, I avoided them like the plague
because I knew they were evil
as a kid, I enjoyed it
you had no childhood :|
@GoodBoyNYC You, your friends, and your life style choices frighten me.
@zneak Some messages just need to be taken out of context. :)
As a kid I played with Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I liked it.
^^ that was me
TMNT were awesome
The original TMNT was good. This is generation of it makes me shiver :|
If I become wealthy enough to throw away money inorder to appease my inner child, my purchases will go like this: Krang. Technodrome. Optimus Prime (who's a goddamn truck, not a gorilla or whatever they made him into).
If I become wealthy enough to throw away money in order to appease my inner child, I will have someone port SimCity 3000 to modern OSes
Wasn't 3000 for XP?
it was for 98
95/98 actually
it doesn't work very well on XP
and anyways I played on my father's iMac G3 at the time
Come on. I play games in DOSBox.
I'm not sure if I played that in elementary school
I remember playing some SimCity like game
SimCity 3000's from that awkward period where it would not work on DOS or more recent OSes
concealed to Windows 98 and Windows ME
yeah, just 1000 behind
SimCity, fun times
new simcity in march! I'm so excited.
me too!
I'll even get it for free :D
I'm holding out for SimAnt 2.
(because interns get 5 free EA games lol)
@KyleTrauberman really? :OOO
yeah, and the engine sounds fairly cool
before the game would kinda figure out where there should be traffic with rough estimates
now they're really gonna simulate thousands of little cars doing jams
they've managed to implement tilt-shift in the graphics engine as well
metaphorically I mean, it's a photographic technique, not a specific effect, but you get the idea
that's kinda cute, it makes it appear like your city is miniaturized
^ happiest day of my life
you could just clone it
hello Rémy
no original code, just write a new one
I think I may make a Mac OS Classic emulator/compatibility layer for Mac OS X just to play SimCity 3000
somebody knows why rand_r() (which is supposed to be thread safe) slows down a simple code parallelized with openMP?
are you sure you're in the right room?
C code? :S
we're the C# room :/
anyways, if you want a thread-safe fast RNG, I suggest you take a look at the mersenne twister
I use OpenMP with C code :S
that would be closer to C++ than C#
but you can still take a look at the mersenne twister
but I'm using it with C ;) thank you for your advice, I hope it is a standard lib :D
it's not a standard lib, but it's a C lib
but still I wonder why rand_r is slower with N thread than with 1 thread, it is supposed to be thread safe...
maybe it's thread-safe because it locks a global resource
OK, standard lib would be better, but it seems I have no other choice :(
does thread-safe mean 'doesn't slow down'?
I thought it usually meant 'doesn't break'
and C libs are famous for their global state
right, I should have said "not a blocking function" I thought it was the same
well, can you say for sure that it's not locking a global resource?
so you think there is somewhere a critical region preserving some variable from simultaneous access?
I don't know
that just sounds like a probable cause for sluggishness in a multithreaded environment
no of course it would be an explication, but I could read it on forums..
besides, if rand_r is using the same algorithm as rand, just made thread-safe, you'll do yourself a favor by switching to another RNG
OMFG legacy code, must... keep... my ... san..i..t......EEEEEeeeeee............
because rand is nothing more than a sorry excuse for a RNG
regarding my tests with openMP (done on 48 proc server), parallelization works fine as far as I don't call rand_r RNG...
well then, I just had an interview for a BizTalk integration role.
I see, i should have a closer look to this lib then...
well that really sounds like it's locking some global variable, try another RNG and see how it goes
I figured it out! @zneak is working on sim city!
right, I'm going to try
thank you for your advices :)
lol @KyleTrauberman, I wish I was
pure speculation, of course
@zneak if you want to start an OSS project, I'm in.
7/7 Unit tests passed! WOOOOOOOOOO! I think it's time to /weekend.
@TomW, I may or may not have made a complete PEF executable parser and linker just waiting for a PowerPC jit/emulator in the last few weeks just to run SimCity.
@zneak well, you're project lead then

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