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I'm doubting anyone here would have experience in port mapping in c#
@JohanLarsson last time I ever take interior decoration from a guy named Johan
@Pheonixblade9 but you still do it right?
Try everything once except folk dance
How many sockets do you reckon I can hold in memory?
I dont understand the question but I'm tired
Sockets, as in clients..
I don't have enough memory to test it.
Maybe @Travis can help you?
I'm trying so hard not to fall asleep.
@LewsTherin don't
go to sleep instead
Lots to do..
do it tomorrow
or not at all
put it on the todo/forget list
Definitely no forget list. Assignments.
Telling myself sleep is for the weak didn't help.
@LewsTherin I never sleep
Get me done that way
What is your secret?
@LewsTherin Oh come one!
If i told u that
u would be my only comeptitor
What we need is to find just the right picture.
@Lews are you worried I will pass you in rep?
@user1739957 Puhleeezeee
@JohanLarsson Yep.
Jokes :)
@LewsTherin Tell u after I get more rep than U!
I have to do my assignments and focus on my project.
@LewsTherin Then focus!
@user1739957 That could take a month! I don't have that long
@user1739957 It is hard..
That's why I need help.
And coffee sucks. I hate coffee.
@LewsTherin Mountian dew
Take that with caffine pills
and stand back!
The other thing u need to do
mountain dew?
is use thread.sleep() in your code more
let your code sleep for u
@LewsTherin Yeah
what is it?
@LewsTherin LOL
@LewsTherin U American?
u there?
@LewsTherin U american?
I'm answering a question that took me 3 or 4 edits.. I need to sleep
@user1739957 No
@LewsTherin That why U don't know about mountian
its basically a lot more pack with caffine that coffee
its a pepsi product I think
where do u live?
Yeah I have Pepsi
Or know of *
@LewsTherin Where is that?
I don't like Pepsi though
@LewsTherin I would have thought Ireland would have mountian dew!
@LewsTherin Hey, what does this guy mean: stackoverflow.com/questions/13187522/use-images-in-textbox
Once again he needs to provide code
but I thought you couldn't put an image in a textbox
I know u can in a rich text box, but a reg textbox?
Ah I don't know
Too technical
I have seen Mountain Dew :O
Just never looked at the name.
@user1739957 See this question
I think Spar sells it.
Q: how to set image in textbox in wpf

AligoglosI Have TextBox In My Application That I Want to Add Image To This , Some Times Like Microsoft Office Word I am Going To Have Both Text And Image Is it Possible ? If It possible How? Thanks.

@CCInc Yeah.
picturebrush as background?
or what the brush is called
I only know what Google can tell me.
but hes using wpf
can u do it in forms?
I'm taking Johan's advice.
@LewsTherin See u
@CCInc U new?
Well, been around a few months.
You not?
@CCInc Been here for a couple of weeks
@CCInc I wish a had more skill in C#
or any language for that matter
3/4 of the question I can't answer
Ya, me too. I've only been working in c# a few months.
3/4 of the ones I can, someone else answers them first!
I am trying to make impossible programs
as the first thing I do.
And that never works.
Q: Issue serializing JSON Multidimensional List

CC IncI am serializing a Multidimensional list using JSON.Net, and I am having problems making it serialize correctly. Here is the result I expected from this: "children": [ { "children": [ { "children": [ { "date_added": "12995911618983970", "id": ...

@CCInc Tell me about it
@user1739957 Well, I thought about it, and it seems like I am switching browsers every once in a while.
So what I am trying to do is make an All-In-One browser syncing utility.
@CCInc Whats JSON
I really don't know, some kind of text language?
I meant "tell me about it" to "I am trying to make impossible programs"
I can't figure your question out
beyond me
but I uprated it
How come u have and acceptance rate
all that I get is the points
is that a privledge u get after a certian number of points?
Ya, so my program I am making pulls all of the history and bookmarks from each browser and syncing them to the other browsers, so you can switch browsers and still have all of your stuff.
@CCInc Let know when its finished!
@user1739957 No, I do not think so. I think that you can get an acceptance rate when you approve or accept an answer for your own question.
I've always thought that would be cool
@PicrofoEGY I think you will reach 500k before skeet!
@PicrofoEGY Oh, so that's YOUR acceptance rate, not the % of other people accepting your answers?
@user1739957 Yes. :)
@JohanLarsson Hahahaha, Why? :D
@user1739957 try here:
Q: How does accept rate work?

Troggy What is accept rate? Why doesn't accept rate always appear? How is the accept rate calculated? What does "accepting an answer" mean? How do I do it? Related: How does accepting an answer work? Return to FAQ index

@CCInc Thats it!
I havn't asked 4 questions yet!
Right, that must be it.
I'm working my way through
C#5 in a nutshell
Boy is it deep!
C# 5?
I've asked a question but I could not get an answer for it. I then posted the solution :|
@CCInc The newest version
@PicrofoEGY I see your logo all over SO
@CCInc to me?
the "?"
@user1739957 yes, never heard of it called that.
Oh, I see. C# 5 is .Net 4.5/
@CCInc Yeah
But the book goes deep
I read an entry C# programming book by Rod Stephens 24 hour trainer
But C35 in a nutshell goes deep
@JohanLarsson I do nothing at all! I just edit the posts and answer some questions which I can answer.
When I finish it (and understand it) I think i'll be an expert
Yes, if you are just beginning, HeadFirst is great. amazon.com/Head-First-2E-Real-World-Programming/dp/1449380344/…
Wow, that book is deep.
@CCInc Yeah I've seen all over the web
that I f you understand everything
in that book
ur a C# expert
$27.89?!? I ain't got that money!
@CCInc Save up!
Its worth it
@user1739957 It does seem like a good investement!
In the first chapter
I learned more than I did in the other book!
@CCInc Why not?
What do you mean?
@CCInc about wat?
I mean, why you say "why not" about "It does seem like a good investement!"?
@CCInc Yeah. Its definately a good investment
why don't u think it is?
It is! Thats what I said! It does seem like a good investment!
I thought u said is DOESN"T
it is
but I'm a chapter ahead of u!
@user1739957 Lol.
Do you actually compile the examples in the book, or just read about the theory?
@CCInc u can download the code
I compile them
and make changes and see waht happens
that's the way u really learn programming
reading a book cover to cover doesn't make u a programming
@user1739957 right.
I've done that too many times.
@CCInc So that 24 hour trainer I told u about?
I took me more like 24 weeks++!
I have college homework all the time
Haha, right.
and its hard to find time to really sit down and learn C#
Anyway, u got more than 4 computer screens connected to one PC?
No, I only have 2.
Seriouly, thats a question
@CCInc Darn!
I need someone with that many screens to test my program
I saw that!
What are you doing?
Soooo much purple...
@CCInc I only have two screens, and I'm not sure how it will behave with more than that
Can't tell u
its not done yet
can't have someone steal my idea
no offense :)
Well, in that case, might as well go back and delete my idea! :)
Are there any avid .NET hackers on scene?
@CCInc wats that?
what kind of hacker?
@LeaHayes I perfer to remain legal
I'm a hacker in the good sense of the word.
@user1739957 Cant tell you if you don't remember!
@CCInc My mind control program is working!
@CCInc Ur get control back in 5 minutes
Ideas aren't intellectual property. :)
Well I need to implement a .NET interface that has been defined as internal in the Unity Engine DLL. Is there a way for me to compile my DLL with a substitute interface, and then afterwards use some IL hack to make my class actually implement the Unity one?
@KendallFrey Exactly!!
Not without modifying the Unity assembly.
It is just to add some custom menu items to the drop down of my custom window
That means no legal protection!
Are you trying to do something you aren't allowed to?
and they have defined the interface internal interface ICanHazCustomMenu which is really annoying
@KendallFrey U talking to me?
@user1739957 So surely you can share us your idea? :)
Ah that's ashame
I certainly wouldn't be able to alter the Unity assembly
@LeaHayes still the question about inhertining from the internal interface?
@user1739957 Ha!
But since ur cool, I'll let u know when its done
Basically the following would need to be true:
@LeaHayes is it a big interface?
myobject is ICanHazCustomMenu
nope, just one method
I'm pretty sure the CLR would balk at finding a reference to another assembly's internals.
@LeaHayes You can buy a Unity3d source license for the big bucks if you like.
Are there any small public classes implementing it?
well, none that I can inherit from
I am inheriting the EditorWindow
not sure, but I have to be an EditorWindow
is there any easy way to listen on port in c# and forward the data to another port and host?
is EditorWindow : ICanHazCustomMenu?
@Bryan I swear, there was a question just like that the other day...
@Bryan What about receiving the data and sending it to the port you are trying to forward the data to?
google did not find much on ICanHazCustomMenu what is the name?
But I figured that since this is just a Type thing that there would be some sort of attribution that I can just tweak in my assembly. Nope it isn't, but when that attribute is added to an EditorWindow you get to add a custom menu
@CCInc U know anything about Pinvoke
@Bryan I believe that you may use System.Net.Sockets.Socket for this
I'm trying to listen on a specific port and just forward all the data to remote host
@user1739957 I know that it has something to do with DLL's, but not much else.
Unity@Johan the full name is UnityEditor.ICanHazCustomMenu
kinda like a proxy in a way
@CCInc Too bad!
@Bryan You'd need to do it manually, if that helps.
I've played with it
but I can never get it to work!
@user1739957 What is wrong with it?
I've use P/Invoke.
@CCInc My skill level is two low
too low
@LeaHayes almost google whack only three hits
@KendallFrey Thanks man. I already saw u recommend that to someone else
I added that to my favorites
I was thinking if you brute force derive some class implementing it
when I finally learn it, that site should help!
using new for all methods and properties, not pretty
I thought that site is to help you learn it.
@KendallFrey What's that for?
@CCInc Thanks man
@CCInc That was creepy!
How did u do that?
@user1739957 Haha. My new favorite site. lmgtfy.com
@PicrofoEGY pinvoke? calling native functions.
@KendallFrey No, I meant the website :D
This is the method that I would like to implement: void AddItemsToMenu(GenericMenu menu); but it gets completely ignored unless you implement that interface. But if there was a way to change the "Implements X" after my DLL has compiled to the UnityEditor interface then hopefully my class would validate against the is expression.
Oh, I think it's a reference for pinvoke functions
swig is really nice with p/invoke too if you have to wrap a nontrivial amount of stuff
@KendallFrey Thanks! :)
or you can use the old microsoft p/invoke signature generator if you are just wrapping win32 system functions
@user1739957 Nice :)
oh, pinvoke.net does that now
WOW! That's really great. This will help me a lot. Thanks Kendall :)
@LeaHayes but there is no public class in unity implementing the interface that you know of?
I tell you, Unity Source is the way to go.
"How can I license or use Unity's source code?"
We license Unity source code on a per-case and per-title basis via special arrangements made by our business development team. As this can be quite expensive, we do not generally license source code to smaller operations, educational institutions, nor to companies in countries which do not have adequate legal intellectual property protection.
Goodnight all!
@CCInc See u man!
@Johan No, looking in ILSpy it seems that all of the EditorWindows that do implement this are also internal. All of the major internal windows implement it (because it's useful! lol)
Im /o too
and no other classes implement it
you said it
what is an interface really, if two have the same signature. What more needs to be identical for the clr to see them as the same, ns of course what more?
I guess that is a @Kendall question
I would imagine the fully assembly name
That's why I thought that it might be a simple hack
It is, if you modify the Unity assembly.
I need this to work in my editor extension so that others can benefit from it
So the only changes must be to my DLL
What difference would there be (other than compilation error) to hooking up with an internal interface to that of a public one?
or would that still fail during JIT?
Well, before then probably.
I'm not sure if you could modify the MSIL to connect to it, but I doubt it.
I suppose that I'll just have to hope that the Unity folks make this public then
My googlfu sucks today
I can't seem to find anything about how to remap/redirect a port...in c#
6 hours later…
I have a class that needs to be a UIElement, but it also needs implement my IDialog interface, is there anyway for the IDialog interface to guarantee that it's "implementor" is a UIElement?
ermm maybe have a a base class that implements uielement and the Idialog inteface and then your class will inherit from that ?
mm an abstract class I guess...
ok so before I had public partial class NewViewModuleChain : Page and now I have public partial class NewViewModuleChain : ADialog and then it's complaining that two partial classes can't be of different type (understandable), but how do I in my XAML Specifies that is is of ADialog?
I have tried changing <Page... to <ADialog... but that didn't really work...
be with you in a sec, the person across from me wont shut the hell up
and i cant think
silly question have you made a xmlns ref to your assembly?
then use local:ADialog
I have made a xmlns:local
and done a rebuild
might have been the rebuild.. at least it's not complaining about that any more
heading out for lunch...
have a nice time

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