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then you can inject them via a method argument or in a constructor
assuming I understand what you are wanting to do correctly
Here is a sample:
    var pf = new __PanelFactory();
    var plant = pf.BuildPanel({ className : "subPanel" });
    pf.CreateHeader({ parent: plant, title: "Plant" });
    pf.BuildDisplayPanel(plant, "Name", Plant.Name);
    pf.BuildDisplayPanel(plant, "Genus", Plant.Genus);
    pf.BuildDisplayPanel(plant, "Index", Plant.Index);
    pf.BuildDisplayPanel(plant, "Customer Index", Plant.CustomerIndex);
Hm, PanelFactoryOptions...
yay, internet is back!
Yup, Google was offline for a second there.
@CCInc our ISP was down for a bit :(
I hate editing loaded scripts =/ Then I have to edit the page to clear the f'ing cache and honestly, if people have been using the site recently and I upload a new one their shit can possibly break. wtf, why do browsers hate on js =/
much better!
I'm jealous of your upload.
@KyleTrauberman pfft, your ping is 75% slower than mine
psh, you guys have it easy
i know! wtf
oh god travis. get a new isp
@TravisJ my phone gets 10x faster internet than that
seriously, my phone gets like 60Mbps down, 15 up
That is all I get. At work we are tethered to a different companies crappy internet.
get a new CTO
You all are so lucky!
Nothing we can do here. We get it free from them and don't really have a requirement for high speed internet.
:\ that sucks
Honestly though, I don't think I would even notice a difference. I don't game, stream, or host a server or service from here.
Well, it is to bad, because I game, and sometimes host a server :(
At home I think I run closer to 40mb/s
If I use a script that I wrote, is that first party?
This is my home connection:
how does the party system work anyway for libraries
That should be faster. I'm paying for at leasting 15 down
Highest upload speed/ping, woot!
I'll have to call them
@KyleTrauberman no, you are paying for "up to 15mbps down"
up to
you should send them a check for "up to $xx/mo"
Yeah, you should pay them 1/3 of your service
also, you all live in the south, sucks to be you
The south?
I didn't know EA was its own ISP
@zneak ISP: Electronic Arts OH GOD WHY
I love how if you do the speed test with IE you get a minimum of 3 ads for google chrome.
EA Internet, it's in the ping.
@TravisJ EA Internet, POW, right in the customer service!
@zneak it pulls the isp name from who the public IP is registered to
i believe
@Pheonixblade9 lol
that might explain it
woot, 3 starred messages in the sidebar. I'm an internet celebrity!
wtf, ff > chrome?
I can't get the speed test to run in chrome from home
at least not over RDP
3rd time's the charm:
similar d/l speed, but ff shared half of my computer with the world compared to chrome blocking access
ok I am going to start adding to my library, this is going to be a pain I think. @Kyle, what was that workaround for forcing the script to load every time? It involved adding something to the include address
Ok, I'm done.
add ?v=somerandomnumber to the end of your .js filename
DateTime.Now.Ticks is good
you mean where src="" right?
but you'll want to remove it to re-enable caching
not to the actual file name
maybe I should just version it...
ah fuk it, it still would cache the first iteration of my version
you could do some other cache busting mechanism
like using the assembly version
can I put a cache duration on the script somewhere?
or hashing some value that is hardcoded but updated during every build.
you can, but not all browsers respect it
=/ argh o well
are there still browsers that don't out there?
first world problems
is that... actionscript?
heh i didn't read that before i posted it
its php
the title looks like actionscript
there are rewriterules
and php
and javascript
@Pheonixblade9 I count 6
@Kyle - How would I port that to c#? And would it still work? I could make a razor helper I guess but I am not sure if that would have the same functionality.
are you using mvc4?
by chance?
and if not, can you upgrade?
its backwards compatable with MVC3, so you shouldn't have any issues.
no, I cannot use .net 4.5 :(
MVC4 handles this for you
stupid godaddy is still on 4
you can create a helper
that adds the query string for you
the question is, what is the best value to use for the randomnumbers
ideally, something that only changes when you actually change the file
perhaps last modified time?
or a hash of the file itself?
or 4
4 might be the best
hello @user1663513
can someone help me!!
@user just ask your question
don't ask us if we can help
we won't know until you tell us your question
not if you don't tell us what is happening
If you are experiencing a real emergency, dial 9-1-1
if not, leave a message after the tone.
@user1663513 - beep
ok thanks, i try to develop a c# + wpf + sql server compact edition
getting warmer
i try to add a column in a listview that show a sql table data
but i don´t know how
like, from a DataTable?
age old question lol, did you try searching?
@KyleTrauberman we're back down to 4 :(
from datasheet
fistpump you're all so easy to manipulate :P
If your question is "Can I ask a question?", Magic Eight Ball says "Ask again later."
A: Add row in multiple-column listview?

Thomas LevesqueWPF list controls work best when you use them with data binding; you should bind the ItemsSource of the ListView to a list of objects, and bind each column to a property of these objects. <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" Height="178" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="238,31,0,0" Name=...

our candy bar is depleting at an alarming rate
@KyleTrauberman If your first question is "Can I ask a question", Magic Eight Ball says ""Screw you, I'm done with the puns"
example: i have a table with "name" and "type" and i need to add "value" in the user control
i have binding for name and type
If your fist question is "can someone help me!!" you first get some abuse then high quality help by SO's finest
but value is dynamic haven´t binding
@JohanLarsson no, that's in the JS room. Here we're just passive aggressive.
If your question is "Can I have some stars?" You get some stars.
@Kyle - How long does a js script stay cached? A long time right?
@KyleTrauberman Can I have some stars?
@Pheonixblade9 lol
@TravisJ depends on the browser, really
and the users settings
@Pheonixblade9 it doesn't work that way, sorry.
I think it's based on size, not how old the cache is, @TravisJ
size plays into it
but there are expirations you can set
So my awesomely efficient mini script is going to stay cached forever. =/
@user1663513, you can bind any property to a wpf control
zneak how?
make a property for it
and put that inside your binding
here's a doc of the cache-control header: condor.depaul.edu/dmumaugh/readings/handouts/SE435/HTTP/…
i don´t understand, can you show me a example?
how can I add those headers to my script?
its an http header
so you'd set it in code
In my route method, w/e wtf...that once place that does routing?
or in iis config
for .js files that don't hit a route, you'd use an http handler I believe
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

or is an http module
would that go in the same scope as the routing method?
looks like you can set it in web.config
no, you wouldn't do it in the routing config
Q: Cache CSS and JS files

DarmakWhen I refresh my website in less than 2-3 minutes, Firebug shows these nice requests: 1. /core.css 304 Not modified 2. /core.js 304 Not modified 3. /background.jpg 304 Not modified BUT when I refresh after >3 minutes, I get: 1. /core.css 200 OK 2. /core.js ...

@user1663513, do you know what's a property?
what is your control bound to?
from datasheet table users
and how do you calculate that column you need?
I don't have control over the server :( shared host
but you do over your web.config, right?
the column is for user in data
yes, but I don't want to universally disable caching for content.
it won't
if you place that web.config in your /scripts folder
it will only apply to scripts in that folder
But it required an exact date
part of data + extra column is the content of another table in database
not a set date
so where and how, in your program, do you get/calculate this value?
is input by user
@TravisJ I didn't notice that.
for example Name, Subject -> Mark
where/how is Mark stored then
when the listview is complete press button and insert in another table like mark(Name,Mark)
thanks for the links tho
I guess I will just go fk myself
http handler dynamic resource caching:
have you considered making a query that joins these tables?
yes but the primary key is name + date
every week add rows to this table
so what are you going to display in that column
@user1663513 why not just use an identity as the key?
if you have many different possible values?
yes is not for show
is for enter data
@Kyle - Can that be modified to be used on scripts which are not part of the assembly?
I am not sure how to include a script inside of the assembly
@Pheonixblade9 i have the same problem if i use a id primary key

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